The Earthrise Trilogy (42 page)

Read The Earthrise Trilogy Online

Authors: Colin Owen

Tags: #sci-fi

BOOK: The Earthrise Trilogy
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"If it wasn't so perfect it could be Earth Hun, let's take a look around."

Steve agreed saying, "I feel only peace here Sweetie, nothing bad or evil, just peace."

"Me too, it's almost too good to be true."

The two couples set off holding hands and instinctively began singing an old Hymn,

"O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder..."

They reached the top of a small rise and suddenly went quiet. Just below them in a small valley was a man, an old man with a white beard and white hair. He was dressed in a robe with a sash of gold around his waist. He looked as though he could be everybody's grandfather. His face was so peaceful, it dispelled any thought of hostility. The four just stood and watched him for a few moments, he seemed totally unaware of them. He turned, and they lost sight of him behind a bush.

"Hello." A voice said, from behind them. They all turned round, somewhat startled. It was the old man.

"But how?"

The old man raised his hand to silence Steve's attempted question.

"There are many things you do not know, and many you have yet to learn. Come, I will tell you all you want to know as we walk."

The old man set off at a leisurely pace back down the valley.

"I know," the old man said, before anybody spoke, "how did I get up the hill to you so quickly? Do not worry, you will soon find out."

They reached the spot where they had first seen him, only now, there were several hundred people there.

"Where did they come from Hun?"

"Search me Sweetie, but I know we'll be told in a few minutes."

Steve was right, the old man led them into the middle of the gathering and bade them sit. Everyone sat down. The grass was thick and comfortable, Hope ran her fingers through it.

The old man spoke, "Dear friends, I ask you to bid our guests welcome."

Several children came over to Steve and the others and presented each with a flower. Clare's eyes nearly popped out,

"Steve, these are the rarest Orchids known..."

"Welcome," the children said, warmly and backed away from them.

"Thank you," Steve said, holding his flower up. Everyone smiled back at him with such warmth, as he had never known before.

"My name is-"

"We know who you are Steven," the old man interrupted, "and this is your lovely wife Clare, and daughter Hope, such a wonderful name, and you are Tristran. We've been watching you for a long time. My name is Abel, and this is my dear brother, Cain."

Cain rose to his feet to greet them personally.

"And these are our families," he said, making a sweeping gesture to the entire gathering.

The four travellers smiled at all before them, but were speechless.

"Now for your questions," Abel said

"How could you watch us?" Tris asked.

"Here, my son, we know fully, even as we are fully known."

The answer stunned them, so Abel volunteered some questions for them.

"How did you get here so quickly? We brought you here. Time is short, and you have much to learn if you are to defeat the Serpent."

Now they were really perplexed.

Cain spoke next, "You know of the tree of life, and have eaten of it. It was the tree that made us aware of you. We too have the tree of life, here, in the midst of the garden."

A look of awakening came over Steve's face.

"Yes, Steven, that is correct, this is Eden, but not the Eden on planet Earth, that was a different Eden. Here, when he who came from the ground gave the word, the mother of all living obeyed, and rebuked the serpent and drove him away. That serpent of old, who is Satan, left our Eden and came to your Earth. We know of the consequence of that, and we are sorry for you. That is why it has been granted to us to help you now. You know not of this, but your new Eden is under threat from that same serpent. We brought you here to prepare you for the battle."

"Forgive me," Steve said, "but I have to know...Is God here?"

Both Cain and Abel smiled and looked at each other.

"Yes, child, He is here in the cool of the evening."

They both waited for the next question though they knew what it would be.

"Can we meet Him?" Steve's heart was pounding in his chest just at the thought of it.

"Alas, no. He who lives forever has decreed a time and a place for that meeting. It will come to pass as He wills it."

The look of disappointment on their four faces was a delight for the true Edenites to see.

"We see that you love Him too, in this we share your joy. Though we will never know that great day as you will know it, when He comes to you, to gather you unto Himself. You see, we have always known His presence."

Hope was now openly crying, and Steve and Clare also had tears running down their cheeks. Only Tris held his composure.

Abel waved his hand and food was brought before them. Food such as they had never seen before. Conversation stopped as they ate, only, it didn't really stop. Steve was thinking to himself, 'He didn't tell us how he got up the hill so fast,' when into his mind came Abel's voice.

"It is the tree of life my son, it allows us to do such things, you will find out as you eat more of it and allow it to teach you."

Still in thought Steve replied, "As it taught us to walk on water?"

"Yes, all you needed was some encouragement and you found that you could do it."

"Ah, then you were able to move between two places instantaneously."

"Exactly, you simply believe you can do it, and you can. See how we can communicate without words, try it with your wife."

Steve looked at Abel who smiled at him.

"Sweetie, talk to me."

Clare's head moved to one side slightly but she didn't look up.

"Hun, is that you?" She said, in her thoughts.

"Who loves ya baby!"

Hope was watching her mom, "Why are you giggling mom?" she asked.

Clare thought the answer to her, "Your father just said something funny dear, that's all."

Hope spoke out, "What did he say mom?" And stopped to wonder why she had said it.

Clare just looked at her and tapped her temple.

"Ah, so we can talk to each other by thought."

"Yes," Abel said, "and it works over any distance, we are never alone."

Hope turned towards Abel and thought to him, "Thank you for being so kind. You know that Tris doesn't really believe, don't you."

"Yes, child, we know, but fear not, he will."

Hope asked him, "How can I do these things when I haven't eaten the tree of life?"

Abel replied to her mind, "But you have child, you've been eating it since you sat down."

"Then Tris has too!"

Abel smiled the answer she wanted without words or thoughts.

The time of eating was over, and once again, Abel waved his arm and all was cleared away. Using words, Steve asked, "Can we talk to Adam and Eve?"

Cain answered, "All things are possible to him who believes." Steve stood and helped Clare up also, "Trust me Sweetie."

"Always," she answered. Steve concentrated for a moment and suddenly they both vanished.

"Wow," Tris said, slowly, "where did they go?"

"To see Adam and Eve," Hope answered.

"Trstran," Cain said, approaching him, "step up."

"Onto what?" Tris asked.

"Onto the air." Cain answered him.

Tris was smart enough to know that this was for real, and so stood up and raised his leg to step up. His foot found no purchase and so came down to the ground with a bump. He looked rather embarrassed. Cain encouraged him, "Try again, and remember, all things are possible to him who believes."

"So, I must believe that I can do it?"

"No," Cain said, "you must believe in Him who made the universe."

Tris now looked very embarrassed. He had gone along with the other's religion, but had never really believed for himself; he faced a decision. It took him several moments to make it, then he looked at Hope and said, "Lord, please forgive me for not believing in You,"
this was all he said, but it was sincere and from his heart.

"Now, try again, follower of Christ."

Tris composed himself, he slowly raised his leg, and stepped up onto the air, about eighteen inches above the ground.

"Good," Cain said, "now step up higher."

Tris took another step up. A joy came over his face and his arms went up.

"Father," he said, softly and began floating up higher as he said it. Not to be out done, Hope closed her eyes in belief, when she opened them again, she was twenty feet up in the air and next to Tris who was crying his eyes out.

Hope took his hand and said, "Come on, follower of Christ, let's go and explore."

They moved off and were soon out of sight.

Abel's voice came to both their minds, "God be with you my children."

Steve and Clare suddenly appeared in front of an elderly couple who were so intent on each other that they didn't seem to notice the new arrivals.

"Welcome to you children," Adam said, looking up at them. Eve looked at them and gave them a smile that only a mother can give. Steve and Clare went over to them and sat with them on the grass. They had nothing to say. Adam and Eve just included them into what they were doing, so all four sat and enjoyed each other's company.

Eventually, Eve spoke. "We know why you are here." Her voice was like still water, smooth and with a softness beyond description. She went on, "The serpent is cunning, he will try to trick you, do not listen to what he says, he is a deceiver."

"How did you defeat him mother?" Clare asked.

"I obeyed my husband's command, so must you." That was all she said.

Steve couldn't contain himself. "What is God like?" He asked.

Adam turned to him, his eyes deep and full of compassion. "My son, He is like the morning mist that waters the ground. He is like the most beautiful flower you have ever seen. He is like the warmth of a sunny day, and the coolness of water to the thirsty. He is the altogether lovely One--He is beyond words my son. One day you will see Him for yourself, and then you will know."

Eve looked up at that moment and saw Tris and Hope gliding through the air. "Join them children, you will need them when the time comes."

Steve and Clare looked up and swallowed hard. "Just believe," Adam said. They did, and soon they were aloft and catching up with the youngsters. Together, the four of them explored their gifts, and in their hearts, gave thanks to Him Who is The Giver of gifts.

"Mom," Hope spoke in thought, "Tris has given his life to the Lord, Cain called him, 'a follower of Christ'."

"Why that's wonderful dear, I always knew he would."

"You knew he wasn't a believer?"

"Yes, Hops, you'll find out when you're a mom that not much escapes you when it comes to your children."

Evening was coming and Abel's voice came to them. "Time to come back my children, evening approaches."

They had no idea where 'back' was. So Steve believed for them, and they were instantly back on the grass with Cain and Abel.

"You have done well my children," Abel said, and looking at Clare he said, "You spoke with the mother of all living?"

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