| "Labyrinth, The," 616
 | "Lacrimae Musarum," 506-507
 | "Lady Geraldine's Courtship," 437
 | "Lady of Shalott, The," 429
 | "Lake Isle of Innisfree, The," 530
 | L'Allegro ," 257, 309
 | La Male Regle , 43, 655
 | "Lamb, The," 358
 | Lamb, Charles (1775-1834), 347, 350
 | Lambeth Books, The, 331-333
 | "La Mélinite: Moulin Rouge," 523-524
 | Lament of Tasso, The , 378
 | Lamia, Isabella, and Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, The , 381