The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1) (29 page)

BOOK: The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1)
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Brink stands on the outside of the elevator doors in a dark black suit with a fire orange bow tie. His hair is slicked back, adding definition to his high cheekbones. When his eyes land on Glacier’s form, his knowing smirk takes place on his lips. His eyes sparkle with mischief, and his shoulder square up.

“Good evening, my lady.” Brink strolls into the small cubical, eyes flickering between the three ladies as they all watch him closely. The two beauticians blush under his gaze, looking around the glass room like it interested him entirely. His eyes train back on Glacier as the lift begins its decent once more. Neither of them say anything as they watch each other intently.

I still don’t understand why he is doing this to me

The tension is thick in the air as the two of them watch one another unblinkingly. It isn’t until Wendelin clears her throat that Glacier glances down to her feet. And as soon as she’s done it, she knows Wendelin is going to say…

, darling.”

The elevator door chimes before slowly opening to the lobby. The two beauticians hurry Glacier out of the box, and down the steps. Once she is at the bottom, the beauticians turn her to face them, checking her make up one last time. Wendelin gasps in surprise, startling Glacier.

What's wrong?

The beauty queen quickly digs around in the makeup bag Geri carries, pulling out a small palm-size sheet of some sort. She pats the sheet across Glacier’s forehead, drying the sweat from her skin. Once she is finished, she nods her head with a proud smile. The two ladies have gotten good at concealing the scar across her forehead, but because she knows it is there, Glacier can always notice it.

“Beautiful. Now let’s get you to—”

“Actually ladies, she will be accompanying me to the gala tonight.” Brink steps up to stand beside Glacier, unintentionally heating her skin from his close proximity.

He is like a bloody gas heater or something

The two ladies seem confused and utterly surprised by his words. Their eyes flicker between the two contestants wildly, unsure of what to say.

“B-but she, uh—”

Brink lifts Glacier’s wrist to tuck around his arm, smiling kindly at the older women, “I have already asked her to be my date for this evening. No need to worry ladies. She will return tonight in perfect condition for the Program tomorrow.”

Using his last words as an excuse to leave, he nods his head to the two flabbergasted women, and pulled Glacier out of the lobby towards what she assumes to be his Hover. His driver doesn’t seem surprised by her company, opening the door without any sign of emotion.

“Miss Wardgrave, over here.”

Glacier looks up to find Lien jogging over to where she stands with her hand locked tightly between Brink’s bicep and ribs.

She offers Lien an awkward smile, suddenly feeling guilty for not having called him. “It’s OK, Lien. I’m riding with Brink. I’m sorry I didn’t call you to let you know.”

He seems perplexed by her words, shaking his head with confusion, “Nonsense. Come along now. We need to be arriving shortly.” Lien steps to the side for Glacier to pass him to the Hover. She looks up at Brink, who looks back with a blank expression. But his eyes tell her something his face doesn’t.

‘If you move to that vehicle, you are in deep trouble.’

Glacier bites her lip hard with indecision. Her eyes burn from not blinking, and her head swells with the different scenarios.

If I don’t go with him, he will hurt someone

She shakes her head and sends a reassuring smile in Lien’s direction, “I want to go with Brink to the gala.”

His features harden at her words, so she quickly adds, “But I will come and find you and Darmila later, OK?”

Lien hesitates for a moment, unsure of what to say in reply. In that moment, Brink quickly pushes Glacier into the Hover before climbing in and shutting the door behind him. She hadn’t noticed that his driver had already returned to his seat behind the wheel until the car takes off. Brink doesn’t comment on Lien’s reaction. Instead, he sits there watching out the window in silence.

Glacier’s nerves continue to boil as she imagines how wild everyone will become once they catch a glimpse of the two of them arriving together.

Her eyes catch a small pin resting on the breast pocket of Brink’s suit jacket. It is a thin grey circle with a hollow centre, identical to the pin she has seen Doctor Cartmen wearing.

“Does that pin have a meaning? You are the third personal I have seen wearing it…” Glacier didn’t want to speak to him, but her curiosity was to overwhelming.

Brink smiles a devilish smirk, his eyes igniting, “You’ll find out soon enough, nosey.”

Despite feeling irritated by Brink’s response, Glacier decides to drop the subject.

It isn’t long before the hover pulls up to the curb. The sounds of eye cameras flashing and the photographers shouting can be heard through the closed door. Brink suddenly glances over to her, with a dark look on his face.

“Do not walk ahead or away from me once we leave this vehicle. And do not say a word to anyone about why you have accompanied me tonight, Glacie. I will know if you do.” His eyes hold a dark promise that has Glacier’s heart burn with frustration. Without commenting, she simply nods her head and waits for the door to be opened.

Brink steps out into the onslaught of flashing lights and shouting. He briefly waves out to the cameras with a proud smile as Glacier shuffles across the seat to the door. He turns back and helps her from the Hover, securing her hand under his arm once more.

There are audible gasps and flashing pauses, before everything erupts into louder shouting and seemingly brighter flickers.

Fighting against her natural instinct to tuck her head down and hurry into the building, Glacier patiently walks at Brink’s pace.

He walks down the carpet with a confident stride, occasionally stopping to take photos at his pleasure. Glacier’s eyes follow what she compares to a nucleus of the three elementals, which floats above their head. Like she is seeing it for the first time, the spinning wheel of earth entrances her.

She watches the circling dirt with extreme fascination, as she wonders how the dirt is spinning in the air. The calls of the press fall upon uninterested ears as Glacier’s focus remains on the dirt. It isn’t until Brink is tugging her in the direction of the building that she tears her eyes away.

Once they are inside the building, Glacier hands begin to sweat profoundly and her heart races with dread.

I don’t want my team to see me with him

As they continue walking with their arms linked, Glacier tries to pry her hand from his grasp. When he notices what she is trying to do, he holds tighter. Brink looks down at her in annoyance, his lips tight.

“Stop. We are entering together. You are my date, so behave like it.” His persistence irks her, but she says nothing.

Why do I even care if he does something to someone else on my team? It’s not like they like me anyways

But Glacier already knows that isn’t who she is. She knows that she would protect a stranger if the situation arose.

Gritting her teeth in anger, she continues into the room with her arm laced with Brink’s. Her dress flows around her ankles like a soft curtain blowing in the breeze. The dress is beautiful, something Glacier’s father would have loved to see her wear. Hot tears gather in her eyes at the lost feeling that settles in her chest. She turns her head so Brink doesn’t see her tears.

Once they finally enter the ballroom, the pair slowly descends the stairs. The loud murmurs echoing around the room hush, as everyone watches in astonishment.

Glacier keeps her head low, watching her toes peep out past her hem with every step. Once they reach the bottom of the steps, Brink whispers in her ear, “I’ll be coming for a dance after dinner. Make sure you aren’t preoccupied.”

His words are assertive and firm. Glacier glances at him furiously.

He is enjoying this far too much

She is about to tell him where to stick his demands when he suddenly releases her from his strong hold, and waltzes away. The crowd parts for him like splitting earth, watching the two unique elementals acutely.

The music continues to play gently in the background as the onlookers start to shift away from Glacier’s stiff form. Many of them mutter to one another, their eyes occasionally returning to where the ice elemental stands uncomfortably.

After deciding that sitting in her seat for the rest of the night is probably her best option, Glacier heads in the direction of her team’s table. When she reaches it, she finds three of her teammates talking quietly to one another, their stances tense. It is Branch who is first to notice her approach.

He immediately stops the conversation that he, Aleena and Tric were having before she appeared. Branch’s eyes are heavy with a loathing that pierces her heart like a dagger.

Not him… He was the only one who was nice to me

“What the bloody hell are you doing here with
?” Branch demands furiously, his blue eyes burning hot with rage.

His nostrils flare wildly and his fists are clenched tight at his sides. Glacier doesn’t move as her eyes flicker between her few teammates. Tric has the same look and stance as Branch, whereas Aleena is wearing smug smile.

Glacier’s immediate thought is to tell them the truth. That Brink blackmailed her into attending the gala as his date. That he threatened to seriously injure one of them if she didn’t. But then Brink’s words in the Hover float through her mind, silencing her.

‘Do not say a word to anyone about why you have accompanied me tonight, Glacie. I will know if you do …’

Instead, she shrugs her shoulders carelessly, a blank expression on her face, “Because he asked me.”

It isn’t a lie

Branch has a look of pure betrayal, before it is masked by a disgusted sneer. “He
you? And after what he did to Neena today, you said
?” His tone is angrier than she thought he seemed.

An outsider would think he is containing his rage well, but from the side of her eye Glacier notices the glasses of water that shake as the liquid splashes violently against the crystal.

She takes a cautious step back, her eyes wide with panic. Her heart begins to beat frantically as she is suddenly thrown back in time to her darkest days.

The memory of water filling her lungs and suffocating her of oxygen and dignity becomes her freshest fear. Her eyes cloud with thick tears, reminding her of the blurriness of the water encompassing her head completely like a helmet.

“Leave me alone…” she whispers, her eyes glazing over as she looks at nothing in particular. The overwhelming surge of anxiety surges through Glacier’s veins as she tries to take deep, calming breaths.

Don’t think about it. It’s not happening. You’re safe. Branch wouldn’t do that to you… He wouldn’t

Her breathing becomes erratic as she begins to doubt her trust in her teammate. Branch doesn’t seem to care about her internal battle with her youthful traumas. Instead, he storms off in another direction away from her, his shoulders hunched and his face angry. The water in the glass goblets stopped at his departure, slowing to a settling sway.

Glacier manages to control her breathing, quickly retreating to the bathroom at the back of the room. Once she locks the door behind her, she sinks to the ground and rests her face in her hands. And then she lets everything out.


Mr Michaels’ death. Her father’s death. Castor’s imprisonment. Mills’ disappearance. The blackmail. Electrocuted at every opportunity. Care’s death. Alue’s death. Neena’s death. Her team’s hatred. Fielder.

She sobs for what feels like hours, but strangely no tears fall. Just dry, gut wrenching sobs leave her. Her shoulders shack and her mind turns to sludge as she finally tries to control herself. Her sobs become powerful hiccups that jerk at her chest, and her head pounds from the heavy cries.

Get it together. You still have a Program and the Deliverance to win. Don’t lose it now, Glace

Sluggishly climbing to her feet, Glacier makes her way over to the mirror above the sink. Her appearance seems to look the same, apart from her slightly creased makeup. The scar on her forehead seems to have healed nicely, but still gives a harsh appearance to her young face. Still hiccupping every few seconds, Glacier takes a few breaths in-between.

Go out there and pretend nothing happened. Pretend that nothing is different. Nothing has changed

She relaxes her shoulders before finally unlocking the door and exiting the bathroom. Immediately Glacier hears loud music sounding in the room, she knows she has missed the dinner.

I’ll just order in at the hotel

She slowly walks around the room, scoping for any of her teammates as she goes. The last thing she wants is another sour encounter with her team. She accidently walks into someone as she is looking around, and immediately turns to apologize. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going…”

A blonde wearing a beautiful emerald green dress, laced and strapless with a heart shape corset turns to the girl who stumbles into her. Her eyes light up with apprehension as she watches her curiously.

She smiles kindly, despite her caution, “Don’t worry about it. No harm done.” Bronze’s straight teeth gleam a brilliant white, her green eyes sparkling.

“You did amazing in the Harvest today, Glacier. Your element is absolutely spectacular. I wish I could do something as spectacular as that.”

Bronze’s words are complimenting, stunning Glacier with her kindness. Glacier reflects on Bronze’s behaviour throughout the competition, and cannot remember a single rude or condescending moment shared between them.

She has been supportive, kind, honest, and unbiased. Despite Glacier besting Isaac, Gamble and Bronze herself, the earth elemental does not seem ill-willed or angry. Instead, she seems impressed, and on some odd level,

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