The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (23 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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Every year, over a hundred of the most powerful, yet mainly unelected people on the planet will meet in complete secrecy and will plan and discuss the future of the world.
Even those elected individuals are not there upon the mandate of the people; they only ever attend in a ‘private’ capacity.
They have all been sworn to absolute secrecy as to what is discussed and yet this has no interest for the mainstream media at all?

It is only in recent years that the alternative news media has brought so much attention to the Bilderberg Group that everyone finally admits that the Bilderberg Group really does exist, but now the controlled mainstream media does everything it possibly can to downplay the importance of the organisation by suggesting that anyone that believes that there is anything wrong with dozens of the most powerful people on the planet meeting in utter secrecy to discuss the future course of world events is ‘crazy’.

If the Bilderberg Group is so unimportant, then why would people like Bill Clinton, Prince Charles, David Cameron, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, Rick Perry, David Rockefeller, Herman van Rompuy, Jean-Claude Trichet, Jeff Bezos, Chris R. Hughes, Eric Schmidt, Craig J. Mundie, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Richard Perle, Paul Volcker, Lawrence Summers, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden take the time to attend?

Below is a list of some others who have attended Bilderberg Group meetings over the years…

NATO Secretary Generals:

Joseph Luns (1971-84)

Lord Carrington (1984-88)

Manfred, Werner (1988-94)

Willy, Claes (1994-5)

Javier, Solana (1995-99)

Robertson, Lord (1999-2003)

Scheffer, Jaap de Hoop (2003)

European Commissioners:


Barroso, Jose Manuel - President of the European Commission (2004-09)

Prodi, Romano - Head of State - Europe (1999-2004)

Bolkestein, Frits - International Markets Commissioner, European Commission (1999-2004)

Lamy, Pascal - European Trade Commissioner (1999-2004)

Fortescue, Adrian, Director General, Justice and Internal Affairs (1999-2004)

Fischler, Franz - Member of the Commission Agriculture and rural development & Fisheries (1999-2004)

Monti, Mario - Member of the European Commission responsible for competition (1999-2004)

Banking Governors and other fiscal elites:

King, Mervyn - Governor, Bank of England

Trichet, Jean-Claude - President, European Central Bank

Schwab, Klaus,- President, World Economic Forum

Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken

Wolfensohn, James - President, The World Bank

Kielholz, Walter - Former Chairman of the Board, Credit Suisse

Soros, George - President and Chairman of Soros Fund Management

Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of Deutsche Bank

Greenspan, Alan - former Chairman, Federal Reserve System

McDonough, William - President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Moscow, Michael - President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Pearl, Frank - Chairman and CEO, Perseus, L. L.C.

Kist, Ewald - Chairman of the Board ING

Petroleum, Chemical, Genetic Engineering:

Shapiro, Robert - Chairman and CEO, Monsanto Company

Vasella, Daniel - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG Pepsico Inc.

Pragnell, Michael - CEO Syngenta AG: Director, AstraZeneca plc

Sutherland, Peter - Non-executive Chairman of BP plc

Hubbard, Allan - President, E&A Industries

Veer, Jeroen van der - President of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.

Annual meetings are held in locations all over the world and are closed to the public and the press.
The resort areas and hotels where they meet are cleared of residents and visitors and surrounded by soldiers, armed guards, the Secret Service, state and local police.
All conference and meeting rooms are scanned for bugging devices before every single meeting.

Prior to the 1971 meeting in Woodstock, Virginia, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (one of the founding members) said that the subject of the meeting was the ‘change in the world role of the United States’.
After the weekend conference, Kissinger went to Red China to open up trade relations and an international monetary crisis developed, which prompted the devaluing of the dollar by 8.5% (which made a tremendous profit for those who converted to the European currency.

In 1976, fifteen representatives from the Soviet Union attended the meeting which was held in the Arizona desert and it was believed that at that time the plans were formulated for the break-up of the Soviet Union.
At the 1990 meeting held at Glen Cove, Long Island, they decided that taxes had to be raised to pay more towards the debt owed to the International Bankers (the IMF and World Bank), whilst at the 1991 meeting at the Black Forest resort in Baden Baden, Germany, they discussed plans for a common European currency and European central banking and discussed a ‘shake-up’ of the Middle Eastern countries to the benefit of their corporate friends.
This all came to pass shortly afterwards without need for consultation among individual countries.

At their 1992 meeting the group discussed the possibility of ‘conditioning the public to accept the idea of a UN army that could, by force, impose its will on the internal affairs of any nation’.

Bilderbergers meekly justify their existence as ‘simply a place to discuss ideas’, an innocent forum where anyone can ‘speak frankly’ and other assorted clichés.
However, any group that conducts its activities under the cloak of secrecy can be regarded as conspiratorial.
It may hide under a figurehead who may or may not know the true aims of the body he/she represents but without doubt the Bilderberg Group is a group of politicians, financiers and industrialists under the command of unelected and undemocratic Elite individuals who through their enormous power and the money behind them dictate the political policy of the entire world to their own benefit.

Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key and Phi Beta Kappa

These are the names of the major American ‘Ivy League’ Universities’ secret society groups.
Their influence is felt disproportionately throughout all of American politics, banking and industry and its members are extremely influential and yet for the most part, unelected individuals who nevertheless through the power wielded by the senior members of these groups are able to short-circuit the normal, democratic routes to the top levels of American society.

Skull and Bones is the most well-known of the ‘University’ secret societies and is based at Yale University in America.
It has numbered among its members many famous political figures throughout the last almost two hundred years, its most famous, recent ‘son’ being George W. Bush who despite an obvious lack of intellect or talent of any kind has managed to become President of the USA on two occasions as well as becoming a multi-millionaire in his own right.
Skull and Bones is almost an offshoot of Freemasonry, with adherents of S&B often being also senior, high-level Freemasons.

Members of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale, meet twice weekly at their headquarters, a windowless mausoleum of a building known colloquially as ‘the tomb’ to members.
It was founded in 1832 by William Russell and was ‘incorporated’ in 1856 as the ‘Russell Trust’.
The Russell family derived its fame and fortune from the opium trade in the nineteenth century, illegally transporting opium from Turkey to China and indeed the Russells soon became the centre of the US opium-supply trade making absolutely mind-boggling fortunes for the family members.
The head of the Russell firm in China at this time was Warren Delano, the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was of course destined to be President of the US in the 1930s and 1940s.
And other famous names of the Skull and Bones have been such notables as Prescott Bush (the grandfather of Bush the lesser), and his son George H. W. Bush, the father of the lesser one.
We also encounter within the membership lists such names as Rockefeller, Harriman. Whitney, Payne, Vanderbilt etc., in other words a veritable who’s who of American society throughout the ages.

The late historian and researcher, Anthony Sutton somehow acquired the records of all the members of the society going back to 1832 and confirmed that around twenty prominent families from American high society totally dominate these lists.
These prominent families all unsurprisingly have genetic links to the English aristocracy via the Puritan settlers in the American continent in the early seventeenth century and have remained in prominence ever since, with the help and assistance of their comrades in the societies named above as well as several other less famous ones.

Skull and Bones is also a popular recruiting ground for secret service agents for the CIA, much as are the British counterparts to Yale and Harvard universities, Oxford and Cambridge.
George H. W. Bush was head of the CIA for a spell in the 1980s in the Reagan administration and was no doubt originally recruited whilst still attending Yale.
It was George H. W.’s father, Prescott who was responsible for the theft of the skull of the Native American chief, Geronimo from his grave in 1919 for use in the society’s bizarre and depraved rituals, before eventually S&B were forced to return it whence it came, many years later.

It was also prominent ‘bonesmen’, as they are known, who were behind the secret funding of the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, providing millions of dollars in backing for their ‘front-men’ Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin.

In a fair, just and democratic society, how can such organisations be allowed to exist?
The obvious answer of course is that they should not be allowed to exist, but at least if they are in existence, as they most certainly are, let us pretend no longer that we all live in anything approaching a democratic society or nation.

The Round Table

The Round Table also has strong links with Freemasonry.
Although centred in Britain, this financial empire extends its influence through a worldwide network, whose supreme council is headed by the Rothschilds of Britain and France.
A generational seat is accorded to a descendant of the Habsburgs, and to the ruling families of England and France.
In America, the Illuminati were represented by old-money families, such as the Rockefellers, Mellons and Carnegies.

The siphoning of the British people’s wealth into the coffers of the Illuminati in the City of London, created severe economic inequalities and stifled the nation’s ability to adapt technologically at a pace similar to that of the rapidly expanding nation of Germany.
And so, by the 1870s, the British Empire attained its zenith and Britain began the longest economic depression in its history, one that it was not to recover from until the 1890s. Therefore, the country of Britain no longer provided the economic capacity to support the global ambitions of the Illuminati and so it was at that point that the Illuminati sought to confer increasing power to its branches in the United States, which it could rule by proxy in the coming century, while still based financially in Britain.

The son of Baron Lionel Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer, also known as ‘Natty’ de Rothschild, became head of NM Rothschild and Sons upon his father’s death in 1879.
In 1876, he had succeeded to the Baronetcy, created for his uncle Anthony Rothschild, who died without a male heir and in 1884 Nathaniel Mayer became the first Jew elevated to the House of Lords.
Following the Rothschild’s funding of the Suez Canal, Natty de Rothschild developed a close relationship with Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli and affairs in Egypt.
Rothschild also funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company and the De Beers diamond conglomerate.
He administered Rhodes’s estate after his death in 1902 and assisted in the setting-up of the ‘Rhodes Scholarship’ at Oxford University.

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