The Greek Rule (The Greek Series) (13 page)

BOOK: The Greek Rule (The Greek Series)
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Heather merely smiled. “Listen, just go have a good time and keep your mind open. Let your heart guide you, and perhaps you’ll be surprised. It is so obvious to everyone but you. Baba says that was how Mama was when he first met her.”

“You’ve discussed this with your in-laws?” Athena rubbed her neck within an inch of scarring it with burn marks. “Heather, how could you do that?”

have not said a word. They are the ones who think it is so natural to discuss their son’s love life. To be honest with you, I agree with them.”

Athena stared blankly at her best friend. She and Alexandros were a topic of discussion for his parents. How could she possibly face them and share in her best friend’s life if they thought she had had a week’s tryst with their oldest son? Athena would lose respect in their eyes. How could they share a Christmas, perhaps the births of Heather’s children, the christenings, and a casual Easter barbecue?

“All right, forget what I think.” Heather raised her hand and smoothed the worry lines above Athena’s brow. Standing from the bed and bending to kiss Athena’s cheek, she added some soft and reassuring words. “Just be a little more open-minded and let nature take its course. I’m sure Alexandros will make you see the truth.”

“And the truth is
has no interest in a long-term relationship.” Hands fisted tight against her thighs, Athena took an offensive stance. “
is very happy with his single status, and
are simply going to have a good time without letting it all get too physical.”

“Are you ready to go,
agape mou
? Athens is waiting for us.
Ante, koukla mou
.” Alexandros called from downstairs and interrupted Athena’s explanation. His masculine voice sent goose bumps to Athena’s flesh.

Heather giggled. “Yeah sure,
koukla mou
, his doll
, agape mou
, his love. You’ve really convinced me now,” she said, using her fingers to make the little quotation marks. “Lets go, Athens is waiting for
, goose bump lady.”

“Got to go, darling. See you later.” Athena smiled and smacked her friend’s shoulder. “
will bring
for dessert tonight.”

“Tonight? Maybe you two will
dessert and not come back till the morning?” Heather whispered as the pair walked towards the stairs landing.

“Not too physical, remember? Thanks to you, I need to face the family after this week is over.” Caution flared in Athena’s eyes.

“You mean
this is over in a week.”

Heather kissed her friend goodbye and skipped down the stairs to Alexandros, kissing him as well.

Gia sas
! Have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Heather waved over her shoulder and walked away.

“What is that all about?” Alexandros asked, placing his hand on the small of Athena’s back and leading her toward the helicopter pad.

“Nothing much. She has pre-wedding giggles and all that.”

“I’m glad she’s happy. My brother is very blessed to have her. I like her so much more every time I see her. She is a Strintzaris already.”

Looking into his eyes, Athena caught a glimmer of something that was not there before, a combination of warmth, possession and belonging. He turned toward the helicopter and guided her to lower her head and get closer. She must have imagined what she saw, a likely side effect of Heather’s giddy musings.





Chapter Fourteen



Leaning across her body, Alexandros tugged at Athena’s safety belt. His proximity and masculine presence immediately made her nipples harden. Completing the belt check, he sat back and his upper arm brushed against her heaving chest. The contact caused a ripple of sensation to race through her body and a small moan to escape her lips.

“You’re not nervous to fly, are you?”
His gaze locked on hers, and she thought she’d go cross-eyed watching his lips touch her nose. He then took her hand in his and held it reassuringly.

She shook her head side to side, but held tight to his hand anyway. His fingers stroked her knuckles, and she decided to let things take their course as Heather had suggested. She smiled at him, and he leaned in to give her a soft, but sensual kiss.

The blades accelerated and the helicopter lifted from the ground. He intensified the kiss, letting his tongue trail her needy lips. She was consumed by the desire to taste him as his other hand came in front and cupped her face.

“I look forward to spending the day with you.” He spoke softly as he stroked her cheek. “We need time to ourselves, away from the family, away from all the wedding preparations, and away from Santorini.”

“Speaking of which, Santorini is very beautiful from the air. The colors of the sea, the cliffs, and the beaches are amazing. The volcano in the middle looks like it is standing guard over the harbor.” She gazed out the window, amazed at the natural beauty that emanated such power and awe.

“Tomorrow we can sail to the volcano if you would like. Have you ever walked on a live volcano?”

“We could do that?” She sat at attention, shaking her leg up and down in a quick rhythm. Squeezing his hand, she nodded enthusiastically and said, “I’d like it very much. Maybe we’ll catch a glimpse of the lost land of Atlantis on the way. You know, that’s what we learned in school. Atlantis is buried in the waters around Santorini.”

“They’ve found ruins of a city below the water. If you want, we can do some diving as well. It’s really a sight to see. The first time I saw the sun reflect off the columns, the fish swim around them…I cannot describe it. You need to see it for yourself.”

She hesitated. “I’ve never been scuba diving. Can we see the ruins if we snorkel?”

“On a calm sea, we can. However, it’s better if we go under.” His cell phone rang and he quickly pulled it from his pocket to check the number. “I’m sorry,
agape mou
. I need to take this.”

She nodded and smiled, letting him pull her close, and settling against him for the rest of the ride.

They sat close, arms and fingers entwined, and Athena allowed herself to thoroughly enjoy the scenic flight over the Greek islands. It was a magical flight, the sheer majesty of the rocky islands rising from the azure waters of the Mediterranean, nearly took her breath away. She was further enthralled by a group of spotted dolphins playing in a ferry’s wake.

Approximately twenty minutes into the ride, Alexandros finished his business call. He asked the pilot to slow and hover over the canal between the mainland and the former southern part of the mainland, Peloponnesus.

“Look, there’s a cruise ship crossing the Isthmus of Corinthos.” Alexandros pointed to the precise cut in the land. “The ship is pretty large and probably had to time the crossing with high tide. The yellow bumpers are barely clearing the sides.”

“Wow, it’s amazing how the little tug boat can pull that big ship.” Indicating the tiny boat, Athena looked to Alexandros for more explanations.

“Yes. Those tugs are great. When we come into port in shallow harbors, or it is difficult to maneuver within, we always use the tugs to pull us into the harbor, and then later, back out to sea. You’ll see the Argyris III within a few minutes. It’s docked and unloading in Elefsina.”

“I’ll have a few words with the captain, then give you a quick tour.” Alexandros gathered his briefcase as he spoke. “I’d like to get to Athens before two o’clock so that we can pick up the gift and have the rest of the day to ourselves.”

They watched the rugged coast of the mainland as the helicopter made its way over the emerald blue sea toward the Argyris III. Elefsina had been a commercial port for over three thousand years, and the neighboring towns produced some of the best naval officers in the world. Now, various freighters and tankers dotted the waters, attesting to the port’s continued importance.

Argyris III came into view, and the helicopter landed on the port’s helipad.

Embarking onto the ship, Athena wondered in awe over its enormity. Huge cranes at the front unloaded boxes like huge presents onto the dock. Alexandros explained that the ship was a general cargo vessel returning from Japan, and was transporting automobiles in the containers on deck. Various types of electrical goods were contained in the hull.

Unfortunately, the ship had encountered rough seas on the voyage. He wanted to inspect the damage himself before Argyris III headed to Skaramangas Shipyards, near Athens, for general inspection and repairs.

The ship’s officers lined up to receive them.

“Welcome aboard,” said a very handsome, fifty-something Captain Karavokiris. He extended his hand to Alexandros. “We’re very pleased that you were able to make it, Mr. Strintzaris. Allow us to offer you and your guest some refreshments.”

The captain led the couple below the bridge and down two narrow flights of stairs into the Officers’ Dining Room. A simple assortment of snacks and drinks filled a long table. Alexandros sat at the head of a clothed table and Athena was placed to his right. The captain sat on Alexandros’ left, and introductions were made for her benefit. After drinks were served, Captain Karavokiris requested his briefcase be brought to the table.

The Captain reviewed the ship’s timeline with Alexandros and reassured him that Argyris III would be back in dock four days before her next scheduled voyage. Alexandros concentrated on the reports of damage the ship had sustained.

“Miss Lakis, perhaps you would like to join us and tour Argyris III at the same time?” the captain suggested when Alexandros finished examining the reports.

She nodded, and they set out for a visual inspection of the physical damage.

Athena followed the men up to the bridge. The captain continued to inform Alexandros of the ship’s status as they entered.

“As you were able to ascertain from the reports, the
, the bridge, shows no evidence of a difficult crossing. All the navigational equipment is intact. The monitoring gauges show no mechanical or engine damage. The only damage that we are currently aware of is on the port side. The railings and the hinges that support the lifeboats will need to be repaired, as well as two of the portholes on deck four. I am proud to say that she is a strong ship, and no one would guess what she has been through the past two weeks.”

, very nice to hear,” Alexandros said. “Honestly, Captain, I expect nothing less of her when she has someone like you at the helm. It is a reflection of your ability and great competence that the ship runs as well as she does. I’ll be in contact with you as she enters Skaramangas and again as she is ready to depart. We’ve taken enough of your valuable time for now. I will tour the remaining damage on my own. Thank you.”

“As you wish, sir. It’s a pleasure and an honor to captain one of your vessels, Mr. Strintzaris. I’ll be sure to present all the repair reports to you myself, if you will be available, when they are complete?”

“I will. Thank you, again.” Alexandros shook the man’s hand and turned to Athena. “I think we can manage the rest on our own.”

“Thank you for your gracious hospitality. It was a pleasure meeting you,” Athena said, accepting the captain’s hand.

“The pleasure was mine
, Kyria
.” The captain lifted her hand to his lips.

That was a first. Nobody had called her ‘kyria’ before.


Why not miss or
?” she asked Alexandros as they walked on the deck, inspecting the damaged railings.

“Because, he is a smart man, and he knows you’re not an available
” Taking her hand in his, he smiled at her as they descended the stairs. “Stop analyzing every little word,
koukla mou
. It’s the book that you need to concern yourself with.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means we are each authors of our own books or artists of our own frescoes. Concern yourself with the emotions the painting on the wall invokes, not just a single brush stroke.” He shrugged his shoulders in a typically Greek way and flashed a wicked smile.

She couldn’t help but return the gesture, and formed her lips into a playful smirk. “I didn’t know you had such a poetic way of expressing your thoughts.”

Alexandros released her hand and pressed his lips against her ear. A glimmer of mischief in his eyes as he kept her waiting for a response.

“There are many things about me you don’t know, and you need to learn,” he whispered, entwining his fingers in her hair and bringing his mouth down on hers. His heated lips applied pressure, his tongue skimmed over her teeth, and then he delved deliciously deeper. A small moan escaped her.


“Unfortunately, this isn’t the right place or time to acquire that knowledge.” Pulling away, he laughed lightly. “Come on,
we need to stop on deck four for the damaged portholes, and then we’ll finish above deck so we can go.”

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