The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson)

BOOK: The Games We Play Vol. 3 (Riley Grayson)
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The Games We Play 3

A Riley Grayson Series


by Elizabeth Nelson

All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2014 Elizabeth Nelson


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the writer’s imagination and/or have been used fictitiously in such a fashion it is not meant to serve the reader as actual fact and should not be considered as actual fact. Any resemblance to actual events, or persons, living or dead, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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Ali had seen enough. She couldn’t believe her father was out with another woman. Kissing her and touching her in a sexually suggestive manner. She did everything in her power to not be seen and was successful. Then her brain came up with the question she didn’t actually want to ask herself.
Oh my God! Does Mom know?

The thought of her poor mom at home, alone, thinking Dad was working late or playing poker with his buddies when he was really out putting moves on some whore was enough to make Ali want to march inside and make a scene. But then she’d have to face him and she wasn’t ready for that. She didn’t know if she’d ever be ready for that. What would she say? She thought about digging out her cell phone and taking pictures for proof when she felt her arm being tugged. She flipped her head back around and was once again met by those gorgeous eyes.

“Ali?” Riley tugged on her hand, bringing her back to the present. “What do you mean you don’t think you can do this anymore?” Suddenly his tone had changed from one of caring to defensive. “I don’t know what I did, but—”

She shook her head and walked over to the wrought iron bench facing the ocean. She down on it and hung her head. There had to be something more to what she’d seen. She had to be missing something so that it made sense. Maybe she’d misinterpreted things. She started to doubt herself. He’d grabbed that woman’s ass. There was no way to misinterpret that! No man does that without wanting to get a little something more than a smile.

Riley crouched in front of her, his warm hands resting on her knees, but didn’t say anything.
God. Look at him. Just look at him. He has no idea how sexy he is with those caring eyes.
Having him look at her was almost enough to make her forget what she’d seen. Almost.

Ali knew she had to explain. “That man and woman who just went inside . . . He’s my dad. But that wasn’t my mom.” She looked back up to meet Riley’s gaze. His soft eyes stole her breath, and for a moment she believed that just staring into them would somehow make everything all better.
He can make me forget all my problems. Forget Pat. Forget my deceiving, cheating dad.
Maybe she could still do this. She could go forward with Riley, continue on with their amazing night. She couldn’t let her dad ruin her budding relationship. She wouldn’t allow it.

“Oh. Shit.” Riley’s eyes widened, then he furrowed his brow. “I’m so sorry, Ali.” He gave her knees a gentle squeeze. “Talk about a mood killer.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” She laughed bitterly.

“If you want to go home I’ll understand.”

Despite his smile, Ali could see the disappointment in his face. She knew she should go home and try to figure this out, talk to Hilary and make a game plan. She knew she should try to talk to her mom or maybe even Jada, but the longer she looked at Riley’s face, the less and less she wanted to deal with her family drama.

Riley was here, now. That was what was most important to Ali in this moment of pain, crisis, and uncertainty. Her family was important to her, sure, but she had to make the right choices for herself too. It wouldn’t be fair to Riley, who had put so much effort into tonight, to just leave him here, alone.

There was so much compassion in Riley’s gaze it stunned her into a deep silence. He exuded this strong, silent, bad boy persona. A ladies’ man. A true player. Ali was conflicted. She couldn’t deny her attraction to him but also wanted to hate him for being who he was—just like her father. But it was
he was that made him so damn attractive.

But in this moment, Ali saw past that. She saw into him, into the true Riley, the man she wanted to see. Like her, he only wanted to be accepted, to be an individual, carve his own path in life and make a name for himself. And if her instincts were right, he wanted to find someone who could love him for who he was without question.
I mean after all, isn’t that what we all want?

Deep down though, she wondered if he could ever be a one girl type of man. He was the kind of guy Hilary hooked up with, someone who didn’t have a single girlfriend. She’d heard stories about his type, yet her attraction only grew deeper the more they were together. She could change him, right?

Ali took a deep breath and smiled. “No.” She shook her head. She’d rallied in the cool ocean air. Her dad’s infidelity didn’t have to affect her own relationship with Riley. She was an adult and needed to decide which relationships were most important to her now. “No, I don’t want to go home.” She stood, and so did Riley. Stepping into his arms, she pressed her body to his. “I want to spend the night with you,” she whispered, a second before his lips crushed down over hers. Riley was lucky; Ali’s disappointment in her father only made her want to find comfort and love in him. He was all she needed tonight.

No matter how many times they kissed, it always surprised her the way her body reacted. Vibrations of desire strummed through her, igniting her, making her burn for more and more of him and his touch. “Riley,” she muttered against his lips.

His only response was to deepen the kiss, to drive her closer and closer to the edge of pure, sexual insanity. They held each other tightly, Ali finding peace and refuge in his arms. They stood there, passionately kissing with the waves crashing on the beach. Did he realize the power he had over her? Did he know just how far she was willing to go for him?

With a snarl-like sound, Riley tore away from their kiss. He grabbed her hand and dragged her toward the car. “If we don’t leave right now, I’m going to fuck you on that bench and I don’t give a shit who sees.”

Ali laughed and goosebumps grew on her arms. She loved how he dictated the situation and made everything seem so urgent.

“Oh, you think this is funny?” Riley spun around to face her, a playful smile on his face. He took her hand and placed it on his crotch, which bulged with his erection. “I’m ready to explode.”

With a seductive grin, she massaged him through his pants. He inhaled sharply, his eyes darkening, and he pushed his hips forward just a little, enough to press himself into Ali’s hand. When she squeezed, he groaned. Seeing his reaction to her touch made her wet, made her clit throb with need. Riley was the hottest man she’d ever seen and she still couldn’t believe he would go for someone like her.

“I have always wanted to have sex on the beach,” she teased, tossing a look over her shoulder at the bench.

Riley’s nostrils flared. “Get in the damn car, Ali.” His voice was strained but he didn’t make any move to pull away from her.

Ali’s body screamed for him with every demand and aggressive move he made. She continued to massage him while she traced his lips with her tongue. What she was doing to him right now, teasing him in the middle of the restaurant’s parking lot, was like poking an angry bear on its territory. She really should stop, but some part of her was secretly hoping her father would see her here, with Riley. He would be so angry. It would be the ultimate payback for what he was doing to Mom.

God she loved how hard he was, how much he seemed to be enjoying her touch. Even if this was only physical, Ali’s body was responding in very positive ways. She just wasn’t entirely sure she should put her head into the game, at least not yet. Especially after what she witnessed tonight. No, tonight she would only play, with no expectations for what tomorrow might bring.

He nipped at her tongue and then sucked it into his mouth, engaging her in a much too passionate kiss that left her gasping for breath. “Keep it up,” he whispered, his forehead resting on hers, “and I’m going to come in my pants. Now, please, for the love of God, get in the car. I can’t take much more.”

Yet he still didn’t even so much as twitch in an attempt to get away from her, to step away from her touch. All he had to do was move and she’d follow, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop touching him. Partly because she liked it. A lot. But also because she was afraid if she stopped the night would end and she would wake up and realize it had been nothing but a dream.

He let out a low moan and once again crushed his mouth to hers, claiming her lips in a deep, dominant, breath-stealing kiss. Riley used their kiss to guide her toward his car. But instead of stopping near the passenger side door, he pushed her to the back door. Breaking their kiss long enough to open it, he said, “Get in.”

Ali complied and climbed into the back seat, giving Riley a very sexy and excited smile. Riley climbed in after her, pulling her down so she was lying across the seat on her back. He closed the door and brought his body over hers. “Riley.” Her breath hitched.

“Shit, Ali, you make me lose my fucking mind.” He lifted her dress, bunching it around her waist, and then he reached down to unbutton and unzip his pants. “We’re not going to make it to the hotel.” A moment later, she felt the hot, pulsing length of his cock against her thigh.

She wanted him so bad she could taste the need on her tongue, but she didn’t want just a quickie in the back seat of his car. Not after the wonderful and flirtatious night they’d just had. If they did this here, now, would that be it? Would he be satisfied enough to then take her home? She had no idea and wanted a whole night with him, just like he’d said. He’d basically promised that. He couldn’t back out on his word, could he? Would he? But she couldn’t make her mouth form the words screeching through her mind: Stop. Wait until we get to the hotel.

“I need you now,” he said, adjusting his body and entering her with a slow, firm push. “Fuck.” He drew out the word until he was fully inside of her, then he groaned. “Yeah.”

Ali cried out, relishing the fell of him inside of her, then she bit her lip to stifle herself. All they needed was for someone to hear them and come check out what was happening. What would she do then? There was no way she wanted to get caught and she especially didn’t want her father to see her here like some escort giving it up freely in the back seat of a client’s car. But Riley was pushing all the right buttons and she couldn’t stop. It was ecstasy.

She clawed at his shoulders and back in a desperate attempt to draw him closer to her, but the confines of the back seat weren’t all that conducive to sex.

“Your body is like heaven,” he murmured against her ear.

“Kiss me.” As soon as his lips met hers, she wrapped her legs around him, tucking her feet under his ass and riding his thrusts, which were becoming harder, more intense. “Aaahh,” she moaned into his mouth.

The car felt like it was spinning, her vision blurred, and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as Riley skillfully pushed her into an orgasm. She couldn’t believe it was happening so soon and so fast. The thrill, the whirlwind of emotions and the chance of someone seeing was all too much to hold anything back. If this really was all she’d have of him tonight she wanted it to last, but she was powerless, a slave to his demands. All she could do was cling to him and hope he could ground her in the moment as she experienced such intense pleasure it should be illegal.

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