The Dating List (6 page)

Read The Dating List Online

Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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"Treat her with respect. Open doors, pull out her
chair, hold her coat, take her arm on stairs," Grey said.

Carrie was scribbling as fast as she could.

"I'm not a moron, you know. I already do those
things. I've had a few relationships," Colin said.

"Never discuss age. Don't make jokes about age, don't
point out she's older or that you're younger…" Carrie started.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Colin asked, unable to
contain his irritation.

"Don't give phony compliments. Tell the truth, most
of the time. Don't call her at the last minute for a date, assuming
she's always available," she added, writing as she spoke.

"Most of these are common sense, you know," Colin

"Do you want to win her or not?" Grey asked.

Colin nodded.

"Then listen, Punk!"

"Don't press her for sex if she doesn't want it,"
Carrie added.

"If she doesn't want it often enough, move on. If
you're an Andrews man…" Grey began.

"Enough! I'm an Andrews but I'm not going any further
on that topic." Colin stood up.

"Don't forget the list," Grey said, snatching the
paper out of Carrie's hand and stuffing it in Colin's breast

"The list." Carrie nodded at him.

"The dating list," Grey said.

"Okay, okay. Got it. Geez. Don't you two ever let

"You said you wanted a relationship with a real
woman. This should help."

Grey gave his brother a pat on the shoulder.

"One last thing…let her tell you about her earlier
life, Hank and all, when she's ready," Carrie said, squeezing his

"That's the hardest one of all." Colin headed toward
the stairs. "Goodnight."




Carrie pushed to her feet and stretched her arms
above her head. Her gaze swept over Grey's toned body and
sandy-colored hair falling rakishly across his forehead, the sight
stirred desire in her.

"Time to cash in on that rain check you promised me,
Mister," she said, resting her palms on his hard chest.

Grey shot a wicked grin back at her. She took his
hand as they climbed the stairs. Once in their spacious bedroom,
Grey pulled her into his arms for a passionate kiss. Carrie combed
her fingers through his hair as she pressed her hips against his.
He groaned when her soft flesh came up against him, his hands slid
down her back to her rump and squeezed.

Carrie unbuttoned his flannel shirt. After pushing up
his t-shirt, her hands moved up, brushing through his chest hair,
feeling his hard muscle underneath. He moved his lips down to her
neck while his fingers slipped under the back of her shirt. A quick
flip on the bra hooks and her breasts swung free, inviting capture
by his hands. She moaned as he massaged her before gently pinching
her nipples.

"Oh, God, Grey." Carrie closed her eyes and leaned
against him.

He broke from her to yank the bedcovers down.
Shrugging his shirt off then ripping his t-shirt over his head, he
turned to face her as he tugged his pants down.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

She nodded. His fingers made quick work of the
buttons on her shirt and the one at the waist on her pants.
Shrugging the shirt and bra off, Carrie stood, stripped to the
waist. Her pants hit the floor. Grey shimmied her pink lace panties
down her legs. His eyes followed the lingerie then skimmed over her
body, as a smile played with his lips.

She loved being naked in front of Grey as he couldn't
take his eyes off her. His gaze jumped from body part to body part,
causing his erection to grow. Being admired and lusted after put a
flutter low in her belly. Her nipples hardened under his stare. The
hungry look on his handsome face made her long for his touch.

"I love you like this," he whispered, approaching

She raised her chin for him to take possession of her
mouth. His lips came down hard and ravenous on hers as his arms
wound around her, crushing her against him. Carrie softened,
yielding to his passion and her own.

"You're beautiful…" he muttered between kisses.

Grey inched them backward toward the bed. He tumbled
down with Carrie on top of him. She straddled him, giggling. With
her hands flat on his chest, she leaned down and kissed his neck.
His familiar male scent filled her nostrils sending heat through
her veins. Then she licked down his neck to his collarbone. He
hissed at the touch of her tongue on his skin. His hand directed
her peak to his mouth where his tongue and lips played with her,
demanding her surrender. She felt boneless, her body crumpling as
the heat of her desire spiraled up and up, out of control.

Finally she capitulated, easing down next to him on
the bed as he rolled over on his side. His hand slid down her side,
stopping to cup her hip, his fingers splayed, skimming over her
smooth skin. Then he moved it down, down until it was at the
juncture of her thighs. His fingers glided over her slippery core,
stroking and swirling until she began to moan. When he slipped a
finger inside, her hips pumped to his rhythm.

Carrie tightened her grip on his shoulder with one
hand before she closed her fingers around his hard erection with
the other.

"Oh, God, Carrie."

Grey lowered his head, his hot breath teasing and
tickling her. He pressed his lips into the soft flesh at the base
of her neck and groaned.

"Stop, stop…" he whispered.

Her hand slid up and down on him until he pulled it
away. She bent her leg, coiling it around his hip as he gripped her
bottom, pulling her closer.

"Come to me, baby," he muttered.

His hand slid over her backside down the back of her
thigh. Easing her legs open wider, he rolled onto his knees,
crouching between her legs. Slinging her one leg over his shoulder,
he drew her other leg up and thrust into her. She gasped as he
filled her completely.

"Grey!" She pulled his head down until his lips met
hers. Her appetite for him consumed her. She took possession of his
mouth while he moved inside her. He lowered himself to his elbows,
his fingertips rested lightly on her shoulders, caressing her skin.
She released his mouth and stared into his hazel eyes, just inches
from hers. She recognized his desire mixed with love; it excited

"I love you." Her fingers dug into his shoulders.

"You're mine…forever, honey."

His whispered affection coupled with his rapid
plunging into her destroyed her last shred of control. Carrie's
whimper turned into a groan.

"Come for me, baby," he whispered in her ear.

His words sent her over the top, the heat inside her
burst into flame. She cried out his name as every muscle in her
body clenched. Carrie's hips thrust upward then down. He increased
his pace keeping her climax going, her hips moving with his.

"Oh, God," Grey muttered.

He thrust into her hard, his arms surrounding her,
crushing her breasts to his chest as he buried his face in her
neck. A loud groan signaled to Carrie he had reached his climax,
too. But he didn't stop. He drove into her a few more times before
collapsing. Carrie ran her hands over his back, through a thin
sheen of sweat then dug her thumbs into his muscles on either side
of his spine.

"That feels great."

"Good." She closed her mouth over the soft, fleshy
area where his neck met his shoulder. The salty taste of his warm
flesh reminded her of his lust, his energetic loving. Grey bent
back, resting on his haunches as he slid his hands down her chest,
followed by his lips.

"You are stunning with lust in your eyes."

She laughed.

He moved his fingers across her forehead, tucking
stray stands of her blonde hair back off her face.

"Lust only for you," she said. Her palm cupped his

"Makes you extra beautiful." He kissed her hand, her
nose then brushed his lips against hers.

"Hold me a minute, will you?" Carrie said in a quiet

"What's up?" Grey's brows knitted as he rolled on his
back before drawing her into his arms.

Carrie nestled her head into his shoulder, stroked
his chest then cleared her throat. "My mother is coming."

"When?" He picked his head up an inch or two off the

"In a couple of weeks."

"Great! I'll get to meet her. Your dad, too?"

"Yeah. They've rented an apartment in the City for a
couple of months."

"So they'll be here for the wedding?"

She nodded. A tremor shot through her body. Grey
tightened his arms around her slightly, planting a kiss on her

"This isn't good?"

"She wants to take over the wedding planning from

"Oh. Not good." Grey shook his head slightly.

"Delia's going to be furious."

"Why hasn't your mom stepped forward before?"

"We've never gotten along well. She's very
controlling. She and my dad had a catering business. She's
convinced Delia and I can't possible plan the food for the

"But you can." He rubbed her shoulder with his

"I know that…you know that…and Delia knows that."

"Why does she want to interfere?"

"I think she feels guilty for not spending enough
time with me when I was growing up. They were always working.
Especially on holidays."

"And she wants to make up for it now?"

"…and I'm going to get caught in the middle."

"What can I do to help?" He stroked her back.

"You're helping right now." Carrie closed her eyes
and cuddled into him. Grey pulled the blanket and quilt up over
them both, then she switched out the light.

"It's your wedding, Carrie. Have it the way you want
it, honey."

"Right now hopping a plane to Las Vegas with you,
leaving the rest behind is looking pretty good."




Colin climbed the stairs to the second floor, entered
the guest bedroom and closed the door. He toed off his shoes then
stretched out his tall frame on the comfortable bed. The guest room
was painted teal blue with white trim. The down quilt served as a
bedspread and comforter with a teal, pink and white small flower
country pattern. The furniture was antique, stained white. The art
on the walls ranged from modern to country settings. It was a
pretty and comfortable room.

The townhouse was old enough to have thick walls so
Colin couldn't hear his brother and Carrie making love in the next
room. He didn't have to. He knew what they were doing. A touch of
envy mixed with his happiness for his brother. Grey had been
searching for a long time for the right woman. Colin liked Carrie;
she was the perfect match for Grey. He didn't fool her with his
bullshit. She shot it right back at him but with playful affection.
He liked to watch the two lovers banter back and forth, always
ending with a kiss. The memory made him smile. Their affection for
each other gave him hope for his own life.

Colin knew he was ready to have a relationship like
Grey and Carrie's. Though much younger than Grey, he had matured
early by being around older people all his life. He wanted to be
with a woman, a real woman. He wanted fun, love, and devotion. That
and the right job would give him the perfect life. Though his
inexperience teaching college might stand in his way for the
Kensington State job, his coaching experience was a plus. If he got
that job, the only piece missing from the life he wanted was the
love of an amazing woman. A woman like Leah.

His mind wandered to images of her, making him
restless. He checked his watch. Only ten o'clock.
Not too late
to call.
He picked up his cell phone.

"I hope you weren't asleep," Colin said.

"At ten? Hardly. Canceling our plans for

"Of course not. Just wanted to talk to you."
hear your sexy voice.

"Oh? It couldn't wait until tomorrow?" She

"Wanted to hear your voice," Colin said, feeling heat
rising to his face.

"That's sweet."

"Leah…tomorrow is a date, right?" Colin closed the
door to his room.

She laughed. "Do you want it to be?"

"Absolutely." He lay down on the bed.

"Okay. If you want to go out with an old lady…"

"You're not an old lady. I'm 29 and you're…"
the dating list — don't talk about age!
He smacked his

"I know how old I am, Colin…"

"You're beautiful, smart, and sexy. I don't care
about age. I like being with you."

There was silence on the other end of the phone.
You blew it, boy. Damn! Read the list!

"I like being with you, too, but…well, I'm going to
Paris and all."

"You're amazing…a special woman."

"No one has said that to me in a long time," she
said, her voice almost a whisper.

"Why not?" He rolled over on his side.


"Because why? You've been dating, right? You must
have a string of guys as long as a city block wanting to take you
out…or whose hearts you've broken."

She laughed again. "You're good for my ego. I don't
have a waiting list of men and I'm not a heartbreaker."

"I didn't mean to imply you're mean or anything. Guys
must fall in love with you all the time."

"They don't. Besides, I'm not interested in falling
in love."

Now it was Colin's turn to be silent.

"Colin? Colin? You still there? Damn phone!"

"I'm still here. Why do you say that?" He propped
himself up on his elbow.

"Too much to go into tonight. I'm going to see you
tomorrow, so…"

"You'll explain then?"

"Maybe. Let's just have fun, can't we?"


"Good. Until tomorrow then."

"Until tomorrow. Goodnight, sleep well, pretty

"You too, sweetie."

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