The Dark Angels: With Wings (9 page)

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Authors: Z. Allora

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BOOK: The Dark Angels: With Wings
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When Darius was completely spent, he looked down at Angel. He still had his plush lips wrapped around him, when he heard Angel groan around his slowly softening cock. He looked up just in time to see Angel's pert rounded ass pump up and down pushing his own cock into his hand.


Angel's head snapped back. "Dare!" Angel cried out right before Dare felt the wetness of Angel's completion slip down his calf. When Angel was satisfied, he continued to lazily lick Dare gently down from the heights he had never before reached.


Dare lay there panting, just trying to catch his breath. It was indescribable. He had never felt like this. He tried to turn off his mind but couldn't. It was impossible.


Angel wiped his leg and crawled up to lay next to him but didn't say anything. Feeling Angel's eyes on him, he turned his head to see that pretty face millions loved. Angel looked a bit worried like he had done something wrong, but clearly he wasn't the least bit sorry for what transpired.


Darius just started laughing.
This was the oddest situation in the
world. I mean I am in bed with the sexiest person I have ever seen in my life,
was just given the best blow job in the known universe and it was Angel Luv.

Angel Fucking Luv!
Laughter bubbled from deep inside. It was a bit hysterical and a lot paranoid. Dare tried to stop the laugh but he couldn't.


Angel looked a bit concerned for him, which only reinforced the entire craziness of this situation. "You okay?" Clearly not the reaction Angel was used to getting.


"Yeah. Yeah." Darius tried to say between bouts of laughter. The harder he tried to rein it in the more intense the laughter got. It was like a dam had broken and there was no way to hold back the peals of his laughter.


Angel frowned as hurt crawled across his face. He began to roll away from Dare and he made a grab for him but Angel was too quick for him. He stood at the end of the bed angry as hell as he glared at him. "Stop laughing at me, you fuck!"


"No, no. I am not laughing at you." He wasn't sure why he was laughing other than this whole situation was beyond him. He felt like he was going to have a break down. He just let Angel blow him.
What did that
mean? Was he gay now? Was he bi?


But Angel went into his bathroom and the quiet click of the lock was slid into place. Darius went to the door and knocked. "Angel. Come on, man.

I am sorry. This is just...I don't know." And he didn't. He really fucking didn't know.


Angel yelled through the door. "No worries. I am going to shower and I will meet you upstairs so we can do a little work. Okay?"


He knew Angel didn't sound right but maybe it was the door warping his voice. "Okay. I guess I'll go take a shower too. See you in a little bit."

∗ ∗ ∗

Laying back on the entranceway daybed trying to work, but Darius couldn't seem to focus. His head was spinning about what had happened and wondering if Angel was still upset with him. He kept circling over the same lyrics over and over but got no further with them. It probably didn't help that he kept looking at his watch every five minutes wondering where Angel was and if he was actually coming upstairs.


After two hours, Angel appeared at the door. He was dressed in drawstring loose black pants and a tight black t-shirt that showed every one of his muscles. Angel's creamy skin glowed from being gently kissed by the Balinese sun. His dark hair and eyes played nicely off the dark clothing. His eyes were done with just a hint of liner, but Darius knew the lush lashes were all his.


Fuck me!
His mama gave him the correct name. He was an angel.

Darius was beginning to feel like a groupie getting ready to throw myself at his feet.
What's wrong with me staring at him like this? I have seen him
every day for the last year! Maybe it was the side effect of getting a blowjob
from him?


He cleared his throat and tried to apologize, "Angel, I really am..."


"It's fine. Let's drop it and get to work." Angel had a bit of steel in his voice that was usually reserved for irritating press and overly pushy fans.


"Sure, I was working on 'Love Me Forever'."


They worked on the song. They kicked back and forth between the lyrics and music for the better part of two hours. Working with Angel, even when he was pissed at him, made the words and music just happen.


I don't know what say


All I know is I want you to


Love me forever.


Don't laugh at m


Just cause I want whatever...


Don't laugh at me


Like you think I'm a joke


I want to work on this together


Be with you forever...


Want for us to love now and whenever...


Somehow the final words didn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. He played the melody on his guitar one more time as he sang. His laughing fit had really hurt and pissed off Angel.


He needed to try to explain. Darius didn't want to lose a friend. He set his guitar aside. "Angel, look. I am sorry. It was just unexpected, you know? That's never happened to me before..."


Angel sighed with irritation at having the subject brought up and looked away from him out across the ravine. But the stone wall of anger was falling away from Angel's face. Dare knew Angel was ready to hear him out.


"Why? I don't understand why you did that." Dare had to ask. Maybe if he understood, Darius could find the excuse he needed to justify his own intense reaction. To understand why this gorgeous creature would give him such pleasure maybe it would help him understand why he accepted it. Other than the obvious.


"You don't understand what Darius? Why I blew you?" Angel was still in full defense mode.


Oh damn it! I really upset him.


Angel shook his head. "Your cock woke me up by nudging me." Sad eyes looked back at him. "I thought since you never had a guy I would volunteer. No biggie, yeah?"


He swallowed hard.
Then why was it starting to feel like something
"Angel. I really am sorry for laughing but it wasn't
you. I would never laugh at you. I felt like I was losing my mind, you know? I just...I don't know. I wasn't expecting that. I have had dreams and stuff but when I woke up and it was actually
making me feel that way...I guess I freaked a little. I am truly sorry."


Angel's eyes searched his. He could feel Angel weighing his words and judging the sincerity. Angel nodded and touched his shoulder. "Sorry too. I probably shouldn't have done that. I usually don't go around molesting straight guys. But I was half asleep and I woke up to you in my bed. You were wrapped around me being so deliciously naughty. You were so hard and you were rubbing up against me like a cat in heat." He ran his black fingernails through his hair making it look even sexier. "You were begging in your sleep. You used my name. I just thought..."


Fuck! I was having my Angel dream while I held him. This just gets
more tangled!
"I am so sorry. Really! I must have been dreaming."


"About me?" He arched his well-shaped brow as he didn't need an answer. "A good dream?" Angel smirked at him in a teasing way that let him know they could move past this here and now. They could pretend it was nothing but a misunderstanding.


"Definitely," he stated almost proudly. He was teasing but it was the truth.


Angel chuckled a little self-consciously. It was music to his ears.

Darius grinned at him.


They worked for another hour before taking a break. Angel stretched up cracking his back, limbs and everything that could possibly crack all at once. Angel grinned as he asked, "So tell me, was it better with a male?"


Darius's mouth fell open. The devil wanted a full confession. No sense denying it. He already answered when he came so hard in his mouth. His cock was trying to harden at just the memory. He set aside his guitar to lay back on the daybed. He looked out the open window at the trees trying to find some words to express the jumble of his emotions and mixed up thoughts.


In a heartbeat, Angel was straddling his hips. "So was it better with a guy, Dare?" Angel's hands landed on either side of his head so he could look down into his face. Dare looked up at him in surprise. Angel dragged his tongue along his jaw line to finally reach his ear. His teeth nipped lightly and Darius tried to hold back his groan.


"You want more?" Angel wiggled his ass causing the erections that had grown between them to rub against one another. "We could enjoy each other." Angel thrust his hips with more purpose. "You know, like friends with benefits type of thing."


Dare looked up at Angel.
More? Yes! God, yes more! Wait! What!

"What?" He struggled under Angel but he outweighed Darius and was much stronger, so he wasn't going anywhere.


Angel restated his case. "I know you are straight, but we could enjoy each other's company." The taller man shrugged. "You know, it could just be for a little while. Just while we are here or something."


", I am not gay!" As he said it he tried to control his inappropriate desire for more. "I can't...we can't..." He was struggling because he really wanted to figure out a way that they could.


Instantly, he felt the loss of his Angel's weight as it rolled off of him.

Angel looked down at him for a long time. Angel nodded once. He cleared his throat. "Shall we get back to work?" Angel's tone suggested nothing happened.


Did I imagine that? Why isn't he trying to convince me? Why do I
wish Angel would just try to convince me? I am a twisted fuck, who makes
no damned sense! Work! Focus! Music!

Chapter 9

The days fell into a general routine. He and Angel got up around eight and went swimming. Breakfast was delivered by nine to the open-air day bed room upstairs. They would usually work through the morning, taking a break for a shower and lunch. Occasionally, they would go for a walk around the hills of the resort if one of them needed to walk out some lyrics, but usually they just stayed at the villa out of the sun doing more work. For Darius, working with Angel just made the words and notes flow effortlessly.


In the hottest part of the day, they would go watch DVDs in the living room. They never watched in the downstairs bedroom after that first time.

Sometimes they would return to work in the late afternoon but other nights they would lie around vegging, watching television until bedtime.


Their bedtime was unusually early. After all, what other evening activities were there to do? No drinking, no partying, and no sex. Of course they could have left the resort to find nightlife, but neither of them seemed to want to make the effort. Dare was beginning to feel like a monk, but picking up a stranger had no appeal.


He kept replaying that morning's delight in Angel's bed. It was on a repeat loop that constantly reminded him everything he couldn't have. It disturbed him to think he had never been so turned on by someone in his life. His dick had not been this active around a female ever. He was lucky he didn't pass out from lack of blood flow to his brain.


Everything Angel did was sensual, but much to Dare's

disappointment, Angel did nothing more sexual to him after that one glorious blowjob. Frustration became a way of life. That blowjob had him fantasizing about it and all the other inappropriate positions he wouldn't mind seeing Angel in. Whenever his mind wasn't occupied with music it was on Angel.


It killed him think Angel had given him the option of a 'friends with benefits' deal but he had been too fucking chicken to take the chance. An opportunity for the hottest sexual experience of his life and he'd turned it down. Bitter regret became a constant reminder of what he gave up. He kept reminding himself he wasn't gay no matter what his body was craving, but it was of small consolation. His brain kept asking the same questions. Straight?

Gay? Bi? Did it really matter so much? Angel Luv offered him probably the best sex of his life, in paradise no less, and he'd turned it down.


Sometimes Angel would fall asleep next to him while they watched TV, but no cuddling. No holding. Angel was even careful not to touch him by accident. No intimate caresses. No innocent brushes while in the tiny kitchen making salads. Not even a friendly handshake.


Darius tried so hard not to ache for Angel's forbidden touch but he missed it. It was crazy! He ached for Angel's hands on him. He wanted Angel to kiss him, and heaven help him, he wanted to kiss those sexy lips back. He wanted Angel to do all the things that a straight man shouldn't want.


Each time Darius choked his snake for the past week, he could get release only when he envisioned Angel. He kept trying to envision a girl, two women, hell a harem of naked lovelies to do his bidding but until the image of Angel was allowed to surface he couldn't ejaculate. Darius knew it was sick to do that to a friend. Angel was probably the best friend he ever had, but his dick didn't seem to care. It also paid no attention to the fact that he shouldn't be jerking it to fantasies about a guy.


Darius tried to convince himself it was probably just the lack of sex that was making him crazy. Making him want Angel. Making him need things he shouldn't want.


Last night had been a perfect example of that inappropriate crazy need he had for Angel. It was after midnight. He was trying to sleep but it seemed impossible. Then he heard Angel get up and go outside to the pool. After a soft splash, he peeked out at him through the French doors and saw Angel climbing up onto a pool raft. His rounded ass humped up onto the float so he could settle on his stomach. He was spread out completely naked. The moonlight lit up his skin so he almost glowed. Angel looked like a lovely water nymph. His dark head was facing away from his spying eyes. Angel's hands were skimming the water's surface creating a pattern of lazy ripples on the calm surface. His long lean body was roped with sinewy muscles that Darius couldn't help but admire. But it was his rounded bubble ass that captured his attention. It really was the most perfect ass Dare had ever seen.

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