The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories)

BOOK: The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection (3 Hot Biker Stories)
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The Erotic Motorcycle Club Collection


(3 Hot Biker Stories)


by Marjorie Lux



(Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance)


by Marjorie Lux







Copyright 2014 Marjorie Lux

All rights reserved.



(Erotic Motorcycle Club Romance)


Book design by Marjorie Lux



An investigative journalist should never get involved with her subject. That was my philosophy, passed down from the writers I admired. But my first big assignment would change all of that. One man would change my entire worldview.  It started innocently enough. I had been working at the Woods County Herald for a little over a month when my boss called me into his office. I entered the the small, wood paneled room. The scent of smoke and pine had seeped into this office over the years and to me, it smelled like a newspaper room ought to smell.

“I've got an assignment for you if you're ready,” my boss announced as soon as I shut the door behind me.

“I'm ready!” I announced, trying unsuccessfully to hide my glee. “What is it?” My boss smiled.

“You sure you're ready? You might want to hear the assignment first. It could be dangerous. Have you heard of the Burning Woods Outlaws? They are a motorcycle gang that operates over by the edge of town, where all those biker bars have been popping up. They've been around forever but recently they've been growing and there are more and more rumors about the nasty stuff they are into. Drugs, weapons, violence. I want the inside scoop. Problem is, they aren't easy to infiltrate. I tried sending a guy in undercover but they didn't buy it. So now I want to see how a pretty girl fairs. That's where you come in. Are you willing to risk it, Kate?”

I have to admit that after his explanation, I was a little wary. I wasn't a spoiled rich girl, but I'd grown up in the comfort and safety of a comfortable middle class family. I went to a good college, where I'd partied only as much as I could while still maintaining a 4.0 average and now I was hoping to become a world famous investigative journalist. I had never really lived in danger, and I certainly was not well-versed in the world of motorcycle gangs. But my curiosity and ambition quickly quashed any of my lingering fears. This was going to be the first step towards becoming a real journalist and I wasn't about to let anything stop me, least of all my silly fears of some old guys on motorcycles.

After accepting the assignment, I went home to prep. I read up as much as I could on outlaw motorcycle clubs and all the slang and details of their lives. I knew I couldn't pass as a girl who grew up in that environment, but I had to be able to pass as someone who would fit in now. As the evening passed, I managed to raft a convincing backstory that contained just enough truth to be believable. I fell asleep to images of motorcycles racing through my head.

The next day I dedicated to transforming myself into a girl who looked the part. My light brown hair with honey colored highlights definitely belonged to a girl who majored in journalism and never really stepped outside her comfort zone. I bleached my long straight locks to a shocking blonde and put on some heavy makeup. Paired with a mini skirt and black tank top, I definitely looked more like a girl who would hang out with bikers. I was ready.

That evening, I took the bus down to a bar over by the old train tracks. The peeling paint, loud music and scores of Harley's parked out front let me know I had picked the right place. I walked in like I belonged and headed straight for the bar in the back. I pounded back two vodka sodas both to look the part and to calm my nerves. After my pounding heart slowed down, I observed my surroundings. The smokey bar was filled with mostly burly, bearded men. They were wearing the colors of the Burning Woods MC and pounding backs beers as they played pool and laughed. I had come to the right bar.

I quickly realized that I was the only woman in the place. I guess I hadn't noticed the stares as I walked in since I was so nervous, but I noticed several of the men were eyeing me like I was a delicious steak. I knew this was part of the plan but my heart started to pound in my chest as I saw a large tattooed man licking his lips as he smiled at me. I quickly looked away and grabbed the drink the bartender had left in front of me. I knew it wasn't smart to get too drunk in my new surroundings, but I started sipping it anyway. I felt a hand grab my shoulder before I even realized the man had come up behind me.

“You're a real pretty looking bitch,” the man slurred into my ear. His breath smelled sour and I tried to twist out of his grip. His hand gripped my shoulder even more tightly, bruising my skin and causing me to yelp. The man laughed. “You know when a new little slut comes into this territory I consider it my personal duty to break her in. You look like you could use some breaking,” he said with a threatening smile as his dirty hand groped at me. I looked around wildly for help, but the large man pushed me hard against the bar, knocking the breath out of me. The crowd was all watching now and they cheered and laughed as he lifted my skirt and exposed my thong panties and bare ass for their pleasure. His rough hand grabbed at my ass cheek and I screamed out for help.

There was a loud crash and suddenly the man let go of me. I turned my tear-stained face and saw that the large man had backed away from me. Standing between us was a muscular younger man with short brown hair and fiery green eyes. He looked at me with an apology then turned back to my attacker.

“Don't let me see you ever laying hands on a woman in my territory again or I will make you regret it,” my attractive rescuer said in a low even voice, his bright eyes flashing with anger. The large man looked appropriately chastened and nodded curtly before quickly slinking out the door. A few of the other men followed behind him but most of them stayed behind and looked guiltily at the attractive man beside me.

“Um, thanks,” I said to my rescuer as I pushed my hair out of my face and got a good look at him. He was gorgeous. He was tall and broad shouldered, with thick muscles and deeply tanned skin. His hair was brown with streaks of sun-bleached highlights that brought out the deep green of his eyes. He was wearing ripped jeans and a leather vest of the the Burning Woods colors on it. I felt a sting of disappointment when I realized he was part of the gang. I wanted to throw my arms around this gallant man and kiss him. I didn't want him to be one of the outlaws I was investigating. While these thoughts broiled in my head, the sexy stranger extended his hand to me.

“I'm Aaron. I apologize for Gary's behavior. I'm VP of the BW Outlaws and I want you to know that his behavior is absolutely not condoned. I would like to make it up to you and show you what we are really about. Can I buy you a drink?” He looked genuinely sorry, so I decided to stick around and continue my investigation while enjoying the company of this sexy biker. But I definitely didn't need any more alcohol.

“Just a soda would be fine. Thanks,” I replied, sitting back down on the bar stool. Aaron sat next to me and ordered two sodas. Despite his affiliation with this dangerous motorcycle club and his threatening attire, I found myself comforted by his presence. He had just saved me from being attacked and he was ridiculously handsome.

“Well, you know who I am. Tell me a little about yourself,” he said once we got our sodas. I took a long sip and nodded, going over my carefully rehearsed story in my head.

“I'm Kate. I grew up around here but moved away and just came back. I've been in a bit of a bad circumstance. I don't want to go into details but I just stopped in for a drink or two before trying to track down some old friends for a place to crash for a while. I just need to...not be where I was.” Aaron listened and nodded and to his credit he didn't try to dig into my personal issues or ask too many questions.

“Well, if you need a place to crash for a bit you can stay in our lodge. I live there and several members of the MC are always in and out when they need a safe place to lay their head. But I promise you will be safe there. You are under my protection now and no one in the club would dare defy me under my own roof. You would have your own room. Then we could see about getting you on your feet.” I felt a blush at his offer. I was touched that he would go so far to help a complete stranger and I was confused by my feelings for him. He was so unlike every guy I'd ever dated. I always dated nerdy guys or jocks, who took me to poetry readings or football games. The attraction had always been shallow or slow developing. With Aaron, I felt a quick fire burning inside me, hotter and hotter each moment I looked at him. Perhaps I liked bad boys after all. Or at least the ones with a heart of gold.

We chatted a bit longer at the bar, then it was time to head back to the lodge. Once we got outside the bar, I realized that Aaron's mode of transportation was a motorcycle. I felt nervous, as I had never been on one before, but Aaron insisted I would be safe. He sat down on the powerful machine and I sat behind him, wrapping my arms tightly around his chest. Touching his strong muscles sent a thrill through my body unlike anything I had ever felt before. Aaron revved the engine and took off fast down the road. The machine was strong and quick. I felt a rush of excitement as we sped down the road, my long blonde hair blowing out behind us. I held Aaron even tighter as we sped up, pressing my body tightly against his hard muscles. I could feel the desire building inside me as the strength and power of both the man and the machine worked their magic on me. By the time we pulled up to the lodge I was flushed and out of breath, and filled with and exhilaration I had never before experienced.

“It was a rush, right?” Aaron asked with a grin as we dismounted. I nodded, unable to put my feelings into words. I followed him into the lodge and Aaron introduced me to the other members who were wandering around the building. There was a large hairy man named James and two really skinny guys who looked like brothers. There was also a really hardened looking older woman who I couldn't tell if she liked me or hated me. Aaron told them that I was going to be a guest for a while and mercifully spared me the embarrassment of telling the details of our meeting. He did tell them that I was under their protection and they were to report to him if anyone tried to harm me in any way.

I sat down in my new little bedroom. It wasn't much, just a tiny room with a rickety bed, but I was grateful for it. I felt exhausted by reminded myself that I was in the middle of an investigation. After lying down for a few minutes I decided to go shower quickly before going out and making conversation with the rest of the residents. I walked down the hall to where Aaron had said the bathroom was located and knocked on the door. I didn't hear a reply so I pulled open the door. The air was thick with steam and Aaron was standing there dripping wet with only a towel around his waist. I stared for a second at his magnificently sculpted abs and the trail of dark hairs leading down to the towel before having the presence of mind to avert my eyes.

“Sorry! I tried to knock. I didn't know you were in here,” I stammered, a hot blush creeping up my cheeks.

Aaron laughed. “I didn't hear you knock. But that's alright. I'm finished showering. The bathroom is all yours now.”  As he walked by me, I couldn't help but catch one more glimpse of his perfectly sculpted form, strong muscles rippling under tanned skin. The trail of dark hairs seemed to be inviting me to follow it, to see what my mysterious biker savior was hiding under that towel. Without even realizing what I was doing, I reached my hand out and gently grazed Aaron's abs as he walked past. He stopped and turned towards me, a question left unspoken in his eyes.

“I...I'm sorry,” I mumbled again, my mind unable to find an excuse fast enough. Aaron looked at me with a dark look that could either be anger or desire, I averted my gaze and bit my bottom lip, worried he would kick me out and I would mess up my entire investigation. To my surprise he turned and closed the door, shutting us into the bathroom.

“Don't apologize,” he whispered hoarsely. “ I liked it.” My eyes flickered up to his and the unmistakable glint of desire filled his green eyes with a dangerous mood. He wanted me like I wanted him.

The biker's hand flew down to his towel and quickly released the knot. The damp towel fell to the floor, revealing his erect cock. It was huge, far more impressive than any I had ever seen before. Aaron took my hand and gently placed it on his hard abs and then lowered it down to his even harder cock. My breath hitched with an intense desire. I wanted this man more than I had ever wanted anything.

His large manhood swelled even more under my touch. I was excited to please him and impressed with my own ability to bring him so easily to a state of frenzy.  I knelt down on the floor and quickly brought his hard cock to my open mouth. My lips wrapped around him and he groaned with pleasure as I got to work. I wanted to please him, to show him that I desired him, needed him. I wanted to taste his cock and savor every little lick. But before I could get too far into blowing him, Aaron gently pulled back from me.

“Not yet. You will make me cum before we even get started,” he groaned quietly. I could tell he didn't really want me to stop, but he was showing restraint. I smiled up at my badass gentleman. He was a walking contradiction and that made him even hotter.  I got to my feet and Aaron smiled at me, then ran his hands down the curve of my waist and hips, to the hem of my skirt. His hands moved back up, hitching my skirt up as he went. Once my tiny skirt was all the way up at my waist, Aaron gripped my waist and picked me up like I was a feather, gently plunking my down on the edge of the sink.  He leaned over and pressed his lips to mine in the sweetest, most erotic kiss I had ever received. His lips were warm and soft, but slightly chapped. They were comforting and masculine, gentle and commanding. My mouth returned his needy embrace, and my lips parted slightly to allow his tongue to explore my mouth.

As we kissed, Aaron's hand wandered over my thigh and to the cloth of my tiny panties. He found the fabric already soaked, my desire evident to him. He smiled into my mouth as his fingers pushed aside the moist cloth and plunged into my wet mound. I moaned into his kiss and his fingers explored my slit, caressing my sensitive clit and plunging into my channel. My wetness spread even more and my desire mounted. Once I was moaning loudly, Aaron pushed my legs open and quickly pulled a little foil packet out of a drawer by the sink. Ever thoughtful, I realized again.

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