The Horror Squad 2 (4 page)

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Authors: TJ Weeks

BOOK: The Horror Squad 2
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DONALD OPENED the gate and the

Deuce drove through before he closed it back. I
could see an arm dragging from the under
carriage and bouncing upward with each bump
it was drug across. The Deuce came to a halt
with its air breaks screaming. Lisa jumped out
of the front cab, Kris and Tina jumped out of
the back while Sandra handed down Karen’s
limp body. I ran over and grabbed her feet
before she was dropped out of the back of the
Deuce while Sandra climbed down.

“What the fuck happened?” I shouted.
“She just hit her head, she’s alright.” Kris
informed. “She’s awake, just weak.”

I felt something grip the bottom of my pant
leg, so I jerked my leg back to see the arm that
had been dangling from the under carriage was
now attached to my leg and to my surprise, it
was attached to a torso. I dropped Karen’s legs
to the ground and tried to reach for my knife,
but it wrapped up both legs and tripped me up. I
fell hard on my ass and tried to sit up as fast as
I could to keep it from biting me.

Steven had jumped out of the backhoe after
seeing some commotion and ran over and
punched it in the face and instantly screamed in

“Stab the mother fucker!” I called to him.

He gathered his wits and grabbed his knife
and buried it into its skull. He didn’t bother
pulling it back out of the rotter, he just grabbed
his hand that he had hit it with.

“Goddamn, you going to just let it eat me
while you try out your boxing skills or what?” I
hollered in a pissed off tone as I threw its body
off of me.

“I’m sorry, I just did the f
irst thing that came
to mind.” He replied while still holding his

“Did it bite you?” I questioned.
“No, but I busted my knuckles when I hit it.”
He answered.

I caught my feet and pulled his hand toward
me to get a better look. It appeared to be
nothing more than a scratch. I tossed his hand
back to him. “I’ve had bigger scratches on my

“Maybe you should stop putting your dick in
rugged holes.” He suggested.
“HEY!” Kris chimed in.
“Sorry.” He quickly stated and took a fast
pace back towards the backhoe.
“Lisa, can you and Sandra get Karen to her
bed and keep a watch on her?” I asked.
“No problem, but I’ll have to check on the
plant in a few hours.” She answered.

“That’s fine. If it’s just a bump on h
er head
and nothing serious, she should be fine once
she gets some rest.” I replied.

They walked away carrying Karen. Tina
started to walk away.
“Hang on there, princess.” I told her.
She slowly turned around with both hands
placed on her hips. “What?”
“What happened to Rachel?” I followed up
“She didn’t make it and why are you asking
me?” She replied.

“I’m not stupid, you didn’t like her from the
moment she came through those gates. So what
happened?” I repeated the question.

“She g
ot bit and ripped apart after wandering
off on her own, so I put her down.” She
answered with Kris next to her agreeing.

“I’m sure you did…I need you two to gather
up two teams, one to build the guard tower and
the other to start building the frames to throw
off into the trench once it’s finished.” I

“How is
that trench going to work anyways,
the rotters can just walk around and walk right
up the slope by the gate?” Tina asked.

“The slope will be gone when it’s finished,
it’s only there now to get the backhoe down in
it.” I answered.

“Hmm.” Is all she came back with before
trying to walk away once again.

, and Tina...You need to get your shit
together. I need all of us to pull this shit
together, not you being a snooty bitch and
living in our past life.” I let her know real

Her jaw dropped in shock, but with a loss of
words and walked off.
“I’m not sure that was called for.” Kris told
me as Tina walked away.

“There’s a difference in going out and being
here. If we can’t pull together and work
together here, it will fall. When we go out, we
have to work together and realize that no matter
who goes out with you, they have your back or
we die. She needs to keep her fight back until
the fight needs to happen.” I replied.

Kris shrugged her shoulders, but nodded her
head to say she semi agreed.

“Either way,
I need you to keep a count on
supplies until Karen gets back on her feet. I
don’t want my door to be the one she comes
knocking on if her supply count gets messed
up.” I added.

“I agree with that.” Kris stated before
running off to help find some crews her
husband had asked for.

Gizmo started walking out of the school.
“What’s up bro, what are we doing?”

“Go ask Steven if he needs some relief, if not
then I’m going to need you to lead one crew
and I’ll lead the other to get this shit built.” I

“10-4 little buddy!” He said as he walked off
to check on Steven.

I hopp
ed in the driver’s seat of the Deuce and
fired it up after letting the plugs charge back up
and drove it closer to the gate with the tail gate
towards the fence. Steven was already walking
up by the time I got out.

“Need a break already, princess?” I teased.

He held up his middle finger to flip me off,
but quickly pulled it back to grab his hand
again. “There’s no breaks going on here, it’s
either working on the backhoe or working over

“You want a band aide for your hand?” I
teased further.

“Look asshole, I’ve told you…I’m not a
fighter and I’m too old for that shit.” He

I started laughing at him and climbed in the
back of the truck. “Can you at least hold

“Just hand the shit down, dickhead!” He
started getting irritated.

I started grabbing the 2X6’s and 2X8’s that
were on top and handing them down. After
about a half hour, I got down to the 4X4’s and
started handing them down as well when I saw
Kris returning with Tina, Shianne, Howard,
Bobbi and Chelley to help unload. Once I got to
the bottom of the boards, I found all kinds of
tools, nails, bolts and nuts to hand down as

We grabbed two posthole diggers and went
to work digging the holes for the 4X4 posts. We
dug each of eight holes three and a half foot
down and then threw the posts in the holes. Kris
and Tina grabbed a couple of buckets of water
to bring out to us as we cut open and poured
one, eighty-pound bag of Quickrete per hole.
We then poured about two gallons of water in
each to mix. It was starting to get dark, so we
called it a day to allow the cement to harden.

EVERYONE METat the chow hall

except Gizmo that kept digging on the trench.
Milissa was serving some sort of make shift
pizza, which was badass as that was one of my
favorite foods before all of this.

Steven sat at the table with us after collecting
his food. We all noticed at once that his hand
was very swollen.

“Dude, your hand is fucked up? You sure
you didn’t break it?” I asked.
“I’m not sure, but I know it still hurts like
hell.” He responded.

About that time Karen walked up and pulled
up a seat. “Hope y’all don’t mind me joining
you. I just wanted to say thank you for saving
my ass back there.”

“No problem at all.” Kris stated.
“Yeah, I’m just happy that you’re alright.”
Tina added.
“I’m fine, just have a headache.” She

She then turned to look at Steven that she
was sitting next to. “Oh my god, what did you
do to your hand?”

He held it up and rotated it from left to right.
“I think I sprained it or something.”

She took a closer look at it. “I can’t say for
sure without looking at it more, but I think
that’s a little more than a sprained hand.”

Gizmo walked through the door and Tina got
up and walked through the line again to grab
him some pizza.

“Well bro, how far did you get?” I asked.
“I got about midway down the second part of
the fence.” He answered.

I was a little shocked from two people that
had just learned how to use a backhoe that
morning. “That’s pretty damn awesome.”

“Yeah, I would have stayed at it for at least
another hour, but ran out of gas and couldn’t
see shit.” He stated.

I took my last bite of my pizza. “I’ll refill it
and get to work here in a few.”
“Why don’t you just wait until the morning?”
Kris suggested.

“I’ll be alright. The faster we can get this
done, the faster we can get back to finding food
and other things we need.” I answered.

“We can do that now.” She stated.

“I’m not going back out until I c
an get this
place as safe as I can. It didn’t work out too
well the last time.” I answered.

“It’s okay, mom. If you don’t mind
dad, I’d
like to come hang out with you for a bit.”
Shianne stated.

I smiled. “Sounds good to me, honey.”
“Well alright, but I hate sleeping without
you.” Kris added.

“I won’t be gone all night. Once I finish the
second side, I’ll come lay down with you and
we can start on the other two sides tomorrow.” I
replied and gave her a kiss before excusing
myself from the table.

Shianne took her last piece of pizza to go and
grabbed her drink and followed me out. We
walked out of the chow hall and made our way
to the other side of the lot to grab a couple of
cans of gas. Unfortunately we were down to
only three cans that actually had fuel in them. I
took a deep inhale and then exhale.

“You okay?” Shianne asked.
I smiled at her. “I’m perfect.”

I carried a gas can in each hand and walked
down into the trench and followed it around to
the backhoe and started to fill it. Once I got a
solid can poured into the tank I fired the
backhoe up and turned on the heater so Shianne
could stay warm from the chilled air that was
approaching us on top of being down in the
ground. I then proceeded to pour the second
tank and topped it off with about a quarter of
the gas tank remaining and then joined Shianne

I flipped on the headlamps that were above
the cab on the outside and went to work.
“So, I know this isn’t like home, but you
doing alright?” I asked.

She pulled a book out of her back pocket that
read “Devil Days”. “Yeah, I’m doing great
now. I kept your book with me because I didn’t
know if I’d ever see you again. Then after
getting here and seeing mom, but not you, I was
worried that this was going to be all that I had
left of you.”

I looked down at the book. “I didn’t think
that you ever read it.”

She brushed her thumb across the pages. “I
haven’t finished it. Kind of felt like it would
have been closure that I wasn’t ready for.”

I stopped digging for a moment. “Honey,
we’re living off of borrowed time and we all
have to clock out one day and on that day you
should feel blessed for it to be over and go out
remembering all the things you accomplished
as well as those that touched your life while
you were here. I know death isn’t something
that’s easy for anyone, but it’s inevitable.
We’re literally dying the day we are born. No
one knows when the clock will stop ticking, but
when that time comes, you have to know when
to punch out.”

She looked up at me. “I’ve never heard it put
that way.”

I started
back digging. “We all have a
different perspective on things, that’s just

The stinger started like metal on metal
grinding after a while and it was getting late.
“What do you say we kill this old thing and
go crash out?” I suggested.

She started to
stand up. “Sounds good to
me…I don’t know about backhoe’s, but it
sounds like it could use a rest.

We jumped down into the small space
between the wall of dirt and the machine and
edged our way around it. I picked up the gas
cans on our way back through and placed them
back before walking towards my room. Shianne
headed to bed straight from the trench.

I WAS almost back to my room when I
heard someone screaming in a deep tone.
Gizmo popped his head out his door. “What
the fuck is that?”
“Hell, I don’t know, I just walked in.” I

He was stripped down to nothing more than
boxers, but followed me to the sound that led us
to Steven’s door. I knocked three times, but
didn’t get an answer, only more screams. I let
myself in to see what all the fuss was about. He
was drenched in sweat and rolling from one
side of his bed to the other. I took a firm grip on
his shoulders and shook him.

He sat up so fast that he almost head-butted
me. “What!”
“You were screaming.” I replied.
“I’m sorry, I was having a nightmare.” He
“What kind of nightmare?” I asked.
He started rubbing his eyes. “I…I…I can’t
“Well I’ll let you get back to sleep, I just
wanted to check on you.” I stated.
“Yeah and try not to wake up everyone with
your next dream.” Gizmo rudely stated.
We walked out of his room and made our
way back to our own rooms.
“Everything okay?” Shianne whispered from
her cot.

I was trying to quietly shut the door.
“Everything’s fine, get you some sleep and I’ll
see you in the morning.”

I then proceeded to make my way to my own
bed. I kicked off my shoes and stripped down to
my boxers before climbing into bed with my
wife. I cuddled up next to her and she reached
over and pulled my arm to bring me in closer.

“My favorite time of the day.” She said.
“What’s that?” I asked.

“Getting to cuddle up with my husband and
feel you next to me.” She responded.

“I guess that makes two of us.” I agreed
before closing my eyes and finding some
dreams of my own.

Everyone finally was drifting back off to
sleep, including Steven.

A familiar face with dark brown, a little over
shoulder length hair and blonde highlights
appeared to be a rotter. “Steven my love, let go
and come back home to us. We need you.”

Steven looked around to see his house and
one of his kids playing on their old tire swing
and his other kids jumping into their swimming
pool that glimmered with crystal clear blue
water. “This can’t be real.”

He slowly walked toward his wife whom had
just spoke to him wearing a black and white
flower/vine style dress. The closer he got the
more her face came into focus and the rot
seemed to disappear.

She reached out and took him by the hand
and placed it over her heart. “I am real and I’ve
been here waiting for you to return for us.”

He pulled his hand back. “No, this isn’t real.
Where’s TJ?”

She smiled and brushed her hand across the
side of his face. “TJ’s back home with his
family. We all made it, the apocalypse is over
and you’ve been sleeping, my dear.”

The kids all ran over and huddled around
him to give him a group hug. He could feel the
cold from the water dripping off the kids and
soaking his sides. “We love you daddy.”

They gripped tight and then ran back to the
pool and tire swing. His wife held out her hand
and he grabbed it. She led him into their house
and guided him through it to show him that
nothing had changed. He was in basic shock
from being able to feel her grip and the touch of
all the items around him. She finally led him to
their bedroom while closing the door behind
them. She reached in for a soft kiss that she
gently placed upon his lips. He closed his eyes
to let it sink in, fore he had missed that feeling
for such a long time now. She slowly backed
him up to the edge of the bed and he wrapped
his arms around her to go in for a much deeper
kiss while spinning her around and laying her
on her back. He followed her down to the bed
and shifted his arms under hers and lifted her
up higher on the bed. He started kissing the
right side of her neck while guiding his left
hand through her hair. He took a tight grip of
her hair and thrusted into her hip. Her smile got
so big that her teeth were almost at a sparkle.
He reached down and started pulling her dress
upward while still kissing her neck. She
grabbed both sides of his head and started
directing it down. He kissed down the small
portion of her belly that he had revealed and
then slid her panties down to her feet before
giving a final tug to remove them completely.
He tossed them off the side of the bed and
kissed the inside of her thighs while rubbing her
clit and pushing her legs further apart. Her back
arched when his lips collided with her which
smelled like a breath of fresh air that he hadn’t
got to take in for years. He started to roll his
tongue around her in a circular motion and she
grasped the red fitted sheet in ecstasy. Some of
her sweetness started to run into his mouth and
running down his chin. She raised up a bit and
pulled her dress the rest of the way up and over
her head. She unfastened her bra strap and
threw it to the side, exposing her double “D”
breasts with her perky dark brown nipples
trying to touch the roof as they stood at
attention. He reached up and copped a handful
of her breast and massaged the tips of his
fingers around her nipple. She pulled him
upward and rolled him to his back. She threw
her legs over him and backed her pussy back to
his face while licking the head of his dick and
rolling her tongue down his shaft. The foreplay
was intense while both moaned with
anticipation of the thought of the eventuality of
finalizing it all. She sucked hard and the pop
sounded through the bedroom. She lifted
herself off of his face and turned. She straddled
him on her knees and softly lowered herself
onto him. Steven arched his back with the
feeling of her tightness wrapped around him.
She put both of her hands on his chest and
pumped herself up and down on his dick as
slow as she could. Her head flung back at every
inch that filled her. Steven watched as her
double d’s bounced just enough to make him
want them in his mouth. She brought her hands
up and pulled at her nipples and slid her hands
down her body and to his hands. She pulled his
up to where her hands had been and put them
on her. His hands were unable to cup all of
each breast and he rubbed them all the way
around before pinching her nipples and rolling
them between his fingers which made the
sensation run through her body of “Oh My
God.” She tightened around him and came.

“Oh baby!” Steven stated.

She kept gliding him in and out of her
waiting for the blast that she knew would soon
be coming. Steven ran his hands down her body
and back up to her perfect tits. She reached her
hand down to play with herself and rubbed
herself while staring at him. Steven watched
and knew that he had to make this last. He tried
to hold back as long as he could, but the sexy
look she gave while he watched her cum again
was almost the deal breaker. He loved the
feeling of it and he was so close to filling her
full of his juice. She brought her hand up to his
face and stuck her middle finger in his mouth
so he could taste the sweetness.

“Here I go again baby, are you ready?” She
asked him.

Steven threw his head back, his body arched
and tensed up again trying to prevent himself
from blowing. She leaned her head down and
let her hair fall over his shoulder, the softness
of her chest hit his and she came again. Steven
grabbed her hair and pulled just enough to
make her have to strain to pull her head back
down, which in turn made her pussy tighten just
enough around him and he couldn’t hold back.
He was done for and let himself go inside of
her. He pulled harder on her hair as she pumped
her hips up and down faster and harder. The
sound of their skin hitting each other made
Steven pull harder. The last bit came out into
her and he pulled her head back to be able to
watch her face as he thrust his hips upward hard
into her. Her head came up to meet his as he
lifted her knees up off of the bed with his body
to get as deep as he could. He quickly let his
body down as he opened his eyes; she was
coming back down towards him with her mouth
wide open toward his face. Steven pulled the
back of her head hard and put his other hand on
her shoulder.

Her eyes were sunk into her head and
wrinkles crossed her forehead, her skin was a
dark brown color and her hair felt greasy. His
hand slid out of her hair, but not without
catching some tangles through what now felt
like a rat’s nest instead of the softness he had
just felt. She looked as though she had been
starved and he could see her cheekbones almost
poking through her skin. Her skin sunk in at her
collar bone and her tits were definitely no
longer the firm double d’s he had just ran his
hands over. They sagged down and her nipples
were nonexistent.

He placed his other hand, once untangled
from her hair, on her other shoulder and pushed
her up and away from her face. She still pushed
forward and chomped her brown looking teeth
towards him catching only air. As she tried to
move in to get a bite, he realized he was still
inside her. It was no longer tight as he had just
felt, but just drooped around his dick. He threw
his ass down into the bed trying to get out of
her and get her off of him. He knew that if he
let go of her shoulders she would have the bite
that she was lusting for, but he wanted his dick
out of this rotter. He had lost a bit of strength
after cumming, but was gaining it back quickly
with each lunge she made toward him to take a
bite. He brought her down towards him about
an inch and pushed as hard as he could


Steven sprang forward from his bed while
being drenched from head to toe. He brushed
his hands over his eyes trying to catch some
reality and got up and made his way to the
shower to wash the thoughts of this nightmare

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