The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson) (12 page)

BOOK: The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson)
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His hand left her breast and coursed down her stomach until he reached the waistband of her skirt. Hesitating for a brief moment, he opted to just lift it around her waist instead of losing the contact with her while she took it off. Bunching the material around her waist, he found the slick folds of her pussy. He circled her clit and slid two fingers deep inside of her. “You’re so wet, Ali,” he said, bringing his mouth down to her nipple.

She released him and propped herself up with both hands behind her. Her head fell back to her shoulders and her hips moved to meet his hand. He fingered her harder, the heel of his hand pressed firmly against her clit. This was what he needed: Ali at his mercy, her body ready for him, eager for his touch. The all too familiar, full body tingle returned with a vengeance. His nerve endings buzzed with unquenched desire, flaming with need.

“Riley,” she moaned, grinding on his hand.

“Fuck,” he muttered. The way she said his name drove him to the edge. Riley reclaimed her lips, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth as her pussy tightened around his fingers. “Feels good doesn’t it?” He used his free hand to work his pants down over his hips.

“Yes,” she gasped moments before she showered his hand with her orgasm.

He continued to stroke her inner walls, coaxing every last tremor from her body, as she clung to him. Sweat beaded his brow and his knees shook from the reality that he was finally back with Ali after a week of complete hell.

“You really want to do this here? Or can I take you to your room.” He grinned.

“My room,” she said, hopping off the counter.

Riley kicked off his shoes and his jeans. She removed her skit, leaving her just as naked as he was. God she was beautiful. He scooped her up into his arms, cradling her naked body to his chest, and then carried her into her room. He kicked the door shut behind him. Then he lay her down on the bed and leaned over to kiss her.

“You are so beautiful,” Riley said, admiring her body from where he knelt beside her on the bed.

The intensity of his gaze made Ali’s body warm from the inside out. She couldn’t believe Riley was here with her, his gloriously naked body hard and ready. No man had ever looked so good. “Come here,” she said, bringing his mouth down over hers. God, he was a fantastic kisser.

He nudged her legs apart with his knees and settled between them. The head of his cock poked at her entrance, teasing her, enticing her to take him. She rotated her hips and he pushed toward her, eliciting a cry of pleasure from her.

“Condom?” he asked, not leaving the warmth of her body.

“There.” Ali looked toward her nightstand. The feel of being with Riley was incredible and she wanted him more than ever.

“Good,” he said, taking her hands and pinning them to the mattress above her head after he slipped on the rubber sheath. Riley adjusted his hips and she could feel the head of his cock stretching her. Slowly. Gently. “Fuck, Ali, you feel like heaven,” he groaned, nipping at her neck and shoulder.

He wasn’t even all the way in her yet and she could already feel the tingles building in her body; she could see the edges of her vision blurring. It was the most incredible thing in the whole world. “Riley, please.”

His mouth crashed down over hers, kissing her with every ounce of desperation she felt for him, all the while thrusting into her. It was like the last time they were together—soft and loving. But there was also a severe undercurrent of frenzied need to his movements.

“Tell me what you want, baby.”

“I want to touch you,” she said.

He released her hands and she grabbed his ass, reveling in the feel of his muscles clenching beneath her hold as he pushed in and out of her. Riley put his hands on either side of her head and fucked her with hard, deep, controlled thrusts. Her breath came in short, rapid bursts as her orgasm built momentum. She could feel Riley’s cock getting larger with each thrust, pushing them both toward the cliff of pure physical bliss. Ali dug her fingers into his ass, her mouth nipping at his shoulder, crazy with the need to have him closer, deeper.

“Shit.” He grunted. “Come with me, baby,” he said, nipping erotically at her bottom lip. “I want to feel you. All of you. God. Please don’t make me stop.”

She answered by wrapping her legs around his waist and giving in to him; giving in to every desire she’d ever had.

Don’t make me stop
. Her body was a slave to his movements. For each downward push of his cock, she’d meet him with an upward surge of her hips. The pleasure was almost too much to bear. “It feels so good.”

“You feel so good.”

Her nails dug into his back as she climaxed hard and fast around him, screaming his name as if it were a lifesaving chant, and she clung to him just the same, too.

One more hard push and he came with her. The feel of him coming inside of her was indescribable. So hot and erotic, even through the thin latex. “God, damn,” he groaned before collapsing on top of her, his head buried in her neck, kissing her softly. “Are you going to make me leave now?”

Ali chuckled. “I don’t think I’d let you even if you tried.” She stroked his sweat-dampened hair, content to stay like this forever.

Riley laughed, and her heart soared. It’d been so long since she’d heard him laugh she’d forgotten how sexy and light it sounded. It was the church bells she’d been needing to hear all week. “This is hands down the best night I’ve had since the night in the hotel,” he said, adjusting his body so he was looking at her.

She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “Stay with me, Riley.”

He leaned down, slanted his lips over hers, and kissed her with a soft, needy, passion that made her mind spin and her body ready for him again. He brushed the hair from her forehead. “I’ll stay as long as you want me to.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask for forever, for a serious commitment, but she didn’t want to scare him off—especially considering she’d just gotten him back in her life. Good things come to those who wait, she reminded herself. One thing was for sure though: she was falling hard and uncontrollably for Riley Grayson.



Riley lay on his side, one hand tucked under the side of his face, the other draped over Ali’s waist. She lay facing him. “I can’t believe it’s Sunday afternoon already,” he said.

“I know.” She sighed. “I can’t believe classes start tomorrow.”

He smiled and pulled her closer, giving her lips a teasing kiss. He’d been here at her apartment, in her bed, since he’d found her at the bar Friday night. This was the longest amount of time he’d ever spent with a girl at one time. He’d enjoyed every single second of it, too. All the sex they’d had. The showers they’d taken together. The food they’d shared while still in bed.

He didn’t want to leave, but he knew he had to. She had to start the new semester of college tomorrow, and he had to return to work.

And Veronica. He was not looking forward to dealing with his horny boss. After the weekend he’d had here, he would rather lose his job then sleep with Veronica again.

Riley reached over and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “This has been an incredible weekend.” He took her chin into his hand and pulled her face toward him, his tongue parting her lips in a sweet kiss.

She smiled against his lips. “We should do it again sometime.”

Riley laughed. “Definitely.” And to his own surprise, he meant it.


Sitting in his studio at the Amped offices, Riley pulled out his cell phone and scrolled through his pictures until he found the one he’d taken of him and Ali. It was taken right after they’d had one of their most intense sessions of sex. Ali’s eyes were that dead sexy hazy green. Her brown hair was fanned out around her. Her cheeks were flushed a seductive shade of red, her lips were plump from his kisses. And he was right next to her, grinning like a kid who’d just lost his virginity. But that was what it felt like being with her. Always so exciting, genuine and warm.

He hadn’t seen her since leaving her apartment Sunday evening, which had been incredibly hard to do. She’d walked him to the elevator and he swore they spent almost half an hour just standing there kissing, refusing to let each other go.

It was now Friday. It’d been a full week since she’d let him back in her life, and he missed her like crazy. Between her classes and on-campus activities and his job they hadn’t been able to find time to get together.

All right, so that wasn’t the exact truth. Riley had been pulling back, trying to avoid her as much as possible without completely pushing her away.

It drove him mad the way he was so conflicted. When he wasn’t with her, he craved her more than anything. He had such severe physical reactions to being away from her he wondered if there really was something wrong with him. But then when he was with her, he was at such peace the world ceased to exist for him.

Unfortunately, being that close to her, letting her inside his heart like he had, for the first time in a long while allowing himself to be vulnerable, terrified him. And so he pulled away, thinking it was just too good to be true.

To make matters worse, he couldn’t stop undressing other women with his eyes. With each passing day, he told himself it would be okay for him to just pursue one girl, one night, that would be all. Ali would never know. She never had to find out. He just had to be with someone else who didn’t scare the shit out of him.

Despite his primal urges, he fought them off knowing that if she ever did find out, she would refuse to see him ever again. She’d walk out of his life so fucking fast he wouldn’t know what happened. But was he ready to make a commitment to just one girl? He wasn’t so sure he was.


Riley walked into the dive bar with Jackson, confident Ali would never catch him in a place like this. He was pretty sure she didn’t come here. It didn’t seem like her kind of place and it was something she had never mentioned.

Why he just didn’t agree to see her tonight was still plaguing him. He could’ve very easily have just gone to her apartment and spent the weekend with her again. Last weekend had been so fucking fabulous, which made it even more baffling to him why he didn’t go back. Truth be told, though, he was afraid he’d say more shit to her that he shouldn’t. Like how much he liked her, how she had this crazy effect on him, how he literally ached for her when they were apart. That was what women said and why he held such little respect for them, and there he was last weekend practically on his knees begging to be held.

No. He had to keep his distance for a while until he could get a grasp on his emotions. It wasn’t like he was completely avoiding her. They talked and texted every single day. She would always call in the evening and he’d become accustomed to listening to her talk about her day, her classes, the other students who annoyed her. And what was even more shocking was that he actually liked to listen to her talk. He loved hearing her stories and how she’d laugh about certain things. The thought of it now brought a smile to his face.

“C’mon.” Jackson nudged Riley and they headed toward the bar. “First round’s on me.”

Before they made it to the bar, Riley stopped cold, his heart skipped a beat in his chest, and his eyes widened. Ice coated his veins, and then a debilitating stab of pain shot through his body, almost brining him to his knees. There, in a corner booth, was Ali, getting cozy with another guy.

About the Author

After earning a master’s degree in secondary education from UNC, Elizabeth Nelson worked abroad teaching English, bar-tended at late night clubs in Chicago, and continues various philanthropy projects that focus on empowering women. But her love of writing never changed.

One Last Thing. . .

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The Games We Play
series will consist of five books in all. Each book will be approximately 30K words or 125 pages – A total of 625 pages.

The Games We Play
release schedule:

Book 1: October 15

Book 2: November 3

Book 3: November 21

Book 4: December 9

Book 5: December 29


Other Books by Elizabeth Nelson

Backstage Pass

Backstage Pass: VIP

Backstage Pass: All Access

Backstage Pass: Behind the Music

Backstage Pass: On Tour

Backstage Pass: Last Call


You Only Live Once 1

You Only Live Once 2

You Only Live Once 3

You Only Live Once 4

You Only Live Once 5


Curiosity Killed the Kat

The Game is On

A Date with the Devil


Forbidden Love

Other books

Wings of Glass by Holmes, Gina
Date for Murder by Louis Trimble