The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2)
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“How the hell are you surviving with him?” Rafe asked me as he thumbed at Daimon.

“I drink a lot,” I mocked.

“Makes sense,” Rafe laughed.

“Enough!” Daimon scowled.

“Oh, my God, Addie,” Jessica cried out as she waved frantically once we had stepped in. Daimon had hired her to do the event for him. “How have you been?” she smiled.

“Jessica, this place looks fantastic,” I said, looking around in awe. Long white drapes cascaded down to beautifully set tables with tea lights and a stunning arrangements of large branches with white blooms. The lighting was elegant and the music was soothing.

“I’m glad you love it. Come, I have your table ready and waiting for you.” She smiled sweetly as she led us to the table that was in the middle of the room.

“Well done.” Rafe smacked Daimon on his back. Jessica had led me to my seat and on my plate was a small elegant bouquet of white peonies.

“What’s this?” I asked Daimon, picking them up and smelling them.

“Think of it as an incentive,” he said alluringly.

“Bite me,” I said under my breath. Daimon smiled confidently as he leaned in closer.

“If that’s what you like.” I stopped myself from rolling my eyes and sat down.

The night was arduous and long. Anyone who was anyone in the business world had shown up and were busy ass kissing both Daimon and Rafe. I was introduced but was quickly dismissed when Daimon was preoccupied. Apparently, I wasn’t important enough to speak to. I felt my purse vibrate. I’d received a text from Elissa wishing me a Merry Christmas. I texted her back that I missed her and I wanted to see her soon. She said only after the holidays. I grew sad, feeling lonely at one of the busiest parties I had ever been to. Walking over to the bar, I hoped a whiskey would do the trick.

“Glenmorangie, neat,” I said to the bartender.

“Good choice.” I heard an older man say to me as he came up and stood by the bar.

“Thank you,” I nodded. “Would you like one as well?” I asked, trying to get the bartender’s attention.

“A scotch,” he said. I ordered it and we both drank.

The man was older and seems somewhat severe in his manner. I could feel no warmth in him as he drank his scotch smiling at me.

“Daimon was always very good at making deals and getting what he wanted,” the man started.

“Yes, I know,” I said, remembering our fights over our contracts.

“You must be quite good at it too. You are pretty, but not enough for him to lose focus on the real goal, and yet here you are standing in a room filled with people who are far above your station,” the man said callously.

“Excuse me?” I said meekly, afraid of where this was going.

“I cannot believe my son would stoop to someone so beneath him. I raised him to take over the business world, not destroy himself with someone like you.”

I chuckled. I mean I really chuckled. This was Daimon’s father. It was no wonder Daimon didn’t understand emotions; the man who raised him was deprived of any humanity.

“Answer me this, young Addie. How does a young girl like you, with no real education, a destitute father and a dead mother, get her hands on Daimon? Did you whore yourself?” His cruel questions ate away at my confidence. “Is it the sex? Do you offer him something others don’t? He could easily pay for that. Could it be you blackmailed him? Because, sweetheart, you are no looker, not enough to ruin a promising career over,” he continued to berate me. “So tell me!” he insisted, but I stayed mute.

“How much? How much will it take for you to leave him? I’ll pay you twice what he has,” he said bluntly.

“He loves…”

“Don’t you dare say he loves you. I don’t believe it,” he said snapped.

“I think I should be going now,” I muttered as I tried to gather my bearings.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” he said fiercely as he stopped me. “We need to figure out a pleasant way for you to go away.”

“Dad,” Daimon said low so no one around us would hear him. My gazed focused only on Daimon, wanting him to make this all stop. “Addie, meet your father-in-law,” Daimon said curtly.

“I met him,” I murmured.

“So tell me, Dad, do you not think Addie the most beautiful creature in here?” Daimon taunted.

My very core sunk lower, knowing Daimon was now using me to goad his father. Once again, I was a mere toy to be used when needed.

“She’s pleasant, but I do think there are others who are far more your league,” Daimon’s father answered rudely.

“If they are I don't see them, because all I see is my Addie,” Daimon fired back.

“For now,” his father refuted.

“Forever,” Daimon insisted. “Let’s go.” Daimon took my hand and intertwined our fingers again, but this time, his thumb strummed across my knuckles, trying to ease the pain that was just inflicted. He pulled me across the room, far enough from his father. The moment I felt safe, I pulled back my hand and stopped Daimon from going any further.

“Don’t!” he hissed.

“Don’t what?” I asked, my heart still reeling.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he bit out.

“Like what?”

“Like you need me, like I’m the only one who can save you. Don’t you think I want to! Don’t you think I know you’re hurt? But what can I do? There isn’t a damn fucking thing I can do for you, Addie. How the hell can I fix your pain when I don’t have a fucking clue how to fix my own?” he said gutturally; his sky-blue eyes liquefying as a dark sadness peered through.

“I want to go home,” I said, broken and hurt. I wanted him to take this all away. I wanted him to hold me, to tell me no one could hurt me; instead, he told me he couldn’t.

“No,” he spat out.

“Why?” I pleaded.

“All I know is I hate it when you are not next to me and I feel whole when you are there. So don’t ask me why, because I hardly understand it myself,” he said, taking my hand. “Act like you never saw him. Act like he never told you a damn thing,” Daimon ordered.

I watched as Daimon sought out my obedience. I nodded, knowing I was now walking a dangerous path with myself. Daimon’s words lurched inside me and played at my heart. I looked back to see his father still at the bar watching us. Daimon noticed as well and grew stiff. I slowly tightened my grip around his hand and pulled myself closer to him. I could feel his body cold and wooden. His stance threatening as he glared at his father. I reached out with my free hand and cupped his face. At first, he didn’t move, but once I feathered his cheek, Daimon slowly closed his eyes and sank into my caress. He reached out his hand and cupped mine. We stood shaken by what had just happened.

Painful Ache

Daimon and I quietly made it back home. Not because we fought, not because we were playing a game, but because we both were lost in our thoughts.

“So now what?” he asked as he kicked off his shoes the moment he entered the penthouse. His hands were in his black suit pockets as he headed inside. “How much did my father offer you?” Daimon asked, knowing his father.

“Double what you’re paying me,” I said honestly. There was no point in lying to him.

“You told him?” he barked.

“No! I told him you loved me. Unlike you, I keep my word.” I felt like I had just been run over. This whole night was exhausting.

“Great! Just great! Now you’re going to leave me. Fuck,” he shouted.

“What are you talking about?” I cried out.

“Come off it, Addie. You go to the highest bidder. Fine, I’ll pay you more,” he said harshly.

My eyes welled up. I could barely see him standing in front of me. I finally closed my eyes, the tears cascading down.

“I never… I never even thought of leaving you. Oh, my God, you must think…oh, God; of course you would think that of me. I did sell myself.” I brought my hand to my mouth trying to stifle my cry.

“Addie…fuck, Addie. I just got nervous. Look, I’m sorry.” He reached out to me, but I recoiled back.

“No,” he insisted and took me into his arms, locking me to his body. “I know I keep fucking up. Jesus, I know I'm no good with this.” Regret was clear in his voice, but it was too much, always too late and too much.

“Get off me,” I said as I cried.

“No,” he held on tighter.

“I said
get off me
!” I pushed him away, both of us almost falling over.

“First, it’s your father, now you. I didn’t tell him anything. I would never tell him anything. I gave you my word, and no matter what anyone else offers me, you are my husband, because I promised it to you,” I sobbed out. “But you both think you can throw money at me and I’ll do your bidding. Well, fuck you and your fucking father. The prick apple seriously doesn’t fall far from the prick tree!” I screamed.

Drako came running beside me and barked at Daimon.

I marched up the stairs. I had this need to take a shower, to wash myself of all the sickly thoughts they both had of me.

“Addie!” he shouted, but I ignored him, making my way to our bedroom.

I reached behind me and felt my zipper. I managed to take it down only half way until Daimon took control and yanked it down. Cold air replaced the dress and my body peppered itself with goose bumps. I stepped out of the dress and moved toward the door of the bathroom. My eyes had zeroed in on the shower I needed. Daimon stopped me and held me against his firm body. I looked at him through unshed tears.

“What? You want to fuck me now?” I snapped. “So fuck me then.” I acted cold and hateful, but my body needed to feel the touch of his hands to soothe the painful ache ruling me. Daimon slowly released me and gazed down at me. He placed both hands onto my face and gently wiped the tears I had shed. My breath hitched and my body trembled as he slowly lowered his mouth onto mine and kissed me. His soft lips moved gently against mine. I willingly opened up, seeking to ease my agony.

The very moment Daimon’s tongue entered my mouth, I felt claimed, owned,
. Reaching up, I grabbed onto his suit jacket and held on. Daimon moved us toward the bed, not once ever changing his pace as he continued to gently kiss me. Once we stood over the bed, Daimon pulled away from me for a mere moment and looked down into my eyes. He moved his hand into my hair, pulled my head back, exposing my neck and began to lick and kiss.

“I’m sorry, Addie,” he whispered softly against my neck. His deep voice melted me from the inside out. He pushed me back onto the bed. I lay as he took off his suit jacket and white button-down shirt. He then crawled over me, pulling me to him. He kissed me on my chest.

“I’m sorry, Addie,” he murmured as he continued to kiss me. He peeled back my bra and his tongue reached out, licking my nipples. Reaching my hands around him, I slowly caressed his bare back, feeling every lean muscle.

“My Addie,” he said softly and pulled back again. He put his forehead onto mine and stared down at me.

“Daimon,” I said in a tortured voice, “I need you.”

His hands moved down my body, lighting it up as he went down. I arched my back, my breasts now pressed onto his hard chest. He reached my panties and slowly pulled them off. I could feel his tender touch down the outside of my thighs. I moved my hands to the front of his body and unbuckled his pants. My hand then glided inside. I watched as Daimon closed his eyes and groaned as I found his hard cock. Pulling it out, I softly moved my hand up and down, feeling his velvet skin. Daimon’s head fell back as a low growled emanated from the back of his throat. His head then fell forward and his eyes opened. The sky blue I was expecting was now dark and possessive. A small grin appeared and he swiftly moved down to my lips, taking what he wanted.

I kissed him, coaxing him to kiss me more. Without warning, Daimon buried himself deep inside me, making me buck. My breath caught at the back of my throat. Daimon stopped and held us in that moment. He was deep inside me, filling me up completely. I searched his eyes and waited, locked into our moment.

“I’m sorry, Addie,” he said tenderly as he slowly moved inside me. I withered under his intense stare. He continued to surge, moving faster.

“Addie, don’t you dare leave me,” he breathed as his pace grew into long, careful strokes. “Don’t you dare ever leave me.”

“Daimon,” I mewled. He moaned as he heard his name escape my lips.

My pussy grew slick in its need for him as I pulled him in deeper. I moved my hand to his lower back and wrapped my legs around him. Daimon growled as he wrapped his arm behind my waist pushing me down harder. A delicious buildup grew in my stomach, making my clit throb, on the edge of release. My pussy clenched, spurring Daimon to hammer into me as I finally came. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip to hold back my cry. When I finally opened up my eyes, I saw Daimon staring down at me, continuing to fuck me. He rocked into me one last time, grunting as he came.

I awoke in a cold king-size bed, remembering the night before when I fell asleep in his arms. Daimon had left for England, without saying one word to me.


I rose from the bed still sore from my night with Daimon. I slept in his arms content, but confused. Daimon to me was the only one in this world who pushed me beyond anything that I was. He drew out my true self and it scared me. Daimon knew me in ways no one else did or probably ever would. Every day I spent with him, was a day closer to me falling into a black abyss that was Daimon. I didn’t want to want him, but I did. God, I did. Every time he touched me, every inch he grazed, ignited the desire I had for him. The feeling was so intense it frightened me. Daimon owned me physically, but what would become of me if I gave into how I felt and willing gave him all of me?

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