The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1)
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It feels like I’ve been walking for hours

She decides to try a new approach, and slowly leaves the wall that has been guiding her. Her arms pull into her chest, her hands cupping her neck with fright as she hears a sudden low moaning emit from the walls around her. Taking long, heavy breaths, she calms her heartbeat.


It’s a Program. They are trying to scare you. Don’t be scared


Glacier drops to the ground at the sudden sound of an unknown voice in her head.

That wasn’t me who thought that, was it?




Glacier’s head turns left and right, looking for the person who spoke. But all she finds are empty, moaning halls. Her palms rub at her eyes as she tries to clear her thoughts.

This place is making me crazy


You're not crazy; just lucky


The voice is female. Older. Motherly. Aged with wisdom, smart with wit. Glacier doesn’t recognize the voice, so she can’t place a face or name to it. Glacier bangs her ears with the heels of her hands.

Get out of my head!

She hits her head, trying to rid the voice.


Stop. You are only hurting yourself. Doing that won’t get me out of your head


The voice is stubborn and bossy, with an impatient underlining. Glacier stops what she is doing, her head and ears now pained. She sits on the floor, her head ringing and her muscles sore.


The only way to get me out of your head is by following my directions, and solving the labyrinth


Glacier’s body seizes as she finally realizes the intentions of the voice in her head.

You work for Chancellor Staren… How in the world did you get in my head?


That’s not important. What is important, however, is you getting up and solving the maze. You don’t have much time. It’ll be easier if you find your teammates to help you


Tell me something I don’t know…


Well, you have a fire elemental coming up the left corridor. I suggest you move


Glacier’s body is suddenly on full alert. She jumps to her feet, and books it down the way she came. Taking confusing turns down different corridors, she tries to lose the Halen.


Do you actually think that you are making any progress right now? You are currently running
from where you need to be


Glacier comes to a halt at a dead-end corridor.

Well then, where am I supposed to go?

Glacier’s thoughts are angry. She looks around to make sure she hasn’t missed something before turning around and looking down the corridor that she came from. The corridor is as empty as expected, the walls now whining like starved cats.


Go back. You will find Aleena if you follow my instructions. She is the closest to you


Aleena? She won’t help me


She’ll have to. She wants to win


Glacier huffs at the voice’s remark, but waits nevertheless for her next instructions. She starts back down the hall, her breath slightly laboured, from her sprint. When she meets a corridor that goes left or right, she hears the voice.


Go right


She turns down the right path, walking for a few seconds before coming to another left or right turn.


Turn left


Taking a left turn, she walks for a few minutes. The walls guiding her are still as loud and creepy as they have been, completely barren of any windows or pictures; just plain black walls. When she comes to a right turn, she goes to around the corner when she hears the voice again.


Go left


Glacier looks at the wall where a left turn would be. She comes to a dead end.

There’s a wall. I can't go left

She goes to continue down the corridor leading right, but she is stopped once more.


Go left


I can't

Glacier spins back to glare at the wall, confused by the voice’s directions.

There is a wall there. There’s no left turn

As she walks closer to the wall, the moans grow quiet.


Press against the wall

Glacier flattens both hands against the wall, pressing hard against it. She hears an almost inaudible click before a small section of the wall opens away from her, like a door.

The doorframe starts 2 inches from the floor, creating a small opening in the middle of the wall. She gazes at the small gap, hesitant about following the voice.

Where does it lead?


To Aleena. Consider it a shortcut


Glacier stiffens her spine and squares her shoulders.

“Don’t be scared; just do it.” Glacier speaks out loud for the first time, her voice strangely mellow. She cautiously pushes the door open further, before climbing through.

She clicks the door shut behind her before turning to her front. The hall is the same as the one she came from, but she hears off in the distance. She can hear the splashing of water. She also notices an orange glow from around the corner down the hall.


Be careful. The lava elemental is there as well


Glacier already knows what the glowing light means.

What? No! He said he wouldn’t hurt anyone else!

Glacier sprints down the hall in the direction of the light. She nearly reaches the corner when she hears a pain-filled scream. There is the sound of splashing water and then all that is left is a sizzling hiss in the air.

The smell of burnt flesh penetrates Glacier’s nostril, filling her head with revolting thoughts of Care’s melted body from the Seeding battles. The stench causes bile to rise in her throat, and before she can stop, she vomits on the floor close to the wall.

She’s not actually dead, right? She’ll just be ejected from the Program, right?

Glacier waits for the voice to reply, but she hears nothing. Complete silence.

“Answer me!” she yells out loud, suddenly realizing how soundless the corridors have become. She looks back behind her to see if anyone has heard her shout.


Get up and keep going, Glacier. She’s gone, but you still have three other teammates that can help you


Glacier tries to breathe through the panic that has settled in her chest.

Screw you

She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, and then her burning tears with her other hand.

I’ve had it with him. It ends here


Glacier, do not engage him. Take the first right down the hall


Ignoring the mysterious voice speaking in her head, Glacier’s eyes darken as she approaches the turn. She still sees where the glowing light emanates from around the corner. The strong stench of melted flesh lingers in the air, permeating any clean, breathable oxygen. Her fists are clenched tightly as her gut swarms with both anger and disgust.


She rounds the corner, finding him walking away. At her shout, he turns around with surprise before his entire demeanour changes. From surprised, he transforms into the confident jerk she knows him to be. Trying extremely hard to ignore the sludge-like body that is piled in front of her, Glacier levels him with a hateful glare.

“We made a deal. You said if I went with you to that
bloody gala
last night, that you wouldn’t
anyone else
said that! You lying, conceited, barbaric,

She stands stiff as a board as she shouts hateful names at him, but the words don’t seem to express her wholehearted hatred for the murderer. Her body vibrates with intense loathing, and her skin prickles strangely. Her head swims with a rage so strong she can barely see straight.

Brink merely shrugs his shoulders at her voices, seemingly unfazed by her name calling.

“She attacked me, Glacie. It was only self-defence.” The sound of his voice evokes something dangerous inside of her.

Without realizing, her skin slowly coats itself in a layer of soft ice.

“I don’t care about any of that! Why are you killing everyone, Brink?” Her last question seems to ignite something inside him, this time. His expression changes from smug to infuriation in less than a heartbeat.

He sends one last look of annoyance before he rounds the corner and is out of sight. Glacier’s fingers itch, and her skin tingles.

Her fury becomes so overwhelming that she knows she has never felt this heated before.

I hate that sordid bastard.


You have a lot more in common with him than you think you do


No, I don’t. Shut up!

Glacier finally loses control of herself.

Letting out a powerful cry, a hollow feeling settles over her body right before the white sheet in her mind clouds her thoughts.

She feels a sudden burst from within her, and all the hatred and the loathing expels from her body with a crackling sound in the air. She manages to stay on her feet, but leans against the wall for some needed support.

The smell of decay lingers, but is now slightly muffled by the bitter coldness of the room. Glacier’s eyes shoot open as her mind registers that small detail.

Cold… I can feel the cold

Glancing around, Glacier finds herself amongst large splinters of ice and snow. The corridors around her are covered with the white slush, and the air is filled with a breathing white fog. Glacier looks down to where she had briefly seen what remained of Aleena’s body, but now finds a widening red pile of icy slush. Her body’s decayed odour has been slightly muffled by the blood-ridden gunk that conceals it, but it is still apparent.

Momentarily forgetting the amazing realization of that
for once in her life
, Glacier can feel the cold air around her. She turns back down the corridor and throws up more bile. The awful burning in her throat worsens as she continues to empty her stomach of any traces.




The voice captures her attention once more, but still she remains hunched over against the wall, with saliva and spew dripping from her lips and chin. Glacier’s eyes burn with remorse for her fallen teammate as she tries not to imagine any of Aleena’s hateful words or acts. Despite being so nasty, she didn’t deserve such a horrible and degrading death.

You need to keep moving. You can still solve the labyrinth, but you need follow my directions


Slowly wiping her jaw with the sleeve of her shirt, Glacier’s mind fogs with indecisiveness. She then brushes the cold specks of ice off her hands, dusting them on her pants.

Fine. Help me win

Glacier knows she has nearly reached her breaking point. She can't save anyone in the Program or the battles, but she can still save Castor.

Castor is all that matters


You are a good person, Glacier. I’m sorry this is your cross to bear


Shrugging her shoulders, Glacier is completely indifferent, void of any emotion. Forcing herself in the direction that the voice had originally been leading her, Glacier forces herself to forget Aleena’s mollified corpse, forget the sense of empowerment she felt briefly, and forget the feeling of the cold.

As she distances herself from the liquefied body of her teammate, the air becomes easier to breathe, and the guilt strangely begins to subside as she re-evaluates her goals.


Keep it together, Glacier. Keep walking until you reach the end of the corridor and then turn left. The corner turns at a one-eighty angle

Glacier nods her head, not sure if the person who the voice belongs to could see that she did so. But with the thought of
who the voice belongs to
fresh in her mind, she voices the question.

What is your name? What do I call you?

She feels weird asking that question in her mind, but nonetheless she waits patiently for the answer as she continues down the dark passage. There is a brief silence in her head, which gives her goose bumps. She can sense the voice is still there, lingering in her mind and filling a void.


Just call me Sparrow


Glacier keels over in shock, feeling winded as though she was sucker-punched in her stomach. Something echoes in her brain, but none of it makes any sense.

Sparrow… Cartmen called me Sparrow…


Glacier, you need to keep moving. Start running, you are losing time by standing out. Up ahead there is a crossroad. You take the left turn, and then immediately right


Glacier stiffens her spine and clenches her jaw before she takes off down the passage.

“Don’t worry, I’ll win for you Aleena.” She sends a silent farewell to her fallen teammate, her anger churning dangerously.

I’m going to kill him. I’m going to kill Brink.


Just stay focused on the current situation, Glacier. Left turn, then right


Glacier follows the mysterious woman’s instructions, taking the first left turn she comes across then immediately ducking right. The corridor is very short, with either a left or right turn.

Which way?




Glacier blindly follows the voice and runs right, down an unlit alley.

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