The Greek Rule (The Greek Series) (17 page)

BOOK: The Greek Rule (The Greek Series)
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Alexandros eliminated the small gap between them quickly. Twirling a long finger in a tendril of hair that had escaped her ponytail, his gaze dropped to her mouth.

His lips met hers with the hunger of a man not fed for months, and he wound a possessive arm around her waist as he pulled her onto his lap. He slowly kissed her neck and ran a hand over her heaving breasts. His other hand cupped her buttocks and she rose, arching her body in a natural invitation.

She was letting this go too far, this was not what she’d intended. But she found she no longer cared. She felt right in his arms, she wanted him, and she wanted to be his. For once, she would do want her heart said, not what her rule demanded.

The wind blew an approving caress across them, reminding her that they were exposed to curious eyes on passing boats.

As if he knew her concern, Alexandros stood and carried her across the deck, into the cavernous body of the yacht. She burrowed into him as he took long, swift strides to the end of a corridor, kicking open the door to the master bedroom, then closing it the same way. He carefully arranged her on the bed and then brought his long strong body down on hers.

Her arms reached for his neck, and she tugged him impatiently to her lips. She wrapped her legs around him and felt his excitement when his groin met her thigh.

yineka mou
. I want to you to feel me on every inch of your skin. I need to savor you,” he said, pulling her hair free from the ponytail.

Alexandros ran his hands over her—his
his woman. Through her luxurious curls, working his way to her neck. Her charged body filled his fingers as he roamed beneath her shirt and raised it to kiss around her belly button. His hands ascended back toward her neck, lingering over the beautiful full mounds of her breasts. Her breath caught as he exposed the taught, rose peaks and lowered his mouth to one sweet treat, and then the other, simultaneously guiding her shirt over her head.

Running her burning hands over him as she breathed more heat onto his electrified body, Athena entwined her fingers into his hair and asked for his lips against hers. He relished each part of her with tender desire, throwing her into a dizzying tailspin. She raised his shirt, and he fulfilled her need to feel his chest lay across her.

“I will risk my heart,” he said. “And I promise to protect yours. I must have you.”

She moaned in agreement, and his fingers efficiently unfastened her shorts to allow his hands access. Bracing himself over her, he caressed her gorgeous curves as he lowered the material and pulled it off. He ran his palms along the endless length of her legs, and placed branding kisses on each, marking them as his.

He came back up to the inside of her thighs and his eyes clouded with burning desire. He outlined the white lace panty before slipping his fingers under the soft garment to the curls nestled within. Gently he eased the lace down her legs.

He paused. “Do you know what you do to me?”

Athena pulled his face back to hers and kissed him as her hands moved down to the button of his jeans. Her fingers trembled as she ran her hands inside the back of his jeans pushing them off.

“I hope I do to you what you do to me.”

Alexandros ached to immerse himself in her space. He remembered thinking he could put off claiming her as his until the time was right. The time was irrelevant; what was happening here and now was right. Feeling the passion in her touch, hearing it in her voice, and seeing it blaze in her eyes, he knew he was finished waiting. This was it. The moment he’d been waiting for. She was showing him how much she wanted him.

Settling himself between her heavenly thighs, he carefully raised her to him and prepared to join his body and soul with his
. He enjoyed the taste of her lips in an endless kiss and his eyes held hers, savoring the moment of tenderness preceding their physical union.

She was his, now, today, and tomorrow and
. Forever.

A small, pained moan escaped her mouth as he entered her, and he stilled, terrified he’d hurt her. Searching her face for an indication of her desires, he read her fear, but no hesitation. She was giving herself to him, and he would never let her go. She was his completion.

“Alexandros,” she mumbled sensually, pleading with him not to stop.

He carefully adjusted her hips and made slow gentle love to her, devotedly taking her into an abyss she had never known.

Tenderly, he tried to soothe the pain and turn it to ecstasy. He moved just a little closer to the edge of the cliff each time he moved into her core. Determined to make her first time blissful, he slowly encouraged her body’s surrender to the intense pleasure. When he felt her wrap still tighter around him, her body calling out to his, he joined her, releasing himself deep within her.

He dropped his face into her hair and covered her body with the protection he had promised. She was the missing piece of the puzzle from his life, and now that he’d found her, he wasn’t going to let her go. He would make her happy. He’d earn her love—regardless of how much more patience he’d need.

She tried to talk, but he silenced her lips with his. One way or another, he’d show her she was his. To have. To protect. To love.

It was his last thought before the movement of the sea lulled them both to sleep, still entangled in their passionate embrace.


Athena awoke to the soft touch of his lips on her eyelids.
“Agape mou
, we’re back in port and we have two hours before the party.” He bent, kissing her sleepy lips. They’d missed the scuba diving.

“I...I slept.” She hesitated opening her eyes.

“You needed it,” he insisted. “The fresh air and water are very tiring, and you’re still recovering from yesterday in Athens. We’ve had a pretty active day.”

Raising teasing eyes, he kissed her open palm, and intensely met her gaze. She recalled the afternoon she had just shared with him and her cheeks burned, while she drew an image of herself with cheeks of red peppers in her mind.

He continued, “You’re more of a hooligan than you appear to be.”

She raised a brow in question.

“You broke your rule, and now you are romantically involved with a Greek, a very fortunate one, dare I point out, on your summer vacation.”

She froze, felt the blood drain from her face. What had she done? How had she let this happen? She was supposed to be in control. She cursed softly under her breath.

He was still talking, “and as I warned you yesterday, I’m very difficult to shake off.” He kissed her trembling mouth and pulled her into him.

You will not be when you find out this is the extent of my sexual experience. Then you will forget my name.

Her body fought her mind, but her mind prevailed. She jumped out of bed, and began to search for her clothes.

“Let’s get back to your family before they start having inappropriate thoughts.”

“I think they are very appropriate. You cannot hide something like this from people who love you.” Coming to stand beside her, he took her shoulders, and said, “Remember, I want you proud to be with me.”

Tears welled behind her eyes and she lowered them. “I don’t think this was a good idea, Alexandros.”

He looked as if she had just slapped him.

“I mean, I’m not very good at this, and I don’t know what to do or how to act.”

“You’re doing just fine. What do you mean how to act?” He wasn’t letting her sulk into her own thoughts.

“Alexandros, you’re the first man I’ve ever been wi—”

He silenced her, placing a strong finger on her swollen lips. “Yes, I know, and I cherish the gift you have bestowed on me with all my heart. No one can predict what tomorrow brings, but as for today, you are here, with me, right now.” A territorial light burned in his eyes.

She looked away. One could not predict tomorrow, but one could prepare for the worst-case scenario.

“Don’t ask me to leave, and do not worry about inexperience
. Agape mou
, I swear, what we share is not common. Our passion and chemistry is not something learned from experience. We either have it, or we do not. We do, and we will learn the rest together.”

She stared at him and wondered what he had to

He laughed. “I won’t pretend to be innocent, but we will discover together what we want from each other. I think we are doing very well for beginners.”

“I don’t want any misunderstandings. I can’t ruin my relationship with the family.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

“Thee mou
!” He looked angry. “Why can’t you just trust what we have? What do you think I will do?” His gaze narrowed. “Do you think I’m a callous monster? That I do not have a heart?”

Athena turned her back to him and attempted to dress. She didn’t know how to respond.

“Don’t pull away from me,
agape mou
. I’m not going to lose you, not now. I know you feel the same way I do. You felt it the very first time we met, just as I did. I’ll fight for you.”

He turned her to look straight into her eyes and adjusted his tone. “I don’t want to hurt or shame you, but do not dare ask me to act as if this never happened. We have no one but ourselves to answer to on this matter.”

She kept watching his lips move. Tearing apart inside, she ached for him to hold her together. He did.

“Knowing that no other man has been where I have makes me treasure what we have more. I want to keep you closer to me. I want you so much. I cannot walk away. No sane man could leave you after making love the way we did. The way we do.”

He guided her back onto the bed and sealed her mouth with his. She did not resist him. She could not. She arched her body to accept him and he entered where no other man had been. He possessed her body and heart, sending her quickly spiraling.

He was not gentle, nor was he was slow. He took her with raw, vulnerable passion, challenging her to send him away.

Just before they both climaxed, he asked, “Why would you deny us?”

She cried out as waves of pleasure washed over her trembling form.

When the waves subsided, she looked into his eyes, and saw her soul. She decided to put her fears aside. “I will risk my heart too.”

He didn’t respond. But before returning to the house, they made love again, this time, soft and tender.


They arrived at
with little time to spare before the party. They discreetly rushed up the stairs and into their respective rooms through the veranda doors. Athena bathed, did her hair, and was stepping into a strapless blue dress when he entered her room.

“Just in time to help,” she said, offering her back to be zippered. Her inhibitions had faded. She’d made the decision to trust, and now she allowed herself the comfortable intimacy between them. She gave herself to the feelings that swelled in her chest. Her heart beat a little faster as she anticipated his touch.

His fresh masculine scent surrounded her as he approached and fitted his hips against her buttocks, and then dropped his shoulders so that his arms could encircle her middle. She loved the feel of his body on hers.

“Maybe we should skip the party,” he said, snuggling into the crook of her neck “We can make our own here.” Alexandros brushed his lips over her bare shoulders. “They won’t miss us. It’s just a big family barbecue,” he rationalized.

She was in the arms of the most entrancing man she had ever met. His breath caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand and heat to spread into her abdomen, igniting something new. Desire, hunger, fear… love?

Realizing she was his, that she had given herself completely to him, she felt vulnerable, exposed, and truly ecstatic to be his. Pulling away, she laughed and reached for her stiletto sandals.

“A bit of lipstick and I’ll be ready,” she called heading for the bathroom.

When she returned, she saw his eyes full of adoration.

“It takes most women hours to look half as beautiful as you do in only a few minutes,” he complimented.

Alexandros tenderly kissed her bronzed cheek, interlaced her arm through his, and led her to the waiting car. They drove to the Strintzaris inland estate.





Chapter Eighteen



They walked through the domed entrance into the traditionally decorated living room, observing the crowd that buzzed throughout the illuminated villa. The mass of people gradually moved towards the terrace, kissing everyone in greeting on the way.

Lanterns twinkled atop white tablecloths, welcoming young and old to feast on the spread of
that adorned the tables. The guests talked loudly, laughter filling the night air. They clinked glasses of
, white wine from grapes picked before dawn, and red
. The dance floor was already starting to fill with the enthusiastic family members.

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