The Horror Squad 2 (2 page)

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Authors: TJ Weeks

BOOK: The Horror Squad 2
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A GROUP of us made two lines on each

side of the door like an alley of doom while I
went inside to open the doors and have the
rotters follow me out.

I walked the hallway while whistling an old
Shinedown song that I thoroughly enjoyed in
my old life as I made my way to the first door. I
grabbed the knob and was about to twist it
when I felt a tight grip on my shoulder. I spun
around quickly to see Gizmo standing there.

“What the fuck
“You don’t think I’m going to let you have
all the fun? Besides, we stick together, we
survive together. I can’t lose anyone else.” He

I nodded my head in acknowledgement and
gripped the knob once again. With a quick
upward thrust of his head, he let me know he
was ready. I turned the knob and swung the
door open and to my surprise it flew back
closed in my face.

Gizmo busted out laughing. “You got’em
good, fucker!”

“You’re fucking stupid.” I stated while
looking up to see the commercial grade door
closer mounted at the top of the door.

“Might I suggest we remove the sway bars
from the doors before just kicking them in ninja
style?” He stated while still laughing and now
with tears in his eyes from laughing too hard.

“I swear, sometimes I just want to punch you
in the face.” I stated while pulling my Buck
knife from my case and pried the sway bar free.

I grabbed the knob once again and he quickly
put his hand over mine.
“Wait, wait…Let me catch my breath. That
shit was funny.” He commented.

After a few deep breaths, he gave me the nod
once again and I swung open the door. One of
them reached for me and barely missed my arm
as I was releasing my grip of the knob. We
walked in somewhat of a quick pace to lead
them out. I would imagine they saw a buffet
lined up as they got closer to the outside doors.

Steven and Howard were the first two of us
to run past and both were already going forward
with their machetes just as soon as we cleared.
One lady was doing a major over kill as she
beat her blade in and out of the rotter about
forty times with its blood slinging up in her

“Whoa, I think you got it.” I stated.
She stumbled back a few steps and I grabbed
her before she fell.
“You okay?” I asked her.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She responded while trying
to see out of the blood dripping from her face.
“What’s your name?” I questioned further
since she looked new to me.
“Sandra Shrewsbury.” She replied.
“Well, let’s take you over here to have a
seat.” I suggested.
Karen walked over to lend a hand. “Let’s go
sit down over on the bench and talk about it.”

I walked back into the school and started
opening more doors until we had them all

I walked out to the backhoe and dropped the
bucket and drove around the lot shuffling all the
rotters bodies into one huge pile. I backed up
about a foot and tilted the bucket up and started
throwing the bodies in until it was full and
driving them over to the fence and dumping
them over. Night was starting to fall by the time
we got the base back in order and everyone met
in the center to hear more of what was going

“Alright everyone, the fence is fixed and the
rotters are gone. I want everyone in the chow
hall for a good meal and then we’re going to
start roaming guards and this is how it’s going
to work, before leaving the chow hall, you’re
going to write your name on a piece of paper.
It’ll go in order of those names and it’ll be four
people roaming and one watching the gate. I
want the next four, plus one for the gate to
rotate every two hours. This way no one is
fatigued and everyone gets plenty of sleep. I’m
going to sit down tonight and work out some
plans to better solve our problems.” I
announced to everyone.

We all walked to the cafeteria and got in line
like we were back in school as Milissa, Bobbi
and Chelley started serving plates of spaghetti
with very little sauce.

“There plenty of food for everyone?” I asked
Milissa when I got up to the front.

“There’s more than enough for everyone.
I’ve always said that when I cook spaghetti, I
make enough to feed an army.” She answered
in a joking manner.

I smiled and stepped aside to wait for my
wife and kids to join me and then found a table
with Gizmo and his family.

“So what’s the plan?” Tina was quick to ask.
“I’m not sure yet. Right now I’m just happy
to be home with my family.” I responded.
“Well that roaming guard shit is for the
birds.” She stated.
“O’yeah, why is that?” I asked.

“Kris and I were doing it while y’all were
away and some asshole attacked me.” She

“What asshole attacked you?” Gizmo chimed
“Some douchebag named Greg, but he’s
dead now.” She answered.

“Rotters get him?” I asked.
“No, I stuck the bastard.” She said.

Steven joined us at our table. “So, what’s the
“Jesus, get the fuck off my nuts. I said I’d sit
down tonight and figure it out.” I responded.
“Damn, I was just asking little brother.”
Steven stated.
“You and everyone else.” I answered before
going back to my meal.
Steven just sat on the other side of the table
and just peered over at me.
“Dude, go try to get laid or something.” I
finally stated.
“I ain’t trying to get my dick wet.” He

Well go do something besides staring at me
like an answer is about to fly out of my ass for
you to catch.” I made clearer.

“Well now you’re just being stupid.” He
I dropped my fork on my plate and looked
back up at him.
“Alright, I’m going.” He said before getting
up and walking away.
“So…Who’s the bitch that you brought
back?” Tina questioned.
“Her name is Rachel. We found her and
Jason while we were out.” I answered.

“So, they’re a couple?” She fished for more.
“No.” Gizmo answered for me.
“Oh.” She responded.

“Oh what? You think I’ve been running
around on you? I’ve been with your ass for
twelve years, you’d think you’d know better.”
He stated.

“I know. Just don’t like the idea
of us being
left behind and y’all bringing in other chicks.”
She replied.

“Did you want us to just leave her out
there?” I asked.

“No. I know I would have been devastated if
it was me out there and y’all left me.” She

“Well guys, I’m heading to bed and don’t
bother putting your names on the list. We’ve
done enough the last few days and could use
some family time. Get a good night’s rest and
then meet me out front in the morning and we’ll
see what we can do.” I stated before taking
myself and my family with me to our room.

“I’m so glad you’re home.” Kris stated.
I turned the knob of our door and made my
way inside. “Me too.”

I walked over and sat at the edge of my bed
and looked over at Sidnie’s empty cot. Shianne
walked over and joined me. I leaned over and
gave her a hug.
“I’m glad you’re okay.” She stated.

“Hell, I’m glad that you’re okay and
us. I’ve thought the worst for the longest time.”
I responded.

“Well, I am my father’s daughter.” She
replied with a smile.
“That you are. Well let’s get some sleep and
figure it out in the morning.” I suggested.
“What’s the plan?” Kris questioned while
getting ready for bed.

“We’re going to dig.” I answered.
“Dig?” She questioned.

“Yeah, I’m going to dig a ditch around the
fence line.” I replied.
“But, we’ll have to move all the cars away
from the fence.” She stated.

“No, I’m going to dig
a trench on the inside
of the wall. If any of those fucks get through
the fence, they’ll end up in the trench. We’ll
have to find boards to keep it from collapsing,
but we’ll make due.” I answered before letting
my head find my pillow.

THE MORNING came a lot faster than I

anticipated. I squinted my eyes from the sun
breaking the darkness which felt like laser
beams shooting into my eyes from the window.
I sat up and stretched.

“Already?” Kris queried me getting up so
“Got to get things back in order, we can’t
keep people on roaming guard.” I responded.

She brushed her hand down my back as I
stood up and headed for the much needed

Steven was already standing next to my door
by the time I got back. “So what’s the plan?”

“We’re about to start some training. Make
sure the rest of our crew is outside in five
minutes. I’ll meet y’all out there.” I answered
and walked into my room before any more
questions set in.

“I want to do something for Sidnie.” Kris
“I’ll take care of it honey.” I told her.

I walked over and kissed Daltin and Shianne
on the head before walking over to Kris who
was already making some coffee for me. I took
the mug from her and kissed her lips.

“Give me a minute and I’ll come out with
you.” She suggested.

“You don’t have to, I’m going to do a quick
training course on the backhoe and then get to
work.” I informed her.

“Well good, then I’ll know how to operate it
and be able to help.” She quickly let me know.
I decided not to argue and just took to my
“Let’s go.” She stated once she was dressed.

She followed me out of the door and out of
the school where we could see everyone
standing in a small circle awaiting our arrival. I
could also see Karen headed our way.

We met up with the group about the same
time Karen did. Lisa started heading towards us
as well.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“I want to put together a team and make a
run to Means Hardware for some lumber.”
Karen answered.

“For what?” I asked.

“I want to build an actual guard tower at the
front gate.” She suggested about the time that
Lisa made it to us.

“That’s something I aim to do, but we’ve got
a lot to do around here before making any runs.
I can go next week if things go alright.” I

“I’m not asking you to go, I’m saying I’ll put
together a team and go.” She stated.

“I’ll go with you.” Tina volunteered.
“I’ll go to.” Lisa chimed in as well.
“The fuck you say!” Gizmo interrupted.

Tina turned to her husband. “I’ve done
missions with y’all. I know what I’m doing and
you just got back. You don’t have to do
everything, you know.”

“Okay guys, stop!” I announced to break up
the argument.

I paced around for a second trying to come
with another solution, but not step on toes.
“Okay, put together your team and take the
Deuce. However, I’m going to need as many
four by four posts as you can get.”

“For what?” She asked.

“We’re going to b
uild a deep trench around
our perimeter to keep the rotters from attacking
us anymore if they make it through the fence. I
need the posts to frame it in so it does not
collapse.” I answered.

“Kris, you care to go? You’ve been on
several missions as well.” Karen asked.
“I’ll go.” She answered.

I looked at my wife knowing that if I
disagreed, I’d pay a price and would turn into a
battle between everyone. So I didn’t say a word
about it. “Why don’t y’all grab Rachel and that
Sandra chick from yesterday as well? I need to
borrow Kris for a minute before y’all leave

Kris peered at me with a bit of confusion.
“What is it babe?” She asked.

I turned and cocked my head to the side
suggesting that she follow. Kris followed a bit
behind me to the back of the school. We
rounded the corner and I stopped.

I had buried our sweet Sidnie and placed a
make shift tombstone where I had buried her
that read her name, birthday and the day she
died and we love you on it.

Kris covered her mouth and tears filled her
“I miss her, I can’t believe I let her get shot.”
Kris cried.

“It wasn’t your fault honey. But, at least now
we have somewhere to come visit her.” I put
my arm around her.

“Thank you TJ.” I love you my Sidnie and
miss you so much, watch over us all and rest in
peace baby.” She stated.

Kris wiped her eyes as I turned suggesting
we get things back on schedule and made our
way back to the group.”

“Sounds good. We’ll be back later today
with the supplies.” Karen stated.
“May want to grab hammers, nails, bolts and
nuts while you’re there.” I suggested.

“Yes, I’ll grab that along with saws, levels
and anything else I see that we can use.” She
responded and walked off to find the other two.

I went on to start training the guys on the

“Lisa, you and Tina want to go fill up the
Deuce and we will meet y’all at the gate after
finding the other two?” Karen asked.

“Yep, on it!” Both of them responded and
went about their way.
Karen and Kris set out to find Rachel and

“So where
did this Rachel girl come from
and does anyone know about this Sandra?”
Karen asked Kris.

“From my understanding Rachel was brought
back with the guys and guess we need to talk to
this Sandra; I’ve never seen her.” Kris

“Well okay then, let’s find these girls I
guess.” Karen’s red heels clacked on the
sidewalk outside of the school.

“Hey Lisa, we need to grab some extra
ammo and maybe some food just in case?” Tina

bably both a good god damned idea to
have!” Lisa shot back from around the gas tank
of the Deuce she was filling.

Tina ran to gather what was needed and
made it back before Lisa could get the Deuce
fired up. Tina put two rifles and two pistols and
the small amount of food she had gathered
along with the ammo for all of the guns in back
before jumping in the front. She and Lisa had
their rifles swinging from the straps over their
shoulders to keep them close.

“I can’t believe that we have to take this
Rachel bitch!” Tina let out.

“What the hell was she doing with them
anyway?” Lisa asked as she tried to fire it up

“Hell, I don’t know. They found her and
didn’t want to leave her out there I guess; and
who is this Sandra?” Tina wondered the same
as Kris and Karen.

Lisa shrugged as she listened to the motor
whine as it turned over and finally started.

She backed it up from where it was and
began to make her way to the gate when the
backhoe pulled out in front of her. Lisa hit the
brakes and Tina flung the door open and
jumped down to her husband trying to direct the
machine in the other direction.

Tina threw her hands up while Lisa sat in the
driver’s seat laughing.
“Do you know what the fuck you are doing?”
Tina yelled over both of the roaring machines.

Gizmo began to laugh watching his wife’s
mouth yelling. Tina glared over at the group
standing to the side laughing at him as well.
Gizmo leaned his head out of the backhoe and
screamed over the noise.

“BINGO BANGO BABY!” Then blew her a

Tina shook her head and dropped her chin to
her chest and turned to walk back to the truck
and climbed in.

Lisa saw the other four coming from in front
of them and put the truck in park as she waited.

Sandra, Karen and Rachel climbed into the
cloth covered back of the Deuce as Kris ran
back to her husband.

“I love you.” She
shouted over the roaring
engines into TJ’s ear before she kissed him on
the cheek. She ran her hand across his beard
and he smiled at her.

“Be careful.” He mouthed as they kept their
eyes connected while she climbed in with the
other four.

Lisa threw it in drive and started heading the
rest of the way to the gate after Gizmo managed
to edge the backhoe out of the way. Karen
gathered up the guns and handed the two pistols
to Kris.

“May want to get these loaded and ready.”
Karen suggested.
“Hello ladies! So just y’all going out?”
Donald questioned.

“Yep, we are bad ass like that.” Lisa hollered
down to him. We will be back soon. The
hardware store isn’t far off.”

Donald opened the gate and allowed the
Deuce to pull out before closing it back. Donald
watched the truck and hoped that he would see
them soon.

“Sandra, where in the hell did you come
from?” Karen asked.
Sandra sat across from Kris and Karen and
began to explain herself a bit.

“I saw the smoke from the other side of the
woods over there and made my way here; I was
running from a group of them already and when
I got through the gate and saw everyone
running, I followed them and ended up in the
bunker with everyone else. I was afraid they
would kick me out since I wasn’t invited and
sat off in the corner keeping to myself and
trying to gather my thoughts of the shit we were
in.” She said.

Karen nodded and smiled. “Well, you were
whooping that rotter’s ass! Good job.” Karen

Kris handed both Sandra and Rachel a loaded
gun. “Y’all know how to aim and pull a

Both nodded and held the gun close to them.
Karen passed the loaded rifle to Kris and
strapped the other one to herself.

Rachel sat off in the corner of the bed of the
truck by herself. Karen looked at Kris and then
to Rachel, trying to decide if she wanted to start
that conversation or not. Kris just shook her
head no to Karen and they both looked off out
of the open part of the canvas cover.

“How do you look so perfect?” Rachel
questioned Karen.
“I like to kill rotters in style.” Karen smiled.

“She is full of shit, she is a bit obsessed with
her looks and had a bag of heels, clothes and
make up ready in case the apocalypse
happened. Crazy, huh?” Kris made fun of

“It was an emergency bag, shut up! Either
way, it worked out well. I look good.” Karen

They rode in silence the rest of the way
peering out for any signs of rotters.
Lisa suddenly slammed on the brakes and the
four slammed into the front of the truck bed.

“What the fuck!” Kris shouted.
“Rotters!” Tina yelled back to her.

“There are fucking rotters, run them over.”
Kris yelled back.
“Look at the store!” Lisa hollered back to

The four pulled back the cloth that covered
the back and viewed the store from the edge of
the parking lot.

A swarm of them surrounded the hardware
store that they needed to get inside of. Lisa
eased the truck up further into the parking lot
and shut off the engine. The zombies heard the
roar as it had driven up and began to turn their
attention to it.

“We have to take them out!” Kris yelled.
“Get your shit together and jump out like you
got a pair!”

Lisa and Tina flung open their doors and
jumped down. Both shouldered their shotguns
as Karen and Kris ran up next to them. Rachel
and Sandra both stood back behind the
experienced group and watched for a moment.

“Bitches, you better line up and shoot
something besides your fucking scared little
glances or you will get eaten alive!” Tina
screamed to them.

Sandra and Rachel lined up next to them and
took aim and began to shoot at what was
between them and their destination. Lisa flung
out a ‘Crocodile Dundee’ knife from her boot
and began stabbing at the ones walking toward
her. Kris and Tina both shot the ammo they had
left in their guns and then did the same with the
knives they had strapped to their sides once the
guns were emptied. Karen used the butt of her
gun and took out three by the door while
Sandra and Rachel brought up the rear and
made their way up the middle of the foursome
and opened the door to the store. Kris backed
into the store first and turned on a dime to see
what they were up against in the store. She
flung her knife to each side of her waiting for
some to pop out at her and Tina backed into her
doing the same.

Karen, being the last in, stabbed one more
that was headed for her and closed the door.
She scanned the parking lot and only one rotter
remained which seemed to be lost in the whole
situation and was walking past the Deuce and
into the road.

“Ha! Stupid bitches!” Lisa swung her knife
around her, pretending that she was slicing up
some more of them.

Karen held her hands up to defend herself
from Lisa’s adrenaline. “Calm down, all are
gone but one and he is heading away from here.
Let’s find the shit we need and we will back the
truck over here after we get it stacked by the
door.” She instructed. “Tina and Kris, y’all
wanna keep watch and Sandra and Rachel can
help us.”

Tina and Kris both nodded and turned toward
the door to peer outside. The other four ran
back and forth dropping things at the storefront.

“So how exactly did you end up with my
husband?” Tina questioned Rachel on one of
her trips back and forth.

“I didn’t end up with
YOUR husband! I
ended up with Justin before they let him
fucking die!” She smarted off.

Tina dropped her gun to the floor and walked
up to Rachel. “Listen fucking here, you don’t
smart your mouth at me. They would not have
LET him die. Watch your fucking self girl!”
Kris pulled Tina away from her by the back of
her shoulder.

“You’re just as feisty as your old man.”
Rachel turned and walked away.

“Your damn right!” She hollered at her. “I
don’t like her.” Tina told Kris as she picked up
her gun.

“Really, you don’t say?” Kris laughed. “Just
leave her alone. They picked her and that Jason
guy up on the way back. Justin apparently was
fucking the poor girl and then he died. What
should they have done Tina? Hell she isn’t any

Tina rolled her eyes at Kris and glared at her
while she laughed.

Karen and Lisa came back carrying long
pieces of wood and dropped them on the floor.
There was a pile almost as tall as they were
once they were done.

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