The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:) (19 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)
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“She sure is excited,” Marty nodded climbing into the driver’s seat. “She spent half the night tryin’ to decide what to serve. Must have changed her mind half-a-dozen times.”

“I’ll bet,” Cassie laughed, buckling up her seat belt.

“I’m real proud of her,” Marty declared as he pulled on to the main street to head home.

“You should be,” Cassie declared, “I had no idea when we were growing up together that she was so talented. Anyway, what errand did you have to run? Something for Chad?”

She watched his face, and to her delight he turned a faint shade of pink, then coughed, but his answer didn’t jive with her suspicions.

“I went by Vicki’s and bought a bucket, then had her fill it full of fun stuff for Ranger. I’m gonna give it to Hannah when he arrives. Might even tell her he’s comin’ and give it to her when I do, not sure which. Kinda hard to keep the news to myself.”

“I hadn’t thought of that,” Cassie commented, disappointed that she’d been mistaken and Marty hadn’t been off buying a ring. “You’re right, it might be fun to tell her before he gets here.”

“Just have to think about it a bit,” he nodded.

As they turned on to the road that would lead them back to Horse Haven, a sheriff’s car whizzed by, and Cassie’s buoyant state of mind began to dissipate. Feeling the shift in her mood, Marty reached across and touched her shoulder.

“Hey, don’t worry,” he said kindly. “That nutter will be picked up in no time. Chad told me you’re meetin’ with that artist today, right?”

“Yes, she’s coming this afternoon,” Cassie nodded.

“Once that picture gets out someone will spot him. This is a small town. The Sheriff will run it in the paper, it’ll be in shop windows, it’ll be all over the place. Believe me, they’ll get him,” he said firmly.

“Marty, thank you,” she sighed. “It’s scary. You know he attacked those other women in their homes, and those are only the ones we know about. I’ll bet there are a whole lot more.”

“He sure as hell can’t get to you,” he remarked. “All that security, all of us keepin’ an eye out. You’re safe, you know that right?”

“Being reminded is always good,” she smiled, “so thank you.”

A few minutes later as he turned up the driveway, he noticed the clinic was still on its lunch break.

“Thank goodness for that,” he declared. “I won’t have to rush back down. You need any help with your groceries?” he asked as he pulled up to the back door of the house.

“No, I’m good. You get home to Hannah, tell her I’ll be along shortly to help.”

“Ah, no, Cassie, I’d leave her be. She’s better off workin’ alone. She needs the space to focus on what’s she’s doin’, you know what I mean?”

“Of course, you’re right, silly me,” she agreed climbing from the car. “Just tell her to call me if she needs me, how’s that?”

“That’ll work,” he grinned.

Unloading her four bags on to the back porch she waved goodbye as he drove away, and was about to take them inside when Mickey appeared through his doggy door.

“Hey there,” she giggled, leaning down and making a fuss of him. “I wish you could carry these in for me.”

“He can’t but I can,” Chad exclaimed.

Looking up she found Chad standing in the doorway.

“I didn’t hear you,” she laughed, and wrapping her arms around him, hugged tightly. “So good to see you. Still working away in your office?”

“Fraid so, and it’s good to see you too,” he chuckled.

“It’s wonderful to come home and find you and Mickey here. Really feels good,” she sighed.

“Yep, I know what you mean,” he agreed. “Come on, let me help you get this stuff inside.”


Marty had arrived at his cabin, and opening the door he found Hannah with several empty cutting boards on the kitchen table, knives beside them at the ready, along with empty bowls on the counter, their wooden spoons neatly resting inside. The kitchen itself was spotless and orderly, with any unnecessary items having been removed.

“A chef’s kitchen,” he grinned, “and look at the chef. In a skirt and blouse and an apron. You don’t wear a skirt very often, it looks great.”

“You have to be organized if you’re going to prepare more than one dish at a time,” she declared, “and its much cooler to cook in a skirt than jeans or slacks.”

“I’ll bring in the bags, but first,” he said, moving towards her, “place your hands on the table and stick out your butt.”

“What? Why?” she asked, her eyes wide. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Nope, not at all. I just need to warm your bottom a bit. Just a light spankin’ ‘cos I want to, and ‘cos I think it will keep you company while you’re doin’ all this.”

“Oh, Marty,” she beamed, “you’re right.”

An unexpected warm gush flooded her sex, and placing her hands on the table she arched her back.

“That’s my girl,” he said firmly.

Lifting her skirt to lay around her waist, he lowered her panties, and as his hand moved gently across her naked cheeks, she moaned her pleasure.

“Uh-huh,” he uttered, touching between her legs. “Already wet? Such a horny chef.”

“It’s what you do to me,” she sighed.

His response was to slap her backside, landing several swats in succession before pausing to caress.

“Feel good, kitten?” he purred, his lips at her ear.

“Oh, yes,” she murmured.

“A few more, gotta get a little sting goin’,” he commented, and placing his arm around her waist he increased the force and pace of his spanking hand.

Marty was a big guy, and Hannah relished his muscled arm holding her fast as his wide palm smacked her, and she wriggled in his grasp just to feel his strength. The hot sting began to set in, causing her to utter exclamations of pain, and when he stopped and rubbed, then checked her wetness, she felt completely powerless.

“I think that should see you right,” Marty declared, pulling up her panties.

Slowly rising she turned to face him, and buried her head against his chest.

“Thank you, that was heaven,” she sighed. “I just wish you could take me into the bedroom right now.”

“Screw the bedroom,” he growled, “I wanna take you right here at the table.”

“Oooh, why don’t you?” she begged gazing up at him.

“Cos I’ve gotta go,” he frowned. “Lunch time’s over, the Clinic will be startin’ back up any minute now, and I don’t need someone knockin’ on the door lookin’ for me when I’m in the middle of enjoyin’ you.”

“You mean, fucking me,” she whispered.

“Oh, girl, did you have to say that?” he groaned. “You know what it does to me when you talk like that.”

“Yes, I do,” she winked, placing her hand on his swollen crotch.

“You’re gonna get another spankin’ when I get home, teasin’ me like this,” he grinned.

“Promise?” she asked coyly.

“For sure, but I’m not sure you’ll be wantin’ what I’m gonna deliver.”

Grabbing her hair he yanked it back, and planting his lips on hers he kissed her with an urgent need, then releasing her just as quickly he stepped back.

“You’d best get to work and I’ll see you later. Cassie said to call if you need her, and Hannah, I’m real, real proud of you.”

Hannah felt her heart swell like a balloon on an air machine, and as he strode out the door she felt the heat of pending happy tears in her throat. Pushing them away she turned her attention to the many bags of groceries and began to put them away.


In an industrial park a few miles away, the man calling him Jason Lewis was parked in a nondescript late model car he’d just bought for cash from a seedy used car lot on the outskirts of town. He’d paid more money than the car was worth, but that had allegedly assured him of no questions, no hassles, no ID required.

Gazing through the binoculars at the row of yellow vans parked behind the wire fencing, he chuckled.

Idiots, and they call themselves a security company.


assie had just finished making a fresh pot of tea when the doorbell rang announcing the arrival of the sketch artist, but when she pulled out her phone and checked the camera just to be on the safe side, she saw the Sheriff was there as well. Mickey, of course, was already running to the door and she hurried to catch up.

“Hi, Sheriff,” she smiled. “Come on in. I love this camera thing. Being able to see who’s waiting is awesome.”

“Hi, Cassie, this is Marion,” the Sheriff said as he gestured the attractive, middle-aged woman to move ahead. “I decided to join you. This mornin’ I got a sketch from one of those other cases, and I want to compare it when you’re done.”

“Oh, can I see it?” she asked.

“I’d rather wait until you’ve finished,” he replied. “I don’t want you to be influenced.”

“You’re right, of course,” Cassie nodded as she led them through to the living room. “Would you like to be in here, or the kitchen, or does it matter?”

“A kitchen table is always good,” Marion answered.

“Then the kitchen table it is,” Cassie grinned. “I just made some tea, would you like some?”

“Tea sounds great,” the kindly woman nodded.

“I’m coffee’d out,” the Sheriff declared, “but thanks anyway.

As they settled at the table, Cassie began to describe the handsome stranger while the Sheriff began petting Mickey, but it was only a few minutes later that Chad arrived.

“I saw the car, but I didn’t expect to find you here, Sheriff. Everything going okay, Cassie?”

“Yes, good, this is Marion, Marion this is Chad. We’ve just started.”

“Hi, Chad,” Marion smiled, then immediately turned her attention back to her drawing.

“Hey, Chad, let me show you somethin’,” the Sheriff said rising from the table and walking over to him. “Check this out.”

The Sheriff unrolled the drawing he’d been carrying and held it up for Chad to study.

“I only saw him briefly, but that’s pretty interesting,” Chad remarked, “looks like he tried to change his appearance.”

The drawing Chad was viewing showed a man with a buzz cut and a mustache.

“Take away the facial hair and that’s him, for sure.”

“You think it’s the same guy then?” the Sheriff asked.

“I’m as positive as I can be. Like I said, I only saw him briefly. It’s the flashy smile.”

“This guy was going by the name of Peter Burrows, and when we showed this to the people at the Pepper Tree Inn they definitely recognized him as having stayed there, but under the name of James Monroe.”

“Damn, three different names, and that’s just what we know of,” Chad exclaimed. “Could he be one of those guys who steals identities, and has all kinds of fake documents?”

“No doubt about it. I’m sorry he stumbled into your lives, but I’m glad in a way, assumin’ it’s the same dude of course. I have a feelin’ once we catch him we’ll find out all kinds of nasty business.”

we catch him,” Chad grimaced.

“We will. I’ll betcha he’s been doin’ this all over the country, and he’s gotten real bold,” the Sheriff remarked. “Leaving that rose? That was stupid, just put everyone on alert.”

“Maybe,” Chad frowned, “or maybe some women would have responded to that. If Cassie was in an unhappy relationship, she might have found that excitin’ and romantic.”

“You could be right about that,” the Sheriff said thoughtfully. “I should have Henry follow up and see if that happened in any of those past cases.”

“I’d better get back. Just wanted to stop up and see if there was anythin’ you needed,” Chad said, as he ambled to stand over Cassie’s shoulder. “Wow, that’s pretty good,” he declared, staring at the half-finished drawing. “Thanks,” Marion replied.

“I think his lips were thicker, and wider,” Cassie frowned, staring at the paper as the man’s likeness came to life.

“I’ll leave you to it,” Chad said, “call me if you need me.”

“Bye hon,” Cassie replied, looking up and smiling at him.

The Sheriff had remained in the back part of the kitchen, and as Chad headed out the Sheriff followed him.

“Chad, this guy is real smart,” he remarked gravely as Chad closed the kitchen door. “I mean, real smart. I know you’ve got the guard up at Cassie’s barn, and the camera’s and eveythin’ else, but he’s not your run of the mill crook.”

“What are you trying to say?” Chad frowned.

“I’m sayin’, don’t take anything for granted. You make sure that dog is with her if you can’t be, and lock the doors each and every time you leave, even if it’s just to run down to the barn for somethin’. You check every delivery that comes in, and they leave the package at the door. If someone has to sign for it, they can take to you down at the stable. Make sure Cassie doesn’t answer that door to anyone.”

“Really?” Chad asked, his frown deepening.

“If this guy changes his appearance, he could show up as a flower delivery guy, or someone pretendin’ to be a gas man. You don’t wanna be takin’ any chances here.”

“Damn,” Chad muttered. “This is worse than I thought.”

“Sorry, don’t mean to scare you, but I’ve got one of my gut feelin’s about this.”

“Hey, I’ll do everythin’ you suggested,” Chad promised. “That girl is the most precious thing in the world to me, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe.”

“Good, you do that,” the Sheriff nodded, and moved back inside the house.

Jumping in the gator, Chad began to consider sending Cassie away for a few days, maybe even to London to visit her brother, but by the time he’d reached the barn he’d changed his mind.

Nope, you’re stayin’ right here where I can protect you and take care of you, and I will, no matter what.

Back at the kitchen table Marion had completed the sketch, and when the Sheriff placed the one he’d already shown Chad next to it for comparison, Cassie raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“Wow, that’s him with a buzz cut and a mustache,” she declared. “It’s the smile. He can’t disguise his smile. It’s his best feature and I’ll bet his ego won’t let him change that.”

“Everyone has their Achille’s Heel,” Marion wisely proclaimed.

“Well, good, now we have confirmation he’s the same guy who attacked that other woman. We can put out an APB and issue a warrant.”

“Fantastic,” Cassie exclaimed. “You’ll be able to get him pretty quick now, won’t you?” she asked hopefully.

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