The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2)
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Once I cleaned up and calmed down, I put on the large robe that hung off the hanger. I opened the door, worried Daimon was out there, but thankfully, he wasn’t. I relaxed a bit and looked around the room. My dress had been hung up and alongside it were some clothes for me to wear. A sweater and a pair of jeans; it was just what I needed. Once dressed, I made my way to breakfast. I was hungry and needed to eat. To my surprise, there was no food left on the table. Fucking Daimon.
See? This is one of many reasons, Addie, you should avoid the asshole.
I looked around, but couldn’t find him. Did he leave? I finally walked in the front room where the butler was.

“Hi,” I said, not really knowing what to do in these cases. I never had someone who was at my beck and call.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Evans,” the butler smiled.

“Is Daimon around?” I asked.

“No, he had to leave. Mr. Evans said he had a meeting to attend to.” A slight sting hit inside, but I ignored it. I could stay here and have room service or I could go home to my father’s. No wait, my dad would know something was up.

“Um, excuse me?” I started.

“Yes, Mrs. Evans?”

“Is it possible to have someone drive me home?” I asked.

“Why of course.”

“Okay, so can you do that?” I asked, unsure of the protocol.

“I’ll have the chauffeur ready in twenty minutes for you.” He nodded and left the room.

“Thank you,” I called after him.

After a twenty minute drive, I was in front of Daimon’s building. I figured if I was his wife, they would have to let me in. I remembered the code, but I didn’t have the keycard. Phil helped me out of the car and smiled at me the moment he saw me.

“Congratulations, Mrs. Evans,” he beamed.

“Thank you, Phil,” I smiled back.

“I seem to be in a bit of a predicament.” I acted as cute as I could. “I forgot my keycard and I really want to go to our home.” I waited to see what he’d say.

“Why of course, just go in and ask Lenny to let you in. He has a keycard. I’m sure you know your number?” he questioned.

“Yes, of course.”

I headed inside. Lenny was really helpful. He gave me a keycard, which I was grateful for. I punched in the code and up the elevator I went. Once the doors opened, I saw Drako running at me at high speed. He was still kind of small, so he almost tripped over himself getting to me. I knelt down and grabbed onto him.

“How’s my boy?” I asked him, as he lay on his back, loving his rubdown.

“Do you want to go for a walk?” I asked him. He jumped up and tried to lick my face. “I guess that’s a yes. Just give me a minute and I’ll look for some bags.” I winked at him and headed inside to the kitchen for a quick bite and some plastic bags.

I looked around, but couldn’t find any. I would ask Lenny or Phil downstairs.

Enough!” I heard the word coming from upstairs. The asshole was here. I headed up the stairs to where his office was. The door was wide open. I stood at the doorway speechless. My heart winced as I saw Daimon standing, while the dog walker was on her knees, blowing him.

“So I see the meeting was taking a bit too long.” I smiled bitterly, pushing back the pang I felt inside my heart.

“Addie,” Daimon said mortified.

“No, no, please don’t let me stop you,” I said coldly.

The fucking dog walker stood up and tried to move away from Daimon. I let out a breath and just headed down to where Drako was. He was wagging his tail the moment he saw me.

“Addie,” Daimon cried out and followed me. “ADDIE!”

“Come on, Drako. Let’s go for a walk,” I said like nothing had happened. Daimon ran in front of me and blocked the elevator.

“Let me explain,” he said out of breath.

“We agreed that it wouldn’t happen in our home,” I yelled. “You promised me!” I poked at him, but then I pulled back disgusted by the mere sight of him. “Get out of my way, you disgusting bastard,” I shouted. I didn’t realize it, but I had begun to cry.

“Addie, just sit down and let me explain,” he pleaded.

“Explain? Explain what? What I saw was pretty self-explanatory,” I snapped. Daimon let out a breath and tried to reach for my face, but I slapped his hand away. “You don’t ever get to touch me again, and since you broke the rules first, I will make sure one of your rules gets broken as well,” I seethed and pushed him out of my way.

A Broken Rule

I walked Drako up and down the pier. It was mid-November and it was bloody cold. I simply left the penthouse, not thinking about taking a jacket. All I had on me was the sweater I had worn at the hotel. Drako whined and I knew I needed to head back. I wiped the tears I had shed. It hurt so fucking bad seeing Daimon with someone else. I knew we had discussed that he and I would be able to have our ‘extracurricular activities’, but the reality was I was going to be faithful. I didn’t even think about anyone else but him. I guessed with the way things turned out, I could.

I slowly made it back to the building. Phil was no longer there, but a younger version of him was. He nodded and opened the door for me. I walked passed a smiling Lenny, and headed to the elevator. My insides were rumbling. I hadn’t eaten since the day before. Once the elevator doors opened to the penthouse, Drako ran inside. I guess I froze the poor puppy. Daimon came almost running toward me, his face panicked.

“Where the hell were you?” he asked. He pulled at my arms and felt the cold on me. I pulled back. The mere sight of him made me want to vomit.

“Don’t touch me,” I said, my tone serious as I walked passed him.

“Addie. Yell at me, scream at me, but just don’t fucking walk away from me,” he pleaded.

I continued on my way up the stairs, not bothering to answer.

I heard him sigh heavily. I found the spare room and made myself comfortable, and lay on the bed. The room was cold and dark, but I was tired and emotionally spent. After what seemed like an hour, Daimon came barging in waking me up.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked, annoyed.

“Sleeping. It’s an innate human behavior,” I said as I turned to face the wall.

“You are supposed to be in our bed,” he barked.

“Fuck off, Daimon,” I said quietly, as I tried to get back to sleep. Daimon wouldn’t have it. He headed into the room and bundled me up in the duvet and threw me over his shoulder.

“Let go of me!” I shouted and kicked, flailing my body around.

“Not on your life,” he said, as he threw me onto his bed.

I managed to unwrap myself from the covers and found Daimon standing at the door, blocking me from leaving.

“I told you that if you get to break the rules, so do I! I’m not sleeping in your bed,” I yelled.

“You are mine now! You WILL sleep next to me and you WILL like it,” he ordered spitefully.

“Ha! You think by bullying me into submission that I will do what you like? That I’ll just forgive you and forget the sight of you getting a FUCKING BLOW JOB! The mere sight of you disgusts me. The very notion of even being friends is now so far gone, Daimon, that I can’t even think straight or even see you right now,” I shouted. “Now, get the hell out of my way,” I bit out as I stood up.

“Sure, Addie, go.” Daimon moved out of my way. I went for the door, but it wouldn’t open.

“You locked it? How old are you?” I cried out.

“Addie, just hear me out,” Daimon started.

“Son of a…fine! What can you possibly say, Daimon? What?” I snapped, flinging my hands up in the air.

“It didn’t happen the way you think—” he started.

“Oh, it didn’t? I’m sorry. I got confused. She was on her knees servicing your dick, right? I can see where the confusion lies,” I said sarcastically.

“Fuck. We had a deal. Why does it matter who I do what with?” Daimon barked.

“First off, it was the first day we were married! Secondly, we said not in our home!” I shouted.

“I fucking couldn’t do it!” he roared out of frustration. “I tried. Goddammit, did I try, but all I kept feeling was guilt. It was your fault for starting it this morning with your fucking corset,” he berated me.

“How the hell do you get off turning this on me?” I was dumbfounded.

“I saw how fucking sexy you were and I wanted you right then. I wanted to fuck you on the floor. You on your knees and me fucking you into oblivion,” he said fiercely.

“Well, that’s never going to happen,” I spat out, fighting the instant heat that emitted from my pussy.

“You’re a woman, Addie. You’re going to want to have sex, so why can’t you have sex with me?” he argued.

“You can have sex with whomever you want. Just like I will, which reminds me, since Darren made it clear he has feelings for me, maybe I should call him up tomorrow and get over this itch I have.” I went for the low blow. I knew he would lose it.

“What did you say?” he said through his teeth as he stepped closer and towered over me.

“I said, since you can’t seem to keep your dick in your pants, I will ask Darren to help me out.” I smiled as I narrowed my eyes at him.

“If you even dare go near Darren, I will take back all I gave you and put you in the hole,” he threatened as he pointed at me.

“You think I’m afraid of you? You think I care right now?” I asked, tears now brimming.

“You will, because I know you,” he said low and in control.

“You’re right. You do know me, a little too much. But this…” I pointed to him and me. “This was all a mistake, a giant miscalculation on my part. I thought you were a decent but misunderstood person, someone who I could open up to, despite your asshole ways. But this was entirely my fault, for blurring the fucking lines. I forgot you couldn’t keep it in your pants,” I bit out as I quickly wiped away the tears.

“Did you honestly think I would be celibate for three years? Are you crazy?” He glared at me.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I forgot how much of a whore magnet you are.” Tears just kept falling, my vision blurry and I needed to get away from him.

“Tell me, Addie! What is it? Why the fuck are you crying so much? Why is this bothering you?” he asked as he followed me to the couch on the other side of the room.

“Why don’t you just go fuck your whores, and while you’re at it, go fuck yourself too!” I barked at him, trying desperately to gain some space.

“Don’t. Fucking. Push. Me. Addie,” he snapped.

“Screw you, Daimon!” I snarled.

“Why? Why do you care so much? Why does it bother you what I do? For fuck’s sake, Addie, we discussed this!” he shouted.

“I don’t care. Honestly, I don’t,” I muttered, exhaustion creeping in.

“You’re a fucking liar.” He kept pushing.

“Why do you care if I care? You’ll do what you want anyway. You’re Daimon, the asshole,” I snapped and headed to the closet.

Daimon was right behind me, but I was able to close the door and finally gain some space. He began banging on the closet door, trying to get in.

“Just leave me alone!” I shouted through the door. I leaned up against it and slid down onto the ground.

“It didn’t happen, Addie. I came here to get some files for a meeting and Kimberly was here to walk the dog. I remembered how utterly sexy you looked at the hotel and how you teased me. I wanted to prove to myself that I didn’t need you. But the moment she went down on her knees, I couldn’t do it. All I kept seeing was your face and your lips. I wanted your fucking lips on my dick, not hers! I told her to stop and that’s when you saw what you saw,” Daimon said ruefully. I heard a thud on the door.

“Addie, I won’t sleep with anyone else, not until this marriage is over,” he said in a serious tone. I wanted to believe him, but I was too hurt to by his actions to care. I wanted to be alone. I wanted him to leave me the fuck alone.


I awoke on the floor of the closet. My body was weak and I was tired, despite the fact I had just woken up. I stood up and headed out. I needed water and a good shower. I opened the door and there next to it was Daimon. He was sleeping on the ground with his back to the wall. I ignored him and headed to the bathroom.

“Addie?” I heard Daimon say faintly. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I really am. I shouldn’t have done that, especially here,” he said, sounding defeated.

“Yeah, well,” I said bitterly as I shrugged, I just didn’t want to talk to him right then.

“Addie?” he muttered.

“What?” I said exasperated.

“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.

“I’m fine actually and I should be thanking you to be honest,” I smiled, my insides burning with anger.

“Why?” he breathed as he narrowed his eyes.

“Because I finally understand where I stand in all this. The lines are no longer blurred. So thank you, Daimon, thank you for being you,” I smiled widely, but inwardly, I was miserable. It was torturous just to think about how stupid I was: wanting something that wasn’t ever mine. Did I like Daimon more than I thought?

“Addie, don’t fucking say such stupid shit,” he bit out.

“Well, let’s see, it’s day three of our blissful marriage; the first day you walked out on me and the second day you got a non-blow job. I’m thinking we are hitting world records here.” I acted coy, trying to get to the bathroom, but Daimon was hovering over me, preventing me from leaving the room.

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