The Domville 7 (The Domville #7) (2 page)

BOOK: The Domville 7 (The Domville #7)
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Devon Somers



‘Come on, Bugs,’ I yelled, as I cemented the last
of my stock of bricks in place on the new build we were working on. ‘If you
were any slower climbing that ladder, you’d be going backwards.’

‘Why do I always have to carry them up?’ he huffed as he appeared on the
top section of scaffolding, his hod laden with new supplies for me.

‘Because I’m the boss and your bricklaying skills are about as straight
as your teeth. You didn’t get the nickname Bugsy for nothing.’ I teased him by
using my fingers as rabbit ears and sticking my front teeth over my bottom lip.

‘Me ma couldn’t afford braces for me as a nipper,’ he moaned as he set
his load down. ‘It’s not my fault I suffered from overcrowding and it pushed
them all out of shape.’

‘The amount we earn, you have no excuse not to get them fixed now. You
keep moaning that you can’t find a steady girlfriend, that you think your teeth
put women off, so go and do something about it.’

‘Wouldn’t have to go out looking for a woman if you’d fix me up with one
of Nadja’s hot friends,’ he mumbled with a petulant tone.

‘Hey, by taking you on, I’ve already mixed business and friendship, no
way am I going further down a dodgy road and having you messing with my girl’s
friends as well. You know your reputation for dumping women once you’ve had
your way.’

‘Just because I haven’t found the right woman yet, unlike you, ya
lovesick puppy,’ he winked as he passed me the next brick to fix down.

‘I’m not lovesick,’ I quickly retorted as I used my trowel to slather on
a good layer of cement.

‘So you’re not taking her to Paris to propose then?’

‘What’s lovesick about proposing? Christ, Bugs, I’ve spent years sewing
my oats. I’m thirty-five, it’s about time I thought about settling down. Until
her, I’ve never wanted to, but she’s … she’s …’

‘Fucking hot,’ Bugs nodded as he started to mix some more cement for me.

‘Well, yes, that goes unstated,’ I confirmed with a smile as I thought of
her. The first time I’d seen her was in the
Fox & Hounds
pub, my
local where I’d take all of my lads for a Friday afternoon drink or two when we
clocked off. She’d been bending over at the bar, tying up the laces on her over-the-knee
Converse boots, her short skirt clinging tightly to the sexiest backside I’d
ever seen. It was firm and toned, but had some serious curvature to it. I’d
fallen in love with her backside on first glance. When she straightened up and
tossed a glare over her shoulder as she heard some of the lads talking crudely
about her, it had been like a punch in the gut. She was stunning. A natural
brunette, with mocha-coloured eyes that had gold flecks in them, and she was
tall, with long, lithe legs that I could just imagine wrapping around my hips
as I fucked her up against a wall. Our eyes had locked and I’d seen a flicker
of interest on her face as we’d stared at each other. Two hours later, after buying
her an apology drink for my crew’s brash behaviour, she’d thawed out
considerably, and my imagination turned to reality as I pressed her up against
the pub wall, hidden behind the bottle bank container, and fucked her until she
screamed my name. I’d never been with a woman so sure of her sexuality, so
confident or experimental. She knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask
for it. I loved that. And here we were, two years later. More amazingly, she
still held my interest, in a way no one had ever done.

‘I’m never going to get a woman that hot,’ Bugsy moaned, rubbing his
hands together to try and warm them up in the chilly December air. After so
many years of working outdoors, you’d think he’d be immune to it, like I was.

‘Get your teeth fixed then. You’re not a bad-looking guy, you’re in shape
and some women love a bit of rough. Nadja can’t get enough of my fingers. Says
the rough pads of them, where they’ve been scoured on bricks too many times,
just adds extra sensation to her clit when I’m rubbing.’

‘Yeah well, my last girl, Di, said it was like having a cheese grater
going at her. Screamed her bloody head off, and not in a good way. I was doing
her a favour, not like she’d have many choices with a face that ugly and that
pot belly she had, but man were her big tits a bonus. I could have fucked them
morning, noon, and night.’

‘I think maybe having a little more respect for women may help your cause
as well,’ I replied with a shake of my head as I continued laying. I owned my
own business and employed some seriously skilled workers, but I’d started out
as a bricklayer, then progressed to a roofer, before I set myself up and took
on a crew. I still got bored if I wasn’t hands on, not that I didn’t have rucks
of paperwork to do, but I missed mucking in and doing manual labour.  I could
have gone on to university and got a degree, I wasn’t lacking in brains, but
I’d always preferred working with my hands. Especially sexually. The thought of
trapping Nadja in the hotel suite for three days and using my hands on her, as
well as other parts of my body, had me spring an erection on the spot. Her tits
were made to fit in my large palms, her pink nipples filled my mouth, and I
could rub her clit with my thumb and finger her, or her backside, at the same
time. I reached down and adjusted myself in my ripped and concrete-splattered
jeans. Shit, I was so hard just thinking about her.

‘Jesus, mate,’ Bugsy laughed as he passed another brick over and spotted
my jeans protruding. ‘Do you need five minutes to deal with that?’

‘I need bloody Nadja,’ I grinned. ‘Just thinking about her backside has
me hard every single time.’

‘You ever been with a bloke?’ he asked, nearly making me drop my brick in

‘You’re not offering, are you?’ I shot him an incredulous look. We’d been
mates for fifteen years and I’d never got any vibes like that off him before.

‘Not me, no. Just curious if you had. Perry was pissed last Friday and
told me that if he got an erection on site, Todd would help him out. Wondered if
you’d been there?’

and Todd?’ I uttered. Todd was one of my youngest lads, the
plasterer. Good-looking guy in his early twenties, totally upfront and
unashamed about his sexuality from the start. But Perry? He was in his forties
and married with kids. You’d have thought if he was gay, he’d have been out of
the closet by now. ‘And what do you mean, help him out?’

‘You know, quick hand or blow job to relieve the tension. I was surprised
when Perry told me as well. Said he went to the loo one day with a boner and
was stroking himself, hadn’t locked the door and Todd came in. Before he knew
what was happening, Todd was on his knees with Perry’s cock in his mouth,
sucking him like a professional. Perry said at first he was horrified, but he quickly
realised he’d never had head like it off his missus, so he let Todd finish him
off. Seems like it’s a regular thing now.’

‘Jesus.’ I shook my head in amazement. I’d never have imagined Perry
would do that, but I knew only too well that things happened behind closed
doors and people kept secrets. I had my own that I’d never shared with anyone.

‘He swears it’s the best head he’s ever got, that he thought he had it
good with his Mrs, but after experiencing it with Todd, says no one compares to
a guy handling your junk.’

‘He’s leaving Sue for a twenty-something guy that gives good head?’

‘Na, says he loves Sue and the kids too much to upset family life, but
he’s enjoying experimenting on the side. Even told me he’s thinking of going
all the way with a guy, just to see what it’s like.’

‘Sounds like he was testing the water with you,’ I observed as I
continued working.

‘Me? Jesus, I’d punch the fucker if he tried anything with me. Each to
their own and all that, but no way is a guy going near my cock or arse.’

‘I hear you,’ I nodded. How the hell was I supposed to look Perry in the
eye now that I knew that? I mean, what guy hadn’t wondered if getting head from
another guy was better than a woman, but going all the way? I wasn’t sure how I
felt about that.

‘Besides, he was that pissed when he told me, I bet he doesn’t even know
he confessed. He’d probably be mortified if I mentioned it.’

‘Maybe you should, he’s got a short temper as it is. Ask him if he loves
cock and he’d definitely lose it, might do you a favour and knock those two
buck teeth back into place for you.’ I laughed as Bugsy punched my shoulder
with a scowling face on him. It was all meant in jest, we’d known each other
long enough to take the piss without causing offence.


I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my waist and rubbed my
hair with another, and grinned when I heard
by Kellis blaring
out from my bedroom. It was my ringtone for Nadja.

‘Hey, babe. You coming over? I’m shower fresh and wearing your favourite

‘Hmmmm, a tiny damp towel?’ she groaned.

‘That’s the one.’

‘I’m hideously drunk, I just called to say hello.’

‘Is it me you’re looking for?’ I heard Tanya screeching in the
background, completely out of tune, then a load of giggling.

‘Babe, it’s only six o’clock, how come you’re drunk already?’

‘Flexi-dime, flexi-wine, no, no, time, time, lots of wine, but it’s flexi-dime.’

‘What have you and Tanya been up to?’ I sighed, pinching the top of my
nose. There went my idea of spending a few hours getting rid of some sexual
tension with her.

‘Wine and sex …’

‘You’ve had sex with Tanya?!’ Jesus, what was going on today? Perry and Todd,
now my girl and her best friend? Damn it, my hormones were raging today, the
thought of Nadja with another woman had my cock unfurling again.

‘Noooo, no sex. Sex … toys. I’ve got hiccups and you jumped in and … finished
my sentence. Sex toy shopping and … and a nice little outfit for our trip

‘How little?’ I demanded, all of the blood rushing to my cock and sending
it straight to attention at the thought of her dressing up for me.

‘Little enough for you to get a … glimpse of your favourite ass … et,
play on words

‘Damn it, babe,’ I groaned, my sexually aroused state overriding my urge
to laugh at her uncontrolled hiccupping. ‘You can’t ring me to say you’re not
coming over, then taunt me with visuals of your backside.’

‘I could take a picture and send it to you,’ she giggled.

‘I’ve got plenty of those, I wanted the real thing.’

‘No … no arse for you tonight, I’m feeling very sick. One thrust and I’d
project … project … what’s that word? Projection vomit all over … your

‘Projectile. Keep talking about vomit while you hiccup and sound like
you’re swallowing your own sick, that’ll help me deflate a bit faster,’ I
chuckled. ‘Do you want me to come over to look after you? You know you’re the
biggest baby when you’ve heaved.’

‘No, it’s ok. You need to rest, you need … plenty of stamina for our
weekend away.’

‘You never need to worry about my stamina. I’ll come over if you want?’

‘I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl. Love you.’

‘Love you too, babe.’

‘Love you,’ giggled Tanya. ‘Even now, even after I know about your butt.’

‘Sssshhhh, you’re not supposed to know,’ I heard Nadja warn in an annoyed

‘Butt secret, oooops, top secret,’ Tanya cackled in the background.

‘Ok, what’s going on?’ I demanded.

‘Nothing, sex bomb. See you tomorrow, can’t wait,’ Nadja called. I pulled
my phone away from my ear, not sure if she’d just blown me a kiss or puked on
her handset, and saw that the call had been terminated. I sighed and went to
the wardrobe to pull out some clothes. No way was I leaving her alone in that
state. She was getting company for the night whether she liked it or not.
Holding her hair back while she was sick in the toilet all night wasn’t exactly
how I saw my evening going when I woke up this morning, but it seemed that my
girl needed me.


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