The Glass Knot-mmf (22 page)

Read The Glass Knot-mmf Online

Authors: Lily Harlem

Tags: #mm, #gay, #menage, #mmf, #TABLET

BOOK: The Glass Knot-mmf
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Josh pulled out and gently released my nape.

yes, so good,” he groaned.

tore open my eyes to see him jerking his dick, hard and fast, directing the
slit at my breasts.

stopped his powerful driving strokes and withdrew from my pussy. “Holy shit,”
he hissed, rearing up between my legs, grabbing his cock and fisting it to the
same wild tempo as Josh was.

scrabbled for my clit and gripped my breast.

coming,” Josh groaned, his head hanging down, watching his own busy hand. His
flopped hair jerked with each of his frantic movements.

ah, ah,” Nick shouted over the rough sound of flesh on flesh.

tight, hard climax besieged me, and I struggled to keep my eyes open as it
shook my body. But I didn’t want to miss Josh and Nick coming—coming on

my pussy convulsed, long jets of cum shot from Josh’s cock, splattering onto my
breasts and sternum. It was warm and thick, and watching his ruby red slit expand
and contract as he came was amazing.

looks fucking incredible,” Nick cried, through gritted teeth. His cock burst
out his release. His slit also pumping seed onto me. His fist worked harder,
faster. The intensity of his movements held no finesse, it was all about pleasure.
More pearly strings of semen spurted forth, landing on my stomach and flooding
the indentation of my navel. “Oh, yes, yes…” he groaned.

released his cock, pitched forward and grabbed Nick cheeks between his palms, kissed
him with a breathless, wild urgency that elicited long moans and breathy groans
from both of them.

lay panting, my body both weak and stimulated from the force of my string of
orgasms. Watching them kiss, the hunger they felt for one another and the hunger
they clearly felt for me, made the moment one of the most special of my life. I
rubbed my hands over the warm, tacky moisture on my breasts and stomach and
inhaled its salty scent.

claimed me, marked me. I was happy to be theirs.

Chapter Thirteen


spent the night locked in one another’s arms. Delighting in the all the new
ways of giving and receiving pleasure. Nick didn’t breach my anus again even
when I bent over the end of the sofa and let him take me from behind. It was as
though he knew he’d made me a little tender, a little sore.

slept late the next morning, and when I awoke, alone, the sun was slicing
through a crack in the bedroom curtains and the smell of coffee wafted up from

the power is back on.

jumping through the shower I pulled on jeans and a t-shirt and went in search
of my men.

beautiful,” Josh said as I stepped into the kitchen.

was sitting at the island, big red mug of steaming liquid in his hand and the
newspaper spread before him.

I said, walking up to him and pressing a kiss onto his cheek. “You feeling all

from being totally knackered because two insatiable sex fiends kept me up most
of the night, yeah, I’m fine.” He gave a cheeky smile, and his eyes sparkled.
“I’m not complaining, though. It was something else.”

bubble of delight grew in my stomach, memories and sensations rushing back to

baby,” Nick said, looking over from where he was stirring something on the Aga.
“We got you something.”

did? I hope it’s loaded with caffeine.” I glanced at the coffee pot.

but I think you’ll like it anyway. Go look in the second barn.”

tipped my head, confused. “The hay barn?”

the other one,” Josh said. “Its unlocked.”

grinned broadly. “Go, your shoes are just there.” He pointed to the mat by the
kitchen door.

I said slowly and suspiciously.

are they up to?

let myself out the door and allowed the warm summer’s day to wrap around me.
The scent from the flowerbeds was heady, and the cat was sprawled on top of the
patio table, soaking up the rays.

along the orchard path, I thought how lovely it was to wake up in the
countryside rather than the city. Everything was so much more at harmony here,
relaxed. Or maybe that was just the way Josh’s and Nick’s affections made me

came to the smaller door at the back of the barn, pushed down the handle and went
in. The air was still, the vacuous space silent.

there would be flowers waiting for me, or a huge box of chocolates. I was sure
both guys had romantic tendencies.

I saw had my breath hitching and my gut clenching.

what I expected.

between Josh’s Subaru and Nick’s Bentley was a bright red, convertible Mini
Cooper all shiny and squeaky clean. The roof was down showing off a coal-black
leather interior. There was a big bow on the steering wheel. Attached to the
bow was a piece of card.

walked over to it.

Laura, with love from J and N xx

tight knot of anger twisted my stomach. It was crazy to buy me something so
expensive. Not only that, I couldn’t accept such a lavish gift. It just wasn’t

slammed the barn door and stalked down the path, barged into the kitchen. Each
step I took drew that angry knot tighter.

you like it?” Nick asked.

absolutely beautiful but—”

buts,” Josh interrupted, holding up his hands and putting a stern look on his
face. “You can’t possibly drive that death trap, what do you call it, Dumbo,
another day. I won’t have it. I see far too much carnage on the roads, people
driving cars that should have been scrapped years ago. I won’t have the same
thing happen to you.”

I’ve had that car since I learned to drive, Mum bought it for me.” I put my
hands on my hips. I wouldn’t be moved on this.

she’d thank us for changing it,” Nick said, his voice no-nonsense as he folded
his arms over his chest.

pursed my lips.

organize for your old one to be collected for scrap.” Josh pushed a set of keys
toward me. “But from now on, you’ll drive the Mini.”

dare he tell me what to do?

fierce shard of independence sliced through me. “Well, no I—”

this is sorted too,” Nick said, unfolding his arms and reaching onto the


held up my gray leather purse and raised his eyebrows.

stared at it. “What, what do you mean?”

sorted, gone, end of. You don’t need to worry about those credit cards any
more. We’ve sent checks to your bank to pay them all off.”

tried to speak but words wouldn’t form. My head spun, my limbs tingled. A
burning wave of heat seared up my back and around my chest.

okay,” Nick said. “I wrote your account number on the back of the checks and
gave them your address, the woman on the phone said that would be enough to
make sure they went through.”

dare they?

Josh said. “You can just relax now, no more worries.”

smiled, but for once his smile didn’t send my heart skittering with affection
or my hormones rampaging with lust. No, now his smile had fury pouring into my
veins and my heart beating angrily.

my fists, I dragged in a deep breath. Willed some sense of rationality into my
brain—none came.

was too damn mad.

the matter?” Nick asked with a worried frown.

a car,” I managed through gritted teeth. “Then you go into my private, personal
finances and settle my credit cards. What the hell do you
is the
matter with me?”

smiled dropped. “We thought you’d be pleased. All that financial worry is gone
now. And the car is super cool. You’re going to look great whizzing around
Little Mickleton in it.”

glared at him as I stalked over to Nick and grabbed my purse. “That’s not going
to happen. I won’t be driving the damn car.”

Nick said, reaching for my arm. “What’s made you like this?”

dodged him. “What’s made me like this? The fact you even have to ask proves my
point.” I was shouting now. I couldn’t help it.

stood and stepped toward me, arms outstretched.

up my palm, I backed away, toward the door. “Don’t touch me. Leave me alone.”

have we done so wrong?” Josh asked, his beautiful face twisting with distress.

may have given my body to you both.” And my heart, I added silently. “But you
can’t buy me—”

is the most ridiculous thing in the world to say,” Nick said, loud and
disbelieving. “We’re not buying you. We’re simply taking care of you.”

I have news for you. I don’t need taking care of. I’ve been managing on my own
just fine for years.” My eyes nipped; tears were forming. “Ever since Mum died
it’s been just me. I rely on me. That way I don’t get let down the way she did
by my father.”

here,” Josh said, stepping quickly up to me and encasing me in his arms.

I shoved him away with a strength I surprised myself with. “I don’t want this,
get off.” I turned and ran from the room.

Josh called.

her to calm down,” Nick said.

down. I would never calm down.


took me all of two minutes to grab my stuff and slam out of the front door. It
occurred to me this was the second time I was fleeing Barn View, though now I didn’t
give a damn about how much noise I made. I just had to get out of there and
away from the two men who’d pushed me a step too far. No, make that a giant
leap too far.

stalked down the front path, banged the garden gate shut and marched down the
lane toward the High Street. I‘d noticed a bus shelter the other day. I could
only hope there was a regular service on a weekday that would take me to
Gloucester or some other big town. That way I could catch a train back to

I stomped along, thoughts and emotions spun in my head like a tangled web.
Everything had been so perfect when I’d woken up. Two gorgeous men who’d won my
heart had awaited me downstairs. My adored body was sated and replete, and the
fresh air of the countryside and the calmness of the cottage had filled my soul
with contentment.

quickly life has changed.

is exactly why I was so furious. What happened if Nick and Josh decided they no
longer wanted me? Would they take the car back? If they did I would have no
transport. Would they demand a refund on the nine thousand pounds they’d just paid
my credit cards off with? I didn’t have that sort of money and I would rather
owe the banks than them. It was uncomplicated that way; I wasn’t having wild
sex with the bank.

hearing a familiar meaty growl, I glanced over my shoulder. The nose of Josh’s
bright blue Subaru appeared around the corner.

I hid behind the trunk of an old oak tree. I didn’t want to see or speak to him.
I just wanted to get home.

roar of the engine filled the air as he got closer, the changing gears drowning
out the birds singing and the hum of a nearby lawn mower.

he whizzed noisily past I slid around the tree, gripping my bag so he wouldn’t
spot me in his rearview mirror. When he went out of sight I crossed the road
and jogged to the bus stop. Praying he wouldn’t come back while I had nothing
to hide behind.

* * * * *

time when I flopped onto my damp bed I didn’t care about the tacky moisture seeping
through my clothes. What did it matter? My tears were flowing so hard and fast
even if it had been dry it wouldn’t be for long. All the way home on the train I’d
held back the pain and the upset. I knew once I put physical reactions to my
emotions there would be no stopping me. And now, sobbing and wailing into my
pillow, I knew suppressing it had been the right thing to do, the only thing to

with Nick and Josh had been so perfect. I’d been living a dream, a fantasy. But
the trouble with dreams and fantasies was they weren’t real, they were just
pockets of time where illusions and impossible situations tempted you with
their delights. Teased you with what could be but never would be.

chest ached; it actually felt like I’d broken something within it. Never before
had I experienced such a ripping sensation. None of the losers who I’d thought
had broken my heart had ever created such a feeling of desperation in my soul.
I felt like a planet knocked off course and I was spinning through space, lost
and out of control.

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