The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:) (18 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy's Rules: 2 (Cowboys After Dark:)
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“It’s a sable brush, made especially for the powder that is foaming against you as I watch, and now I’m going to tickle it against your sensitive little nub.”

“Oh, it feels, so…” but words failed her as she felt the moist pressure, then the brush float over her clit.

The warm sensation began to mushroom, then tingle, then grow enticingly hot as the clamps pulled her lips apart. A chain laced around her thighs held them in place, and she waited for what might come next, breathless, unable to think, and filled with a breathless anticipation.

She didn’t have to wait long.

The brush began prodding, pushing its softness against her entrance, and with every poke she felt the hot, scintillating heat slither inside. The gentle insistence was a tormenting tease; she wanted something more, something strong, something powerful, something hard; she wanted his cock.

“Chad, please,” she begged, “I need you inside me.”

“I know, baby, but you have to wait just a bit longer,” he crooned as his finger touched her clit. “You’re going to feel a little nip, but it won’t hurt too much.”

The light bite tweaked her nub, as if his fingers had pinched her, but seconds later she felt a soft buzzing. It joined with the ember hot heat to send her into a bevy of feeling, and when a dildo slipped into her entrance delivering the hot foam, she moaned loudly, wiggling her hips.

His mouth unexpectedly landed on her nipples, sucking hungrily, drawing her breasts deep into his mouth. Fed by the searing heat, the vibrator somehow clinging to her clit, and the dildo resting inside her, the threat of a powerful eruption was growing; she ached for the dildo to move, to thrust, to fuck her, but it just laid there, dormant, and driving her mad.

The withdrawal of his lips from her tingling nipples elicited a groan of disappointment, but the lapse in attention was brief. A sharp prick touched the top of her breast, and she knew immediately it was a spiked wheel. Sliding across and below, circling her rosebuds, the wheel spurred her ever-growing orgasm. It’s journey seemed never-ending, one moment at her neck, the next traveling across her stomach, only to return again and again to her breasts, but then it decided it wanted to own her nipples.

It pricked and tickled as it moved across them, and while one was the recipient of its sharp attention, the other felt the tweaking of a finger and thumb. Finally unable to stand it another minute she blurted out her plea.

“Dear, God, Chad, please fuck me…please.”

Pulling the wheel from her breast, Chad stood back from the bed and gazed down at his beauty. Her entire body was red, alive with sensation, the constant hum of the weak vibrator attached to her clit was pervading her being and her percolating orgasm.

Moving to the footboard he stared at her glorious womanhood; it was a glistening, glowing crimson. Stripping quickly, his concrete cock stood out proudly and strong, ready and wanting to indulge itself in her ravenous grotto.

Slowly withdrawing the dildo, he gently and carefully removed her cunt clamps, and the tiny rubber feet that were clasped around her clit. The vibrator was molded in the shape of a small butterfly, and he’d planned to use it when they dined out, but adding it to the sable brush and powder was too tempting to pass up.

Pressing his hand against her he could feel the tantalizing burn and her pussy’s pulsing need. The sound of her aching moan hurried him along; quickly unbuckling her ankle restraints he bent her knees up, and without hesitating he plunged his cock home.

“Oh, thank, God,” she wailed, and as he fucked her with long powerful strokes, feeling the lubricious affect of the spicy powder, he closed his eyes, luxuriating in the salacious sensations.

“I’m so close,” she gasped.

“Uh-huh, but not yet,” he breathed, easing his pace.

His hands were on her knees, and slowing to a snail’s pace, he dropped his fingers to her clit and softly circled. Her moans became music; he would thrust, then pause to tease, then thrust again, then drop his finger back to her magic button, creating a lyrical melody from her soprano squeals and deep, gratified groans.

Lifting his eyes to travel up her body, he saw a deep blush had covered the breadth of chest and neck, even her upper arms, and he saw her hands were clenched into fists; it was time.

“I know you want to come, and now you shall,” he declared.

Her cry of thanks was as heartfelt as her moans of erotic pleasure, and grasping her hips he began to fuck her with a methodical, rhythmic pumping, gradually increasing the pace until she was holding her breath, waiting for the explosion.

It poured out of her like a geyser finally being released from the depths of the earth. Her cries were triumphant, and her pussy clutched at his cock, hastening his climax. He grunted his pleasure, thrusting with each spasm until there was no more to give, but he stayed buried inside her until her rippling joy ceased to tremble through her.

Sliding alongside her he unfastened her cuffs and pulled her to his chest, feeling the sweet quivering of her body. When she finally fell breathless and limp in his arms, he kissed her forehead and held her gently, listening to her breathing slowly return to normal.

“Chad,” she murmured.

“Ssshh,” he purred, “just go to sleep now.”

When he felt her drift away he softly extricated himself to pull the bedcovers over them, then laying back down he stared at the dull amber glow on the ceiling, cast there by the low fire’s light.

I will do anything to protect you, and if that bastard shows his face around here, he’s a dead man.


t was mid-morning when Cassie finally awoke; staring at the clock she could hardly believe her eyes, and glancing across the room she saw that Mickey had jumped up on the armchair and was staring at her intently. The moment she stretched her arms above her head he leapt off the chair in joy.

“Hey you, been keeping guard?” she yawned.

Reaching for the water bottle she noticed there was a note underneath it, and opening the folded piece of paper she broke into a smile. In the center of the page was a large red heart, and inside Chad had written,


You take it easy this morning. Your horse’s will be put out, and yes, Marty will fetch you at lunchtime and take you into town. Oh, and I love you.


Glancing down at the grinning dog she leaned slightly forward and patted the bedspread beside her.

“You want to come up?” she giggled.

Chad had a rule, no dogs on the bed, and since Mickey was the only dog in the house that meant him, but occasionally she’d let him up. Excitedly Mickey jumped on to the mattress and bounced around, thrilled to be doing something that was rarely allowed, but as soon as she slid back under the covers he laid down next to her.

“No telling Chad,” she warned.

He whined and dropped his head between his paws, and she languidly placed her hand on his head to rub his soft fur. Mickey’s calming presence sent her off to a restful doze, but approaching footsteps sent him jumping off the bed, rousing Cassie from her post-sleep nap.

“Hey, you’re still in bed?” Chad remarked as he walked in.

“You have an remarkable capacity to state the obvious,” she quipped.

He stared at the excessively rumpled bedspread, looked across at Mickey, then back at her.

“Is there anything you want to tell me?” he asked, raising his one, stern eyebrow.

“Yes, there is,” she admitted. “I want to tell you how much I love my note, and thank you. I didn’t realize how tired I was.”

“You are a very naughty girl,” he grinned.

“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you with Miss Sugar Tits and her cohorts?”

“Damn, girl,” he chuckled. “I’m here because Jeb and Tommy are taking the group on a short trail ride in preparation for the longer one tomorrow.”

“Cool. Okay, I’m getting up,” she sighed. “You wouldn’t want to brew some fresh coffee, would you?”

“I can do that, and next time you let Mickey on the bed at least straighten it out a bit when you hear me comin’.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she giggled, and leaving the bed she scampered into the bathroom.

Mickey had returned to his mat, and leaning down Chad began to run his hand along Mickey’s back in a smooth, flowing rub.

“You should know better, Mick,” he softly scolded.

Mickey moved both paws over his eyes, then slightly shifted one and gazed up at him.

“Stop the with cuteness. You know I love you no matter what. Come on, let’s put that coffee on to brew for our Princess.”

Some time later, as Cassie was cleaning up her breakfast dishes and Chad was getting ready to head back to the barn, he sat down at the kitchen table and motioned for her to join him.

“What’s up?” Cassie asked as she took her seat.

“Marty definitely wants Ranger,” Chad began, “and I think it will be terrific to have a solid english horse like that on the ranch.”

“That’s fantastic,” Cassie smiled.

“The thing is, I know he’s goin’ to belong to Hannah, and I know that Hannah and Marty are both excellent horse handlers, but you’re the only one around here who knows the ins and outs of english ridin’. The tack, the right bits, maybe even diet and supplements, so I’m gonna have a talk with Marty and ask him to let you take the lead with all that, but only if you want that responsibility.”

“Thank you, Chad,” she sighed. “I was worried about that. It will be a relief, not a burden.”

“I thought you’d feel that way,” Chad nodded, “so go ahead and call Randy, and this Saturday late afternoon would be the perfect time to have him arrive. The construction will be startin’ up again Monday mornin’, and I think it’d be best if he had a day or so to settle before then.”

“Ah, right. Mind you, Ranger’s been around the block a few times, I doubt he’ll care,” Cassie remarked. “If anything he’ll be a calming influence.”

Chad paused, studying her, then broke into a smile.

“You look so much better, you were really wrung out last night.”

“I know, thank you for taking care of me, I mean,
taking care of me,” she winked, “and letting me sleep in.”

“Hey, it’s in my job description,” he winked back. “It’s getting late, and I need to head back down,” he said, standing up to leave. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, I’ve decided to let Hannah do her lunch thing over the next three days. It may be too much for her, but we’ll see.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she could do it with one hand tied behind her back,” Cassie said confidently. “I’ve never seen anyone cook the way she does.”

“Marty will have the list of things she needs, so it’s gonna be a lot of grocery shoppin’ you’ll be doin’.”

“No problem, I’m energized now, thanks to you,” she grinned, standing up and hugging him.

“I really need to go,” he said firmly, disentangling himself. “I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, have fun down there. I’ll be thinking about you.”

“I’ll be thinking about you too,” he chuckled. “Later. Mickey, you know you’re charge again.”

Mickey barked his understanding, and as Cassie watched Chad saunter out the back door, she wanted to run after him and hug him again.

I never knew I could love anyone as much as I love you. It’s kind of amazing.

Pouring herself another cup of coffee, she retrieved the shopping list she'd made and began to check it.

“I think you’ll be staying here Mickey. I don’t want to leave you in the car, and you can’t come into the store with me. Sorry, fella.”

Dropping down on all fours he laid his head between his front feet and stared up at her with sad eyes.

“You should go and be with Chad while I’m gone. Everyone there will make a fuss of you.”

She watched, disbelieving, as he lifted his head and began to pant happily.

“Do you really understand absolutely everything that’s said to you?”

Mickey barked, and Cassie shook her head.

“I have no idea, but regardless, you are something else.”

A short time later Marty knocked on the back door, and grabbing her list and kissing Mickey on the head, she walked out to greet him.

“I, uh, I’ve got an errand to run myself,” Marty remarked as they climbed in his car, “so I’ll come find you in the store when I’m done. It shouldn’t take me too long.”

“Sure, no problem. Let’s meet by the quick check out, not that I’ll be going through that line, but it’s the easiest place to make sure we don’t miss each other.”

“Sounds good,” he replied.

Cassie noticed a slight blush to his face, and thought he seemed a bit uncomfortable.

“Marty, is everything okay?”

“Sure, why do you ask?” he frowned.

“I’m not sure, you just seem a bit edgy,” she replied.

“Me? Noooo, I’m not edgy,” he said quickly. “Maybe a bit worried about all this crazy business with that guy and stuff, but nothin’ else.”

“If you need to talk about anything…” she offered.

“Nope, not a thing,” he said firmly.

“All righty then, if you say so,”
but I don’t believe you for a minute.
“I called Randy,” she continued. “Ranger will be here late Saturday. I’m really excited, he’s such a neat horse.”

“Now that’s some great news, thanks so much, Cassie. I owe you one, I can’t wait to see Hannah’s face,” he beamed. “We’ll have to plan this somehow.”

“I’ll figure it out,” she promised.

“Yeah, well, maybe we can do that together,” he said gently.

“Sure, of course, it’s your surprise, what am I saying,” she apologized. “However you want to do it, you just let me know.”

“That’d be good,” he nodded.

But as they drove into town Cassie could sense he was deep in thought. Something was brewing, and she had an inkling she knew exactly what it was.


hen Marty helped Cassie unload the shopping bags into the back seat of the car, he let out a low whistle.

“I don’t know where she’s gonna put all this.”

“She’ll figure out it,” Cassie assured him. “Three days of lunches for sixteen people, something different every day, that’s a lot of food. Besides, she probably got more than she needs because this is a big deal and she probably wants too much rather than too little.”

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