The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories) (3 page)

BOOK: The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories)
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“Is it true?” he asked. I nodded, a tear falling down my cheek.


“I'm sorry, Aaron. It is. But then I met you and I realized that that mattered more. But you never paid attention to me in public or said anything about wanting a relationship and I was confused. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt your position in the MC. I'm sorry I hurt you.” Aaron just stood there giving me a stony glare.


“I want you to leave. You need to be gone tonight Kate. I'm sorry I ever trusted you.” With those final words, he turned and walked away. I had no more tears to cry so I packed up my meager belongings and then left without another word to anyone. I walked down the road  for a bit on my own before calling a cab to take me back to my little apartment that I hadn't visited at all the past two weeks. It should have felt like home, but instead it just felt cold and lonely. I knew I should call my boss and inform him of my failure, but instead, I took some time to mourn what I had lost. I curled up in my bed and watched tv, when the idea struck me. I could still write the article. I could still salvage my career and hopefully fix some of the damage that I had done to Aaron's reputation within the MC as well. I sat down at my laptop and started to type. The words flowed as I wrote about how I had gone undercover in the Burning Woods Outlaws and found a friendly group of bikers who started to become my new family. I wrote about Aaron, the badass with a heart of gold, who wanted nothing more than to help his fellow bikers, his misfit family, and keep the group true to its core message. I wrote the truth about how some of the Outlaws disagreed with him, but that the majority of the group was behind his philosophy of abiding the law and sticking to their values of friendship, family, loyalty, and the rule of law. And then finally, I wrote of how sorry I was that I had deceived them and broken their trust. I wrote one final sentence: “I am most sorry that I broke the trust of the best man I have ever known, the man who had stolen my heart from the moment he saved me at that bar.”


I sent the article off in an email to my boss and shut my computer. It was time for me to take some time for myself. To start with, I needed to dye my hair back to brown. I knew it was silly, but somehow it felt like I was removing the last layer of my deception. I needed to be the authentic me. I watched the dye run out in the shower and stepped out to stare at myself in the fogged mirror. Staring back was the old me. The girl with brown hair who was loyal to those she loved. I sighed, wishing I had let Aaron see this girl instead of the fake one. But there wasn't much I could do now. I waited for the next morning when my article was published in the Tribune. My boss had published it on the front page, without a sensational title to his credit. I knew the MC would see it. I decided to do chores around my apartment to keep myself from going crazy imagining what they were saying about me as they read my article. I was putting on a load of laundry when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find Aaron standing outside my apartment. He looked confused when he saw me, brown hair up in a ponytail and no makeup, but then he smiled sheepishly.


“Your boss gave me your address,” he explained. “Can I come in?” I nodded and gestured to make couch.


“Of course, come in. Sorry, I wasn't expecting company. I kind of figured you all hated me by now.”


“I never hated you Kate. I could never hate you. I was angry. But after reading your article, I understand that you never meant to hurt me. In fact, your article helped cement my support in the group and the election is sure to go in my favor. So in the end, you really helped me. I've always had feelings for you. I just always felt like you were keeping a distance and hiding from me. I wasn't sure what you wanted, so I never took my feelings public. But now I know. And now I want you to be with me, everywhere, in every way...” his eyes met mine in a hungry glimmer and I knew I couldn't resist him.


Aaron's hands flew to my ponytail, releasing my long brown locks as his lips met mine. “I like you as a brunette,” he whispered to my mouth as we kissed. His hand moved over the curve of my waist, pushing up my shirt to reveal the black bra underneath. His hands cupped my breasts and he groaned against me. My hands pulled at his shirt as well, pulling it up to reveal his amazing sculpted abs. I had missed this so much. Before we knew it, I was lying on the couch and Aaron was lying on top of me as we kissed passionately. I could feel his hardness pressing against me and I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him to take me and make me his. I needed him to dominate me, to show me that our passion was real.


“Fuck me. Please,” I moaned into his ear. Aaron didn't need to be told twice. He pulled my pants and soaking panties down and unbuckled his own belt, he released his huge, erect cock quickly, barely fumbling with the zipper on his jeans. His fingers flew to my wet opening and he grinned when he felt how ready for him it was, all dripping wet in anticipation. He pressed his cock to my slit and I felt my opening strain against his large member. With one hard thrust, Aaron's cock entered me, bursting into my cunt and taking over my body. We both moaned with pleasure as he fucked me hard, his cock slamming into me, his balls slapping against my bare ass with each thrust of his cock. He knew what I wanted and he wanted it too. He fucked me hard, with more insistence and domination than ever and I loved it. I was now his in every way and he was mine. His thick girth expanded my cunt with each thrust and I moaned louder and louder,  until his cock slammed against my g-spot in one final explosion of pleasure. My orgasm shook my entire body, sending waves of pleasure out from my pussy and leaving me in a quivering mess under Aaron. He smiled lazily, clearly proud of giving me such a thunderous orgasm. And then he gave me a few hard last thrust and he came as well, groaning loudly as his cock spurted his hot cum all over me. He fell down onto the couch beside me, panting from the exertion and the pleasure. We both breathed heavily for a few minutes in silence.  Finally, Aaron turned to me.


“Want to go on a date tonight? Like, a proper dinner and everything?” I smiled.

“I would love that!” I replied eagerly.

“And then...I'm going to teach you how to ride,” my biker lover exclaimed.


Banged by the Motorcycle Gang


(Vipers MC)


by Marjorie Lux




Copyright 2014 Marjorie Lux

All rights reserved.


Banged by the Motorcycle Gang

(Vipers MC)


Book design by Marjorie Lux



I twirled the pencil covered in teeth marks in my fingers, wondering vaguely who had chewed it up. Not that I could blame them. Spending my summer working nights at the Crossroads Motel was enough to drive anyone crazy. It was driving me crazy. I had had all sorts of grand plans for how to spend my summer after my first year of college, but it turned out I really needed money and the only place in this small, useless little town that was interested in hiring me was this dingy old motel.

Working the night desk was mostly boring. For hours and hours, all I would do was sit there and stare into space. I started to bring books along to read, but I had to make sure I wasn't caught since some old couple had complained to the manager that I had been reading instead of doing my job. I'm not sure what they thought my job was or what they expected for $60 a night. Every now and then, some really weird characters would come through. Mostly prostitutes, sometimes guys who were clearly having affairs or people who were just really drugged up. Even the interesting people had started to get boring for me. I just wished I could be out partying like the rest of the college kids on summer vacation.

I stared down at the pencil in my hand as thoughts of wild parties and drinking on the beach flashed through my mind. I sighed and dropped the pencil. My life would never be that glamourous. I was just about to pick up my book and get back to reading the sappy romance when I heard the roar of engines pulling into the motel parking lot. It sounded a lot louder than any car I knew of and it sounded like there were several of them. I jumped up and raced to the dirty window to get a peak. A group of approximately ten burly men wearing leather road up on their motorcycles. They were clearly some type of biker gang, looking all tough and covered in leather and patches. They all wore a big patch that said Vipers MC. They looked tough and I was suddenly worried that they planned to rob the place. I would definitely get blamed if anything bad happened. I ran back to the desk and poised my hand close to the phone, ready to dial the police if anything went wrong.

The engines silenced as the bikers turned off their bikes and dismounted. My tension grew until they finally barged into the small office, filling the room with their imposing presence. I was immediately struck by how they were mostly much younger, and much more attractive than I had initially assumed. From a distance, I thought they were going to be old bikers, grey and wrinkled. But other than one man with a thick grey beard,most of them appeared to be anywhere from twenty to mid forties. They were all jacked and tanned and covered in tattoos. They were tough and frightening, but in a way that stirred something inside me. These were the ultimate bad boys, and I had never been able to resist bad boys. My hand fell away from the phone as I stood to greet them. The men walked forward with confidence and cockiness, a swagger in each heavy step. I felt the desire to reach out and touch their muscles, feel the bulging biceps and hard abs, but I resisted and tried to smile charmingly instead. The apparent leader of the group stepped forward.

“Got any place for us to stay tonight? We'll take a few rooms. We aren't picky.” His voice boomed loud and he looked straight at me, never dropping his gaze. I licked my bottom lip as he spoke, taking in his deep chestnut hair that was kissed with natural sun bleach highlights and his rough, scarred up skin. The man was probably around forty and he looked hardened, yet still somehow carefree and youthful. He was also really fucking hot. I composed myself and nodded.

“Yeah, we've still got a few rooms open,” I replied. I looked down at the papers and keys lined up on the desk. “There are three of them over to the left. Will that be enough?” The men were all staring at me now, taking in my small, girly frame and the ample cleavage spilling from my low-cut tank top. Alright, I'll admit that sometimes I dressed a little skanky. But in my defense, it was hot as hell in this dirty little office in the summer because my boss wouldn't let me turn on the air conditioning.

“That would be fine, honey” the man replied with a slight smile. “We ain't the picky sort. Why don't you fetch us some extra towels so we can freshen up after a day on the road?” I handed him the three keys and ran to grab some extra towels. Normally, my boss told us not to give people extra of anything, but I found myself really wanting to please this sexy man and his band of tough, motorcycle riding friends. I grabbed a stack of towels from the back area and headed over to the first of the rooms. After a quick knock, the door flew open and there stood one of the younger bikers, completely naked. He was dripping wet from a shower and looked kind of like a cute college frat boy once all the leather and grime was removed. He was muscular, but skinnier than the leader and had a mop of sandy blond hair that fell in his eyes.

“Thanks doll,” he said with a thick southern drawl and I couldn't help but smile.

“You're welcome. You guys want the rest of these towels?”

“Yeah, sure. Come right on in and you can hand them out. Everyone's been dying to get a closer look at you,” he replied with a wink. I blushed, unsure of what to say. But I followed him into the room anyway and looked around at the bikers assembled there. About five of them were in this first room, and every single one of them was staring at me. I could feel them mentally undressing me, but instead of feeling threatened I felt flattered and turned on.

“Come on in, pretty lady,” one of the guys called from the back. He was a tall, broad shouldered man with dark olive skin and a bright smile.  I couldn't help but walk towards him when he spoke. I awkwardly tried to hand him a towel from the stack, but he reached out and grabbed my waist instead. “I wouldn't mind fucking those plump little tits,” he whispered in my ear. I blushed bright red, unsure of how to react. Normally, I would just slap a man who talked to me like that, but I found myself growing moist at the thought.

“I should probably go. I need to put towels in the other room,” I said, lowering my face behind a curtain of my blonde hair so they wouldn't see how pink my cheeks had turned.

“No need for that, honey,” the blonde, frat boyish one replied. “We can just call them in. I know they would like to play too.”  He lowered the towel as he was talking, revealing his huge erection. I gasped and stared at his long cock as it pointed straight out at me. He grinned at me and the other bikers laughed. While I stared, wide eyed and opened mouthed at his hard cock, the rest of the biker gang came to the door and entered the room. They all laughed when they saw frat boy's hard cock and my reaction.

“Looks like you all got started without us,” the leader said with a laugh. “Now, I can't really blame you with such a tasty morsel like her. But remember the rules. I get first dibs on all the pretty ladies.” The group nodded and frat boy's expression looked a little sheepish. They all parted as the leader walked up to me. “Now what's the matter, dear? You afraid of us? You should be. We are bad. Very bad. But I promise no one here will hurt you. We just wanna have a little fun with you. We want to make you cum more than you've ever cum before. Would you like that?” He reached one rough, calloused hand up to tuck a piece of blonde hair that had fallen across my face behind my ear. I bit my lip and looked up at him. He looked back at me, a sincere look in his eyes at he met my gaze. Despite myself, I felt myself nodding. I did want that. I wanted it so badly. His touch sent shivers through my body and I felt an intense need growing inside me.

“Ok,” was all I could manage to squeak out in a high pitched whisper. I bit my lip, excited for the night.

“You ready for some fun, boys?” the leader called out and all the men whooped and yelled out. I felt an excitement tinged with fear flow through my body.  I wanted this so badly but I was afraid. I had never had so much as a threesome and here I was, offering myself up to ten big, bad biker dudes. What was I thinking? Except, I couldn't even think. All I could do was stare as the leader started pulling off his leather vest, revealing a tanned and muscular chest, covered with old scars. He looked so strong and masculine that I just wanted him to hold me and protect me. Or maybe throw me against a wall. His eyes glinted with danger as he quickly undid his belt and I realized that the second possibility was much more likely. The biker yanked down his pants, releasing his hard cock from his pants. I gasped as it sprang free. His cock was huge and thick. What was I possibly going to do with such a huge cock? It wouldn't fit in any part of me!

“It's so big!” I cried out and the bikers all laughed heartily. The leader looked very pleased at my reaction, but I could see the lust starting to fill his expression.

“Take that shirt off and show me your tits,” he commanded as his hand lightly stroked his huge, fat cock. I complied, pulling the tank top over my head and leaving only my tight lacey pushup bra between the bikers and my bouncy double Ds. The biker reached out a squeezed a handful of my overflowing cleavage. I yelped at the sharp pain but he just smiled. “Fuck, those are hot,” he groaned. “Now suck me while I play with these titties. Boys, you can have some fun too. But cock enters her before mine does.” My eyes grew wide, but I couldn't help but obey.

I knelt down in front of the leader's huge cock and placed my lips at the tip. It tasted like sex, dirty, delicious, naughty. I wanted more. The huge girth pressed against my lips as I pulled the thick cock into my mouth. It pulled and stretched at my lips, filling up all the space in my mouth. I could barely breathe with the cock filling my throat, but tasting him, having this huge cock in my mouth, was just the most erotic thing I had ever experienced and I wanted more. I started to pump his cock in and out of my mouth, enjoying his groans as I sucked him. I reached down and fondled his balls while I sucked. The leader seemed to be enjoying himself, but it must have been too tame for him. He gripped a handful of my hair and pulled my head back so my throat was held open. He then started to thrust, fucking my mouth and throat hard and fast. As he fucked my face, the other bikers approached and started to join in the fun. One of them came up behind me and slapped my ass hard. I tried to cry out,  but the sound was muffled by the massive cock in my mouth. I felt hands gripping my panties, pulling, ripping. My panties fell apart, ripped open and fell to the floor.  This seemed to delight the bikers as they whooped at their new prize. My ass and naked pussy were now on full display for them.

I felt humiliated and embarrassed, but it sent an erotic thrill through me. I couldn't help the rush of warm, liquid that flooded my pussy as they watch. One of the bikers reached his hand down to feel my slit and groaned when he touched the hot, slippery liquid.

“She's all hot and ready for us,” he said, lifting his fingers to his mouth to taste my juices. The others wanted their taste as well. Thick, rough fingers assaulted my pussy, pressing deep into me, feeling my oozing wetness as it spread. I moaned against the leader's cock, and I felt him jerk in response to the pleasurable vibrations. He gripped me harder and thrust even deeper into my throat. I couldn't concentrate on only one sensation as the bikers fingers my wet pussy, spread my juices around, and their leader fucked my mouth. It was hot and dirty and I loved it. One of the bikers lowered his face down and started to lick my slit. The others cheered as he lapped up my wetness, licking from my clit all the way down my tight little slit. While he ate me out, another one of the bikers withdrew his hard cock and slapped it against my bare ass. I was assaulted on all sides by the gang and it felt so good. The cock in my mouth, the tongue on my pussy, and the cock on my ass all produced a symphony of erotic feeling. I breathed in the deep scent of masculine sweat and dirty leather, reveling in sensations.

Just as my body felt like it couldn't stand anymore pleasure, one of the other bikers gripped my breasts and tweaked my nipples. The overload of sensations brought me over the edge and I shook with the hardest orgasm I had ever experienced. My body spasmed with pleasure and I moaned into the leaders cock. My moans must have sent him over the edge of pleasure as well because while the orgasm gripped my body, the leader spurted hot, creamy cum into my mouth and throat. I swallowed his big load, but tons of it still poured out of my mouth, dribbling down my chin and spilling onto my breasts. When the finally drops of cum had finally fallen, the leader pulled his cock back and looked at me with satisfaction.

“Your such a good little slut. Thank you for that amazing head. Now boys, she's all yours. Maybe be nice and help her get cleaned up first.” The men helped me to my feet and I realized I was a stick mess of pussy juices, sweat, and cum. Frat boy took my hand and led me into the bathroom. There was a small shower and he turned on the water until it was so hot it almost scalded.

“Come on in sweetie,” he said with his cocky little smile. “Water's warm and I won't bite.” The others laughed and looked on as he helped me out of my bra and skirt. I was now totally naked and standing under the hot running water. I had to admit it felt good and helped me recover from the aftermath of my explosive orgasm.

Frat boy took a handful of soap and rubbed it between his hands until it turned into a frothy lather. He gently rubbed it over my shoulders and down to my breasts. He massaged my breasts with firm circles until I could feel the fire of need burning inside me once again.  I let out a little moan and that drew all the rest of the bikers in closer. Another one quickly disrobed and joined us in the shower, grabbing the soap and washing himself off quickly before joining frat boy in soaping me up. This new guy was older, with big thick muscles and broad shoulders. I looked down to see his cock was already erect as he stared at my soapy tits. His cock was long and thick, curved slightly upward as he hardened. How do all these guys have such huge cocks? I wondered to myself. I didn't have much time to ponder it because the new guy took a big handful of soap ad stuck his hands right between my legs. I let out a yelp of surprise and all the bikers laughed, but new guy kept his hand cupped around my little mound. I could feel my pussy heating up as he gently massaged the soap into it,. The soap mixed with my now flowing juices and his hand slid all around my hot, ready cunt. I felt so turned on, I couldn't stop myself and found that I was grinding my pussy hard against his wet, soapy fingers. He pressed back, massaging my clit and pressing his thick fingers into my hole. I moaned as he finger fucked me easily, the soap and my juices lubricating his touch.

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