The Dark Angels: With Wings

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Authors: Z. Allora

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Guitarist Dare Stone and lead singer Angell Luv have led The Dark Angels to rock 'n roll sensation. As a creative team, they're unstoppable.

Maybe that's why Dare is having an unusual attraction to Angel. Dare is and always has been straight, but Angel's flirting is stirring thoughts that Dare can no longer contain.


A working trip alone with Angel to Bali ignites passions in Dare that he can no longer deny, and their working relationship becomes a roller coaster 'friends with benefits' package. A package with an expiration date.

Trouble is, Dare's not sure he wants the relationship to end. Seems he's fallen in love, and only has wings and a song to try and win Angel's heart for good.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Copyright 2011 by Z.Allora


All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.


Published by


MLR Press, LLC


3052 Gaines Waterport Rd.


Albion, NY 14411


Visit ManLoveRomance Press, LLC on the Internet:


Cover Art by Adrien Luc-Sanders


Editing by Kris Jacen


Print Format ISBN# 978-1-60820-419-9


ebook format ISBN# 978-1-60820-420-0


Issued 2011

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This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.


To S,


Thank you for my happily ever after. Our life together is more than I could ever have dreamed possible. You are simply everything to me.


Love Z.


And I want to give a very special thank you to SJ Frost (Conquest series) and Kris Jacen (Editor Goddess). You were instrumental in making this dream become a reality. I cannot thank the two of you enough.


Thank you Adrien for the amazing cover art. You really captured my boys perfectly!


And hugs to Jet Mykles (Heaven Sent series & Reverb), the mother of hot rocker boys for kissing my blurb!


Hugs to all the people who helped make this book possible.

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Chapter 1

Darius Stone knew he was lucky to be The Dark Angels' lead guitar player. They had recently risen to legendary proportions in record time.

Darius was living the rock-n-roll dream and loving every minute of it. Every single song they'd released had hit the top of the Billboard chart. The Dark Angels were playing to sold-out arenas. Life was good. Hell, he even liked the guys in the band, especially Angel.


Angel Luv, the lead singer and founder of The Dark Angels, was a real piece of work. He was very attractive. Some might say almost pretty, not that Darius was much of a judge when it came to male beauty. Darius was straight but could still see and feel the sexuality that oozed with every step Angel took and every word he sang. His voice had a range an opera singer would be jealous of and was down and dirty enough to make jazz singers envious as well. Everything, from Angel's black hair cut asymmetrically so it coyly fell into his dark sexy eyes to his long lean body, screamed rock star.


Angel was so much more than his looks. He was super smart with a keen business sense. His creativity and vision always surprised The Dark Angels' fans. Angel was a talented writer and composer. He was funny as hell when he got going. To top it off he was one of the nicest guys in the business.


Darius was glad to be counted as one of Angel's closest friends. But not his lover as the tabloids suggested and most of their fans wished. No, Darius Stone was straight. Not that guys with guys bothered him, it just wasn't his thing.


He wasn't a monk. Far from it! Dare knew their superstardom couldn't burn this hot forever, so he decided to enjoy the benefits. All the benefits. He wasn't the lead singer, but still reaped the benefits. Though with the schedule they had been keeping, times for enjoying those benefits were few and far between.


Angel and he were sitting down on the old tattered couch in one of the dressing rooms at the arena they were to perform in; they opted not to return to the hotel after the sound check with the rest of the band. Darius typically chose to stay wherever Angel was because he just liked being around the guy.


Of course, the discussion turned once again to the performance. They were talking about the pros and cons of the additions they were adding to tonight's show. Angel wanted much more flirting between the two of them and even a little physical interaction while acting out some of the song lyrics. Okay, more than a little, but Darius was trying to play it cool. Of course, Angel seemed to see right through him and knew he was nervous as hell about the changes.


Touching Darius's knee, Angel then squeezed it as he tried to reassure him. "Seriously, Dare, if you aren't comfortable with the changes, we don't have to do them." Angel's voice was full of concern making Darius feel like a bigger ass. "We can do the show just like before. The changes aren't necessary."


Frustrated and feeling like he had been over this a hundred times, Darius sighed. "Hey, I told you I could deal with it." The way it came out made it sound like getting physical with Angel was like a punishment fit for the seventh level of Dante's


Angel smirked. "Deal with it, huh?" His hand slipped behind Darius neck and squeezed in a firm relaxing way. "Poor Dare. Having to suffer my attentions."


"Yeah, poor me." Exhaling deeply, Darius' head dropped forward allowing Angel to continue the massage. "Damn, you have good hands," he groaned out. Angel's large hands spanned the back of his neck and his firm squeeze sent shivers of pleasure shooting through his body.


"That's what they all say."


A well-placed elbow in Angel's flat stomach was Darius's response, which got him a satisfying "Ouch!"


Darius opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Angel who was watching him intently. His breath caught as he really looked at his friend.

The lead singer was truly stunning. Big brown eyes glittered, shiny black hair, perfectly messed up in that sexy 'just got laid' look. And plump kissable lips that Darius tried never to focus on. Dare opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a groupie busting through the door landing on his knees in front of Angel.


"Oh, God. It's you!"


Angel smiled down at the young looking guy at his feet. "No, it's only me, Angel Luv, lead singer of The Dark Angels. God isn't here right now.

She stepped away. Is there a message?"


Darius couldn't control the appreciative snicker.
He loved Angel's
It was amusing to see that Angel never seemed startled by anything that happened. He just rolled with anything that was thrown his way, acting as if he knew it was coming. Granted, this situation was not new. Angel always had people falling over him, though usually not so literally as this guy.


Then several of the roadies rushed in. One of the roadies, Tommy, said, "Sorry. He broke through security and then hid. We couldn't find him until we saw this dressing room door open."


Mark, the head roadie, didn't look pleased at the lapse in their security. "Fucker was fast but it is not an excuse. I am sorry. Let me escort him out." Darius was pretty sure Mark would bring up this breach of security in the next full staff meeting with their manager, Megan. He would use it as evidence to try to convince Megan that Angel needed real security for himself and the band, not just kiddies who specialized in grunt work.


Angel smiled at his very upset roadies. Trying to calm them he said, "It's okay. No harm no foul." Nodding his head to the guy at his feet, "He looks harmless. Is he of age?"


Frowning Mark nodded. "Yeah. Twenty-two. Checked him out for his backstage pass."


Nodding, Angel said with a smile, "Thanks, Mark and Tommy. You can leave him with me. After his little dash and stash he deserves some face time." Angel chuckled at the frustrated looks on his roadies slash security detail.


This would no doubt be discussed in the future but Angel had always refused to go all red alert on his fans. He didn't want be guarded like the President of the United States. Didn't want to put that kind of distance between the band and the fans. Darius knew he would probably win this battle yet again, even with this event as evidence.


As the roadies left grumbling to each other, Angel looked over at Darius and shrugged. Darius looked at the guy at Angel's feet. The dude was still staring at Angel like he could walk on water and didn't that just piss Dare right the fuck off.


Used to hero worship, Angel reached out to give the guy his hand.

"Here, let me help you up."


"No!" The guy fairly shouted.


Blinking down in momentary confusion until Angel realized why the guy wanted to stay on his knees. Pushing the guy's dirty blond hair out of his face, Angel smiled at him.
Out of his very plain face,
Darius couldn't help but think.
Where did this stab of jealousy come from?
But the guy nuzzled into Angel's hand like a freaking dog. It was just wrong and Darius couldn't help it if it made him pissy.


"Can I?" The plain little groupie asked, his eyes big with hope.


Darius clamped his mouth shut so he didn't correct the little slut's grammar.
I, you idiot!
Probably went to college for basket weaving.


Angel shrugged and sat back. His hand remained on Darius' neck.

"You mind, Dare?"


This had to be a fucking record, three words to blowjob. This plain-faced kid had only said three words and he was going to be slurping down Angel's joystick. Snapping out of his internal dialogue, "Oh, um...hey, I should go get ready." Darius needed to get the hell out of there.



A strong hand latched onto Darius's forearm as he tried to stand up.

"No, Dare. Stay with me." Darius's position of half standing caused him to be tugged right into Angel's side.


"Yeah." Angel groaned. He either liked having Darius next to him or he was appreciating the mouth action below.


Darius's eyes fell to Angel's groin for the answer to that question. He froze as he watched the groupie; everything seemed to be going in slow motion. The zipper of Angel's leather pants sounded so loud as it was unzipped. His long, thick cock pushed out exposing itself to the air. The groupie licked his lips and his mouth opened to slowly slide down Angel's shaft to the root.
His head bobbed up so just the crown was in his mouth. The talented tongue swirled around the ridge and then licked back down. Up and then down in a slow drag of the guy's lips going right to the root. The guy must have swallowed.


Angel clearly approved of this method if the noise he was making was any indication. Darius knew he should go but the heated sounds kept him pressed against Angel's side. Dragging his eyes away from the action below, Darius fell into Angel's lustful gaze. He could feel Angel's breath panting on his face. Close to his mouth, tickling his lips.


Heart racing and growing breathless from the sexual act he was witnessing, Darius knew that this was by far the most exciting thing he had ever experienced sexually. It wasn't even happening to him. He wasn't gay but... He wanted...something. Needed...something.


It felt like an unsaid prayer was answered when he felt a hand cup the fabric on his jeans. Darius knew he should push it away. But all he could seem to do was thrust his hips up to push into it. He moved himself forward to feel the inappropriate friction on his prick again. And again. Felt so good.


"Oh..." Darius' breath caught and his eyes slid shut to enjoy the intense pleasure.


"Feel good, Dare?" Angel asked in a low dark sexy voice.


Opening his eyes, Angel's pretty brown eyes with flecks of amber were right there. Watching. Seeing. Dare opened his mouth to speak but all he did was nod.


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