The Horror Squad 2

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Authors: TJ Weeks

BOOK: The Horror Squad 2
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The Horror Squad 2
TJ Weeks

This is a work of fiction. All of the
characters, organizations, and events portrayed
in this novel are either products of the author’s

imagination or are used fictitiously.
The Horror Squad. Copyright © 2016 by TJ
Weeks. All rights reserved. Printed in the
United States of America. For information,
email [email protected]

Weeks, TJ
The Horror Squad/TJ Weeks. - 1st ed.
Title ID: 6343411

ISBN-13: 978-1534668935
First Edition: June 2016

I’d like to take the time to thank Karen
Dziegiel for all of her hard work going through
each of my books. My wife for all of her
editing and support. Chelley Jordan and Bobbi
Payton for so awesomely helping with running
my pages. I’d like to thank all of my military
buddies for staying by my side with their

Most of all, I’d like to thank all of my fans
for pushing my work out there. If it wasn’t for
you none of my books would have been put on
the best sellers list on Amazon and I wouldn’t
be up for as many awards as I get put in for.


I LOOKED over to see Gizmo fast asleep

against the side glass with drool streaming from
his mouth. I started bumping the break to watch
him start to fall over, but would catch himself,
sit back up and pass right back out. I did it three
or four times for good measure. Steven and I
laughed. He finally woke up and wiped the
drool from his mouth.

“Dick!” He called me.
I just laughed more.

We finally found the train track once again in
the small town of Edgewood. The backhoe
shifted side to side going over the tracks and
then went smooth again. Just a short distance
further led us back to the main road. I hung our
left turn and was happy to see the familiar path
that would lead us back home.

It took about forty-five minutes to make the
fifteen mile drive. Pulling up to the gates, there
was no Martin sitting up at his post. The gates
were still closed, but the whole place was
ambushed in rotters.

I folded the bucket up a bit and crashed
through the front gate. Then I pulled to the side
to dump my guys in the back of a truck. I had
Steven climb out and grab a tank of gas. He
grabbed the can and handed it across to Gizmo
where he folded the window out and started
pouring it into the tank. The gas sloshed around
as I power housed through the hoards. I
rammed as many as I could against buildings
and vehicles to cut their ass in half. I’d dump
their top halves and then pull back forward
crushing them with the backhoe’s bucket.

After what seemed like hours of pure
brutality, it was safe to disengage the backhoe
and move inside where the rest of my team
joined me.

First we stacked up and went into the school.
There was at least a rotter every five square feet
of one another. We fired round after round
dropping them. After clearing the first room,
we left Rachel and Jason with a couple
machetes and then pushed forward. None of our
people could be found. I was beginning to think
they had already met their doom and we had
already taken them out.

KRIS RAN to grab Holsinger which had
barely even made it to his bed. She started
knocking on his door.
He walked over to the door surprised to have
any visitors and especially at this hour. “Yes?”
“Greg attacked Tina out on the fence line.”
Kris explained.

“What the fuck, seriously?” He responded as
he grabbed his rifle and followed Kris out of his

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure he’s dead though.
Tina managed to stick him with her knife.” She
responded on the way back to Tina.

The two walked up finding Tina with her
back against the fence and Greg bleeding out on
the pavement.

Holsinger didn’t bother taking a pulse to see
if he was still alive, instead he just walked up
and gut checked him real hard only to see
Greg’s body flop to the side and back to
motionless. “Piece of shit!”

He turned to Tina. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine or at least better than this
motherfuckers doing.” She replied back in

Holsinger placed his barrel point blank to
Greg’s head and about to shoot instead of
waiting for him to turn.

“No!” Tina called out.
“He doesn’t deserve anything better.” Kris
Tina lashed out and buried her knife into his
head. “You’re right…he doesn’t.”

There was a distinct sound of someone
climbing on the fence and everyone jumped
back to attention. A faint silhouette staggered
around in the distance followed by more sounds
of raking the fence.

“Announce yourself!” Martin called out with
no response to come.

Kris started walking towards it with her
flashlight which still appeared as a silhouette,
but seemed it was growing bigger. The other
two followed with their guns sighted at it.

“WAIT!” Tina called out to Kris.
She stopped and looked at Tina. “What?”
“That’s a rotter!” She answered back.

Holsinger didn’t even wait for an additional
response before pulling the trigger and
dropping it where it stood.

Kris dropped down from the sudden shock of
the gun shot. Tina clapped her hands around her
ears with only being able to use her wrist with
the hand that was gripped around her pistol.

“What the fuck!”
Holsinger kept his rifle aimed and quickly
started making his way to it to ensure it wasn’t

getting back up. “Oh shit!”
“What?” Tina questioned.

“Stay back!” He called back as he dropped
his rifle and placed his hands over his face.

A worried look came over Kris’
s face the
longer that she looked at his posture and the
situation. “Who is it?”

“Just stay back.” He suggested, but this time
with tears streaming down his face and choking
out the words.

He reached under its neck with one arm and
under its feet with the other and lifted it up. Its
arm dangled to its side and he started walking
toward Kris while not paying any attention to
the bigger silhouette’s building up behind him.

Kris shined the flashlight up as he got closer
to see the mystery figure. Tears instantly started
falling when she saw the face of Sidnie in his
arms. “That’s my baby! That’s my baby!”

She reached her arms out to accept her when
Tina jerked her back and Holsinger fell to the
ground as rotters came into focus and
surrounded him biting into his shoulders and
ripping at his sides. He raised back up to his
knees and was steadily trying to stand back up
with her while being torn apart. He finally got
back up to his feet and took a couple of fast
paces and laid Sidnie in Kris’s arms before
turning around and using his weight to push the
hoard back.

Tina grabbed Kris’
s arm and started pulling
her back toward the school while firing into the
hoard. Holsinger disappeared into the hoard
with not so much as a peep or scream of pain.


We took the hallway by force with no
casualties to our team. All the rooms that were
already full of rotters, we just locked them in.
We figured if any of our people were in any of
those rooms, they would surely be dead

“Stack up, we’re going into the bathroom
and I want you two to pull off and check the
showers.” I called out to my team, while
signaling Gizmo and Howard to make their
move to the showers.

I kicked open the doors to find the bathroom
was empty and the only sound was that of a
leaky showerhead echoing from its drips.

“Where the fuck is everyone?” Gizmo stated
out of anger.

My rifle fell to my side and hung by its strap
as I was about ready to give up. “Okay, let’s
grab Jason and Rachel, then lock down the
school for now. Once we can clear the whole
site, I’ll open each door one by one and draw
them out so we can take them out quickly.”

We walked out of the bathroom and
wandered back down the hallway to the room
we left Jason and Rachel in.

“Come on.” I told them once I opened the

They followed us out of the school and we
started grabbing whatever we could find to tie
off the doors. I was suddenly stopped dead in
my tracks when I saw a familiar face lying right
outside one of the doors. It was my daughter
Sidnie. Her skin was a light blue tone to
indicate that she had fell cold and had been
dead for at least a day. I started moving her
clothes around, but couldn’t find a single bite
mark on her, only a gunshot wound on her

“Come on man, let’s get this shit done!”
Gizmo called out before seeing who I was

I ran my fingers over her eyes to close them
and gave her a tight hug before gently laying
her back down. “Stop…I think there is more to
this than the rotters.”

Gizmo looked over to see it was Sidnie that I
had been holding. “Oh fuck! They’re all dead!”
“This wasn’t from a rotter, she died from a
gunshot.” I stated.
“So some assholes tried to take over the
base?” Howard queried.

“I don’t know, but if they ran out this door
they would have been heading to the storage or
the bunker for protection.” I answered while
trying to gather my bearings.

We started walking in a “V” pattern towards
the storage building when we heard a slight
commotion coming from the bunker, so
changed our direction. We stacked up at the
door, but before we could open it, it opened up.
I shot around in a pivot with my rifle ready to
shoot and saw Kris’s face peering at me. Her
eyes lit up and she launched at me giving me a
huge hug.

“We thought you were dead.” She cried.

“Funny, we thought the same thing about
you.” I responded as I clasped my hand around
the back of her head and pulled her in tight.

Shianne and Daltin joined our hug and
everyone else started pouring out of the bunker.
Tina and her kids ran for her husband as well.

“Sidnie..” Kris started to say before I
“I know.” I stated.

We pulled away after a few minutes. I
stepped back a few steps and started turning a
three-sixty trying to figure everything out.

“So what happened?” I asked.

“The rotters got in last night. We tried to
hold them off, but by the time we saw them, it
was too late.” She responded.

“Sidnie wasn’t bit.” I fished for more.
“I guess she was sleep walking as usual, we
thought she was a rotter and Martin shot her.”
She tried to explain.

“Where’s that mother fucker?” I queried.
“He’s….dead. He sacrificed himself for us to
get away.” She answered.

I stepped back a little more to address
everyone. “Listen, this shit isn’t over with, so
stay on guard. I need someone new to take post
at the gate, I need a team to be on fence duty
for repairs and further preventions. I’ll also
need a team to come with me to take back the

“I’ll take guard at the gate.” Donald
“Good…Stop by the storage and grab more
ammo on your way.” I suggested.
He gave a half ass salute and walked on.

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