The Conquest (14 page)

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Authors: Julia Templeton

BOOK: The Conquest
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He’d been thrilled when she had taken his cock into her mouth, tasting him.

At the memory, his cock jumped to attention. Her brow shot up, a pleased smile on her face as she looked from his sex to his face.

Pulling all her hair over one shoulder, she took the few steps to the bed, giving him a glimpse of her naked back without the veil of hair covering her. She looked over her shoulder at him with a saucy smile.

He was on her in two strides, settling behind her, taking a handful of plump breast, pushing her feet apart to give him ample room to take her, before bending her over the bed, kissing her neck.

Rhiannon’s insides tightened and her heart beat with excitement as Adelstan played with her breasts, his callused fingers rolling her nipples, while his other hand moved down her belly to the curls that covered her sex, settling on the tiny button there.

Her breathing increased as he slipped a finger into her heated slit. He moaned loudly, the sound vibrating against her back.

His cock brushed against her buttocks, and he thrust deep into her. She gasped at how he filled her, stuffing her completely, stretching her already swollen tissues.

He slid slowly, in and out, his fingers continuing to pleasure her. The multiple sensations had her moaning in ecstasy, her fingers fisting the covers.

As she came closer to climax, she arched her back, taking him greedily, and when he increased the rhythm, a heated groan escaped her lips as she came, her sheath throbbing around his thick, long cock, coating him with her dew.

Adelstan felt the tremors of her orgasm, and continued to play with her breasts, pulling gently on her nipples, pinching them. She stood a little, and reached back to grab his ass.

His fingers brushed her clit, around it, flicking it over and over. He wanted her to come again, to remember these moments when they were apart. Her breath quickened once more, and he could no longer keep his own climax at bay. She cried out, and he felt the familiar pulsing squeeze his cock.

Adelstan’s hands gripped Rhiannon’s hips tight. He thrust hard against her, his sac slapping her soft folds with each stroke. He withdrew, his seed shooting onto her lower back and buttocks.

Taking the soiled sheet, he cleaned her as she lay bent over the bed, catching her breath. He smiled as she turned back to look at him, a mischievous grin on her lips.

How sated she looked, so happy, so content.

His cock still semihard, he touched her slender back, cupping her high ass possessively and placing a kiss there. She gasped with delight and turned over, her arms lifted.

He glanced at the graying sky, knew he should have left the moment he’d opened his eyes, and yet he could not pull himself away. Not this minute. Not yet. He went into her arms, kissed her with all the longing and joy he felt, pushing the guilt far away.


* * *


Rhiannon moved the food idly around her plate, trying hard to forget the events of last night. Her father had commented on the dark circles beneath her eyes, wondering what kept her up at night.

If only he knew the truth, how stunned he would be. No doubt horrified to learn his only daughter had given her maidenhead to her betrothed’s fellow officer.

And the experience had been incredible. In fact, she could not help replaying the events over and over in her mind. When Adelstan had finally left after the second time they had made love, she had, with Elspeth’s help, ripped the soiled linens from the bed and watched them burn in the hearth.

Rhiannon still remembered the possessiveness she’d seen in Adelstan’s eyes when he’d seen the blood on the sheets, and his declaration that he had never before been with a virgin. She had wanted to ask him how many lovers he’d had, but decided she was better off not knowing.

Oddly, she felt no regret whatsoever. If she could die today, she would at least die knowing what it felt like to make love to someone she truly desired and cared about. Mayhap even loved.

“Where are the English soldiers this morning?” Deirdre asked.

Rhiannon instantly perked up, having wanted to ask the very same question herself.

Her father straightened his shoulders. “I believe they are still in drills.”

“How hard they work.” Deirdre’s eyes widened innocently as she bit into a plum.

“Father, I would like to go to market today. Have I your permission?”

Still frowning at his wife, he merely nodded. “Take Elspeth with ye.”

“Of course.”

“Market?” Deirdre lifted a tawny brow. “Will ye be searching for items to take with ye to England?”

Rhiannon forced a smile she didn’t feel. “Aye, I thought to perhaps find a gift for my betrothed.”

Deirdre’s lips thinned, while her father nodded with approval. “That is a wonderful idea, Rhiannon. I am certain Lord Malgor will be most pleased by your generosity.”

Soon he would be asking her when she planned on leaving Castle MacKay, and she would have to come up with any number of excuses why she needed to stay. Her main complaint had always been her fear of leaving Scotland and her people, a concern her father was well aware of. However, now she feared her betrothed more. Feared what her life would become once she married. Feared Adelstan leaving her once he delivered her to de Cion.

Not wanting her father or stepmother to ask her any more questions, Rhiannon stood. “Well, then, I shall be back this evening, Father. Deirdre.”

Her stepmother gave a curt nod, while her father dismissed her with a wave of his hand. She ignored her half brother, who stuck his tongue out at her.

Rhiannon found Elspeth in the stables, talking to Antony, who was busy brushing down a large, white and brown speckled stallion. Her friend watched her lover with a soft expression.

Antony glanced at her. “Lady Rhiannon, how are ye this afternoon?”

“I am fine, and ye?”

“Well, thank ye.”

“Elspeth, I would like to go to market.”

Elspeth brightened. “Did ye ask your father?”


“Very well, then let’s go.”

“Have fun, ladies,” Antony said, giving Elspeth a wink as they exited the stables.

They walked in companionable silence through the bailey and over the drawbridge. Rhiannon smoothed her skirts and looked anxiously about, hoping to see Adelstan.

Her heart gave a leap seeing in the distance a group of men, all naked to the waist, going through drills in the north meadow. She would have to walk right past them on the way to market.

Adelstan stood with his back to her, his long blond hair hanging past broad shoulders. Desire and anticipation raced through her, making her hot and moist, and aching to take up where they had left off early this morning.

“I am impressed by their devotion to physical exercise,” Elspeth said, her gaze focusing on Jorden, the dark-haired warrior with silver eyes that reminded Rhiannon of a wolf’s eyes.

As she and Elspeth approached, the men now stood facing each other in hand-to-hand combat. Many soldiers shot smiles their way, the devilishly handsome Jorden included, and Adelstan seeing where his soldiers’ attention had been diverted, turned and put a hand up to block the sun, the motion shifting muscle beneath olive skin.

“They certainly take their duties seriously,” Elspeth said, swinging her basket in hand. “Antony said they have been out since first light. I am sure their devotion comes from living in a country full of men who do not wish them there.”

“And yet Adelstan is English.”

“Aye, that is true. How difficult it must have been to lose everything to a foreign conqueror.”

“I cannot imagine the torment he experienced.”

“Nor I.”

Adelstan said something to his men, and they went back to fighting, all but Jorden, who managed to get a smile in before focusing on his attacker.

“He is a handsome devil, is he not?”


“Aye,” Elspeth said breathlessly. “I have heard an intriguing secret about him.”

“Tell me.”

Adelstan turned to look at her again, and Rhiannon feeling strangely shy, quickly looked away. She could still feel him watching her.

“Here he comes,” Elspeth said anxiously.

Rhiannon’s heart leapt, and when she looked up to see Adelstan walking toward her in long strides, she tried hard not to smile but could not help it. He was without a doubt the perfect male. Visions of all they had experienced last night, and what lay before them, made her blush.

Lord, what a wicked woman she had become.

His expression seemed somewhat guarded, though she caught a gleam in his green eyes. “Lady Rhiannon,” he said, stopping before her. Sweat glistened off his wide chest, and she yearned to touch him there. To touch him everywhere.

“Sir Adelstan,” she said, her voice sounding breathy and excited.

Elspeth watched them with a grin on her face.

“Are you off to the village?”

“A bit farther afield, actually—to market.”

His brow furrowed. “How far is market?”

Rhiannon glanced at Elspeth, who replied, “Quarter of an hour journey, or so.”

“Your father sends you alone?”

His concern touched her. “We have gone to market by ourselves many times, Adelstan. Isn’t that right, Elspeth?”

Elspeth nodded. “Indeed, we are most capable, sir.”

Adelstan’s lips split into a grin as he looked from Elspeth back to Rhiannon. He glanced over his shoulder to his men, many who watched intently before going back to drills.

While his attention was elsewhere, Rhiannon let her gaze drop to the flat planes of his stomach, the muscles there bunching with the slight movement. The soft material of his braies cupped his cock.

She lifted her gaze just in time.

“My men have been at it long enough. I shall escort you myself. You are my charge, after all.”

Pleased and excited he had decided to join them, Rhiannon nodded. “Very well. We shall wait for ye at the end of the village beside the old Roman wall.”

“I will see you soon.” With a nod, he walked off, and she watched his retreating form, the broad shoulders that came down to a vee at his narrow waist, the high curve of his ass, and the long legs.

She heard a few of his men laugh, and wondered if she had been caught staring.

Elspeth took her by the hand. “Come, let’s go.”

Rhiannon felt like dancing.

“He truly is a gorgeous man, Rhiannon.”

“Aye, he is. I never thought I would feel this way, Elspeth. Not ever. I don’t want to go to Almeron. I can’t bear the thought of marrying a stranger now. How can I allow anyone else to touch me that way?”

Elspeth squeezed her hand. “Do not fret over what ye cannot control, Rhiannon. I’m not in any hurry to leave either, and yet I know the day is coming.”

“Will ye miss Antony?”

She nodded. “Of course. It will hurt to leave, and yet there is a part of me that is excited about the future.”

“Ye say that only to ease my fears.”

“Nay, I say it because I mean it. I have lived here all my life. Will I miss the castle and its people? Of course I shall, but I am most anxious to meet new people, and to see something besides these familiar lochs and hills. I even heard one of the English soldiers say that it is not as cold in England.”

“Now that is a blessing.”

“Indeed, it is.”

They quieted as they walked into the village, nodding to those they passed.

“Ye mentioned earlier about hearing something intriguing regarding Jorden.”

“Aye,” Elspeth said, stopping in midstep. “But ye must keep what I tell ye to yourself.”

“Of course I will keep it to myself.”

Elspeth looked over both shoulders. Satisfied no one could hear, she said, “Antony told me he walked into the stables and found Jorden and another Norman knight.” She lifted her brows nearly to her hairline. “Together.”

Rhiannon frowned. “Perhaps they were attending to their horses?”

Elspeth’s eyes widened a little. “Rhiannon, I do not mean they were together as friends. They were together, as in kissing and—well, doing what lovers do.”

Rhiannon gasped.

“I know! Antony could not believe his eyes. Indeed, the younger knight’s cheeks turned crimson red, but Jorden did not even bat an eye. In fact, he pulled the younger man’s face back to his, and kissed him passionately.”

“But he is so—handsome—”

“Oh, my dearest Rhiannon,” Elspeth said with a laugh. “Ye have so much to learn of the world around ye. I know we are all born to believe that intimate relationships involve one man and one woman, and yet, that is not how it is.”

Rhiannon had a difficult time digesting the information, especially since she had seen the way Jorden looked at Elspeth. “I am not so innocent that I didn’t believe such relationships existed. I just never thought someone like Jorden…”

“Say nothing to no one, because I do not want it getting back to Jorden or Adelstan.” Her grin deepened. “Although I get the impression Jorden would not care if the whole world knew where his passions lie.”

Rhiannon bit her bottom lip. “Aye, he is a cocky one to be sure.”

“Do you speak of me, Lady Rhiannon?”



Chapter 13


Rhiannon’s heart nearly leapt from her chest as she looked up to find Adelstan astride his horse, his brow lifted inquisitively as he awaited her answer.

Ironically, beside him was the very man she and Elspeth had been discussing.

“Nay, we were discussing a guard,” she blurted out in way of a quick answer.

“A guard?”

“Aye.” Her gaze shifted to Jorden to find his gaze staring back at her, his silver eyes intense. He inclined his head the slightest bit and she nodded in return, her cheeks turning hot as she thought of him kissing another man.

Strangely, the idea was not altogether offensive.

Elspeth looked surprised, and strangely excited that the handsome knight had joined them. “We thought we would ride in case you decided to purchase more items at market than we could carry.”

“A wise choice,” Elspeth said, swinging the basket she carried.

Both men dismounted and helped Rhiannon and Elspeth onto the horses. Rhiannon winced as her aching tissues made contact with the horse’s back. Indeed, she ached in more than one place today.

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