The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:) (20 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)
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“If he’s in this county, we’ll find him,” the Sheriff stated confidently. “Let’s go, Marion. I wanna get this ball rollin’.”

Cassie showed them to the door, and the Sheriff gave her the same lecture he’d given Chad.

“You make sure you know who it is before you open this door, got it?”

“Yes, Sheriff, you can be sure of it,” she promised.

“If you wanna go up to the barn and see your horses and Chad’s busy, have the guard come down and escort you up, but when he brings you back, if the house has been empty he checks it before he leaves you here.”

“Ah, right,” she nodded. “I plan on going up there now. I have his number, I’ll call him.”

“I’ll get back in touch when I have news,” the Sheriff finished.

As he and Marion climbed in the squad car and drove away, Hannah scanned her surroundings; everything looked perfectly normal. Mickey was standing at her side, and she reached down and stroked him.

“You’d never think some psychopath is on the loose when you look at this gorgeous place,” she murmured. “I guess you never know what life is gonna throw at you.”

Walking back inside she locked and bolted the door, then called the number she’d been given for the guard at her barn. He promised to be there shortly, and moving quickly into the bedroom she changed into her riding clothes.

A good ride always helps, and I can’t wait to pop Shelby over a few fences. This will be fun.

It was. It wasn’t long before she was up at the barn testing out her new course of obstacles. Shelby was thrilled to be jumping again, and soared over the fences, clearing them with plenty of room to spare. As Cassie dismounted, her heart singing, she took her time grooming the beautiful thoroughbred mare, and when she was finally ready to leave the horse was gleaming.

Checking her watch there was only a short time left before all the horses were due to be brought in from their paddocks, so she put Shelby in her stall, then set about bringing in the others.

Without Hannah to help it took her a while to clean the paddocks, feed them all, sweep the aisle and throw on their thin, springtime blankets. It was almost dusk by the time she’d finished, and the sound of the gator speeding up the drive brought her outside.

As Chad pulled the vehicle to a halt and jumped out Cassie was worried he’d be angry; she’d become so caught up in her work she’d forgotten to call him, but as he approached he was smiling.

“Hi,” she said nervously. “Did you come to fetch me?”

“I did,” he replied, and taking her by the elbow he led her inside the barn away from the guard. “You didn’t call me,” he scolded.

“I know, sorry, I just realized,” she apologized. “Why aren’t you mad?”

“I am, a bit,” he replied, raising the one eyebrow that told her he was indeed, displeased, “but I could tune into the cameras. I saw you on my phone, everythin’ you were doin’, so I didn’t have to worry.”

“Oh, of course,” she exclaimed.

“You looked real good jumpin’ around, and I would’ve come up and helped you clean up and feed, but I had to deal with some stuff with a couple of clients. I guess Hannah preparin’ lunch is gonna mean extra work for you,” he remarked.

“It will, but it’s okay,” Cassie replied. “I’m really happy she’s found something she loves so much and is so good at, besides, I think once she gets a routine going she’ll have more time.”

“Yep, I think you’re right about that,” Chad nodded. “Are you about done here? I’m starvin’, and I’m guessin’ you haven’t got anythin’ prepared for dinner.”

“No, sorry,” she cringed, “but I did go to the store remember, so we have plenty to choose from. They had this great ginger lentil soup in the deli, if you’d like to try that,” she suggested as they walked out to the gator.

“Uh, no, not tonight,” he said, shaking his head. “I need real food tonight.”

As they climbed into the gator Chad’s phone chimed; it was Marty.

“Would you two like to come over for dinner? Hannah has cooked up somethin’ she’s gonna serve for lunch tomorrow and she wants your opinion.”

“Marty, your timin’ couldn’t have been better. Thirty minutes okay?” Chad asked.

“Thirty minutes would be just about perfect,” Marty replied.


Stepping from the shower, Marty had called Chad before he’d even pulled on his clothes. Hannah had suggested inviting them, and it had given Marty something to think about. He’d made his decision as the hot water had washed off the day, and dressing quickly he walked through to the kitchen where Hannah was setting the table.

“Yep, they’re comin,” Marty announced. “I have to get somethin’ from the car. Be right back.”

“Okay,” she smiled. “Should I open you a beer?”

“Uh, no, thanks,” he called as he walked out the door.

Huh, that’s weird, he always wants a beer.

A few minutes ticked by, and just when Hannah was becoming concerned Marty walked back in carrying a large bucket filled with horse supplies.

“What’s this?” Hannah asked, a large smile spreading across her face. “All for Maverick and his new home?”

“Nope,” Marty chuffed happily, “all this is for a horse I just got for you, his name is Ranger and-”

“Ranger? You got Ranger? Ooooh, Marty, I can’t believe it,” she cried, and hurling herself against his body she smothered his face with kisses.

“Whoa there girl, you know Ranger?”

“Of course, Ranger was just a young gelding when I was with Randy, but even then he was great. I went off into the whole western thing, but I didn’t realize he was still at Randy’s barn. He’s got to be, what, fifteen or sixteen now?”

“That’d be right,” Marty grinned.

“I am absolutely thrilled,” she exclaimed. “Thank you so much, now I can jump. Whoo Hoo.”

“So, uh, take a look at the stuff I got,” he suggested, “see if there’s anythin’ else you might need.”

“Marty, this is just incredible, thank you, oh, a card?”

“Yeah, seemed right,” he smiled.

“And a box, gift wrapped? What’s this?” she asked.

“Hmm, not sure if you should open the card first, or…”

“The card, of course,” she declared.

Tearing across the top of the envelope, she pulled out a pink card sporting a red bow with the words, I Love You, emblazoned across the front. Opening it up, Marty’s rough scrawl asked,
“Will you…?”

“Will I what?” she frowned.

“Open the package,” he managed, fighting through the wave of heavy emotion that was suddenly flooding his heart.

Ripping the paper she found herself looking at a white cardboard carton, and lifting the lid she found a small, black velvet box.

“Wh-what?” she stammered.

Fingers shaking, she pulled it out and lifted the lid; a classic, solitaire diamond set in gold with two small diamonds on either side sparkled up at her.

“Marry me?” he gulped.

Lifting her eyes she saw that he was no longer standing, but kneeling on one knee in front of her.

“I, uh, couldn’t ever love anyone, like I, uh, love you, Hannah McKay. W-will you m-make me the happiest man in the world?”

“Of course,” she exclaimed, and breaking into a torrent of happy tears, she fell into his arms.


he champagne flowed as the four celebrated the joyous news, the delicious food was passed around and greatly enjoyed, and Mickey received covert treats under the table from each of them.

Driving home in the chilly, late night air did little to sober up Chad and Cassie, and though they briefly lusted after each other when they fell into bed, the alcohol and exhaustion from the merriment crept in, sending them both to sleep before any hijinks could ensue.

Marty, however, pounced on Hannah the moment the sound of Chad’s gator faded away, and instructing Hannah to place her hands on the table just as he’d done that afternoon, he lifted her skirt and yanked down her panties.

After spanking her with gusto for teasing him, he plunged his abundant cock home and sent his fingers against her clit, ravaging her into a screaming orgasm which sent him into a tumbling climax. Later, as they laid in bed, drained and still a little drunk, Hannah rested herself on top of his body and placed her cheek against his.

“You are my dream,” she whispered, “a dream come true.”

His arms laced around her, and as he gently held her they drifted into sleep.

The following morning when Cassie awoke she did so with a slightly pulsing, aching head. Chad had already left, and she smiled as she vaguely remembered him kissing her forehead. Though she was still a bit groggy she was eager to dash to her barn and ride the jumps on Dominic, then raise the height of the fences and jump them on Shelby again.

Knowing Hannah would be busy with the preparations for her inaugural lunch, Cassie was prepared to handle the morning chores by herself, and as she showered and dressed she considered the possibility of hiring a part-time worker. If Hannah’s lunch proved successful she would only be available every other week.

Pondering the dilemma she made her way into the kitchen, the ever faithful cattle dog at her side, and after a poached egg on toast and a cup of English Breakfast tea, she was about to jump in her car when she recalled the Sheriff’s warning.

The reality of the situation hit home once again, and grimacing she called the guard at the barn who turned out to be Eddie. She liked him; he was eager and friendly, and very conscientious. He promised he’d be right there to collect her, and standing at the kitchen window watching for his small pick-up, she glanced down at the clinic below.

Clint had three people in the round pen, Marty was working with a single client, and Jeb and Tommy had control over the remainder of the group. It looked busy but safe, and everyone appeared to having a great time.

“Huh, I thought they were going on a long trail ride,” she remarked to Mickey. “I guess not.”

She quickly texted Chad and told him she was headed to the barn, and that she’d get back in touch when she returned home. Eddie’s truck appeared on the road, and she moved to the back door, key in hand, and locked it up as the truck came to a stop by the porch; Mickey jumped into the bed at the back, and she took her seat in the cab.

It was a perfect Spring morning. The air was still cool, but the sun was shining, and cotton clouds were floating lazily across a pale blue sky. She did the barn chores, mounted Dominic, and enjoyed a blissfully perfect ride. Shelby, however, having jumped the day before, was even more eager, and when she approached the first fence that Cassie had made just a little higher, the mare leapt over it like the champion she was, but began to buck and play on the other side. Cassie repeated the exercise until she settled, then decided to stop.

“You are so happy to be back at work,” she declared as she walked the mare from the ring. “You’re such a brilliant little jumper.”

“That was amazing,” Eddie exclaimed as Cassie climbed off. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Really? I’m glad you enjoyed watching,” she beamed. “Maybe tomorrow you can help me with the fences, changing their height and everything while I’m riding.”

“I’d love that,” he replied enthusiastically.

After grooming both horses and putting them in their paddocks, Eddie drove her back to the house, walked in with her, and inspected each and every room.

“Looks like everything’s okay,” he declared. “You just give me a buzz if you need me.”

“I’m sure I’ll be fine, but thanks,” she smiled.

She immediately called Chad to let him know she was back safe and sound, and he suggested she join the group for lunch.

“I think it would be great for Hannah if you were there, and if she needs a second pair of hands for anythin’ you’ll be around.”

“I’d love that,” Cassie replied enthusiastically.

“I just found out that Hannah came up with a brilliant plan,” he continued. “Rather than carry all the dishes down to the barn, she’s had two large picnic tables delivered and placed outside the cabin.”

“That is brilliant,” Cassie agreed.

“Jeb and Tommy will transport everyone up there in the two trucks,” Chad continued. “It means there’s no food around the barn, and it’s so much less hassle. No tents goin’ up and comin’ back down. I’m so glad she’s doing this now.”

“So, I’ll see you at the cabin in about ten minutes then,” she smiled. “I can’t wait.”

After a quick shower and change of clothes, Cassie drove the short distance and discovered a festive and happy crowd.

“Hannah, this is terrific,” she declared as she joined her.

“I hope they like everything,” Hannah whispered nervously.

“I’m sure it’s absolutely terrific, like all your cooking,” Cassie assured her.

And Cassie was right. The food was devoured, compliments abounded, and after the group had made their way back to the stables, Chad took Hannah aside.

“Hannah, you did an outstanding job,” he declared. “I honestly think you should talk to Marty about becoming a professional caterer.”

“Wow, really? Thanks so much, Chad. I’m thrilled you think so,” she beamed.

“I’m going to pay you for your time, so you need to figure out how many hours this took you.”

“But that wasn’t-”

“Stop right there, this is not open for debate. You did a spectacular job and you’re going to get paid, period. Don’t make me have to go to Marty,” he winked.

She blushed happily, and promised he’d have the figures the following day.

“Cassie, are you staying to help Hannah or going back to the house,” he called.

“Um, Hannah do you need a hand?” she asked, walking over to join them.

“Actually, I’m really organized,” Hannah replied. “I just want to clear these tables and take a nap. I’m totally knackered. Honestly, this is nothing.”

“Okay, then I guess we’ll talk later,” Cassie smiled. “Congratulations…on everything.”

“Thanks, Cassie,” Hannah sighed. “It’s all kind of wonderful.”

“I’ll follow you home, Cassie,” Chad declared. “Thanks again, Hannah, really terrific.”

Cassie climbed into her car, Mickey jumped into the passenger seat, and as Cassie drove home Chad followed in the gator. When they reached the house he walked in ahead and moved through all the rooms.

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