The Earthrise Trilogy (32 page)

Read The Earthrise Trilogy Online

Authors: Colin Owen

Tags: #sci-fi

BOOK: The Earthrise Trilogy
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Jimmy gave a hearty "Amen."

"And as for you, Jimmy Peebles!"

Jimmy just laughed along with everyone else.

"I didn't come here prepared to make a speech...I didn't come here expecting to be nominated, but everything in me is telling me that this is right, and that I must accept this role, so I graciously accept the position of leader. I only hope and pray that I can be half as good a leader as Steve has been. Thank you and bless you all."

She stepped down from the platform and made her way through the well-wishers. Emerging into the sunshine took on a whole new meaning for Kay, and Eden, but as yet, that eventuality was unknown.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter 2.


The Old Guard

Steve and Clare Forester left the meeting holding hands and walking slowly, they were both silent and deep in thought. Neither was looking where they were going, but instinct had kicked in and they were heading for the lake. They almost fell over John and Lisa who happened to be going in the same direction.

"Great minds..." Clare said. They joined company and carried on walking.

"Is it just us," John said, "or are you also feeling like things are about to change?"

Steve and Clare looked at him with expressions that answered his question.

"So you feel it too," Clare replied, "I don't know what it is, but I feel so sad, as though something long loved is coming to an end...How can I be sad in Eden?"

"Don't be to hard on yourself Hun," Steve said, "we're all sad, just look at us."

He was right. John and Lisa were downcast too.

"What do you think it is?" Clare asked.

It was Lisa who answered, "I don't know, but I sense something coming, and I have a feeling of dread about it, I do hope I'm being silly."

She looked at John and smiled a little nervously. He reciprocated, but just as nervously.

"You know," he said, "I think the berries have given us a sort of sixth sense. Jake and Martha knew that Zeek and Betty were in trouble back on Earth, I'm sure we all have stories like that, I know I have.

"I think it's because we're leaving," Steve piped up, out of the blue. They all looked at him puzzled.

"The long loved thing?" He said, to Clare.

"I feel it too, Eden has become my life, and yet I know I must leave."

"Perhaps there's a higher purpose at work here," Lisa said, "maybe you need to go somewhere and bring something back that we don't yet know we need."

They all laughed at this somewhat complicated statement, and Lisa joined them.

"Boy are we getting paranoid." Clare said, "Come on, let's enjoy what time we have left with our friends."

She set off running, and the others followed her. She didn't run in a straight line, but led them a merry dance around trees and rises. It was wonderful to be able to run and not get tired. At last, the human body was able to act in the way it was intended to; this was real freedom.

They eventually reached the lake and John and Lisa stopped, not so Steve and Clare, they'd been here before. They both ran straight out onto the water, much to John and Lisa's amusement.

"Come on," Clare called to them. "Come and join us, it's lovely out here."

John looked at Lisa who knew what he was thinking.

"I can't swim!" He shouted to the Foresters.

Clare almost fell over with laughing.

"Maybe not," she called back, "but you can walk!"

It dawned on John that swimming wasn't the issue, so he took his courage in both hands and leapt onto the water. He landed firmly on both feet and stood quite still. Lisa was amazed to see him standing on the water and yet bobbing up and down with it. She quickly followed and together they strolled out towards the middle of the lake. Clare and Steve were still tearing all over the place making waves and lots of froth.

"So much energy those Foresters," Lisa said, into John's ear, and they both laughed and strolled hand in hand.

It turned out to be a wonderful day, the sun was shining and there was a slight breeze. The water was very smooth, except for where Steve and Clare were, and walking on the water was very pleasant.

John and Lisa were lost in conversation and had been for quite some time when Lisa gave a little, "Oh."

"What is it Lees?" John asked.

"Probably nothing," she answered, "but I thought I saw something below us in the water."

"What kind of something?" John asked. "Just a shadow, but I could have sworn it moved."

John began scanning the water for shadows, but soon gave up. The water was very clear, at least for the first few meters. The green colour coming from all the submerged vegetation.

"I wonder how deep it is," he said, after a short pause.

"Beats me," she replied, "we can go into space, but we don't even know how deep our lake is; is that silly?"

John laughed again and the set off back towards the shore. Steve and Clare had been sitting waiting for them.

"Enjoyed that did you?" Steve asked.

"Sure did," John replied. "I had no idea that walking on water could be so peaceful."

"I'm glad you liked it," Clare said, "I thought you would. By the way, what did you lose?"

John and Lisa looked at her puzzled.

"You were looking for something, I saw you."

"Oh, that," John replied, "Lees, thought she saw something move under the water."

"Really?" Clare said, wide eyed. "What was it Lees?"

"Just a shadow, I couldn't make it out, but I'm sure it moved. I know I wasn't imagining it," she said, quickly in her own defence.

"I believe you," Steve broke in, "I saw it too! I was hoping one of you guys would also see it, for confirmation."

"We'd better tell Kay when we get back." John said, standing to leave. They all had a last glance at the lake, half expecting to see Nessie, but she didn't oblige. They set off back towards the settlement and didn't notice the rings on the water, spreading slowly and silently outward from the middle.

On entering the settlement, they bumped into Jimmy, who was out being taken for a walk by Rufus.

"Nice night for a stroll," he said, hanging onto the lead for dear life.

The sight brought smiles to their faces.

"Some things seem so normal around here," John said, as they waved Steve and Clare good night.

After they had gone, Clare asked Steve, "Did you really see something in the lake, or were you just being kind to Lisa?"

Steve turned to her with that, 'butter wouldn't melt', look.

"Come on Mr. Forester, tell me or I'll burn the tea!"

Steve knew he was out manoeuvred, so answered her.

"Yes, I did see something, but all I can say is it was dark, and it did move."

Clare was intrigued, and said, "You don't suppose it has anything to do with what we were feeling earlier do you?"

On their way home, John and Lisa popped in to see Kay and Sam. They were invited in, but declined.

"Just thought we'd let you know that both Steve and Lisa saw something move in the lake, just a shadow, but it moved."

"Hmm, thanks John, I'll give it some thought," Kay said.

They said their good nights, and John and Lisa went home.

Sam and Kay were intrigued by the news, could it be that there was another form of life here on the Moon that was not from Earth?

"This has given me an idea Sam, I needed something to get my teeth into and this is as good as any. I wonder how long Tris will be working on the ship..."

"It was good to spend time with John and Lisa today Hun, we haven't really socialised with them much over the years."

"I was just thinking the same thing Sweetie. He is so like his father...I will miss them when we've gone."

"Me too."

Steve looked at her, "Are you having second thoughts?"

Clare looked back at him for a moment, "No, I'm looking forward to the trip, it's something we must do." She smiled thoughtfully for a moment, and then said, "It'll be the biggest field trip ever, and I'll get to break the speed limit behind the wheel of a Trion driven four by four."

Steve guffawed, "You'll have to watch out for stationary planets, and parked asteroids!"

That was it, she flung a cushion at him, but missed, so she flung herself at him, and didn't miss. They were busy rolling about on the floor when Hope came in.

"Hi Hops," Clare called out, from behind the sofa.

"You may as well get used to this," they heard her say.

Clare and Steve looked up quickly to see Tris standing there with Hope, both looking down at them. Clare just let out a laugh.

"You look like my mother," she said. Hope and Tris went through into the kitchen leaving the errant parents to roll around the floor some more.

"Are they always like this?" Tris asked.

"Not always," she answered, "but often!" Her matter of fact delivery made him smile.

Just then, the ageing juveniles entered the kitchen.

"Hi Tris," Clare said, whilst fixing her hair.

Steve was stuffing his shirt back into his trousers.

"Hi," he said, and Tris nodded back. "Had a good day?"

"Yes, thanks Steve, it went quite well."

They all sat around the table and fell silent. Steve and Clare were itching to ask, but didn't have the courage.

"So," Tris said, "Kay's the new leader then."

"Yes, she is." replied Steve.

It went silent again. Hope knew what they were up to, so she just stared silently at her shoes letting them stew a bit. Tris was getting somewhat embarrassed, but his first attempt at making conversation had gone down like a lead balloon, so he thought he'd just wait and see what happened. Thankfully, the kettle boiled, and Tris jumped up saying, "I'll make it." He went to do his domestic thing and Clare mouthed silently, 'Are you two an item?' Hope mouthed back, 'Wouldn't you like to know.' They both ended up laughing which broke the ice.

"It's good to see you Tris," Clare said, warmly, "are you and my daughter an item?"

Tris turned every shade between pink and purple.

"Mother, really," Hope jumped in, "of course we're an item!"

"I knew it, I knew it!" Clare said, very excitedly.

Tris beamed on hearing it too, as this was the first he'd heard of it himself. Steve, who had been watching all this, saw what had just happened.

"You'll get used to the female Foresters eventually Tris, but don't hold your breath."

They had good company after that. Tris was accepted into the family, and he himself became much more comfortable with them. It was a good start.

Steve knew that this was Hope's time, but he couldn't resist asking Tris how the work was coming along.

"I think the answer to that Steve is, slow but steady, at least the speed side of it is. The other modifications are all but done, you should come and see if everything is as you want it."

"Thanks Tris, I'll do that tomorrow if I may."

With that, the ageing juveniles got up to leave. Clare was thinking of saying something like, behave yourselves, but after being caught rolling around on the floor belting her husband with a cushion, she thought better of it.

"Goodnight both," she said, closing the door behind her. Steve and Clare made their way to bed, it had been quite a day.

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