The Earthrise Trilogy (28 page)

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Authors: Colin Owen

Tags: #sci-fi

BOOK: The Earthrise Trilogy
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He hugged his daughter and left the house with Clare in tow. They jumped into the Keracraft and took off for the launch-pad.

As they were going, Steve said, "Tris, I invited you along on this trip so that you could cast a designer's eye over the main ship. I have some very special modifications I want you to make to her insides, and I would also like you to look at the Trion drive. I reckon you could make it go even faster."

Tris just nodded as he brought the small craft in to land.

"Plus," Steve went on, "it'll be good for you to get to see Earth."

Tris smiled at this. Having only known the Moon, he didn't have any nostalgic feelings for Earth, as the older ones did, but he was certainly curious about the place.

They met Jimmy and Shelley at the launch-pad.

"Nice to have you along guys," Steve said, greeting them, "all set?"

They boarded the big ship where Phil and Roy, the pilots, were waiting for them. Nancy and Mary, the original stewardesses, were there too.

"Just like old times," Nancy said, as Steve entered the cabin.

"Not quite Nancy, this time,
are the rescuers."

She smiled warmly at him and helped him into his seat. A few moments later the hatch closed and they could feel the vibration as the motors started. The intercom came to life.

"Hi folks, you'll be glad to know that we won't be pushing the ship so hard this time. We learned a lot from the last take off!"

There were chuckles from those who had been aboard the last time, when Jimmy's juice had taken them all by surprise.

"Hold on, here we go."

The great ship eased itself up off the launch-pad and accelerated away and up into the sky with little effort. A few minutes later they were in orbit around the Moon waiting for the coordinates for Earth to come into line.

"Get ready folks, Trion in three, two, one..." The mighty Trion drive kicked in and the ship left orbit and headed out across space towards earth.

"We'll be entering earth orbit in just over an hour folks, so sit back and enjoy the ride."

Phil had gotten the measure of the ship now, so acceleration was much smoother than it had been before.

"So, Tris, what do you think?"

"It's a big ship Steve so I guess it's possible, it's the Trion that intrigues me though, when you say, 'make it go faster', just how fast are we talking about?"

"I'm talking light speed Tris, do you think it's possible?"

Tris didn't answer, but Steve could see his thinking cogs start to turn. He was confident that Tris would do it, if anyone could, it was just a matter of time.

Jimmy was sitting behind Steve and Clare and had tapped Steve on the shoulder.

"What's this I hear about you two retiring?"

"It's true Jimmy, the old folks are retiring and going on a trip."

"Hey, less of the old!" Clare said, looking anything but old.

She had positively blossomed since taking the first berry, and now she looked, 'as good as new,' according to Steve, who was definitely biased.

"What trip?" Jimmy asked.

"Ah, now that would be telling, I'll let you know when I know, OK?"

Jimmy accepted the answer, but was more than a little intrigued by the whole thing. He turned to Shelley and said, "Do you know what he's going on about?"

"Not a clue Jims, I'm not privy to the family gossip since I married you!"

"Nice," he said, laughing. "I'll bet that Hope knows, we'll grill her when we get back."

They all settled back for the rest of the trip, which seemed to take no time at all. Steve and Clare had just managed to dose off when the intercom gave them a rude awakening.

"Right folks, we're in earth orbit, and it took just over an hour. I trust that there were no nasty surprises for you this time. Do say hi to Roy as he floats through on his way to the rescue ship."

The intercom went quiet and the hatch opened. Roy was greeted by a small round of applause as he exited the cockpit and floated, very professionally, through the passenger cabin en-route to the rear cargo bay, where the new ship was. It had been deemed wiser for one of the experienced pilots to fly the rescue mission rather than Tris, who was good, but inexperienced. Once through the cabin, all hatches were closed ready for the launch. It seemed like just a few moments before the small jolt came as the new ship left the cargo bay. The intercom opened up again, "He's away Steve, better start preparing to receive our guests."

No one knew for sure how long it would take to locate the prodigals and bring them up, so it had been planned to occupy this waiting time by allowing Tris to survey the ship and main drive, whilst the other passengers prepared to make the new arrivals welcome.

Tris had never been weightless before, so he was even more ungainly than Steve, who was not the best exponent of the art either. It caused a few titters as they tried to manoeuvre themselves around the cabin, taking measurements and talking quietly between them- selves. This accomplished, they moved into the cargo bay to access the Trion systems. The other passengers waited until the hatch had closed before getting up out of their seats to begin their preparations.

A small party had been planned to occupy the time of the return journey. Eden wanted to welcome the Thomases and make them feel at home as soon as possible. They knew what it would be like for them to be leaving their home planet for the first time, and space travel is always a daunting experience, no matter how many times you've done it.

Tris was fascinated by the Trion systems and spent quite some time exploring. The new Kerasite shielding was of particular interest, as it alone had increased the ship's speed by a large margin. Steve just hung back and let him get on with it. He was also amazed at how quickly Tris adapted to being weightless.

"OK Steve, I've seen enough we can go back now." They made for the hatch and Tris waited for Steve to catch up. When he arrived, they both went through, back into the main cabin.

"Now that you've finished that Tris, why not take a look at Earth."

Tris did, it was a stunning sight from orbit as always, and it captivated him for quite some time.

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter 12.


The Journey Home

The new ship floated out of the cargo bay doors with ease, the magnetic drive being used to manoeuvre away from the big ship. Once clear, Roy fired up the rocket motors and cruised away to break orbit and descend to the surface.

"Hi Southgate, this is Roy calling, I'm on my way down. Send up a few prayers will you, the earth looks awful big from up here. Over."

"Will do Roy, we'll be watching for you. Over and out."

Jake had been waiting for Roy's call, and was most pleased to get it. Earth had become somewhat unsavoury since the fight with Beast and his followers, all they wanted to do now was get away. Jake left the radio shed and went to tell the others the good news.

"How long will he be?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know 'smudge'," Zeek answered, "but we should be able to see him, especially if the sun catches the ship, it'll light up like a Christmas tree."

They all stood around looking up, but there was no sign of the ship. Necks began to ache, so one by one they gave up and settled down to wait for it in a more comfortable position.

Some time had passed when Paul suddenly looked up a little alarmed.

"What's the matter son?" Dave asked him.

"I'm not sure dad, but I thought I heard voices."

Dave could see that he meant it, and knew that Paul was not given to pranks, so he asked him, "Which direction son?"

Paul pointed south and hearts began to race.

"Let's take a look Dave," Jake said, jumping up, "Zeek, you keep an eye out here while we're gone."

The two men set off towards the trees but stopped when they heard a twig snap. They all went quiet and listened. There
voices, whispering. They recognised the sound of them and instinctively crouched down.

"It's Beast," Jake said, whispering, "and he's not alone, quick, let's hide behind the cabins."

They all scurried off after Jake with Zeek keeping up the rear. They made it just in time as Beast and his followers broke the tree line. There were more of them than they'd seen at Beast's camp, they just kept coming out of the trees, dozens -- no, hundreds of them.

"This is bad," Jake whispered, "they're bound to see the ship."

Danny had been given charge of the glider's radio set, so Jake sent him further into the forest to make contact with Roy.

"Tell him what's happening and ask him what he wants us to do."

Danny set off silently into the trees. Beast had discovered the packed boxes and was screaming instructions to his men to, 'tear the place apart until they're found.'

Behaving like a mad man, he began to destroy the boxes and their contents. Mary looked on with sadness as all her things were violated.

"Scum bag," she said, under her breath, "we should have finished him off when we had the chance."

"Never mind precious, where we're going we won't need any of that stuff, and remember, he won't be able to follow us."

Dave held her as close as he could whilst crouching, and she smiled at him for his strength.

Danny returned so silently that he made them jump as he appeared.

"This is the plan," he said, and explained all that Roy had told him. He got some surprised looks from them, but no arguments. They all agreed what they would do and turned back to see what Beast was up to. He was standing, staring into the air, arms outstretched as if performing a ritual of some sort.

"I don't like the look of this," Zeek said, "I've seen this kind of thing before, it's an incantation. He's calling up evil spirits."

Martha came to his side, "Don't worry," she said, "we have access to a higher power than they do, come on, let's pray."

Those who were believers held hands and prayed. They'd just said, "Amen," when two dark shadows appeared in front of Beast. All the followers cowered on the ground, but Beast stood upright and proud. The spirits spoke to him and vanished. "COME ON," he screamed at his followers, "they're behind the cabins GET THEM."

There was pandemonium as Beast's followers ran in all directions. The cabins and those hiding behind them were quickly encircled, there was no way of escape.

"Watch for the ship," Jake ordered, "that will be our sign."

The filthy followers dragged them out into the open, in front of the cabins, and surrounded them, at least thirty deep.

"What are you going to do now vermin?" Beast taunted. Knives, makeshift spears and clubs where pointed at them. "One move," Beast said, "and it's your last."

The stench was truly awful and young Paul couldn't help himself.

"Don't you ever take a bath?" he said, holding his nose. Beast flew into a fury and grabbed Paul dragging him away from the rest.

"So, you want me to take a bath do you, then let's find some water."

Beast dragged Paul towards the lake with some difficulty, whilst his followers made sure that no one could come to Paul's aid. They reached the water's edge and Beast picked Paul up and threw him in. Paul turned a neat summersault in mid air and landed on his feet, on the water.

"WHAT!" Beast screamed, in disbelief, and tried to reach him, but Paul stepped back further out onto the lake and said, "What's up scum bag, can't you swim?"

Beast turned to his followers and screamed, "Get him." Confusion ensued.

"Out of the mouth of Babes," Jake shouted, pushing several of the followers so hard that they cut a swathe through the ranks opening up a gap. No one needed telling what to do next, as one, they rushed through the gap towards the lake. The startled followers were in such disarray that the escape was easy. Dave and Mary grabbed the remaining kids and tore off onto the water to join Paul, whilst Jake, Zeek, Betty and Martha deflected the weapons that were thrown at them. Seeing that their weapons were useless, the hoard rushed at them screaming obscenities, and vile threats. The righteous ran onto the lake and headed towards the middle. The hoard tried to follow but fell as they hit the water and sank into it. They piled up several layers deep at the waters edge, stumbling over each other, and were unable to follow their prey any further.

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