The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (133 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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Big Pharma has been under pressure to remove mercury from all its vaccines for more than a decade now, but still shows no actual intent to do so.
What further evidence do we need that there is a conspiracy to maintain the status quo and continue to poison and kill on an industrial scale?
The very fact that governments remain complicit and do not intervene also speaks volumes and adds fuel to the fire of conspiracy.
It is obviously in everyone’s interests (except the general populace of course) that things remain as they are and the cull should continue.

Mercury in dental fillings

The official position of the British Dental Association (BDA) is that 'silver' fillings are safe and that amalgam (containing mercury) is an appropriate material to shore-up decayed teeth. They also state that there is no proven connection with adverse health complaints.
This actually conflicts directly with a statement by the Health and Safety Executive which states…
“Mercury forms a large number of organic and inorganic compounds.
Mercury vapour and almost all of these compounds are highly toxic.
Less hazardous substitutes should be used whenever possible”.

14,000 scientific papers world-wide have been published which suggest that mercury is a toxic material and should therefore not be used in fillings.
However, more recently the BDA has released a statement saying that more research needs to be carried out to ensure safety.
The UK Department of Health advises all dentists not to remove or replace amalgam fillings in pregnant women!

It is almost universally agreed that mercury can produce serious side effects.
It has become increasingly apparent that a large minority of dentists are no longer happy placing amalgam fillings in patients' mouths or subjecting nursing staff or themselves to further potential toxicity.

“About 3% of the population are estimated to suffer from ‘mercury sensitivity’”.
The British Dental Association (ie. the Elite-controlled and run British Dental Association)

That statement would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious.
Who do they really think they are kidding?
Everyone is ‘sensitive’ to Mercury in much the same way as we are ‘sensitive’ to Sarin nerve gas, hydrochloric acid or a bullet in the head.
Mercury, as they well know is a deadly poison causing all manner of unpleasantness to our bodies.
Amalgam based dental fillings contain not only mercury but other highly toxic metals which produces vapour that slowly poisons us.

Good health is impossible in the face of constant, low-level mercury poisoning, which occurs in people with mercury based amalgam fillings.
As an example, thyroid abnormalities cannot be corrected until amalgams are removed.
From the time the mercury is placed in your mouth, until the day you die (or you lose the teeth), chewing causes mercury vapour to escape.
It then enters your bloodstream and is delivered to all parts of your body, including your brain.

In California, dentists are required by law to inform patients of mercury risk.
Several European countries have outright bans, and the German government reimburses victims for mercury removal.
It is commonplace for dental associations to deny the dangers, due to their well-founded fear of being broken by lawsuits from people they have damaged over many decades.
Mercury fillings, unfortunately, are still widely used in the UK and are still vehemently defended by many dentists.
I leave you to guess their motives in this gross deception.


“The ADA owes no legal duty of care to protect the public... If you are a dentist still using mercury amalgam, be careful.
If you tell your patient that it is harmful, you already know that the ADA will come after you.
But... if you don’t tell your patient, you might be sued for not providing informed consent.”
American Dental Association in a letter to dentists.

The California State Board of Dental Examiners recently published a warning that mercury is a known toxin that has been shown to escape into the body.
The US Environmental Protection Agency classifies mercury filling material, once removed from the mouth, as a toxic waste that must then be carefully handled in special containers, and buried in toxic waste sites.

“When I trained as a dentist some years ago we had no training in nutrition or in the safety of materials.
In fact we were told once mercury is mixed into the alloy to make amalgam it is perfectly safe.

However, not long after working in general practice I realised that the suction unit has a filtration device that captures the chunks of amalgam drilled out of a tooth and that the dental nurses would empty this into a jar containing x-ray fixative chemicals at the end of the day so that it could not gas out mercury.

Once the jar was full it would be collected to go away as a hazardous waste material as we are legally not allowed to dispose of it down the sink or in the garbage.
That material is identical to what I was drilling and placing in teeth yet once out of the mouth was a toxic waste product.
How could that be?”
Rachel Hall, former National Health Service Dentist in the UK

Mercury toxicity has been linked to the following ailments;

Severe headaches and migraine


Poor Concentration



Multiple Sclerosis

Alzheimer’s disease

If you have amalgam fillings, my strong advice would be to find a dentist who is capable of and willing to remove them and replace with bio-friendly alternatives.
As you have probably gathered by now, our controlled ‘healthcare’ system does not care about you or your family’s health in the slightest.
We need to start fighting back against this insidious group as soon as we can in every way that we can.

Marijuana – the myth

It is said that marijuana or hemp as it was previously known is dangerous, however it is categorically known not to be harmful to either the human body or mind.
Marijuana does not pose a threat to the general public, but it is very much a danger to the Elite-owned oil companies, alcohol and tobacco industries and a large number of chemical corporations.
Big businesses with unlimited spending power and influence have suppressed the truth from the people.
The truth is that, if marijuana was utilised for its vast array of commercial products and benefits, it would create a second industrial revolution all on its own.
The truth is again that the super-rich have conspired to spread disinformation about a plant that, if used correctly, would ruin their companies.
You may have noticed the same recurring theme here!?

Where did the word ‘marijuana’ come from?
In the mid-1930s, the ‘m-word’ was created from an obscure Spanish slang word to tarnish the good image and phenomenal history of the hemp plant.
The facts cited here with references, are generally verifiable in the Encyclopedia Britannica which was printed on hemp paper for 150 years:

“All schoolbooks were made from hemp or flax paper until the 1880s.”
Jack Frazier, Hemp Paper Reconsidered 1974

“It was legal to pay taxes with hemp in America from 1631 until the early 1800s.”
LA Times, 12th August 1981

“Refusing to grow hemp in America during the 17th and 18th centuries was against the law! You could be jailed in Virginia for refusing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769”.
G. M. Herdon, Hemp in Colonial Virginia

“Benjamin Franklin owned one of the first paper mills in America and it processed hemp. Also, the War of 1812 was fought over hemp.
Napoleon wanted to cut off Moscow’s export to England.”
Jack Herer,
Emperor Wears No Clothes

“For thousands of years, 90% of all ships’ sails and rope were made from hemp. The word ‘canvas’ is Dutch for cannabis”.
Webster’s New World Dictionary

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers grew hemp.
(Washington and Jefferson Diaries).
Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France and thence to America.

80% of all textiles, fabrics, clothes, linen, bed sheets, etc., were made from hemp until the 1820s, with the introduction of the cotton gin.

The first Bibles, maps, charts and the first drafts of the US Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp.

The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky which produced 40,000 tons.
Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th century.

The oldest known records of hemp farming go back 5000 years in China, although hemp industrialization probably goes back to ancient Egypt.

Rembrandt’s, Van Gogh’s, Gainsborough’s, as well as most early canvas paintings, were principally painted on hemp linen.

In 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees would need to be cut down.
Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees.
Plans were in the works to implement these programs. (US Department of Agriculture Archives.)

“Quality paints and varnishes were made from hemp seed oil until 1937.
58,000 tons of hemp seeds were used in America for paint products in 1935.”
Sherman Williams Paint Co, testimony before the US Congress against the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act

“Henry Ford’s first Model-T car was built to run on hemp fuel and the car itself was constructed from hemp.
On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields.
The car, ‘grown from the soil,’ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel.”
Popular Mechanics, 1941

William Randolph Hearst and the Hearst Paper Manufacturing division of Kimberly Clark owned a vast acreage of timberlands.
The Hearst Company supplied most paper products. Hearst, a destroyer of nature for his own personal profit, stood to lose billions because of hemp.

In 1937, DuPont patented the processes to make plastics from oil and coal.
DuPont’s Annual Report urged shareholders to invest in its new petrochemical division.
Synthetics such as plastics, cellophane, celluloid, methanol, nylon, rayon, Dacron, etc., could now be made from oil.
Natural hemp industrialization would have ruined over 80% of DuPont’s business.

Andrew Mellon became Hoover’s Secretary of the Treasury and DuPont’s primary investor. He appointed his future nephew-in-law, Harry J. Anslinger, to head the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs.
Subsequently, secret meetings were held by these financial tycoons and as a result, hemp was declared dangerous and a threat to their billion-dollar enterprises.
For their dynasties to remain intact, hemp had to be eradicated.
These men took an obscure Mexican slang word: ‘marijuana’ and pushed it into the consciousness of America.

A media blitz of ‘yellow’ journalism raged in the late 1920s and 1930s.
Hearst’s newspapers ran stories emphasizing the horrors of marijuana.
The menace of marijuana made headlines and readers were told that it was responsible for everything from car accidents to low morality.

Films like
Reefer Madness
Marijuana: Assassin of Youth
(1935) and Marijuana: The Devil’s Weed (1936) were propaganda hit-pieces designed by these Elites to create an enemy and their purpose was to gain public support so that anti-marijuana laws could be passed.
In the film ‘Reefer Madness’, hemp (marijuana) is referred to as ‘a violent narcotic’.
It instigates ‘acts of shocking violence’ and causes ‘incurable insanity’ and ‘soul-destroying effects’ and even contains quotes such as ‘under the influence of the drug he killed his entire family with an axe’ and ‘more vicious, more deadly even than these soul-destroying drugs (heroin, cocaine) is the menace of marijuana!’

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