The Fight Within (25 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Fight Within
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Chapter Ten

he ‘Drunk Brunch’
at Fatta Cuckoo was just what the artery clogger foodie that lived deep within Treasure ordered. After riding to Soho, they got on the train and laughed their asses clean off. She hadn’t been on the subway in months, but sitting there with Sean proved to be an event all within itself. He thrilled her funny bone like no other. That line of thinking went down a winding path, making her wonder…bringing all sorts of questions to her mind.

What if…

Never mind.

She should leave that notion alone or she’d go crazy. There existed enough confusion in her life already. She sure didn’t need more unanswered questions, more mysteries to deal with. Matter of fact, everywhere they went, Sean was the life of the party without even trying and yet once again he’d stolen the show. The man had the people around him on the train cracking up so hard, several individuals grabbed their cell phones and videotaped him, some screaming, ‘World Star!’ It was amazing how he could take almost any topic, turn it inside out, and make it absolutely hilarious, no matter one’s previous mood or the subject matter.

She meant what she’d told him several weeks earlier. He had a gift…

This event began when a man bobbed about on the train rocking to an unheard beat. There was no music playing, he wore no headphones of any sort, so it was safely assumed the poor guy in soiled clothing was like so many others that practiced such public behavior—either on some narcotic or mentally ill, possibly both. Rather than stare at the man, treating him like some walking sideshow attraction, Sean got up and began to beat box next to the guy, as if they were a duo, like Simon and Garfunkel. This only encouraged the deranged fellow’s behavior to dance harder and wilder, sporting a toothless grin across his sun-beaten, wrinkled brown face. The kicker happened when the dirty man paused, glared at Sean with a discerning eye hooked upon a gaze of disapproval, and said, ‘You off beat, man! Can’t you hear my snare drum?!”

Sean went on to apologize, his naturally hoarse, choppy voice saying just the right words. He talked fast, saying nothing, but his body moved faster as he swayed like an intoxicated fool, dancing to his own strange rhythms flowing forth from his rapidly moving lips. To add to it all, Sean was pretty good at ‘mouth music’, no doubt a fan of such musical style.

That thought brought certain images to her head… Crossing her legs tighter than two entangled cobras in the throes of fighting, her brain went

I can almost feel his lips on my pussy.

Her musings as of late had turned downright filthy after their mutual masturbation marathon, and she couldn’t seem to fend them off any longer. She spent practically every evening pleasuring herself to his image in her mind; the man deliberately drove her insane. He’d told her just days ago that he was going to punish her pussy when he finally got a hold of it…that what she was doing constituted cruel and unusual treatment. She explained that she didn’t trust herself in that department with him, that she knew if she opened her legs to him, her heart would follow… and his reply was simple:

‘I already have your heart, and you have mine. Give me some goddamn pussy…Trust that I’m gonna fuck you in the middle of the street if you keep stringing this shit out. Trust and believe THAT.’

Jarred back into the here and now when the train stopped, she concentrated on getting off and walking with her man to the restaurant, where she devoured a delicious French gourmet cheese sandwich. They sat in the restaurant, chewing on boiled peanuts he’d purchased on the way from some vendor she’d given the side-eye to, but the things were scrumptious. She felt like such a damn glutton, but hell, they were good and she wasn’t one to pass up on something salty and savory.

“So, ya having a good time?” he asked around a mouthful of egg and bacon fritter…his

“You know that I am.” She smiled into his sparkling green eyes before taking a sip of her champagne. Yeah…it was that sort of date. What a fabulous place. As usual, the man thought outside of the box. With both of their schedules tighter than ever, he’d suggested they go to brunch on a late Saturday morning. It worked perfectly for her, for Asia and Brian had plans with friends and she didn’t have to pick out wooden flooring samples for Mr. Lambert until three that afternoon. This proved an easy breezy, relaxing day, with just the right amount of wind and sun to make a person feel alive but not overwhelmed from the weather. Stools in various vibrant and muted colors filled the place, giving it a somewhat whimsical air, but also a classy touch with the beautiful blown glass chandeliers that hung from just the right spots. Treasure could appreciate the design qualities; it had definite artistic flair that fit the eclectic menu seamlessly.

Sean seemed to gravitate toward places like this…artsy, alive, energetic. It seemed in contrast with how he presented himself to the world, but as she got to know the man, she realized his choices and opinions, as well as his history that he shared one page turn at a time, were quite in sync with each other.

“So.” He leaned back in his seat, crossed his muscular arms over his chest, and handed her a languid glimmer. “I thought maybe after this week, like one day soon, we could go to a comedy show or somethin’.”

“Oh, I’d love that. I haven’t been to one in a long while. Of course, with you, I don’t really need one.” She winked, causing him to return the favor. “Where did you have in mind? Is someone performing that you wanted to see?” She took a gander at a chalkboard in the near distance with all of the specials listed along it.

They’ve got key lime pie… I may have to try some out.

“I saw that Dave Chappelle is gonna be at Caroline’s.”

“The comedy club in Time Square?”

“Yeah…wanna go?”

She bit her damn tongue almost in half like a delicious deli sandwich! First and foremost, she
Dave Chappelle. If she were having a particularly ruthless day, one of that man’s stand-up routines would set her mood just right. Second, she had to stop herself from offering to pay after he blurted the damn man’s name. She knew those tickets would be steep; Mr. Chappelle was not some guy no one had ever heard of. She took pause, though, because something about Sean let her know that though he laughed and played the jester quite a bit, there was a serious side to him, a traditional side too, and he could be offended by such a gesture as her suggesting to foot the bill. It was
asking, and
recommendation…so she kept her concerns to herself.

“You don’t even have to ask. I love Dave Chappelle, Sean.”

“Cool, I’ll get the tickets, then. I met him once, cool guy.”

“I bet that was neat. I think he was in a restaurant I visited a couple of years ago, but I couldn’t get close enough to confirm it. Anyway, did you get to actually talk to him?” She ran her hand along the back of her neck, suddenly feeling a bit silly as she took notice of the way his sideburns would move as he chewed…

“Yeah, me and my best friend Kyle went ’nd saw him. He’s a fuckin’ riot.” He laughed, grabbing his glass from the table as if the damn thing had threatened to run away, and placed the rim to his mouth.

“That’s something I’d like to do with my girlfriend, too. You know,” she shrugged, “go to a comedy club. Erin’s always so busy though. We both are.”

“Kyle is too, and you already know I am. He is a broker, like I told ya, but we make sure to go out at least a couple times a month. It’s kinda our thing, you know? To hang out. We go way back.” He waved his hand nonchalantly in the air. “Been friends since the fifth grade. He is like another brother.” He nodded as if quickly replaying their history in fast motion inside of that curious brain of his, then sat back further into his seat. He grabbed the rim of his Yankees baseball cap and tipped it lower, almost covering his eyes as if he were in incognito.

…Please don’t cover them. I love looking into them. Such gorgeous, vibrant green eyes.

She was filling up like her wine glass replenishments, full of lust overflowing, bubbling forth over the rim. He’d led her to this moment.

Damn him.

“What cha lookin’ at me like that for?” He twisted his velvety lips to the far right, giving himself a kitschy expression.

“Honestly?” She blithely laughed, throwing her head back before turning her considerations to the people sitting about them, deeply immersed in their private conversations.

“Yeah, I just hope it was something sexual.” His grin dissipated as he brought his glass to his lips once more. The man stared so intensely at her after expressing his sexy sentiment, it made her a wee bit uncomfortable and turned on all at once.

Bold as hell…doing this shit to me in public.

“You are really something else.” She shook her head back and forth, heating from within, making a desperate attempt to mask her true emotions.

“So you want to?” He sucked his bottom lip hard and slow as he peered at her mouth in a way that caused her breathing to accelerate.

“Want to

“Have sex?” Nothing about his expression changed, if anything, he may have been slightly annoyed that she had to further inquire.

“What? Are you serious? Are you really asking me this right
?” She took a swig of her drink, waiting, hoping, praying for the punch line.

“Why wouldn’t I be? I can squeeze ya in before my training class.”

Clamping her palm over quivering lips, Treasure blocked the champagne that threatened to spray right out of her mouth as she stifled a laugh.

“Do I need to schedule an appointment with a day and time, Sean?” She slumped in her seat laughing aloud now after a forced, slightly painful swallow. This couldn’t possibly be happening. It was one thing for the man to talk dirty to her on the phone, or in some quiet, intimate moment away from prying eyes or listening ears—but this was altogether different.

“No, no need for all of that but I can pay the check and we can go somewhere and do it. What?” He looked at the time on his cell phone. “We’ve gotta couple of hours if we leave right now, easy. There are a few hotels within walking distance.” He pointed out the windows, as if that little revelation would somehow change matters in his distorted and degenerate favor.

And then, her insides bent and turned, forming one big knot within her gut. Her pussy shivered as if a blustery cool breeze had kissed the lower lips just so. Visions of them doing what he suggested cascaded in her brain, making her feel both nasty and vulnerable. Sean was serious. He left her nowhere to run and under his green eyed gaze, nowhere to hide.

“No wonder someone as attractive and goal-oriented as you was single!” she blurted, trying to save herself from drowning in an ocean of peculiar wonderment…and soaking panties, too… “Baby, look, that’s not what you say to me out in public, okay?!” Treasure got to her senses, realizing it was essential that she keep up appearances! He’d already seen her pussy spread open like French doors, made her cum on the phone several times, back to back. He had control over her and she suspected the fucker knew it. Surely she needed to save face, make this shit right. “You’re supposed to—”

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