The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (18 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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Artificially creating conflicts using a theory devised by Hegel (the Hegelian dialectic), which is: thesis versus antithesis = synthesis.
Sometimes more commonly referred to as ‘problem, reaction, solution’.
Every force tends to have an opposite counterforce and the conflict between the two results in a new situation, the synthesis.
The Elite make it their business to be the synthesis and thus no problem situation is ever solved early but it is rather encouraged, exacerbated and used for their own ends.
After a time, the masses will cry out for a solution to the problem and of course our Elite masters will then come to our rescue with a plan to resolve it, thus engendering the exact situation that they wanted in the first place.
A simple example would be this; the Elite decide that they want to impose more police powers to say, stop and search civilians at random.
They will then engineer a scenario where several terrorist attacks take place which they deem could have been prevented by random street searches.
The media will then make a huge ‘play’ of this fact and then the public will in turn and as planned all along, clamour for the very thing the Elite wanted, to be brought into law.

Another ploy is that of ‘divide and rule’.
This takes so many forms and is utterly rampant in all its manifestations.
Instead of promoting the similarities between all the diverse peoples of the world, the Elite emphasise the differences at every opportunity
The encouragement of large scale immigration into first world countries is one great example of this ‘divide and rule’ strategy.
Firstly, make a race of people appear to be the enemy through the usual methods of demonisation through the media and then encourage that race of people to undertake large scale immigration to the country in question.
The newspapers and TV/Radio stations news programmes will then be full of comments such as ‘…these people, coming over here, taking OUR jobs’ etc. all of which creates severe resentment, tension, unease, possibly violence and even murders.
Create enough of this type of situation to keep us all engrossed and then by this expedient the Elite are left free to continue their agenda ‘under the radar’ as it were.

Even more common examples of the ‘divide and rule’ strategy are such basics as religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, class and skin colour.
All these are used against us by encouraging us to concentrate on the differences between our fellow men and women, rather than the similarities and things we all have in common as members of the same species on the same planet.

‘Double-speak’ and ‘double-think’ were George Orwell’s creations in his hugely prophetic novel, ‘1984’.
Orwell was from an Elite, insider family who was broadly aware of the proposed future agenda for mankind.
An example of double-speak would be; ‘I categorically deny it will happen’ really meaning ‘it will happen a little later whilst you are all distracted by something else’ or ‘peace equals war by another means’.
To say one thing and actually do the opposite is fundamental to Elite methods and practices.
They believe that the public will accept these lies through apathy, ignorance, laziness and wishful thinking.
Unfortunately they are usually correct – on all counts.

Keeping us all busy is another crucial aspect of their control.
We are kept so busy working longer and longer hours and then afterwards with social distractions such as mass communication devices that allow us to be in almost constant contact with friends, computer games, music and 24/7 sports and entertainment broadcasting so that we do not have the energy left to care about, understand or participate in the decisions and events that will crucially affect our future.
This of course allows them the clear route through to fulfilling their vile agenda almost un-noticed.

When a real move is made to grab even more power, it is usually done secretly and suddenly, often with the pretence that nothing has happened.
There is preparation for opposition, but conflict is often not necessary as most people have been programmed to be so passive that they will probably not raise any effective opposition and often bad news for the masses can be buried in the fallout of other tragedies that now, to my mind at least, suspiciously take place in ever greater frequency.

One example of this was the announcement of the Pentagon ‘misplacing’ $2.6 trillion dollars on the 10th September 2001 which was very convenient and largely responsible for the birth of the phrase ‘a good day to bury bad news’.
Also digressing slightly, but strange was it not that the missile, sorry, plane that allegedly hit the Pentagon on 9/11 just happened to hit the audit department where the search for the missing money was in feverish full-swing at the time.
It was indeed the audit department that suffered the 120+ casualties sustained by employees of the Pentagon in the attacks of that day.
This was obviously just another coincidence though, so please do not be at all alarmed.

The use of ‘front men’ in important positions is another important tactic.
These ‘front men’ are in all cases, slavishly obedient to their Elite masters, usually because of their reputations being previously compromised by financial irregularity or indiscreet ‘honey-traps’ which they are anxious to conceal and often also because they are afraid of losing their positions of importance and influence and even sometimes they and their families’ lives.
Most of the Presidents of the USA and western senior politicians in general, fall into this category and they have in many cases, been groomed for this position almost from birth.
Men like Tony Blair, David Cameron, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill Clinton and George Bush are good examples.

Often the assassination of dissenting leaders is ordered, as quietly and as secretly as possible, so as to simulate a natural death or sometimes via the tried and tested ‘lone-nut gunman’ method.
If this is not appropriate or possible due to circumstances, surrogates are used and the lines of suspicion are covered by deception, false accusation and if necessary, multiple assassinations to eliminate all those with the knowledge of what actually occurred.
Undetectably induced heart attacks (eg. Robin Cook), fake ‘accidents’ (eg. Princess Diana) and contrived suicides (eg. Dr. David Kelly) constitute some of their favoured methods of assassination, besides the more overt assassinations such as those of Kennedy, John Lennon or Martin Luther King.
It is rumoured that the secret services (MI5, MI6 and CIA etc.) are in possession of a type of gun that will fire deadly, bullet-like, thin slivers of ice that can penetrate the heart instantly and then melt, leaving no trace whatsoever.

An easily manipulated, compliant, un-thinking population is highly desirable and mixed population groups with weak morals, weak traditions, low educational standards and weak group-willpower are the aim.
Those with special aptitudes, especially blind, unquestioning loyalty, will be groomed and trained to serve the Elite for technical purposes, security purposes or as part of the propaganda apparatus.
Through skillful, patient social engineering, the middle classes are being systematically engineered to become surplus to requirements, reduced to relative poverty and eventually, over time to be part of the planned ‘cull’.

Undermining the virtues and morals of society, control of the media, the fashion industries and the education systems are essential components in this strategy. ‘Free love’ otherwise known as extreme sexualisation – especially homosexuality, perverted sex, sexualisation of children, the cult of youth, overt and sustained mockery of religious faiths also fall into this category.
By these means of subtle subversion, societies and nations are conquered from within and open confrontation is usually rendered unnecessary.
It is the overt encouragement of homosexuality, increasingly-vile pornography, perversion and paedophilia etc., which is being used at an ever-increasing pace to attempt to bring about the destruction of human society and the traditional family and its values, thereby weakening humanity’s last bastion of defence, the security inherent in the philosophy of ‘sticking together against the odds’, against these extreme psychopathic predators.

The concept of unrelenting economic warfare is yet another weapon in their armoury and the recent economic crashes and the widely expected worldwide financial catastrophe at the time of writing still-to-come, is in reality an assertion of the Elite's economic power, an expression of economic dominance and a weapon to cause maximum fear and disruption and the extending of their power, money and influence still further.
Also as we will see in a later chapter, the Elite now own the means to control the worldwide weather and even geological upheaval and are not averse to using it for their own nefarious ends. (see chapter on HAARP).

We are also suffering from the extreme control and exploitation and a general lowering of the standards of public health.
The sale of prescription drugs is a huge business, generating obscene profit levels, whilst seriously debilitating our physical and mental health and thus affecting further our ability to recognise how we are being duped on a grand scale.
In fact, big business, particularly the big drug companies, have a vested interest in the ill health of the population.
These companies, working through the US Food and Drug Administration, (FDA) are wilfully suppressing the health food industry in order to own and control it so that healthy and nutritious foods will only be available to the Elite few.

It is perhaps pertinent at this stage to point-out the great deception taking place on a worldwide scale regarding political labels, in order to confuse and obfuscate the hidden goals of the Elite.
To clarify here are some political terms, their perceived meanings and their actual meanings…

Believed to be and painted as the ‘evil’ doctrine devised by the Elite puppet Karl Marx as a means of equalising and sharing power between all levels of society and portrayed by its exponents as a legitimate way of ending all the inequality and poverty in the world.
Often described as unworkable as it ‘runs contrary to human nature’.

Actually no different in practice to Socialism.
More accurately described as Communitarianism consisting of totalitarianism and overt control by the Government instead of by ‘the people’, the exact opposite to that implied.

Generally thought by ‘the people’ to be a form of watered-down Communism.
A sort of acceptable ‘half-way house’ which enables the ‘lower classes’ to participate in the governmental decision-making process without the full descent into anarchy that Communism is perceived as being.
The antithesis of Capitalism.

No different in practice to Communism, but this perceived difference allows the Elite to subtly promulgate Socialism where Communism would be unacceptable.

The overt control of the people and all of capitalist industry by the Government rather than the capitalist interests.
Another ‘no-no’ as far as the masses are concerned.

There is absolutely no difference whatsoever between any of these three terms in a practical, working sense.
These perceived opposites, Fascism and Communism have been used to divert us from the truth and control us for more than a century, whilst the Elite work towards their ultimate goal of a Fascist / Socialist / Communist One World Government.
They do not really care what it is referred to as in respect of the above terms – only that it comes about as quickly as possible.

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