The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1)
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Gluing herself to the glass, Glacier observes Dolby as he watches Keena struggle within the hurricane of water.

Then Keena collapses so quickly that Glacier’s eyes lose focus.

The water cascades around Keena like rain, drenching her uniform entirely. She quivers on the ground in exhaustion, her face a bright pink.

The countdown appears on the glass, but Glacier’s eyes remain trained on Dolby as he approaches Keena’s limp body.

He drags a flame from the outer ring once more, holding it close to his hand. He stands over her threateningly, waiting for her to show any sign of endurance.

Four, three, two, one

The horn blows loudly, ending the second battle.

Dolby throws his fists into the air in triumph, the small flame evaporating. He shouts his victory before jumping back to his team and completely ignoring his escort as she went to make her way over to him with his jacket.

Tanner quickly shuffles into the ring where Keena is trying to sit up on the floor. Glacier hears a shuffle behind her, so she turns. Neena stands close, watching her twin with worry. Branch also stands, holding Neena’s arm.

“You can’t enter the ring Neena; you have to wait.”

Neena doesn’t seem to hear what Branch says, but she doesn’t move regardless. Her brows are furrowed with concern, her eyes wild with worry.

“She’ll be OK, Neena…”

Neena’s head flicks in Glacier’s direction when she hears her voice. After assessing her for a moment, Neena nods her head in agreement.

“Come on, there’s only one more battle.”

Glacier nods her head despite Branch’s words being directed to Neena.

One more battle means I'm not fighting today

Tanner helps Keena to her feet, supporting her by her wrists, his arms around her torso. When he finally drags her into the booth, Neena is immediately at her side.

“Keena! Come sit down. Are you OK?”

Glacier resists giving Neena the same dumbfounded look that Keena
give her, “Bit of a silly question, don’t you think, sis?”

Neena ignores her sister’s brash tone. She moves in front of Tanner, taking Keena’s body weight onto her own. They take a seat on the benches, where Keena starts to take deep lungfuls of air, finally settling herself.

Branch and Neena sit beside her asking questions. Aleena and Tric are still sitting at the opposite end of the bench, not having moved a muscle as the defeated Keena approached the box.

Aleena’s sour face clues the team into her thoughts before she has the choice to voice them.

“Great start to the competition, guys.” Her sarcastic tone angers Glacier. Still, she remains silent.

I don’t understand why she cares so much about this stupid tournament anyways

Glacier watches as Keena continues to swallow long breaths. Neena holds her hand, while Branch pulls her to lean on his shoulder.

“That was a pretty awesome move, Keena…” Glacier looks down at her feet when she speaks, afraid to meet the rougher twin’s eyes. Her voice is soft, almost missed.

What if she calls me a freak as well?

There is an uncomfortable silence for a moment. Glacier can feel the stare of every teammate in the booth.

Some, like Aleena and Tric, send vicious glares in her when she speaks, but the others stare at her curiously. A small tight smile tugs at the corners of Keena’s lips as she waits for her to continue. When she doesn’t, Keena replies, “Thanks.”

Glacier says nothing in return, moving to look past the glass board. Her eyes are hypnotically drawn to the Pyre team, where she once again scopes out for the familiar pair. But the two eyes that seize her attention first are orange and blue.

Her lungs empty as Brink watches her with a strange interest. With his arms folded across his chest, he stands off to the side of his team booth.

Their eyes are locked like glue, her body frozen still. The brow above his blue eye quirks up at her stare, but he doesn’t look away. His eyes smoulder into her body, heating it from the inside out. It is a peculiar feeling, one that Glacier hasn’t felt before. It sets her on edge.

Brink walks towards her, his arms now stiff at his sides. His stride is powerful and tense. Her eyes bulge further from their sockets, as fear blooms in her chest.

Why is he coming this way? What is he doing?

It isn’t until he steps
the flames that Glacier realizes he isn’t walking toward her. Their eyes stay locked as he approaches the centre of the ring. He waits patiently, still watching for her movements. Glacier shuffles uncomfortably under his stare, his eyes scrutinizing her actions.

Wait, he’s in the ring

Who is he battling?

Just as this thought surrounds her senses, Glacier notices slow movement from her right. Her eyes fortunately release from Brink’s powerful gaze, to see the timid raven-haired girl from Terra team approaching the small bridge leading into the ring, shivering with fear.

They’ve paired him with Care? She has no chance at winning

Glacier tries her hardest to keep her eyes on Care’s slow approach, but the heavy stare she feels in her chest nags her to turn her head. The relentless magnet in her brain cannot absorb the notion that her only childhood friend sits across the room from her.

Fielder watches with sad curiosity, confusing her. She gives him a grim smile, indicating to the two contenders in the ring with a disheartening frown. His lips thin in acknowledgement before he shrugs his shoulders. He knows as much as Glacier does that they can’t do anything to help Care with her battle against the

Glacier turns back to the two competitors in the centre.

Brink and Care are lowering their hands as Glacier looks over, before they take a few steps back to the skirting’s. Brink sheds his jacket and tosses it boorishly to their team escort, rolling his shoulders back and forth.

Care gingerly hands her coat to the escort, still quivering in terror as she turns to face Brink. Her eyes are wide and wild with panic, her arms are tucked into her sides and her head is craned into her chest.

She looks utterly defenceless

Taking a step back from the glass, Glacier feels the air start to warm.

She notices the thin ring of controlled fire starting to gloop into puddles of molten sludge on the floor. It travels like a thick glowing stream towards Brink. His head is lowered as he eyes Care with a predatory smirk.

The sound of Sasis’ voice echoing past the stadium walls surprises her. Glacier glances up to see the Chamberman once again standing above the contenders on the glass with his hands high to hush the audience.

“My children, it is time for the final battle of the day. So far, we have a win for the Terra team,” at the mention of their team, the earth elementals go wild with applause, “and a win for the Pyre team. With this last battle, it will determine which team is the frontrunner on the leader board. So without further ado, the final battle of the night, between Brink from the Pyre team, and Care Benns from the Terra team.”

Sasis steps down from the glass, passing by the deadly man who draws Glacier’s gaze.

Thomes smirks down at her, raising his finger and thumb and pinching them together as he refers to how close Glacier had been to battling.

She shoots him a disgruntled lip curl before looking back to the ring. Just as her eyes find the two bodies in the centre of the ring, the loud horn vibrates off the glass roof of the arena.

And less than a second later, violent screaming takes its place.

The second the horn blew, Brink simply flicked his wrist out in Care’s direction, sending the stream of burning lava in her direction. The molten sludge sprays across her skin like thick water. The smell of burning flesh is immediate.

Care writhes on the ground, the hot liquid melting her flesh from her bones. Glacier’s eyes are wide with terror, nose burning with the smell of liquefying skin.

“Bloody hell! Someone get help!”

“One of you, use the damn water to stop her burning!”

“Get the bloody doctor in here!”

Everyone is yelling and screaming around her. All on their feet, they rush to the centre of the arena with hurried movements and panicked expressions. Frozen, Glacier is paralysed with horror and disgust.

Brink did that… He burnt her alive… How could he do something like that?

Her eyes brim with sweltering tears, before pouring over like a flowing river. Care’s constant screams of agony continue, and everyone crowds around her, unsure what to do.

The sudden sensation of a soothing warm hand on her shoulder startles her. Glacier nearly jumps from her skin. She spins around, finding herself facing a familiar boy with curly brown hair and scorching orange eyes.

He’s so tall

He towers over Glacier, her small frame meeting just below his shoulder. Fielder’s mouth is a grim abhorrent line, his wild eyes blazing with worry.


At the sound of her name, she comes apart.

She falls into his waiting embrace. He holds her tight to his warm chest.

So warm

Her chest heaves with rib-racking sobs. Her eyes bleed endless salty water. Soon, Glacier finds it hard to breathe through the heavy cries. The putrid smell of burnt flesh lingers in the air like a potent poison. The yells and screams of the people around deafen her.

Fielder begins stroking her hair as he pulls her tighter against his chest. He hushes her with his soothing voice, one arm around her waist and the other caressing her head.

His hands holding her provide a constant source of soothing warmth. His deep voice shushes in her ear. The smell of burning flesh and the rattling yells slowly cease to exist, fading into a distance Glacier doesn’t care to follow.

“I can’t believe he did that to her…” Glacier’s voice is raspy and bleak, her eyes pinched shut as she buries her nose against his jacket.

His pacifying murmurs soothe her hiccups, as she clutches at the front of his jacket with both hands, to keep him as close as she can. His scent overcomes the hideous smell wafting throughout the arena, as everyone continues to fawn over the burning girl.

He smells like ash, or maybe burnt wood

Fielder says nothing as he holds her tightly, petting her hair as he calmly shushes her.

Having no memory of him ever holding her like this, her mind briefly wanders back to the past.

He always kept his distance. Always gave me space.

Standing in his temperate embrace, with his chin resting atop her head, it reminds her of when they were younger. The thick fallen snow decorating every tree branch and grass strand. It reminds her of the time when Glacier had a friend.

“Hey, get away from her!”

Suddenly pulled behind Branch, Tric flanks his right closely. Keena and Neena border Glacier’s sides, their stances cautious.

The Pyre team suddenly appears as well. Dolby pulls Fielder back behind Brogan and Pae. Both teams stand in distanced groups, prepared to fight.

Glacier looks over Branch’s shoulder to find Fielder looking lost as well. He towers nearly an entire head above Dolby and Pae, who both stand in front much like Glacier’s team does for her.

Brink strides over to the head of the group, his stance menacing. The fire from the ring crawls closer to him, skulking like an incinerating sludge. His fingers spread, beaconing the hot molten substance towards him like a pet. Glacier cowers from the slow approaching goo as it bubbles and sizzles across the ground.

“Brink, stop!”

Everyone stills at the sound of her frightened words. Branch’s shoulders hunch, and Tric flicks his head back in her direction. Glacier ignores his stare as she watches Brink, her gaze anxious. She feels her eyes swirling, her nerves pounding against her chest, suffocating her.

Would he really throw lava on us like he did to Care?

Brink watches her with curiosity, his head tilted. Dolby’s eyes flicker between the lava and the ice elementals, curious about what will happen next.

Gaze unwavering, Glacier tries to communicate with Brink silently. His head tilts further before his mouth draws to a bleak line. His fingers flex down, and the lava flops to the ground where it hardens instantly, creating a large lump of black rock.

Brink turns his head and walks towards one of the exits from the arena, close to the Pyre team’s booth. Glacier’s eyes follow him until he is submerged in the dark shadows of the corridor. Once he cannot be seen, she whips around to the centre of the arena.

Four people in plain dark green uniforms are surrounding Care’s body, along with her team as they watch her with worry and aversion.






















“Let’s talk about something else. Are you excited
about your first gala?” Glacier knows Lien is only trying to be nice, but her mind is solely absorbed in Care’s condition.

How badly was she burnt? Will she be forced to continue in the competition?

“Miss Wardgrave…”

Her head spins around, “Sorry, what did you say?”

Will she be damaged entirely? Is she

“I asked if you are excited about your first gala?”

Glacier just shakes her head from side to side, before releasing a small sigh, “Not really.”

“Many of the other competitors won’t be able to dance either, if that is what you are worried about…”

The memory of her father teaching her to dance strikes her chest like a sharp dagger, capturing her breath.


“Dad, it’s fine. I won’t be asked anyway…” Glacier’s whining voice does not deter him. Kellen’s hand takes hold of his daughter’s as he moves to dance.

“If any boy has even a miniscule of sense, you will be the first girl asked.”

Her father never acknowledged that others in their region detested her. It doesn’t help that he home-schools her, isolating her from her generation…

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