5.1.4 Central Processing Unit
The CPU—the centerpiece of the computer’s architecture—is in charge of executing the instructions of the currently loaded program. These instructions tell the CPU to carry out various calculations, to read and write values from and into the memory, and to conditionally jump to execute other instructions in the program. The CPU executes these tasks using three main hardware elements: an Arithmetic-Logic Unit (ALU), a set of registers, and a control unit.
Arithmetic Logic Unit
The ALU is built to perform all the low-level arithmetic and logical operations featured by the computer. For instance, a typical ALU can add two numbers, test whether a number is positive, manipulate the bits in a word of data, and so on.
The CPU is designed to carry out simple calculations quickly. In order to boost performance, it is desirable to store the results of these calculations locally, rather than ship them in and out of memory. Thus, every CPU is equipped with a small set of high-speed registers, each capable of holding a single word.
Control Unit
A computer instruction is represented as a binary code, typically 16, 32, or 64 bits wide. Before such an instruction can be executed, it must be decoded, and the information embedded in it must be used to signal various hardware devices (ALU, registers, memory) how to execute the instruction. The instruction decoding is done by some control unit, which is also responsible for figuring out which instruction to fetch and execute next.
The CPU operation can now be described as a repeated loop: fetch an instruction (word) from memory; decode it; execute it, fetch the next instruction, and so on. The instruction execution may involve one or more of the following micro tasks: have the ALU compute some value, manipulate internal registers, read a word from the memory, and write a word to the memory. In the process of executing these tasks, the CPU also figures out which instruction to fetch and execute next.
5.1.5 Registers
Memory access is a slow affair. When the CPU is instructed to retrieve the contents of address j of the memory, the following process ensues: (a) j travels from the CPU to the RAM; (b) the RAM’s direct-access logic selects the memory register whose address is
; (c) the contents of RAM[
] travel back to the CPU. Registers provide the same service—data retrieval and storage—without the round-trip travel and search expenses. First, the registers reside physically inside the CPU chip, so accessing them is almost instantaneous. Second, there are typically only a handful of registers, compared to millions of memory cells. Therefore, machine language instructions can specify which registers they want to manipulate using just a few bits, resulting in thinner instruction formats.
Different CPUs employ different numbers of registers, of different types, for different purposes. In some computer architectures each register can serve more than one purpose:
Data registers:
These registers give the CPU short-term memory services. For example, when calculating the value of (
- b) ·
, we must first compute and remember the value of (
- b). Although this result can be temporarily stored in some memory location, a better solution is to store it locally inside the CPU—in a
Addressing registers:
The CPU has to continuously access the memory in order to read data and write data. In every one of these operations, we must specify which individual memory word has to be accessed, namely, supply an address. In some cases this address appears as part of the current instruction, while in others it depends on the execution of a previous instruction. In the latter case, the address should be stored in a register whose contents can be later treated as a memory address—an
addressing register
Program counter register:
When executing a program, the CPU must always keep track of the address of the next instruction that must be fetched from the instruction memory. This address is kept in a special register called program counter, or PC. The contents of the PC are then used as the address for fetching instructions from the instruction memory. Thus, in the process of executing the current instruction, the CPU updates the PC in one of two ways. If the current instruction contains no goto directive, the PC is incremented to point to the next instruction in the program. If the current instruction includes a goto n directive that should be executed, the CPU loads
into the PC.
5.1.6 Input and Output
Computers interact with their external environments using a diverse array of input and output (I/O) devices. These include screens, keyboards, printers, scanners, network interface cards, CD-ROMs, and so forth, not to mention the bewildering array of proprietary components that embedded computers are called to control in automobiles, weapon systems, medical equipment, and so on. There are two reasons why we do not concern ourselves here with the anatomy of these various devices. First, every one of them represents a unique piece of machinery requiring a unique knowledge of engineering. Second, and for this very same reason, computer scientists have devised various schemes to make all these devices look exactly the same to the computer. The simplest trick in this art is called memory-mapped
The basic idea is to create a binary emulation of the I/O device, making it “look” to the CPU like a normal memory segment. In particular, each I/O device is allocated an exclusive area in memory, becoming its “memory map.” In the case of an input device (keyboard, mouse, etc.), the memory map is made to continuously reflect the physical state of the device; in the case of an output device (screen, speakers, etc.), the memory map is made to continuously drive the physical state of the device. When external events affect some input devices (e.g., pressing a key on the keyboard or moving the mouse), certain values are written in their respective memory maps. Likewise, if we want to manipulate some output devices (e.g., draw something on the screen or play a tune), we write some values in their respective memory maps. From the hardware point of view, this scheme requires each I/O device to provide an interface similar to that of a memory unit. From a software point of view, each I/O device is required to define an interaction contract, so that programs can access it correctly. As a side comment, given the multitude of available computer platforms and I/O devices, one can appreciate the crucial role that standards play in designing computer architectures.
The practical implications of a memory-mapped I/O architecture are significant: The design of the CPU and the overall platform can be totally independent of the number, nature, or make of the I/O devices that interact, or will interact, with the computer. Whenever we want to connect a new I/O device to the computer, all we have to do is allocate to it a new memory map and “take note” of its base address (these one-time configurations are typically done by the operating system). From this point onward, any program that wants to manipulate this I/O device can do so—all it needs to do is manipulate bits in memory.
5.2 The Hack Hardware Platform Specification
5.2.1 Overview
The Hack platform is a 16-bit von Neumann machine, consisting of a CPU, two separate memory modules serving as instruction memory and data memory, and two memory-mapped I/O devices: a screen and a keyboard. Certain parts of this architecture—especially its machine language—were presented in chapter 4. A summary of this discussion is given here, for ease of reference.
The Hack computer executes programs that reside in its instruction memory. The instruction memory is a read-only device, and thus programs are loaded into it using some exogenous means. For example, the instruction memory can be implemented in a ROM chip that is preburned with the required program. Loading a new program can be done by replacing the entire ROM chip. In order to simulate this operation, hardware simulators of the Hack platform must provide a means for loading the instruction memory from a text file containing a program written in the Hack machine language. (From now on, we will refer to Hack’s data memory and instruction memory as RAM and ROM, respectively.)
The Hack CPU consists of the ALU specified in chapter 2 and three registers called data register (D), address register (A), and program counter (PC). D and A are general-purpose 16-bit registers that can be manipulated by arithmetic and logical instructions like A=D-1, D=D|A, and so on, following the Hack machine language specified in chapter 4. While the D-register is used solely to store data values, the contents of the A-register can be interpreted in three different ways, depending on the instruction’s context: as a data value, as a RAM address, or as a ROM address.
The Hack machine language is based on two 16-bit command types. The address instruction has the format 0vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv, each v being 0 or 1. This instruction causes the computer to load the 15-bit constant vvv...v into the A-register. The compute instruction has the format 111accccccdddjjj. The a- and
-bits instruct the ALU which function to compute, the d-bits instruct where to store the ALU output, and the j-bits specify an optional jump condition, all according to the Hack machine language specification.
The computer architecture is wired in such a way that the output of the program counter (PC) chip is connected to the address input of the ROM chip. This way, the ROM chip always emits the word ROM[PC], namely, the contents of the instruction memory location whose address is “pointed at” by the PC. This value is called the current instruction. With that in mind, the overall computer operation during each clock cycle is as follows:
Various bit parts of the current instruction are simultaneously fed to various chips in the computer. If it’s an address instruction (most significant bit = 0), the A-register is set to the 15-bit constant embedded in the instruction. If it’s a
compute instruction
(MSB = 1), its underlying a-, c-, d- and j-bits are treated as control bits that cause the ALU and the registers to execute the instruction.
Which instruction to fetch next is determined by the jump bits of the current instruction and by the ALU output. Taken together, these values determine whether a jump should materialize. If so, the PC is set to the value of the A-register; otherwise, the PC is incremented by 1. In the next clock cycle, the instruction that the program counter points at emerges from the ROM’s output, and the cycle continues.
This particular fetch-execute cycle implies that in the Hack platform, elementary operations involving memory access usually require two instructions: an address instruction to set the A register to a particular address, and a subsequent compute instruction that operates on this address (a read/write operation on the RAM or a jump operation into the ROM).
We now turn to formally specify the Hack hardware platform. Before starting, we wish to point out that this platform can be assembled from previously built components. The CPU is based on the ALU built in chapter 2. The registers and the program counter are identical copies of the 16-bit register and 16-bit counter, respectively, built in chapter 3. Likewise, the ROM and the RAM chips are versions of the memory units built in chapter 3. Finally, the screen and the keyboard devices will interface with the hardware platform through memory maps, implemented as built-in chips that have the same interface as RAM chips.
5.2.2 Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The CPU of the Hack platform is designed to execute 16-bit instructions according to the Hack machine language specified in chapter 4. It expects to be connected to two separate memory modules: an instruction memory, from which it fetches instructions for execution, and a data memory, from which it can read, and into which it can write, data values. Figure 5.2 gives the specification details.
5.2.3 Instruction Memory
The Hack instruction memory is implemented in a direct-access Read-Only Memory device, also called ROM. The Hack ROM consists of 32K addressable 16-bit registers, as shown in figure 5.3.
5.2.4 Data Memory
data memory
chip has the interface of a typical RAM device, like that built in chapter 3 (see, e.g., figure 3.3). To read the contents of register n, we put n in the memory’s address input and probe the memory’s out output. This is a combinational operation, independent of the clock. To write a value v into register n, we put v in the in input, n in the address input, and assert the memory’s load bit. This is a sequential operation, and so register n will commit to the new value v in the next clock cycle.
In addition to serving as the computer’s general-purpose data store, the data memory also interfaces between the CPU and the computer’s input/output devices, using
memory maps
Memory Maps
In order to facilitate interaction with a user, the Hack platform can be connected to two peripheral devices: screen and keyboard. Both devices interact with the computer platform through memory-mapped buffers. Specifically, screen images can be drawn and probed by writing and reading, respectively, words in a designated memory segment called screen memory map. Similarly, one can check which key is presently pressed on the keyboard by probing a designated memory word called keyboard memory map. The memory maps interact with their respective I/O devices via peripheral logic that resides outside the computer. The contract is as follows: Whenever a bit is changed in the screen’s memory map, a respective pixel is drawn on the physical screen. Whenever a key is pressed on the physical keyboard, the respective code of this key appears in the keyboard’s memory map.