The Domville 7 (The Domville #7) (9 page)

BOOK: The Domville 7 (The Domville #7)
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‘Don’t stop,’ I ordered.
‘She loves a succession of orgasms from oral. She needs to be wet if we’re both
going to fuck her.’

‘I … need … a minute,’
she panted, tossing one of her arms over her face as she tried to recover. Édouard
pulled himself away from my probings, and before I had a chance to roll the
condom down my length, he’d spun around and grasped my cock in his hand,
pumping it hard and fast. I grunted as my nerve endings fired off sparks of
heat, saturating my brain with how hot I was finding this. It had been at least
twenty years since I’d touched a guy. I’d never been touched, sucked, fucked,
or even kissed by a guy before, and now I’d been sucked off and jerked. I
wasn’t sure how I felt about kissing. The rest I could rationalise, it was
sexual, just a need to get off. Kissing was more intimate. I snuck my hand down
to grab Édouard’s cock again, stroking him in time with the movements of his
hand on mine. When our eyes met, his were hooded as he groaned. ‘Devon!’

My eyes shot over to
the bed when I heard Nadja’s tone. She was sitting up on the bed with an
incredulous look on her face as she took in the fact that we were touching each

‘Ok?’ I croaked, trying
to read her reaction. I saw her throat tighten as she swallowed.

‘I … Devon?’

I distracted her by
letting go of Édouard and bending over to feast on her clit. She was so primed
after her earlier orgasm that she fell back onto the bed and clutched my head
as she cried out and juddered. My whole body crackled as I felt Édouard’s hands
parting my buttocks and the warmth of his breath, then his tongue, rimming me.
I groaned into Nadja. I loved it when she licked me there, and knowing it was a
guy had my cock seeping again. As I fucked her with my tongue, he did the same
and I grunted as the warmth was suddenly replaced by something cold and wet.
Shit, he’d just covered me in lube. He was going to fuck me. Was I really ready
for this? Part of my brain was screaming at me to stand up, turn around, and
deck him, but the other part wanted me to give in to it, to see how his cock
could stimulate my prostrate, if it would get me off the way a butt plug or
Nadja’s fingers did. I gasped as I felt the tip of his cock probing, nudging
gently, and I panicked and tightened up as I sucked Nadja’s clit so hard she
started screaming. Édouard ran his hands up my spine and clasped the back of my
neck and pushed again, more firmly, forcing his way past my tight ring of

‘Fuck,’ I exclaimed as
I pulled my head back from Nadja’s pussy and gasped for air. Édouard pushed a
bit harder, sliding further in, and I tensed up again, gripping his cock in a
vice-like grip. It felt wrong. I’d let Nadja do me with a strap-on once and was
ashamed to admit how much I’d loved that, I’d never come so hard, but this,
this felt wrong.

‘Mon Dieu, your arsehole
is so tight,’ Édouard exclaimed, trying to push further into me. I clenched
even harder, not sure if I wanted him to carry on.

‘Devon?’ Nadja’s
horrified voice forced me to look up at her.

‘It’s ok, babe,’ I

‘I need … I need the
toilet,’ she advised. She jumped off the bed and shot into the bathroom and
shut the door.



I sat on the toilet lid
as I tried to process what I’d just seen. I didn’t need to pee, I just needed a
minute. One second I was having a massage, the next I was involved in an unexpected
ménage, which granted, had been hot and enjoyable, but what had happened next,
I needed a moment. Devon, my masculine, rugby-playing boyfriend, was being
fucked by another guy! We hadn’t discussed
. We hadn’t agreed on
Not only had I told him that I had jealousy issues and didn’t want to see
him with another woman, I certainly didn’t want to see him with another man!
That didn’t turn me on at all. What was happening? Was he drunk? Had he been
drinking when I wasn’t looking? Or maybe he was bisexual and I just didn’t have
a clue. No, surely after two years together, he’d have admitted that by now.
That wasn’t something you hid from your partner. He was the epitome of a man’s
man. He’d fucked countless women before me. I could hardly believe what I’d
just seen. It hurt. I clutched my chest. It physically hurt to witness that.

Was that why he’d
changed his mind about proposing? He’d never really wanted me, I was just
someone he was trying to make it work with while he denied what he really
wanted? I cringed as I heard a loud groan from the bedroom and reached up to
wipe the tears away from my cheeks. He was
Devon, I didn’t want to
share him, with anyone. I wanted him all to myself. I wanted him. I gasped as
the realisation suddenly hit me that he was everything I wanted. I did want him
to propose, I wanted to know he was mine, and I was his, forever. I wanted to
have a family with him, to see him playing with our children at Christmas time
as I cooked us a fabulous dinner. I wanted to take cooking classes to make that
a reality, to be able to look after my family properly, the way Tanya did hers.
I wanted to grow old with him. I didn’t want another man touching me again,
just him. I didn’t want
whatever was going on in that bedroom
right now. Anger suddenly flared in my body, igniting my blood, and I stood up
and marched over to the door and flung it open. Tears stung my eyes to see
Devon gripping the duvet as Édouard slid in and out of his backside. Devon’s
eyes were closed and he had a grimace on his face. I felt sick. Was he enjoying
it, the way he enjoyed me fucking him there?

‘Stop, STOP!’ I
screamed, my fists bunching at my sides.

‘Babe,’ Devon slurred
as he tried to open his eyes to look at me.

‘Please stop! I don’t
want this, I don’t want to see you like this. Make him leave, I want him to leave
right now, or I will.’

‘Nadja?’ He looked
confused as he tried to focus his eyes on me.

‘I’m serious, Devon,
this was a mistake. We need to talk and I want him gone or I’ll pack and go, I
mean it!’ I bit. I spun on my heels and headed back into the en-suite, slamming
the door behind me as I burst into tears. I grabbed one of the plush white
dressing gowns off the hook on the wall and quickly tightened it around myself,
then went to sit on the toilet again, grabbing some tissue to blow my nose. I
needed to pull myself together. If Devon walked through that door in the next
minute or so, we needed to have a serious conversation. If he didn’t, if he
chose to carry on being fucked rather than come and tend to me, then I needed
to pack my case and leave. I just wished I had my phone in here, I could have
rung Tanya for some advice. I looked up, my body jerking with a sob of relief as
Devon appeared and shut the door behind him. He’d wrapped a towel around his
waist and his hair looked dishevelled. I choked as tears poured down my cheeks
and made it hard for me to breathe as he came and crouched in front of me and
took my hands in his.

‘Babe, I’m sorry, I
thought you were ok with this,’ he said softly.

‘I thought I was, but
you … touching him and him … I didn’t expect that! I didn’t
You like men? You’ve had relationships with men before me? While you were with
me?’ I pulled a hand out of his and dragged my arm across my eyes, trying to
steel myself for the worst.

‘I’ve never cheated on
you, Nadja, with either sex. I’ve never had a relationship with a guy, but
there’s something I should tell you. I need to be honest about my past, about
why I just let that happen, why I wanted that to happen.’

‘O my God,’ I groaned,
not sure I wanted to hear any more. ‘This is why you didn’t propose. You’re
really gay, I was just your cover because you never wanted to admit it.’

‘Propose, how … how did
you …’ he broke off as he looked up at me, confused.

‘I found the ring in
your jacket pocket when you went to get a drink. I was terrified. I was in such
a panic thinking I didn’t want to get that serious, then you gave me a key
instead of the ring. That hurt, it hurt so much that it made me realise how
much I really want you. I want to marry you, Devon. I wanted to marry … but now
you’re telling me you’re gay!’

‘I’m not gay! At least
I’m pretty sure I’m not. Right now, I don’t know what I am and that’s the
problem, Nadja,’ he cried, anguish laced in his voice. ‘I wanted to propose.
I’ve never felt this way about anyone, but part of me knew you weren’t as serious
as me, that you didn’t trust me to stick around and then … there’s this whole
issue we need to talk about that made me realise I owed it to myself to explore
another side to me before we settled down. I’m so fucking confused right now!’

‘That makes two of us,’
I whispered, pulling my other hand away from his as I grabbed more tissue and
blew my nose forcefully. I felt like I was dying. This was why I’d never got
attached to a guy. Why had I let Devon get so close, why had I let him in? He
quickly stood up and scrubbed his hands over his face.

‘I’m going to go and
cancel our plans for tonight, order room service, and we’re going to sit and
talk this out, ok?’

He said it like a
question, but as he turned and strode out of the bathroom and shut the door
behind him, I knew it wasn’t one. This was it. Whatever secret he had in his
past, he was going to share with me whether I liked it or not. Our whole
relationship now hinged on whether I could handle what I’d just seen, what he
had to tell me, and whether either of us still wanted to make this work. How
had I got here? Was I going to turn into my mum after all?


The Manchester Domville


Following Friday Night


I laughed as Bugsy cracked
another joke, then picked up my bottle of beer and virtually downed it. I was
faking it. I was faking everything at the moment. I was supposed to be enjoying
the Christmas party I’d laid on for the lads at The Manchester Domville. We’d
had a luxury five course meal, were now drinking in the Champagne Bar, and were
due to head on to Greysons strip club. I’d never been there before, it was its
opening night here. They’d originated in Westhampton and had started opening
branches around the country, in all major cities. It was supposed to be one
classy place, a real cut above some of the sleazy dives we already had here,
and most of the lads were gagging to go. I’d spent a bloody fortune on the
night, to make sure it was the best night out we’d ever had. They were loyal
grafters, working in whatever shit weather the British climate threw at us. And
here I was, miserable as fuck.

I’d been honest with Nadja in Paris, the night Édouard
had joined us. I’d been honest about my past, how I’d been abused, how I’d
ended up enjoying it while hating myself for that fact. I’d spent so long
denying that, repressing that, that the thought of getting married without
taking it further, to either get it out of my system, or maybe wake up from the
life I’d crafted to hide my real sexual proclivities, had brought it all to the
fore again. She’d been devastated, both for me, for what I’d been forced to do
as a child, and for her, at what it meant for us that I suddenly had this
insatiable itch that needed to be scratched. I hadn’t particularly enjoyed Édouard
trying to fuck me, and had no desire to let another guy try that again, but
wondered if that was normal for some guys. I’d heard that some preferred to
top, rather than bottom, maybe that was me. After all, fucking another man was
something I hadn’t tried. I’d asked Nadja for permission to have one night with
a guy, to find out how I really felt, but while she was sympathetic, she said
she couldn’t agree to that. She’d always been jealous of other women eyeing me
up on nights out. I knew her past, how she was terrified of being let down,
like her mum had been. I knew what it had taken for her to let herself get so attached
to me. She couldn’t handle the thought of me going with someone else, let alone
a guy. She also couldn’t handle making me choose to stay with her, never
satisfying that curiosity I had, with the question of whether I’d prefer to be
with a guy in the back of my mind hanging over both of our heads. After a plane
ride home in silence, while she’d mulled over our predicament, we’d finally
discussed the situation again. Instead of forcing me to stay with her, on the
understanding that I’d never act out these urges, she’d made the decision for
me and had cleared her stuff out of my bathroom cabinet and the drawer she had
in my bedroom, along with her spare clothes in my wardrobe, and had kissed me
goodbye, with tears in her eyes. She’d left me. And I was fucking devastated.
Even the copious amounts of alcohol I’d had weren’t numbing the pain.

‘We moving on, Devon?’

‘Huh?’ I shook my head as I broke myself out of my pity
party and tried to focus my blurred vision on Bugsy.

‘We heading to Greysons? I’m itching to see some hot
pussy strip for us.’

‘One more drink,’ I slurred, scrabbling in my pocket and
thrusting a wad of notes at him. A joint like Greysons was all above board, no
touching, no naked pussy. Bugsy was going to be gutted, but I didn’t want to
see women strip anyway. I wanted to see Nadja. Why would I want to see another
woman when I had her? No, correction, when I’d had her.

‘Jesus, you sure you should have another? You’re

‘Another,’ I confirmed sharply. I needed more to try and
drown out my thoughts and feelings.

‘Then we go and see hot women?’

‘Sure, whatever. Sorry Todd, know it’s not your bag,’ I
nodded as I caught his eye. He grinned and shrugged.

‘It’s ok, I’ve never been to a women’s strip club. Maybe
it will swing me to the other side. If I come and endure it though, you guys
have to agree to come to a gay club with me next time, it’s only fair.’

‘I’m in, always up for a laugh,’ Perry nodded. I
Always up
. Apt choice of phrase when he couldn’t take his eyes
off Todd’s crotch and kept squeezing his own. I looked back over at Todd. He
was so sure of his sexuality, and even more admirable, he didn’t give a fuck
what anyone thought. He loved cock and wasn’t ashamed of it. How did he know?
When had he realised that? I made a noise of surprise and my shoulders jerked
when it twigged that he really was a great-looking guy. I mean, I knew he was
good looking, but if I was into guys, he’d be the sort of guy anyone should
fancy. Perry leaned over and put his hand on Todd’s leg as he whispered
something in his ear. I blinked a few times as I was suddenly hit with a visual
of the two of them together. Perry was married, with kids, but he still kept
going back to Todd. Was he that good? I bit my lower lip as I ran my eyes over
Todd’s crotch. Fuck, he was hard and he looked massive, and now I was thinking
about what it might be like to see what all the fuss was about him. I’d already
lost Nadja, so I could finish this ridiculous obsession I had, why not make it
count? I ran my eyes up his chest as I swigged on the dregs of my bottle and
choked as I saw him watching me, a slight frown on his face.

‘Ok, boss?’ he asked.

‘Great, just great,’ I nodded. I didn’t need a sexual
harassment suit by propositioning one of my own crew. If I was going to do
this, I needed to find someone neutral. ‘I need a piss.’ I lurched up and
knocked into the table, making everyone’s bottles rattle.

‘Christ, you won’t even find your way to the loo in that
state,’ Todd laughed. He stood up and stuck his arm around my waist and threw
mine over his shoulder. ‘Come on, I need one too. I’ll get you there in one

‘Cheers,’ I mumbled, trying my best not to show myself up
in this classy establishment by falling over. We made it across the lobby and
into the gents, Todd escorting me down to the urinals at the far end and
positioning me in front of one.

‘Ok?’ he asked as he moved to stand at the one next to me
and unzipped his trousers. Fuck, he wasn’t leaving. I nodded and reached for my
own zip as I swayed slightly on my feet. By the time I’d grappled my cock out,
Todd was full flow. I couldn’t help myself from looking over at him, wanting to
know why Perry was risking everything to get a load of him.

‘Jesus,’ I muttered as I laid eyes on his tackle. He was
fucking huge! I thought I was well endowed. It was a good job I wasn’t an
insecure guy or one look at that would have me questioning my abilities with my
cock from hereon out. He was pierced as well, right through his slit and out of
the side of his cock. Christ, that must have hurt.

‘Never seen a cock before, boss,’ Todd laughed as his
eyes flicked down to mine.

‘Seen plenty, never a pierced one. Why the fuck would you
do that?’

‘Heard it gave better sensitivity and partners have said
it feels amazing rubbing on their prostrate.’

‘I wouldn’t want to risk fucking up my cock if it went
wrong, I like sex too much. Wasn’t a monster cock good enough for you?’ I asked,
trying to drag my eyes away from it, but I was transfixed. I hadn’t sucked a
cock since I was at school, would I enjoy it again?

‘Monster cock!’ he laughed. ‘You’re not exactly small. I
thought you’d be bigger than average, but I see that reality exceeded my

‘No, I’m not small,’ I grinned, weirdly proud that he’d
imagined what I might look like and was impressed by it. ‘But
another league. Can’t imagine anyone taking that up the arse, let alone with a
piece of metal through it!’

‘You’d be surprised how many guys love it. Anyway, don’t
knock something until you’ve tried it. Not that
ever would,’ he
scoffed as he finished and started to shake it.

‘Don’t judge a book by its cover. I’ve done stuff. I
could make you come in under a minute if I wanted,’ I replied as I did the

‘Yeah, right. Devon Somers does cock! I’ve seen you with
Nadja, you’re all about women.’

‘Want me to prove it?’ I offered, common sense leaving my
head as I started to stiffen in my hand at the thought that this could be my
chance. I was pissed enough to not care, not so pissed that I didn’t know what
I was offering, and a week of no sex had me feeling more desperate for some
action than normal.

‘Devon, don’t mess about. You’re fucking hot, I’ve
imagined being with you so many times. Teasing’s cruel,’ he retorted with a

‘I’m not teasing,’ I murmured as I stretched out a hand
to stop him tucking himself back into his boxers. I touched the root of his
cock and ran my fingers up its flaccid length, circling the piercing, feeling
the contrast between the warmth of his flesh and the chill of the metal. I
heard him hiss through his teeth as my touch breathed life into his cock and it
started to swell. Fuck. It seriously was enormous. I swallowed hard and looked
up at him to see his eyes had narrowed and darkened as he stared at me, his
chest heaving. Fuck it, if there was a time to try it, it was now. Seconds
later, our lips were on each other’s, kissing frantically as our hips merged,
grinding, rubbing, stimulating.

‘Fuck, Devon, you sure about this?’ he panted between our
tangled tongues.

‘Just shut up and touch me,’ I confirmed. Kissing him
wasn’t making me feel anything, but I desperately needed to come.

‘Not here, move,’ he ordered, shoving me away from him,
then pushing me towards the disabled toilet door. We stumbled through it, teeth
clashing, hands groping, and I heard him lock it behind us. We were in a large
room with its own sink on a long marble countertop, with another door to the
private toilet and enough space for a couple of wheelchairs. That was all I saw
of it as I felt Todd’s skilled hand stroking me with a firm grip, twisting his
hand as he moved over my head, applying just the kind of pressure I liked. I
looked down to watch his hand working me. Jesus. ‘Why?’

‘What?’ I uttered, tearing my eyes away and looking up at

‘Why are you doing this, you’re fucking straight!’ he
asked as he continued to pull me.

‘You want me to walk away?’ I asked, pausing for a moment
to pull his boxers and trousers down to his thighs and setting him free.

‘Fuck no,’ he uttered. ‘You’ve no idea how many times
I’ve imagined this. I just can’t believe it.’

‘Then believe this.’ I sank to my knees and ran the tip
of my tongue over his beast, teasing his slit and piercing, tasting his musky,
hot, salty essence, and all of the memories of being in the boiler room at
school came flooding back. Then, I’d been forced to my knees to do this, had
guys pinning me down. This time was voluntary, I wanted to do it by choice. I
wanted to make him come, I wanted him to need me, just like they had, then I
wanted to fuck him. I wanted to know what it felt like to be in charge. I
wanted to get my own back, I wanted to fuck him so well he’d beg me to come
back and do it again.

‘Christ, Devon,’ he rasped as I wrapped my lips around
him and set to work. ‘Fuck, you’re good.’ I slipped a finger into my mouth as I
worked my way up and down his shaft, one set of fingers tightly circling him,
following my movements. I sucked until my finger was coated in saliva and then teased
his backside with it, making him groan and start pumping his hips forward,
fucking my mouth even harder. I eased my finger up into him with no resistance
at all, then added another, then another, until he was grunting and gasping
above me. ‘Fuck, no, I’m gonna come. Shit, I’m gonna come already,’ he moaned.

I sucked and thrust harder until he exploded, cursing as
he bathed my mouth in warmth. I swallowed fast, repressing a shudder at the
thought of being back here. Remembering how disgusted I’d been the first time that
had happened. I’d cried all night about it, scrubbed my tongue with my
toothbrush so many times I’d made it bleed. I released him and removed my
fingers and quickly stood up, shoving them in his mouth for him to suck clean
as he tried to catch his breath. He looked wrecked.

‘Turn around,’ I ordered when he was done and had calmed
down a bit.

‘Lube and condoms, jacket pocket,’ he huffed. I pulled
them out, balancing them on the granite countertop, then spun him around,
bending him over the sink as my breathing came hard and fast. I dropped to my
knees and grabbed the cheeks of his arse, spreading them and letting the tip of
my tongue slowly rotate his hole. He cried out and spread his legs wider.
‘Harder,’ he ordered.

I continued to tease him, then used my tongue to lash him
more forcefully, occasionally dropping to take one of his hairless balls into
my mouth and sucking it hard as he groaned above me, before moving back up to
fuck him with my tongue.

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