The Dating List (11 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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"Thanks for everything, sis."

She stepped back, making room for Leah.

Wish I could take her with me.

She smiled up at him, her eyes connecting with his.
He scooped her up into his arms and held her tight. Leah softened
against him.

"Leah," he murmured. He rested his chin on the top of
her head and sighed.

"You're coming back?" She stepped back.

"For President's Week. Will you go out with me on
Valentine's Day?"

"I've never been invited so early before."


"I'd love to spend it with you." She reached up to
touch his face.

"Good." He pulled her into an embrace and hoisted her
up until their lips met.

He pressed his against hers gently, his touch
feather-light. Leah parted her lips, admitting his tongue. Colin's
arms wrapped firmly around her hips and shoulders holding her fast.
Leah ran her hands up his neck and into his hair.

Carrie cleared her throat.

"Uh, get a room, guys…know what I mean?"

Colin set her down slowly. When she stepped back, a
rush of cool air engulfed him, emphasizing her separateness from
him. He frowned.

"I'll miss you."

"My knight in shining armor," she whispered.

She nodded. Colin turned and ran down the front walk,
sliding into Grey's Jaguar XK quickly and cleanly. Grey threw his
brother's bag in the trunk. Leah raised her hand to wave goodbye
then wrapped her arms around her torso to ward off the sudden

Chapter Seven


February 12, Lincoln's Birthday, New York

"Any word?" Leah chewed her lip.

"None yet. I tried Colin's cell phone but all I got
was static."

"Come in and get warm," Carrie said, pulling Grey
into the living room.

Leah paced in front of a roaring fire in the living
room in Grey and Carrie's townhouse. Grey entered, stopping to
stomp the snow off his feet on the welcome mat. Carrie joined him,
planting a kiss from her warm lips on his icy ones. She brushed the
snow off his shoulders as he unzipped his jacket.

"What if the bus skids off the road? What if he's
stranded in this subzero wind chill?" Leah resumed pacing, her arms
folded across her chest.

"But you don't care for him, do you, Leah?" Grey's
eyes twinkled.

"We're friends…that's all. Can't I worry about a

"Colin's a survivor. He's been in worse storms." Grey
unzipped his jacket.

Carrie opened a bottle of brandy and poured three
glasses. Grey took one. He slipped his arm around Carrie's waist,
easing her down next to him on the sofa. Leah took a draught from
her glass then returned to pacing. Grey flipped on the TV and
switched to the news.

"Worst snowstorm in ten years…stalled cars litter the
highways…they're talking blizzard," the TV reporter said.

Leah chewed a fingernail, staring at the TV screen.
The film footage of incapacitated cars on the snow-covered roads
made her nervous. Her heart thudded against her chest.
anything happens to him…like Hank…
Her stomach knotted, she
became queasy.

Carrie put an arm around Leah, startling her.

"Colin will be okay."

"Do you promise, Carrie?" Leah asked a little too

"He's not Hank. Nothing is going to happen to him,"
Carrie whispered.

Leah took a gulp of her brandy to keep a tremble at
bay. The drink warmed her inside on its way down. She took another
big sip, glanced at the TV then returned to the large, rectangular
window facing the street. The heavy snow and dark sky made it
difficult to see.

"How late is he now?" She asked, peering into the

"About four hours, Leah, but that doesn't mean…"

She put up her hand. Stepping closer to the window,
she wiped away the vapor clouding her view with her hand.

"I see something…" She wiped the glass again. The
image of a tall figure making its way down the street went from
hazy to clear.

Grey stood up. Carrie joined Leah at the window.

"Hard to tell but I think…" Carrie said.

Leah dashed out the door, leaving it wide open. She
ran down the street without her coat, slipping and sliding in her
high heels on the icy walk until she reached the dark figure.

"Colin!" She cried as she leaped into his
outstretched arms.

He hugged her, twirling her around and around. His
cold lips joined with hers in a hungry kiss. She wanted to devour
He's safe. He's safe…he's here.
An inner smile spread
heat throughout her body despite the snowy cold. It only lasted a
few seconds before sharp wind ripped through her thin sweater
chilling her to the bone.

"Where's your coat? You'll freeze. It's snowing, ya
know," he said, pulling her in close.

Relief flooded her veins and with it came happy
tears. She blinked fiercely until they were under control, refusing
to look at him.

"Aw…you were worried about me." She couldn't escape
his keen gaze.

"I'm starved and you're holding up dinner."

He burst out laughing.

"You're a lousy liar."

Colin opened his coat and pulled Leah in close,
draping it around her small body. She hugged his waist.

When they reached the house, Grey handed Colin a
glass of brandy while Carrie took his coat.

"Took you long enough," Grey mumbled, transferring a
heavy pot from the stove to the table.

"I practically had to walk the whole way!" Colin took
a swig of the warming liquid.

Leah held her glass up for a toast. "To your safe

They all clinked glasses.

"Great to have my girl here, waiting for me."

"Your girl?" Leah cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Oops, I mean my woman."

"What?" Leah placed her hands on her hips.

"Don't deny it," Colin said.

He kissed her, draping one arm around her waist and
holding his glass with the other.

"Let's eat. You can tell us the whole story over
dinner," Grey said, pulling out a chair for Carrie.




Colin, Grey and Carrie conferred over breakfast about
plans for Valentine's Day. Colin caught the sly grins being
exchanged by his brother and Carrie across the small table in their
kitchen. Their private communications made him a tad uncomfortable
and a bit envious.
Maybe someday I'll have that. Maybe with
He shook his head a little to loosen that thought.
cares but she's resisting me. And she's leaving. Time's running

"Where can I take Leah that will make her fall in
love with me?" he blurted out, interrupting the conversation.

Grey stopped speaking and stared at his brother. "You
can't make a woman fall in love with you on one date."

"I know…it's just that she's so sophisticated…and I
can't afford a five hundred dollar dinner…besides that'd only be
pretentious. She'd see through it. I want to do something

"Leah loves to laugh…take her to a comedy club,"
Carrie put in.

"Stand Up and Laugh is right in her neighborhood,
too. Then you might be able to wangle an invite to Nina's place
again…the bedroom is where you'll make her fall in love with you.
If you're an Andrews man through-and-through."

Carrie batted Grey playfully.

"I don't want to push her…"

"Play it by ear, Colin. You'll know if and when."
Carrie slipped her hand under Grey's.

"Had Carrie eating out of my hand after the first

"What?" Carrie sat back and glared at Grey.

Colin burst out laughing. "Looks like
going to be shelling out for a five hundred dollar dinner tonight,
brother, to make up for that one."

"Your arrogance is…"

"Honey, sweetheart…I was only kidding. Trying to give
my brother a little confidence. I know I was puppy-dogging you the
whole time."

Grey leaned in to kiss his fiancée. She moved away
for a moment before meeting his lips.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to him,
Carrie. We all know that."

She smiled.

"Comedy club, eh? Interesting." Colin stroked his

"It'll be different. If you want Leah to see you as a
cut above the rest, this might be one way to impress her," Carrie
said, lacing her fingers with Grey's.

"She has been squired around town by plenty of rich
Wall Street guys. You know, fancy schmancy restaurants and such.
None of 'em lasted, though. I don't know what she's looking for but
you may be it. What are
looking for?" Grey asked.

"Her. She's it. Fancy, rich Wall Street guys, huh?"
Colin rested his chin in his hands.

"Obviously she doesn't want that…or she'd be taken by
now. Trust me, Leah's been dating a lot in the past year," Carrie

"She'd be lucky to have a guy like you. If you want
her, don't give up. I didn't and now I have the best of the
best…for life." Grey beamed a loving look at Carrie.

"Okay. What's the number of that comedy club?"

Grey tossed a phone book at his brother. "Stand Up
and Laugh. Look it up."




At five o'clock, Colin came downstairs to the living
room. He wore a perfectly pressed new dark gray suit with a light
green shirt that brought out the green flecks in his hazel eyes. He
twirled a navy and green rep striped tie in his hand while he

Carrie stood at the bottom of the stairs with her
back to Grey. He zipped up her teal blue silk dress and bent to
brush his lips over her shoulder.

"Get a room, guys," Colin smirked.

"Hilarious." Grey responded. "When you have a woman
you can't keep your hands off…talk to me."

"You look great, Colin," Carrie said.

"Wow! What a dress! Where are you going?" Colin's
gaze took in the slim-fitting silk sheath with a low-cut,
sweetheart neckline and cap sleeves.

Carrie blushed. "To dinner…"


"La Tour Eiffel."

"I heard that is the most expensive place in New

"Close," Grey said, straightening his tie.

"Afterward?" Colin cocked an eyebrow at his

"That's private," Grey said, coloring a little.

"See what Grey gave me for my birthday?" Carrie
fingered the solid gold heart pendant around her neck that matched
her earrings.

Colin whistled. "You always did have good taste,

"We'll exchange Valentine's gifts…after dinner,"
Carrie shot a sly smile at Grey who blushed a brighter red.

"A woman who can make Grey blush…now that's news!"
Colin punched his brother in the shoulder.

"So, we shouldn't wait up, eh?" Grey asked.

Colin shook his head.

"That's pretty bold…pretty confident." Grey stared at
his brother.

"Hey, if I get lucky, great. If I don't, I'll sneak
in quietly. I hate to disturb noisy lovers…"

"Noisy? Really? Do you hear…"

Colin put his hand up. "TMI, Grey!"

"What are your plans for dinner?" Carrie asked,
deftly changing the subject.

"Leah said she has something at the apartment for us.
Then the comedy club."

"Have fun tonight. Happy Valentine's Day," Carrie
leaned over to peck Colin's cheek.

Colin reached in his pocket to check if the small box
was still there. He put on his new overcoat and the three of them
left the townhouse. The air had warmed up some, melting the snow
off the plowed streets. They squeezed into Grey's sports car and
headed downtown.

Colin got out at 77
Street and walked
East to the building where Leah was staying. He nodded at Lance,
who smiled at him before calling up to alert Leah, then motioned
for Colin to proceed. Nerves made his palms sweat. Again he
fingered the box, wondering when to present it to her. The shirt
collar rubbed a little though it wasn't too tight.
Calm down!
You're not sixteen anymore.
Colin hadn't been nervous much with
women. Perhaps it's because he'd never met one who mattered so much
to him before.

He stepped out of the elevator and turned to find
Leah waiting at the open door. She wore a winter white wool dress,
trimmed in ornate gold ribbon. The neckline was low enough to pull
his gaze. The short hemline drew his gaze down to her shapely

"You look gorgeous," he said, leaning down to kiss

"So do you."

She took his arm and guided him into the apartment.
Colin looked around, amazed to see what must have been twenty
candles of all sizes and shapes blazing. Places were set on the
coffee table and a mouth-watering aroma wafted in from the

"Veal stew, one of my favorites," she said. "Please
open the wine. I'll be right back with the food. I know we have an
eight o'clock show. Will you tell me now where we're going?"

"Nope. After dinner."

"I love surprises!"

Leah disappeared into the kitchen. He attacked the
bottle of Chablis, easily removing the cork and poured out two
glasses before placing the small box that was in his pocket on
Leah's plate. She returned carrying a tray with two steaming bowls
of veal stew resting on a bed of brown rice. Colin helped her place
the bowls on the plates as a low rumble tiptoed through his belly.
Suddenly starving, he eyed the stew with a hungry smile.

"What's that?" She asked, referring to the box on her

"Just a little something for Valentine's Day," he
said, removing the box.

She put the plate down and he handed the box to her.
After removing the top, she fished out a beautiful solid gold heart
pendant on a gold chain. Her sudden intake of breath and big smile
warmed him.

"It's beautiful! Oh you shouldn't have."

"I'm giving you my heart."

Leah shot a warning glance at him, accompanied by a
frown. "Don't go there."

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