The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (43 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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One of the major tenets of the Treaty specified swingeing war reparations to be paid to the victorious nations by the German government.  It was this factor alone that precipitated three events.

The ‘hyperinflation’ of the German Mark between 1920 and 1923, causing untold suffering to the ordinary German people which also led to the virtual destruction of the middle classes and last but by no means least, facilitated the rise to power of someone who would rightly or wrongly be seen as a saviour, a messiah to the German people, Adolf Hitler.

Thus were deliberately sown the seeds of World War II, setting in motion an unstoppable chain of events that would eventually lead to the establishment of the Jewish homeland and to all the complex, inter-related actions that have shaped the world of the early twenty-first century, in which we all live today.

The extent of the war reparations were decided upon by the Elite stooge John Foster Dulles, one of the founders of the Council on Foreign Relations, and later the Secretary of State to President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Even Keynes himself, not known for his liberal views, was so disturbed by the extent to which the Treaty had been slanted towards the impossibility of fulfilling the terms and therefore presaging the destruction of Germany (the object of the war in the first place) that he wrote, "The peace is outrageous and impossible and can bring nothing but misfortune behind it".

In addition to penning the Treaty of Versailles, the victors also proposed and propounded the Charter of the League of Nations, ratified on the 10th January 1920, and signed by President Wilson for the American government.
Wilson brought the treaty back to the United States and requested that the Senate ratify it.
The Senate, for once remembering George Washington's advice to avoid foreign entanglements and reflecting the views of the American people who did not wish to enter the League, refused to ratify the treaty.

With the benefit of hindsight it has become apparent that Wilson intended to head the planned world government it was hoped to bring along by the imposition of the League of Nations upon the world.
Unsurprisingly he was devastated when the Treaty was not ratified as he fully expected to become the first President of the World, only to have it taken away by the actions of the Senate of the United States.
Of course, we are still to this day awaiting the dawn of world government but the Elite are nothing if not patient and they firmly believe that their efforts in this direction will be fully rewarded before much more time has elapsed, although they are not quite ‘counting their chickens’ just yet...

“As the World plummets into a contrived financial meltdown, those who believe themselves to be the rightful rulers of a planetary fiefdom are convinced that they have a very short window of opportunity to establish their One World Government.
Their vision is for total control of all planetary resources including human resources, which will be reduced to the chosen 500,000,000.
However, things are not going entirely to plan.
Obama's mentor, Zbigniew Brzezinski recently identified 'the rapid political awakening amongst the masses’ as the biggest obstacle to establishing a One World Government.
In 1970 Brzezinski observed that the challenge for Western governments will be to keep their people locked into consumerist materialism ... preventing them from realising who they truly are!"
Ian R Crane, geo-political researcher, February 2011

One of the by-products of this devastating conflict was to provide an unparalleled opportunity for the Elite families to generate huge profits at the expense of governments and thus the public in the form of war supplies and armaments.
These super-rich families, not only desired the war to be won, but they made sure that the victory was expensive to the common taxpayers and beneficial to their own finances.
Indeed, one of the families who reaped the exorbitant profits were our old friends, the Rockefellers, who were for obvious reasons, very eager for the United States to enter World War I and who made more than $200m from the conflict which incidentally is $16bn in today’s values.

However, support for the League of Nations continued.
The Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry of France was one which advised all of its members, "It is the duty of universal Freemasonry to give its full support to the League of Nations...."
Predictably, the League of Nations became a major issue during the Presidential election of 1920 when the Republican candidate Warren G. Harding was on record as opposing the League and further attempts to ratify the charter, saying, “It will avail nothing to discuss in detail the League covenant, which was conceived for world super-government In the existing League of Nations, world governing with its super-powers, this Republic will have no part.”

He was opposed in the Republican primaries by General Leonard Wood, one of the Republican ‘hawks’, who was backed by a powerful group of rich men who hoped to install a military man in the White House.
The American people, once again manifesting their disapproval of the League, voted for Harding as evidence of that distrust and concern and Harding beat the opposition by a greater margin than did President Wilson during the election of 1916.
Wilson only managed to get fifty-two percent of the vote, whilst Harding achieved sixty-four percent.

Harding was a supporter of William Howard Taft, the President who opposed the bankers and their Federal Reserve Bill.
After his election, he named Harry M. Daugherty, Taft's campaign manager, as his Attorney General.
His other Cabinet appointments were not as wise however, as he ‘inexplicably’ surrounded himself with men representing the oil industry.
His chosen Secretary of State was Charles Evans Hughes, an attorney of Standard Oil; his Secretary of the Treasury was Andrew Mellon, owner of Gulf Oil; his Postmaster General was Will Hays, an attorney for Sinclair Oil; and his Secretary of the Interior was Albert Fall, a protégé of the oil men.

It was the aptly named Fall, who was indeed to be Harding's downfall as he later accepted a bribe from Harry Sinclair in exchange for a lease of the Navy's oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming.
There are many who believe that the scandal was intended to discredit the Harding administration in an attempt to remove him from office for two very important reasons.
Harding was consistently vocal against the League of Nations, and there was still a chance that its supporters could get the United States to join, as the League had survived the Senate's prior refusal to ratify the treaty and Attorney General Daugherty had been prosecuting the oil trusts under the Sherman anti-trust laws.

These activities did not please the oil interests who had created the Teapot Dome scandal. But Harding perhaps unsurprisingly as is often the case, unfortunately did not live to see the full repercussions of the artificial scandal, as he died on the 2nd August 1923, before the story completely surfaced.
Indeed, there are many who believe that there were some who could not wait for the Teapot Dome scandal to remove President Harding and that he was poisoned as were several of his predecessors.

Nevertheless the oil barons allowed it to completely play its course as a warning to future Presidents of the United States not to oppose the oil interests or indeed any other powerful, vested, corporate interests and to date, with one or two notable exceptions, the warning has been generally heeded.
Not many have chosen to contend with the true rulers of the United States – certainly not and lived to tell the tale anyway, eh Mr. Kennedy?

The League of Nations

The League, formed on the 28th June 1919, was a very early attempt to form a blueprint for ‘One World Government’, just as is its latter-day successor, the United Nations.
Promoted under the banner of preventing future conflicts by virtue of the fact that all nations are part of the same ‘club’, both organisations have proved to be anything but benign.

The Elite gofer and ‘fixer’ Colonel Edward Mandell House planned the League as a ploy to coerce the United States into conceding its sovereignty to the organisation at the close of World War I.
However, the US Senate refused to ratify America's entry into the League, resulting in Col. House’s initiative towards world government being thwarted.
Disappointed, but not beaten, House and his friends then formed the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), whose purpose even from its inception was to destroy the freedom and independence of the United States and lead the nations into world government despite the failure of the attempt to achieve it through the League of Nations.
The control of that world government of course, was intended to be placed in the hands of House and his cohorts.

From its small beginnings in 1921, the CFR began to attract men of power and influence.
In the late 1920s, important financing for the CFR came from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation and in 1940, at the invitation of President FD Roosevelt, members of the CFR gained domination over the State Department and much to the detriment of democracy in that erstwhile ‘land of the free’, they have maintained that domination ever since.

The Russian Revolution

So even before the outbreak of World War I, the Elite conspirators had a plan to carry-out Nathan Rothschild's vow of 1814 to destroy the Czar and also murder all possible royal heirs to the throne and it was planned to occur before the end of the war.
The Bolsheviks were to be their chosen instruments in this particular plot.

The leaders of the Bolsheviks were Nicolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky and later Joseph Stalin but of course, those were not their true family names.
Prior to the Revolution, their base was Switzerland and Trotsky's headquarters was on the lower East Side in New York, an area mainly inhabited by Russian-Jewish refugees.
Both Lenin and Trotsky lived extremely well yet neither had a regular occupation and neither had any visible means of support, yet both always were well dressed and groomed, with plenty of cash at their disposal.
From early in the year (1917), there were strange events taking place in New York.
Night after night, Trotsky was at Jacob Schiff's palace-mansion and there were several gatherings of shady characters on the lower East Side, all of them Russian refugees, at Trotsky's headquarters and all were undertaking a comprehensive training-process that was completely shrouded in mystery.
In fact, Schiff was discovered to be surreptitiously financing all of Trotsky's activities.


Eventually Trotsky disappeared with approximately 300 of his by now, well-trained thugs.
Actually they were on a Schiff-chartered ship headed for a rendezvous with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland along with $20,000,000 in gold.
This gold was provided by Schiff himself, to finance the Bolsheviks takeover of Russia.
To celebrate Trotsky's arrival, Lenin gave a party at his Swiss hideaway which was attended by some of society’s high flyers.
Among them were the mysterious Colonel Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson's mentor and more importantly, Schiff's special and confidential messenger.
Other guests were the Warburg banksters of Germany, who were financing the Kaiser and in addition there were of course, the ubiquitous Rothschilds of London and Paris and also Josef Stalin who was at the time the head of a train and bank-robbing gang.
He was even well-known as the ‘Jesse James of the Urals’!

It is a matter of record that on the 3rd February 1917, US President Woodrow Wilson had broken off all diplomatic relations with Germany, therefore Warburg, Colonel House and the Rothschilds were strictly-speaking, enemies but of course Switzerland was a neutral country, as it always is in wars as it is the home of the financial backers of most conflicts.
So it was natural that enemies could meet there, especially if they had some nefarious scheme in common.

However, Lenin’s celebration was almost undone by an unforeseen incident when the Schiff-chartered ship on its way to Europe was intercepted and taken into custody by a British warship.
But Schiff acted quickly and gave orders to President Wilson to demand that the British release the ship, with Trotsky, his thugs and the gold remaining intact. Wilson of course obeyed, as do all puppet politicians when given orders by the Elite who manoeuvred them into that position in the first place.
In fact he threatened the British that if they refused to release the ship that the United States would not enter the war in April as he had faithfully promised a year earlier.

Fortunately for the whole sordid scheme, the British relented and allowed safe passage for the ship and Trotsky duly arrived in Switzerland and the Lenin party took place as scheduled, but they still faced what ordinarily would have been the insurmountable obstacle of getting the Lenin-Trotsky band of terrorists across the border into Russia.
Fortuitously, Max Warburg, whom the Kaiser had made chief of the German Secret Police, was able through his position and contacts to ensure that all the perpetrators plus their loot were ‘sealed’ into railway freight-cars and made all the necessary arrangements for their secret entry into Russia.
As they say, the rest is history. The revolution in Russia took place and all members of the royalty, the entire Romanov dynasty were murdered and the Bolsheviks had secured complete control of the country.


Can there be any further doubt that so-called communism, is an integral part of the Elite conspiracy for the enslavement of the entire world?
Or even that communism is merely a weapon and fear-inducement to terrify the people of the whole world and that the conquest of Russia and the creation of communism was largely organised by Schiff and the other international banksters?

An almost incredible story perhaps, but in its support, many years later one of Randolph Hearst’s newspapers published an interview with John Schiff, grandson of Jacob, in which Schiff confirmed the entire story and even named the figure that Jacob had contributed - $20,000,000.
There is absolutely no dispute that communism was created by the Elite.
In fact all records show that when Lenin and Trotsky engineered the subjugation of Russia, they operated as leaders of the ‘Bolshevik’ party. But ‘Bolshevism’ is a purely Russian word and the Elite knew that ‘Bolshevism’ could never be promulgated as an acceptable ideology to any but the Russian peoples.
So in April 1918, Jacob Schiff sent Colonel House to Moscow with orders to Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin to change the name of their regime to the ‘Communist Party’ and to adopt the Karl Marx
‘Communist Manifesto’ as the constitution of the Communist Party.
Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin concurred and so it came to pass that in 1918 the Communist party and the menace of communism was first brought to the attention of the world.
This information is all confirmed in, and can be corroborated by ‘Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition’.

So, for the avoidance of doubt, communism was created by the Elite capitalists.
Until 11th November 1918 and the end of World War I, the entire long-term plan of the conspirators had worked perfectly and all the major nations involved in the conflict, including the United States, were war-weary, devastated, and in mourning for their many dead.
Peace was thus the great universal desire and so when it was proposed by Woodrow Wilson at the behest of his masters of course, to set-up a ‘League of Nations’ to ensure peace, all the great nations, with no Russian Czar to stand in their way this time, agreed instantly.
All that is, but one, the United States.
Ironically, the one country that Schiff and his co-conspirators least expected would be an obstacle and the fatal mistake made by the Elite was that when Schiff planted Wilson in the White House, it had naturally been assumed that they would have no problem with the United States.

However, Wilson had been ‘sold’ to the American people as a great humanitarian and there was every reason for the conspirators to have believed that he would have easily cajoled Congress into buying the ‘League of Nations’ hyperbole.
But unfortunately for them, there was one man in the Senate in 1918 who ‘saw through’ the scheme, just as the Russian Czar did in 1814.
He was a man of great political stature and very astute and was also highly-respected and trusted by all members of both houses of Congress and by the American people.
His name was Henry Cabot Lodge and he completely exposed Wilson as the fraud that he most undoubtedly was and thus kept the United States out of the ‘League of Nations’.
As a result of this, the proposed stepping-stone to one world government was thwarted, for the time being and no further attempts were made to move the world down this route until after WWII and the advent of the ‘United Nations’.

So, Communism facilitated by the Russian Revolution, was merely a fantasy to enable Capitalists to steal money from other Capitalists under the pretence of making a better world for the common man.
How many millions of idealists have devoted their lives to this farce?
And worse still, how many millions died in World War II when the same Elite banksters financed Hitler simply to keep Stalin in check?
Then of course there are the literally trillions of dollars spent on weapons during the Cold War – all of which swelled the coffers of the Elite to bursting-point and yet still they were not satisfied.
Also consider how little we in the West hear of Stalin’s or Mao’s atrocities in the name of ‘Communism’ compared to those of Hitler in supposedly opposing it.

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