The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (65 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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It seems more than a little odd to me that they failed to do anything that could not be faked simply by changing the tape speed?
Some athletes here on Earth are able to perform a standing vertical jump of around four feet (1.3m) so I must also confess to finding it rather strange that the astronauts best efforts were only around 12 inches (0.3m).
In one-sixth gravity, 10 feet (3m) at least should have been easily achievable, even for the most unfit among us, let alone for highly trained, super-fit professionals such as these young men allegedly were.

Indeed, should the astronauts’ every movement not have been quicker than normal given the fact that there is virtually zero wind-resistance on the moon?
If so then, why does all the available footage show only half-speed movement?
It is almost as though it was the only way that NASA could think of attempting to represent anything that could be even remotely construed as resembling non-earthly movement.
Maybe then it is completely unsurprising that all the original footage has mysteriously disappeared, as being submitted to modern-day technology would expose it as fake in around two seconds flat.

Somewhat worryingly also, it also transpires that it is not just simply the film footage that has disappeared in its entirety, but also the complete set of 13000+, yes thirteen thousand plus reels of telemetry data including voice and biomedical data.
All of that information, in fact the entire technical record of all the Apollo moon missions has gone, plus all the design blueprints for the lunar modules, the lunar rovers and the entire Saturn V multi-sectioned rockets.
Worryingly that is for us but not for NASA of course as there is now no way at all that the contemporary scientific community could now ever have the opportunity of studying these documents in detail and thus prove them all impossibilities if not fakes of the most naïve kind.

For a short time there was a boost to the case of those who insist that Apollo project is not the almighty fiction that it most definitely is.
This came in the form of a promise from NASA to send a probe (unmanned) ‘back’ to the moon to photograph the various bits of detritus left over from the Apollo missions which would prove conclusively that all the thousands of ‘conspiracy theorists’ out there, were all wrong.
Sadly for the ‘believers’ though, no such images have ever been publicly forthcoming despite their wild claims to the contrary.
Even the Hubble space-telescope was widely touted as being capable of homing-in on the lost Apollo artefacts allegedly spread liberally about the surface of the Sea of Tranquillity, but this too has proved a false dawn.
Either the Hubble technology is capable of the feat or it is not, but whichever of these options is fact, there have been no images forthcoming from that source either.

In 2009, NASA announced that its ‘Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’ had returned the first images of the Apollo landing sites.

“The LROC team anxiously awaited each image.
We were very interested in getting our first peek at the lunar module descent stages just for the thrill – and to see how well the cameras had come into focus.
Indeed, the images are fantastic and so is the focus”.
LROC principle investigator, Mark Robinson of Arizona State University

Unfortunately that has proved not to be the case.
The images are in fact not ‘fantastic’ by anyone’s definition and neither is the focus.
In actual fact the images are from such a distance that the tiny white dots they show – in shadow also, it must be noted – could be almost anything.
Spot the Apollo debris (below).

Subsequent Japanese, Chinese and Indian unmanned lunar probes have also unsurprisingly perhaps, spectacularly failed to provide photographs of the Apollo landing sites.

“There’s no reason to go back … Quite frankly, the moon is a giant parking lot, there’s just not much there.”
Val Germann, President of the Central Missouri Astronomical Association.

Strange then is it not that so many space agencies worldwide send unmanned probes there and focus enormously powerful telescopes on the Moon’s surface?
What could they possibly learn about this ‘parking lot’ from those distances that the Apollo astronauts did not already discover by actually being there?

NASA also claims that several of the Apollo missions left small laser beam ‘targets’ on the moon’s surface that enable NASA scientists to bounce laser beams from them and which gives absolutely accurate readings of the distance from the Earth to the Moon.
Now bearing in mind that these ‘targets’ were approximately the size of a small computer monitor screen,
does anyone really believe that the technology existed in the 1960s and 1970s to accurately hit a target of that size with a laser beam from almost a quarter-million miles away?
In fact is it even possible today?
NASA states blithely and conveniently that there is no technology in existence that could accurately pinpoint the location of the Apollo detritus from the Earth, so how are they able to successfully locate a tiny laser target many times smaller than the artefacts supposedly left over from the moon landings?
Nevertheless according to NASA and its many apologists, the fact that these signals are being bounced off these targets on a regular basis, ‘proves’ beyond doubt that Apollo astronauts went to the moon.
I think not somehow.

The ‘actual’ Apollo lunar module

One could be forgiven for thinking that the above picture is of a model of a lunar landing module constructed by 10 year old school children in their arts and crafts classes, but nevertheless this is a ‘real’ lunar module allegedly sat on the surface of the moon, photograph courtesy of the Apollo astronauts and NASA.
This incredible piece of technology, we are led to believe, actually not only landed on the surface of the moon, but 3 days subsequently, took-off again, flew 70 miles upwards, back into orbit around the moon and successfully re-docked with the command module, which was incidentally travelling at a speed of over 4000 mph at the time, in order that it could then navigate the quarter-million mile journey back across the empty nothingness of space to land precisely where and when it was programmed to do.

The most striking aspect of the photograph above though is not so much how a craft seemingly put together with duct tape, tarpaulin and bits of aluminium foil can perform such technologically advanced feats, but how did it manage to carry all the equipment and accessories that was necessary for it to carry in order to keep two human beings alive for three days in the most inhospitable environment man has allegedly ever visited?

According to NASA’s own data, the lunar modules were only 12 feet in diameter.
This being the case, how was it possible to accommodate all the navigational guidance equipment (in the 1960s of course, this would have been extremely bulky) and then there would have been the power supplies, the reverse thruster for landing and the powerful rocket motor required for take-off again?
There would also need to be several other smaller rocket thrusters for stabilisation purposes, the massive amounts of fuel required to feed the rocket engines, especially upon take-off to accelerate enough to break-free of the moon’s gravity despite the fact that it is only 1/6th that of Earth.
There would in addition need to be plenty of equipment just to sustain life for two people for several days and provide some home comforts such as places to sleep, waste management facilities, food and water supplies, oxygen for three days for two people, the list just goes on and on.
The oxygen tanks in the space suits would have also needed a recharge system to enable the surface-walks to take place over a concerted period of time.
A back-up oxygen system may also be needed because no chances could have been taken.

The astronauts in addition to all of the above would also have desperately needed an air conditioning system, both in their suits and in the module itself, the capabilities of which would have to be seen to be believed.
Consider this; the surface of the moon is subject to some incredible temperature swings.
It can be +125
C in sunlight and -170
C in the shade with very little variation in-between these two extremes, so in the sunshine a human would be boiled alive and in the shade would be frozen solid in mi
In order to cope with these extremes, the space-suits worn by the Apollo astronauts would have had to have technology light-years beyond what we have today, never mind in the 1960s.
Also I think it quite pertinent to point out that air-conditioning systems in order to function correctly need a decent supply of air, the clue is in the name really and unfortunately air is a commodity which is apparently in fairly short supply on the moon, last time I checked.
An air conditioner cannot possibly work in a vacuum.
A space suit surrounded by a vacuum cannot transfer heat from the inside of the suit to anywhere else.
A vacuum, as you may remember from school physics lessons, is a perfect insulator and therefore anyone would roast alive in his suit under such circumstances.

But we are not even finished there.
The mission would also require equipment to maintain the ‘ship’ and to provide it with essential spares, for emergencies.
And then there would be all the testing and portable lab kits that they used to conduct experiments on the moon’s surface plus storage space for all the hundreds of pounds of moon rock that was allegedly brought back and which reportedly sits in hundreds of museums and scientific institutes around the world.
The latter visits to the moon were also equipped with the ‘moon rover’.
This in itself was over ten feet long with four wheels larger than the standard car wheels of today – how did they get it in, I really do wonder?
Well, according to NASA itself, this beast (below) actually folded-up to be the size of a large suitcase!
Can anyone with even a semi-functioning brain really accept this abject nonsense?

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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