The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson) (9 page)

BOOK: The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson)
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“Riley, could you please come to my office immediately.” Veronica’s voice filled his small office. He’d successfully dodged her all weekend, but he knew he couldn’t avoid her forever. 

He checked his cell phone, hoping he’d somehow missed a call from Ali. Nothing.

With a resigned sigh, he tried her again. Voicemail. This time he actually left a message. “Hey Ali. It’s Riley. Look, I know what you saw on my phone the other morning. I swear it’s not what you think. Please just call me so we can talk.” He ended the call and rubbed his hand across his forehead.

Then he proceeded to Veronica’s office. “You summoned me?” he asked in what he hoped sounded like a playful tone when in reality he was being sarcastic.

“Yes. Please, close the door behind you.”

Riley gave her a look like,

“And lock it.”

Shit. This was it. It was the moment Riley knew was coming. He and Veronica had teased about it after dinner at Veronica’s place. After that night in the limo.

Riley was no fool, and the way Ali had him all bent out of shape, he knew damn well what he was going to do.

Like an obedient servant, he closed and locked the door before crossing the room. Sitting on the corner of her desk was a condom. He momentarily closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. He’d been suffering from blue balls since yesterday morning when he got out of the shower with a hard on and Ali was gone. If Veronica wanted to be punished, then she was going to get what she’d been asking for.

Veronica stood and came around to the front of the desk. Neither of them spoke. There was no need. They both knew exactly what to do. They’d been doing this same dance for a couple of weeks now. She’d call him into her office. They’d circle each other. Riley would tease her hair, brush his fingers across her face while she sat there batting her eyelashes at him, just begging Riley to do what he said he wanted to.

But he wasn’t stupid. This was all about her. It had nothing to do with him, and if this arrangement had begun before he’d met Ali, it would have been a dream come true.

But, Ali. He couldn’t escape her even in moments like this when Veronica was such a gorgeous piece of ass. If he followed through with what he was thinking, he knew he’d have regrets. He also knew himself better than anyone else. He knew he couldn’t say no any longer.

She smiled at him, walking her fingers up his chest. “Where were you all weekend? I tried calling several times.”

“I was busy,” he said, crossing his arms.

She frowned. “Someone’s in a grumpy mood.” Veronica reached for his zipper. “Why don’t you let me help you perk up a bit, hmm.” She licked her lips.

Riley stood there and allowed her to undo his pants and free his cock. She wrapped her hand around his shaft, giving it a hard squeeze before stroking it several times. He groaned and his hips lurched forward.
I need to get laid
, he told himself over and over again.
This is just physical. I only need to blow my wad and then I’ll feel better.

He grabbed her hips and spun her around so her stomach was on the desk. She responded to his aggressive moves, letting him know she was enjoying it. Then he lifted her skirt and tore her panties off. He didn’t give a shit that he’d just ruined them. She could buy more. Right now he just wanted to get in, get off, and get the hell out of here. Snatching the condom, he quickly put it on and then shoved into her. Hard enough that she let out a small scream.

“Remember Veronica, no noise,” he said, adjusting his hold on her hips and thrusting into her harder and harder.

Even though her office was far enough away from the main offices, Riley knew how vocal she could be during sex, and he didn’t need her screaming his name for everyone to hear. His day was shitty enough as it was. There was no reason to go and make it any worse by losing his job because his manipulative boss needed a good lay.

“Riley,” she moaned and reached between her legs, rubbing her clit.

Good. Maybe she’d orgasm faster that way. He shoved into her repeatedly, his balls smacking her ass each time he did. He grunted, unable to stop himself. Using his pent up frustration as a motivator, he grabbed harder, squeezed tighter and banged deeper. She did feel good, and he felt his balls getting heavier. Grabbing a handful of her hair, he yanked on it, bringing her up just enough to find her lips. He nipped at them, bit at them, licked over them, but never fully kissed her. Despite being a pretty good fuck, she was an awful kisser.

“Oh God, yeah.” Her voice was low against his mouth.

“This what you want, Veronica?” He plunged into her so hard and fast he actually managed to move the desk a fraction of an inch. “Hmm? You want my cock? Was this the fantasy you’ve been craving?”

“Yes,” she panted and begged for more.

He knew he was being a total ass, much rougher than necessary. But in all fairness, she liked it. And Riley didn’t give a shit. He knew she was nothing more than an easy lay. With each thrust, each slap across her ass and tug of her hair, Riley was trying to fuck the image of Ali’s soft, supple body from his mind, trying to rid his body of the feel of her, or the way she’d looked at him their last time together while he was making love to her.

“Fucking Christ,” he snarled, digging his fingers into Veronica’s hips as he pounded inside of her mercilessly. “That’s it, Veronica. Take my fucking cock. Take all of it.”

“I’m gonna come,” she said breathlessly as her pussy tightened around him, squeezing him tight.

His head fell back to his shoulders and he let his body take over. Forcing all thoughts from his mind, he succumbed to the orgasm building inside of him. The moment he felt Veronica’s release, he groaned and came with her. It wasn’t nearly as earth shattering as the orgasms he’d had with Ali but it was good enough to calm him. Maybe now he could think a bit more clearly and figure out a way to deal with Ali.

Pulling out of her, he sighed and removed the condom, dropping it into the waste basket. Veronica straightened and adjusted her skirt. She turned toward him with a smile, her eyes had that post coital haze to them. Ali’s eyes always had that quality, too, but Ali’s were much softer, innocent. God, he missed her!

Missed her? What the fuck was wrong with him? He had a willing lover standing in front of him, a lover who let him get nasty and freaky and rough whenever he wanted. Yet he was crying over a girl who’d walked out on him without so much as a note.

“I don’t like it when you ignore me, Riley. If I call, I expect you to answer,” she said, interrupting his thoughts.

He sighed and dragged a hand through his hair. “Look, Veronica. We have fun, but I’m not your personal sex toy. I have other things going on. You’ll just have to get used to that.”

She narrowed her eyes. “What other things?”

Riley scowled. He was not about to tell her he was chasing a girl who was giving him a run for his money, who was making him crazy with need, making him lose his fucking sanity and deviate from everything he had come to be when it came to women and relationships. “Look, like I said that night in the limo, you’re on my list. Just be happy that you’re even there.” He shrugged.

“You’re such an asshole.”

Riley smiled. “And in case you forget, you’ve been keeping me busy here at Amped. I’ve now got six projects that all need to be done ASAP.”

Veronica smiled. “Yes, you are correct there. But there’s always time for a little bit of fun, Riley.” She walked back around to her chair and sat. “I’ll send a car for you tonight. We’ll go out and I’ll help you . . . relax.” She winked.

“I can’t. I’m sorry.” 

“Tomorrow night then. Don’t make plans,” she said, an edge to her voice.

“Whatever,” he mumbled. Riley turned and walked out of her office. He would go out with Veronica tomorrow if there wasn’t a better option available. Like it or not, she was a welcomed distraction from Ali—even if it was only for a few moments.

What the hell was happening to him? He felt he was losing control, letting these women tell him where, when and how to live his life. It wasn’t how he lived. He called the shots. Not them. But, right now, Riley needed all the reprieve he could get. The demands from his job and the stress of juggling all his booty calls were getting the best of him and it needed to change, right now.



“Are you seriously drinking again?” Hilary asked.

Ali nodded and took another swig of vodka straight from the bottle. She winced at the burn as it slid down the back of her throat.

It was Thursday. Four full days since she’d learned the truth about her dad. Five days since her date with Riley. At this point, she wasn’t sure which upset her more: her lying father or her lying fuck buddy.

She took another drink. Riley was way more than a fuck buddy. Or she wanted him to be anyway.

Yup. Lack of Riley hurt worse right now than a lack of a biological father. Hard liquor was the only thing that could help her forget. She supposed she could call Riley and find solace in his bed, but doing so would be playing into this image of being something she wasn’t willing to be, and that was not what she wanted. She wasn’t going to be like her mother and let a guy screw around on her. She was stronger than that.

“Okay, that’s enough.” Hilary walked over and plucked the bottle from Ali’s hands. “I know you think your life sucks ass right now, but I tried to help you find a way to forget for a while. You refused to take it.”

“Hmmph.” Ali crossed her arms and looked away from Hilary. A lecture didn’t sound like a ball of fun right now.

“Clearly you still have unanswered questions and you’re not going to be happy to get them. So get your ass off this couch, drink a pot of coffee, take a shower and go talk to your mom. And don’t leave until you’re satisfied.”

Ali stared after Hilary as she went to the kitchen and dumped the remainder of the vodka down the sink.

“Hey, I paid good money for that!” Ali screamed, running toward the sink to stop her.

Hilary held up her hand and gave Ali the most stern look she’d ever seen.

As usual, Hilary was right and was the friend she needed right now. Alcohol wasn’t going to solve anything. It was only making Ali more depressed and angry at the world. Ali still had a ton of questions about her parents and her biological father. But more than anything, Ali needed to know for her own sake how her mom—or any woman for that matter—could idly sit back and know the man she loved was cheating. She needed to find out, hear it from her mom, before she could decide whether or not Riley was worth making amends with or not.

With a heavy sigh, Ali looked at her friend. “Start the coffee,” she grumbled and made her way toward the bathroom.


Two hours later, with a headache the size of Texas pushing behind her eyes, Ali pulled into her parents’ driveway. She turned off the engine and just sat staring at her childhood house for several minutes. When her gaze met the tire swing, she could remember smiling, telling her dad to push her, higher and higher daddy! She wondered how things had turned dark so quickly.

She’d called before leaving her apartment and made arrangements to talk to her mom again, alone. Getting out of the car, Ali made her way inside and found her mom in the kitchen.

She hugged Ali as soon as she entered. “I’m so glad you called, honey.”

Ali gave a tight smile and nodded. She could always count on her mom’s hugs to make her feel slightly better. “I assume you told Dad I know about . . . everything?”

“Yes.” Her mom took a step back, giving Ali the distance she needed. “He really wanted to be here today. He wants a chance to explain his side of things.”

Ali moved further into the kitchen and sat at the table. “I’m not sure there’s anything for him to explain. You cheated on him, and he stuck around to play Dad to a kid who wasn’t even his.” She shrugged. “And now he’s out cheating on you.”

“It’s not like that, Allison.” She moved to the stove and removed the kettle from it. “Would you like some tea?”

“No. I could go for some water though.” After her little drinking binge earlier this afternoon she was feeling slightly dehydrated, and her throat kind of burned. Tea was probably a better option to soothe her throat, but the idea of drinking something hot turned her stomach.

Her mom filled a glass with ice water and handed it to Ali before fixing herself a cup of tea. Joining Ali at the table, her mom was silent for a few moments, staring down at her teacup. “I’m not proud of what I did, Allison. I never wanted to cheat on your father. I loved him. And I still do.”

Ali snorted.
Yeah, right
. Whether she wanted to cheat on him or not, she had. And all her mom had to do was tell the dude no. It wasn’t that damn hard.

“It was a single moment of weakness. I never wanted to not tell you either.”

Ali rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

“It was a moment that never should’ve happened, but no matter what anyone says, I don’t regret it.” She reached over and placed her hand on top of Ali’s. “Because without it, I never would’ve had you.”

Ali jerked her head up to look at her mom who was smiling despite the tears filling her eyes. Maybe Ali was being too harsh. Maybe there really was a lot more to all of this than she could see or could ever truly understand.

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