The Greek Rule (The Greek Series) (18 page)

BOOK: The Greek Rule (The Greek Series)
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This was not a backyard barbecue. It was a
, a festival and a rite of celebration. She stared at the magnificence of the family’s interactions and was not able to speak.

Alexandros moved his hand to her hip. “Did I tell you how gorgeous you are?”

“You have a large, loud family,” Athena said, admiring the two hundred people below her.

“My father is one of five children, my mother one of eight. All my aunts and uncles are married with children of their own, many of them with children as well. I guess you could say we’re a large family. As for the loud part, all I can say is we’re Greeks.”

A little mass of flowery curls bound out at them, entwining her hands jubilantly around his thigh. She spoke in bumbling Greek. “
, what took you so long? I’ve been waiting to show you my

Alexandros pulled his tiny niece into his big arms, lavishing her face with kisses. He did it with such natural ease, once again surprising Athena with the warmth and love he gave to the people in his life.

“Mommy taught me the steps for the wedding dance.” She placed a loud, smacking kiss on his mouth and hugged her uncle very tight. The little girls fingers wound into his hair as she looked sweetly into his face. “Is this pretty lady your bride,

Athena knew she’d blushed to the roots of her hair. Feeling her face ablaze, she blinked and tried to deflect the question. “The bride is Heather. Your
Theo Costa
is dancing with her. See?” She pointed to the dance floor.

The little bundle of dark curls opened her twinkling eyes wide, and then scrunched her nose at her uncle in question.

“This is
Athena,” he said, nudging his nose into the little girl’s neck. “Do you like her?”

“Will you dance
with me?” the little girl asked Athena. When Athena smiled and nodded in agreement, the girl gave a decisive nod of her own. “Yes, I like her.”

Alexandros laughed loud and winked to Athena. “You’ve probably guessed Lexi is the shy, quiet girl of the family.” He placed the little girl on the floor, playfully swatting her behind. “Go practice,
I can’t wait to see such a pretty girl dance.”

He returned to Athena and gave her a quick, yet sensuous, kiss. His eyes began to undress her, and he ran his open palm wantonly over her back. She put her hands against his chest and pushed him a few inches away warning.

, Alexandros.”

“Okay, I’ll be a little more discreet,” he said. His lips brushed hers again and his gaze locked on hers. “Only if, you agree to go home with me tonight.”

“Like I have a choice. That’s where I’m staying.”

“Yes, that is where you are staying, in my room, in my bed, in my arms,” he said, fueling the flame inside her before softly adding, “


“Athena this is
Marianna, Athena.” Warm embraces and a duet of kisses followed each introduction.

Manoli, cousin Costa,
Georgia, Maria, Anna, Gianni…”

The faces and names ran together. They were so many and she was only one. The one on Alexandros’s arm who inspired the young girls to giggle, the women to smile, and the mature men to nod in approval.

Exhausted from the past hour, Athena walked to the balustrade of the large terrace. She ran her fingers over the thick white plaster and thought to herself how funny life was. Yesterday, she was determined to be a little more than friends with Alexandros. Today, she was immersed in his family, proud to be the woman on his arm.

He was everything she’d ever wanted in a man. He was strong, powerful, tender and funny. He was loyal and in turn, commanded loyalty from others. He loved the people around him, protected the people he loved. Oh, what she would not give to be one of those people?

She’d been wrong. She had to give this a chance. He could be her future. She wanted him to be her future.

“Would you like a drink?” Alexandros placed a champagne flute in her hand. He stood behind her, wrapping her in his arms, and looking out over the vineyard. “What are you thinking,
agape mou

She laid her head back on his shoulder, marveling how well her body fit his. She had been so wrong about him, and she was so happy to have discovered her mistake. Exhaling deep, she closed her eyes, hoping this moment would go on forever.

Agape mou
?” he repeated.

“I was just thinking,” she said, turning to look up at his handsome face.

His eyes sparked with desire. He brought his head down and parted her lips, gently trailing his tongue across her teeth. Spreading his fingers as if to feel as much of her as he possibly could, he pulled her tight against him, and crushed her breasts to his chest.

,” she warned. Still conscious of the family surrounding them, her good sense had not abandoned her and cautioned against such sensuous exhibitions of their feelings.

He grinned and licked his lips. “Are you having a good time?”

“A very good time. Your family is amazing. They are such warm, passionate, and loving people.” She added silently,
they are people I would gladly welcome into my life.

An attractive young man approached holding out his hand. “Athena, would you like to dance?”

“I would be honored.” She smiled at Alexandros and took the other man’s hand as he led her to the dance floor.

Alexandros joined the big circle two songs later. With hands linked to shoulders, they let the music guide them in the whirlwind of moving people.

The band picked up the tempo, persuading the participants to kick fiercely as the ritual progressed. One by one, dancers conceded to the fast pace, leaving Alexandros, Costa, cousin Gianni, and cousin Spiro to prove they could outlast the musicians.

It was exhilarating to watch the men move in perfect synchrony. Swift, sure feet pounding, arms locked in wartime severity, and bodies bending at the waist to claim the dance floor as theirs.

The band challenged the dancers by quickening the beat, the dancers responded by moving faster, adding more intricate steps. The spectators held their breaths, clapping in unison, faster, stronger, quicker, louder… it kept building to the climactic end when the four men jumped through the air, landing on their knees at the edge of the dance floor.

Heather ran into Costa’s arms giving him an exaggerated squeal. “Now that is what I call macho!” The group burst into laughter, and raising their glasses, toasted to the night.

Lexi bounced over to Athena exclaiming, “The
is now, are you coming?” Athena took the little girl’s hand and joined the group of new dancers.

Alexandros was watching Athena and Lexi weave through the erected wooden floor when his cellular rang. She caught his gaze, he winked, stood, and on the next turn was gone.

She continued to dance until it was time for Lexi to go home. “You’re a great dancer,
,” she said, giving Lexi a goodnight kiss.

“You too,” said the little girl kissing Athena twice. “One for you, and one for
.” Waiving goodbye, she followed her parents up the stairs.

Athena imagined Alexandros’s little girl would look just like Lexi. Loose dark curls, full little pink lips against a smooth olive complexion, and big chocolate almond eyes that would melt her Daddy’s heart as her little hands encircled his neck for more kisses.

She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the cool island air. Athena saw Yiayia Maria motioning her to come and sit beside her. She walked over to the older woman and sat.

“Are you having a good time,
kori mou


“You’ve enticed our family. They think you’re wonderful.”

“Thank you. The feeling is mutual.”

The grandmother smiled and took Athena’s hand between her own. “I believe the feeling is mutual for my Alexandros too?”

Athena was speechless.

“Don’t be surprised. I’m old, not blind. I see the love his eyes hold when he looks at you. I also see your eyes when you look at him. I like what I see.”

“But Yiayia, we’ve just met. We should not put the carriage ahead of the horse.” Athena suddenly felt exposed.

Kori mou
, you’re in Santorini. We have donkeys, not horses. Stubborn, hard headed donkeys!” Athena laughed and Yiayia smiled. “You don’t have to say anything, just listen.”

Yiayia’s fingers lovingly caressed Athena’s hands as she spoke. “The Strintzaris men have never kept to any conventional time table. They decide when and how; we have just been blessed to agree with them. Alexandros is a good man. Everything he does, he does with zeal. You may not realize it yet, but in these hands, you hold Alexandros’s heart. Cherish it, love it and he will be good to you, loving you forever.”

“Yiayia, I know he is a good man. He’s strong, loyal, and tender with his family. It shows how much he loves you all. As for us, we… we are getting to know each other.” Athena struggled to get the last words out.

“No. Alexandros has no traditional timetable. He wants to make you his. Personally, I’m very happy. Look in your heart, child. You are not a girl that easily decides to simply ‘get to know’ a man, throw caution to the wind, and trust him for only now. But that is good, very good. You and Alexandros will complete each other.”

She continued to hold Athena’s hands. “Humor an old lady. Please remember that no matter how strong a man is, he gets that strength from a woman’s love and support.”

Deep in silent thought, they watched the lantern on the table flicker.

Kori mou
, you will see what is right in front of us.” Yiayia exhaled loudly.

This wise woman was correct and it scared Athena.

She loved him.

She wanted to be his, and she wanted him to be hers. Hers to love and to cherish. She craved his touch, his arms around her to assure her. Searching the crowd, she asked, “Yiayia, do you see him?”

The older woman waggled her eyebrows and chuckled. “Go to him,
kori mou
. He is inside the house.”

Athena stood and gratefully squeezed Yiayia’s hand, before ascending the stairs to the main floor. She stepped into a room with a mirror to adjust her dress and check her hair. Her reflection verified what she was feeling. The flame inside her burned hot. Color filled her face and her eyes twinkled. She was in love. Elated by the truth, she was not going to deny it.

Her heart raced when she glimpsed Alexandros at the end of the hall. Then she heard him speak to someone and stopped short, holding her breath.

“I’m so glad you made it,” he said. “It’s been so hard waiting all night for the ring of the phone.”

“Alexandros, don’t you know, I would do anything for you?” A sultry female voice stung Athena’s ears.

“You’re truly one of a kind.” He passed in front of the door, and Athena saw the green skirt sway beside him. “Come, privacy is assured in here.”

Athena looked into the hallway; saw his hand in the small of the other woman’s back guiding her into a bedroom. The door closed and locked behind them.

Her heart shattered, splintered into jagged little pieces cutting her apart. She was bleeding profusely and could not breathe. She ran out the room, out the main entrance, away from him.





Chapter Nineteen



Athena’s feet skimmed over the stone steps as she ran away from the house and into the garden. She wanted to go anywhere, anyplace far away from Alexandros, but she had no place to go. She felt trapped, with no car, no taxi, not even a donkey. She was in the middle of a rock and had no place to hide.

Her stomach curdled and emptied its contents, the taste of hell filling her mouth.

“I hate you, Alexandros Strintzaris,” she cried. “I hate you for making me believe you were more than the others.”

Liar! He was worse than the others! At least they did not pretend. Women came seeking a summer fling, a sexual encounter on a majestic island, and the Greek men obliged. She had seen it many times. Once the interlude was over, they parted contently, beginning the next dance with another partner.

Alexandros Strintzaris had misled her. He had used her. He could have had any other willing woman on the island. Why had he insisted on humiliating her?

She’d told him she was not looking for a week’s sensual release. Now it would cost her dearly. How could she ever sit with her friends knowing what he could say?

Clamping her hands on the sides of her whirling head, she screamed into the empty garden.

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