The Domville 7 (The Domville #7) (7 page)

BOOK: The Domville 7 (The Domville #7)
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‘I guess,’ she sighed.

‘Shit, Devon’s just turned off the shower. I’d better get
ready, we have reservations at The Moulin Rouge for dinner and a show.’

‘Yeah, I’ve got a romantic night to prepare for, too.
Dave’s down at the pub and he’s getting some fish and chips on his way home. If
he’s really drunk, I may even be treated to a battered sausage, unless he’s
scoffed it himself and burps and farts for the rest of the night from eating
too much grease. Honestly, why you feel the need to jet off to Paris and spend
money when you could live my life, I just don’t know.’

‘O, babe,’ I sighed. I could just imagine her eye roll
and slumped shoulders, even though she was trying to laugh it off.

‘Go, before you depress me even more, and if it’s
bothering you this much about him not proposing, I think maybe you’re ready,
you just haven’t admitted it to yourself.’

‘Don’t talk crazy,’ I scoffed. ‘I’ll ring you tomorrow
and see how your night went.’

We ended the call and I bit my lower lip as I looked at
the door to the en-suite. Was Tanya right? Part of me wanted marriage, babies,
the whole nine yards, but part of me was just terrified of ending up a broken-hearted,
single mother, bitter and twisted and hating men, just like my mum. She’d been
great with me, but I didn’t want to end up like her, sad and lonely. Devon
threw open the door and emerged, wafts of steam billowing behind him like some
male model from a shower gel commercial. Yet again, my time to sit and think
about what I really wanted was interrupted. Maybe this was something I was just
going to have to push to the back of my mind until we got home and I had time
to myself to think.


Above & Beyond




‘Can’t we just lie here all day, have sex, order room
service, and sleep?’

‘We can do that at home, babe. You were the one who said
she wanted to see the city, and we barely had a few hours out yesterday. I’ll
make it up to your hungry little pussy later, I know it has an insatiable
appetite for my cock.’

‘It sure does,’ she giggled, stretching her body out with
a low moan, which had my deflated erection suddenly finding a new lease of
life. ‘It’s the most beautiful cock I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, and
I’ve had my fair share.’

‘Have you really never had more than one cock at once?’ I
murmured as I nibbled her neck and my fingers pulled her nipples back to stiff

‘Actually, no, I haven’t,’ she replied, sounding
surprised. ‘Though it’s always been my top-secret fantasy, one I never thought
I’d even consider living out. I certainly never expected the guy I was in love
with to suggest it.’

‘You’re mine, Nadja. I’m confident that you won’t leave me
for another guy, so watching you with one, with my permission, doesn’t raise
jealousy issues with me. It turns me on to give you pleasure, and I just have a
feeling that getting fucked by two men at once would bring you one hell of a
lot of pleasure.’

‘I understand that. I mean yes, four hands and two sets
of lips, tongue, and cock would have to feel better than just one, but I don’t
understand what you’d get from it.’

‘I love the idea of seeing another man licking you out
and making you come, of watching your face as it screws up with pleasure while
you pant your way to a climax. To hear your moans as we both work on you, to
know I’ve done that for you, that’s what I would get out of it.’ Shit, the
thought of it had my cock throbbing with an intensity that was going to need
sating before we headed out. The idea of being able to order another man
around, to have him make my girl feel on top of the world … that was one of my
fantasies. Nadja suddenly shifted and rolled over, looking up at me with a
curious expression on her face.

‘You’re really serious! You’d like us to try a threesome!’

‘Am I going to upset you again by saying that I wouldn’t
say no if the opportunity arose, guy or girl?’

‘Have you ever had one?’

‘Yes, a few,’ I confirmed, kissing her while studying her
reaction in case she ran off in tears again, but she seemed calmer about it
today. ‘Two girls on a couple of occasions and then with one of my mates, we
both fucked his girlfriend at the same time.’

‘How did I not know this about you?’ she gasped, propping
herself up on her elbow to look at me, intrigued. I smiled as I ran my fingers
up and down her bare arm.

‘You never asked. It’s not the sort of thing that comes
up in casual conversation.’

‘So when you say you fucked her at the same time, you
mean front and back door, right?’

‘Yes, but also vaginally at the same time.’

‘OMG!’ She bolted upright and covered her mouth with her
hands, looking mortified, which made me laugh. ‘Tell me you don’t want me to do
that? Two cocks in there at once?! No thank you! She must have had a vagina
like a bucket. I take it she’d had kids?’

‘No, no kids, but she was surprisingly … stretchy,’ I
nodded, after pausing a moment to find the right word.

‘It’s a vagina, not Play-Doh,’ she giggled. ‘Sure, it
stretches when a baby comes out, but it’s supposed to be a one-way street. No
one tries pushing a baby back in, that’s just not natural.’

‘If you want to try one, you can say what you are or
aren’t comfortable with.’

‘Are you serious? You’d be ok with this?’ she frowned. I
nodded. Truth be told I was, as long as I was included and she wasn’t fucking
around behind my back. Seeing her get off on being pleasured, or even
pleasuring herself, was what did it for me. Sure, my orgasm was the ultimate
goal, but even just thinking about it, as well as seeing her look so responsive
to the idea, had me wanting to fuck her again. ‘Say if I were to agree, to let
another guy join us. Would you want me to return the favour and allow you to
have another woman join us?’ She looked nervous as her eyes skimmed over my

‘Would you like another woman to join us?’ I wasn’t all
that fussed. I’d been there, done that, I’d fucked around enough to know that
no pussy compared to Nadja’s, she was as good as it got. If she did want to try
another woman in our bed though, I’d do it to make her happy. She bit her lip
and I could see the cogs whirring as she pondered.

‘Honestly, no. I love cock, I love
cock. I
really don’t like the idea of touching up a woman or licking her, let alone
seeing another woman touching you. I’m a jealous kind of girl, I don’t share.’

‘Then no, I wouldn’t ask for you to return the favour.
Does that help you make a decision?’

‘I don’t know,’ she groaned, flinging herself back on the
bed. ‘I mean yes, I’d love to have two guys touching me at once, but it’s a bit
selfish to ask for that and then deny you getting another woman.’

‘Babe, if I wanted another woman, I’d say so. I’m happy
just us or adding another guy to the mix.’ I reached up to cup her face with my
hand and ran my thumb over her cheekbone as she worried her lower lip between
her teeth. She held my gaze, then huffed out a heavy breath of air.

‘Ok then, let’s try it. Though if you suggest Bugsy, I’m
liable to knock you out cold,’ she warned. I laughed and shook my head.

‘No way. No one I know, some things should be kept
private. None of my friends, someone neutral.’

‘Who then? It’s not like you can put an advert online or
in the paper saying good-looking, toned, and virile young man required for stud
services, is it?’

‘Actually, you’d be surprised,’ I chuckled. ‘You’re quite
naïve for someone with the amount of sexual partners you’ve had. Haven’t you
heard of Tinder, or Craigslist? The world’s a virtual sexual takeout menu now.
See what you like, order, and you get express delivery with no attachments.’

‘People really do that?’ She gazed up at me wide-eyed,
making me laugh again.

‘Not everyone’s lucky enough to pull on a night out, let
alone to find their sexually compatible partner in their local pub, like we
did. Are we going out or staying in to fuck, as all of this talk has me horny
as hell.’

‘I can’t choose, I want to do both,’ she sighed. ‘Much as
I want to go out, your cock is as appealing as any Parisian monument, but best
of all, there’s no entry fee.’

‘Unless you count ripped knickers. Ok,’ I announced,
making a snap decision and throwing the sheets off us. It was a waste to come
here and not do what we’d planned. ‘Quickie in the shower, then we go out.’

‘Quickie’s not in your vocabulary,’ she laughed, then
screamed as I grabbed her and tossed her over my shoulder to carry her into the
bathroom. I had some organising to do, and where better than France to organise
a ménage a trois, with no fear of bumping into them back in Manchester and
risking embarrassing Nadja. The way that masseuse, Édouard, had been smiling
when he was touching her yesterday, I had a feeling he’d be game.


‘I’ll call you when he’s ready for you.’ I kissed Nadja
and left her relaxing in the huge bathtub, covered in bubbles that added a subtle,
yet sultry fragrance to the air, with a bottle of bubbly in an ice bucket close
to hand. We’d had a busy day taking in more sights and doing a load of clothes

‘Enjoy it,’ she smiled. ‘You’ve been a bit tense the last
couple of days, it will do you good to relax.’

‘It sure will,’ I confirmed. I smiled to myself as I shut
the bathroom door and made my way out to the lounge, where Édouard had set up
the massage table and was burning some seriously smelly crap that Nadja was
likely to want to order for when I massaged her at home.

What she didn’t know was that when I’d sent her up to our
suite on our return from shopping, I’d popped over to the spa to ask to speak
to him. I’d tested the water by saying that I was sure he’d noticed yesterday
that Nadja was very easily aroused, and that she was likely to get turned on
again while he was massaging her. I asked if that would be a problem for him.
He’d immediately replied no, saying it was commonplace for men and women to get
aroused and he was used to it. I joked that she might try and grope him, as I’d
promised her a ménage and she might get the wrong idea, thinking that his
massage services were a front for escort ones. Instead of an expression of a
man insulted, a look of curiosity flickered on his face. I knew I hadn’t read
the signals wrong yesterday. He then gave me whiplash by replying that such
fraternisation was a sackable offence, so I’d better warn her to behave appropriately.

I’d walked away, thinking I’d need to look into a
swingers’ meeting to find someone for her, but was surprised when he caught me
up in the corridor, looking over his shoulder before asking if I was serious.
It hadn’t taken much convincing to assure him that I was, that we were looking
for someone to join us. He apologised and said his boss was in the room next
door, so he’d had to play the party line earlier in case we were overheard, but
it seemed it was my lucky day. He told me he’d free up some extra time on top
of the massage allocation and he’d look forward to seeing us later. I knew the
type of guys Nadja found attractive, from the way she’d drool over them when we
were watching a movie, and I’d seen her pupils dilate when Édouard had arrived yesterday,
so I was confident that he’d meet with her approval for this experimentation,
especially once he’d had his hands on her body again. I’d never met a woman who
got turned on faster than Nadja did. I’d warned him that he’d need to wear
condoms, protective sex only, and he grinned and shook my hand before
disappearing back to the spa reception.

Standing here now with my small towel around my hips,
watching him oil up his hands and imagining them on Nadja, practically hearing
her breathy moans from him rubbing her nipples, made my cock stiffen.

‘Are you sure you want the massages, or would you prefer
to get straight to it?’ Édouard asked, his eyes dropping to take in my

‘Massages first. I actually need another one,
particularly my neck and shoulders again, they’re still feeling tense. And
trust me, after a massage, Nadja is always ready for sex. It will work her up
nicely for when I let her know that you’re joining us.’

‘Of course,’ he smiled, lifting the modesty towel off the
bed. ‘If you’d like to remove your towel and lie on your front, I’ll make a
start.’ His glance at my full mast cock didn’t go unnoticed. Maybe I should
have said something, that he was just here for Nadja, not for me as well.

I kept shifting as
Édouard worked on me. Lying on my stomach with
a stiff cock wasn’t the most comfortable of experiences. His hands moved up
under the towel to work on my backside again and this time, I was sure he was
deliberately sweeping closer to my arsehole. Each time his thumbs got closer
and closer, until I puckered up as he slowly ran over it. My nerve endings
started firing and I had to fight the grunt that I wanted to expel. What the
fuck was wrong with me? Liking Nadja touching me there was one thing, but a
guy? I screwed up my face as he did it again. This time, the pressure was
unmistakable, as was the brush over my balls on the way back down. I virtually
scrambled onto my back the minute he released me, happy to remove my arse from
his clutches, only to be confronted with my erection taunting me. As far as my
cock was concerned, apparently it didn’t care whether my body was being touched
by male or female hands, it just got the message that ejaculation was imminent.

‘Ok?’ Édouard asked,
slowly licking his lip.

‘Yep,’ I nodded,
crossing my arms up behind my head as I watched his face for some kind of clue
as to what he was thinking. Did his eyes just rove over my stomach, then linger
on my cock? I got my answer when my towel flexed and his eyes shot straight to
it. He looked back up and caught my eye and smiled as he oiled up his hands
again, then started rubbing my legs. I was sure he didn’t shoot straight to my
thighs when he did my front last time. His fingers slipped up my towel as he
leaned forwards and ran deep grooves on my inner thighs with his thumbs,
forcing me to lift my hips off the bed a little and spread my legs further
apart. I swallowed hard as with each stroke, his fingers got closer to my cock.
I wasn’t imagining it. He was testing the water, seeing if I was up for it. What
was worse was that despite my best efforts not to, I was trying to imagine what
it would feel like for him to grab, lick, or suck me. I screwed up my face in annoyance.

What I hadn’t confessed
to Bugsy when he’d brought up the Todd and Perry situation the other day, or in
fact confessed to anyone, was that in boarding school, I’d been forced to give
hand jobs and blow jobs to some of the older boys on a regular basis. I was a pretty-looking
boy back then, with my baby-faced looks and blond hair, and I was a loner,
which equalled the perfect target for them. The first few times I refused, and
I’d been beaten, badly. Then one night, I’d been attacked as I slept, gagged
and dragged out of my bed in the middle of the night, and the ringleader
threatened to fuck me if I didn’t oblige. I was only twelve, I had no means of
defending myself, so I’d done as I was asked, kneeling in from of the three of
them, wanking each of them off in turn before progressing to blow jobs. The
abuse had continued for nearly two years, until I started to develop muscles
and learned how to fight. After I beat up those three guys who’d abused me,
they never came near me again.

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