The Dark Angels: With Wings (20 page)

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Authors: Z. Allora

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BOOK: The Dark Angels: With Wings
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Unable to stop the slight tilt of his head which allowed Angel to nibble at the base of his throat which over the last few weeks he had learned was one of Dare's weak spots. The tracing fingers on his thigh were moving ever closer to Darius's uncomfortably hard crotch.


Darius wasn't able to find the words he needed. He knew he shouldn't do this. It would be such a mistake. One more time that would be burned into his memory. One more taste of what he couldn't have. He needed to stop this immediately.


A large firm hand cupped him and gently squeezed. "Mmmmm, looks like your body knows the pact is still in place too."


Darius's hips pushed into the massaging palm even as his lips were rejecting the idea. "No, we can't." His head turned with traitorous lips parted as if begging for a kiss, which Angel seemed more than happy to give him.


The kiss was soft and slow and gradually built into something it could never be. But Darius's resolve was crumbling.
What was one more time? He
was already fucked up for life. One more time, what could be the harm?

"Brad," he said the word as a last ditch effort to save himself.


Angel pulled back and looked into Darius's eyes, "What about him?

You telling me you want a threesome?" Angel's teasing tone was a bit off.

"With him?" His eyes shot towards the galley.


Darius answered a little too quickly. "No!" He should have taken the disgust out of his voice and tried to keep it even. "He can see." As if on cue, Brad made a bit of noise behind the curtained area as he prepared their meal.


Angel relaxed back into Darius as much as his seat belt would allow.

He stepped up his campaign with firm rubs over Darius's denim covered shaft and teasing bites on his neck that melted Darius from the inside out.

"Oh, if that's all. Let him watch."


Pulling the light blue duvet out from its special pocket in front of them, Angel laid it over them. The puffy soft silk covered them and Angel's hand went right back to where it was. Darius was barely aware that they were taxiing down the runway.


"What are you doing?" The whisper came out more as a moan of pleasure.


"If you don't know, apparently, I am doing something wrong." A teasing smile accompanied his words. His tongue licked out to tease Darius's silver hoops running up his ear lobe. Another discovery Angel had made and used repeatedly for both their enjoyment.


A shiver raced through Darius's body as long fingers danced over his zipper. The tab was lifted and his jeans were unzipped exposing skin to seeking fingers.


"We shouldn't do this." He didn't know who he was trying to convince because no one was listening to the words he didn't mean.


"You don't have to do anything." Angel's tongue traced Darius ear before stabbing inside.


"Oh!" That was it. Darius gave in. Angel could have his way as he always would when it came to Dare's body.


Arms wrapped around as they embraced and began sloppy, desperate kissing. Darius couldn't get enough. He wanted more. Holding Angel tight he was determined to take everything Angel gave him and if that made him pathetic well, that was an issue for another day.


When Angel pulled back and gave a wicked grin, he knew he was in so much trouble. The singer ducked underneath the blanket and within a second, a warm wet mouth encompassed him. "Oh," he moaned a little too loudly causing Brad to poke his head out from behind the curtain. He closed his eyes and just hoped Brad wouldn't come over.


Angel's magical mouth was slurping away bringing him close to climax. A little bit of turbulence added a new dimension to the amazing suction. He was so close.


A throat cleared causing Darius's eyes to fly open. Brad was standing two feet away from him with a perfect understanding of what was going on.


"Can I get you something to drink?" Brad, the snarky little bitch, asked in a patronizing tone knowing full well what he was interrupting.


Darius wanted to slap that smirk right off of his face. But before Darius could even open his mouth to form words, Angel's head popped up from under the swath of silk comforter to answer. "Yeah." He licked his pretty pink lips before asking. "Could we have some champagne and orange juice? Not mixed."


By the time Brad answered stiffly with a "Yes, of course," Angel had immediately disappeared and the blanket over Darius's lap was moving in a slow up and down motion. There was no mistaking what was taking place even if Dare could swallow his moans at the sweetness of the sensation.


His eyes slammed shut when Brad turned to go stomp back up the aisle. His hands grasped over the moving fabric to hold on to the head hidden beneath. The plane shook, Angel sucked and he pushed in deep.


Whether it was the delay in stimulation, the turbulence pushing him deeper into that talented throat, some desperate emotions surfacing or the visual of the moving duvet cover accompanied by those gorgeous lips pulling on his cock, Darius couldn't say. But within a minute, his body was arching off the seat and Angel was swallowing all Darius had to offer.


Lovely wonderfully long swallows massaged his shaft in the most delicious way and made him groan. Angel always sucked him off so beautifully and this time was no different. When his cock was spent, it was licked clean and left out of his jeans to air dry.


He collapsed back against the seat trying to catch his breath as Angel resurfaced licking a bit of cream off the corner of his lips looking rather smug. "Good?"


As if he had to ask. "Always." Darius wanted to bite his own tongue off at his enthusiastic tone but Angel's mouth covered his making him forget about his telling answer.


Brad glared at the look of satisfaction on the guitar player's face. He was now wearing a pouty frown as he set their drinks down, splashing some on the napkins underneath each glass. Angel picked up the orange juice and handed it to Darius.


"To you." Darius cursed himself silently as he toasted Angel as he had done for the last several weeks.


There were so many little rituals they had developed between the two of them. Private jokes and little sayings that meant something only to them would have to be left behind. These habits were going to be hard to break.

The thought of not sharing them brought a wave of unexpected hurt.


Angel grinned as they clicked glasses. Once they finished the orange juice he picked up the bubbly. "Here." As they clicked glasses, he said, "To you and to Bali."


Darius felt the familiar sadness fall over his mood. He took a sip and moved to set down the glass.


"No, drink it." Angel insisted with a grin. "You need it."


Not being able to help himself, he laughed and asked, "What... are you trying to get me drunk?"


"Nope, just trying to keep you
." Angel's eyebrows waggling comically clarified his meaning.
Why did he have to be so sweet and
The hot sexy god of rock was hard enough to not respond to, but the real Angel was impossible.


Darius was almost successful in turning off all the warnings his brain was shouting trying to avert more devastation. But he couldn't. So he simply decided "fuck it." He was going to enjoy what was left of their reprieve fully. He couldn't have refused what Angel offered if he tried. He wanted,
too badly.


Unlatching his seatbelt, Darius crawled over and straddled Angel's lap. His fingers wrapped into his black hair. Dare pulled enough to allow Angel to feel the sting of his need before his mouth covered his. His kiss was desperate and hot as if he were trying to force an invisible print of his lips on Angel's. Never having tucked himself back in, his naked erection was rubbing against Angel. As the kiss deepened his hips moved quicker.


Getting off again sounded good. Real good, but he wanted something more. He dropped to his knees in front of Angel. Without asking permission he had that long thick cock free of clothing and was licking the wet tip of its sweetness.


Darius wanted to make it last but he knew he couldn't. Angel was clearly keyed up. Neither had achieved relief last night so Angel had to be hurting. Darius didn't want to prolong his ache but wanted it to be something to remember him by. To show him, he had learned over the past several weeks how to give decent head. That he had mastered the skill to please him.

Just him.


Turning all of his hurt at the ending of their Bali romance he refocused to enflame his passion for the cock in front of him. Angel's eyes were on his. Watching as his mouth slid over the top and took what he could letting his hand stroke the rest. He had learned that Angel liked watching and Darius liked showing. Darius hummed a little sending vibrations of pleasure through Angel's shaft and down to his balls.


Then a small pocket of turbulence took over adding small shock waves of sensation.


Fingers wound into his blond mop to get a good firm grip. His head was tugged up and down at Angel's preferred speed as he drove him towards climax.


A shiver of desire spiked through Darius as his head no longer moved of its own accord. Giving up control to Angel was part of the thrill he was just learning to enjoy. It felt freeing, like a weight he hadn't even known was there, had been lifted off his shoulders. He didn't have to think, worry, plan.

He could just be and Angel would take care of the rest.


Angel was tossing his head against the headrest. His hips were pushing forward. And his firm hands were setting the pace for Darius's mouth. He was tugging his head at just the right speed.


On a strangled cry, Angel nearly shouted his name. At that moment, rough hands tried but failed to be gentle with Darius's head as his mouth filled with Angel's warm seed. Shot after shot, he swallowed the seemingly endless flow of Angel's essence. When there was no more, he stayed on his knees and continued to lick and suck as if a conclusion hadn't just been reached.


Angel, never one to disappoint pulled Darius off his knees and with deft movements both were unclothed from the waist down. Before he could object or worry about them having Brad's unwanted company, he was pulled back onto Angel's lap. Having never gone soft, both men were more than ready for further entertainment.


Don't forget! That's what this is to him. I'm entertainment to kill time
on a flight. I am nothing but a simple offering to satisfy a rock god's lust.

Why? I can't stop myself.


Darius' head tried to warn him. But his heart didn't give a shit all it knew was the man he loved was in his arms loving him...with his body at least. He swallowed any pride he had to settle for anything he could get.


Large hands cupped Darius's ass and helped him move all over so their shafts could rub and wetly kiss. Both men wanted more but couldn't pull themselves away from the pleasure they were already taking. They moaned hungrily into each other's mouths. Angel squeezed and massaged Dare's ass. The message was clear how much Angel's shaft wanted to plug itself into him, but they rode the sensations they were creating until one found then the other followed right into the blissful state of orgasm.


After the waves of pleasure finished crashing, he rested his forehead on Angel's, trying to catch his breath. Panting, the singer moved back and looked like he was going to say something but Brad interrupted them.


"Warm towel?" He asked them as if they weren't covered in each other.


A sound of strangled embarrassment came out as he buried his face in Angel's shoulder. Before answering the dark haired man thoughtfully covered the man on his lap with the duvet, as if to preserve what was left of his modesty.


"Thanks." Angel took both of the warm towels to spare Darius having to look at Brad. "And we will be ready to eat something whenever it is ready."


Brad smirked. "Certainly, sir." He scurried off up the aisle to the curtained area.


Dare pulled the towel away from Angel when he tried to clean him. "I got it." He didn't mean to snarl but he was uncomfortable with turning into a mindless sex toy whenever the singer snapped his fingers. The fact that Angel wouldn't be snapping his fingers any longer ate at Dare even more!

They cleaned themselves and righted their clothing. Darius shook his head trying to comb his fingers through it.


Angel just laughed. "You are so cute. It's adorable that you are shy about an audience." Smiling, he added with a careless shrug, "Who cares?

We will never see him again."


He hated how the man whose lap he just cuddled in was so laid back.

Nothing mattered to him.
Nothing at all. Including me!
"What about the camera on his phone?"


"Oh, right. I see," Angel frowned. "Wouldn't want it to get out that I
you on vacation."


"No, it's not that," Darius tried to defend himself. It surprised him but that really wasn't the issue. He just didn't want those kinds of pictures out about him. His father took it hard enough that he was in a rock band, he didn't want to add a sex scandal to it. Okay, so the fact that Angel was of the same sex certainly wasn't a point in the plus category, at least on his parent's rating scale, but it wasn't the biggest issue.


Angel turned and looked out the window. He shook his head. "No worries,
boy. These companies pay their staff well to keep the passenger's business confidential," He shrugged and just like that an invisible wall slammed down between them. "Good ole Brad doesn't want a law suit for breaking his confidentially cause. Your dirty little Bali pact with me will stay safe."

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