| Kendall, May (1861-1943), 127-128
 | Work:
 | Dreams to Sell , 127-128
 | Kennelly, (Timothy) Brendan (1936-), 623, 631, 633
 | Work:
 | Book of Judas, The , 623
 | Keyes, Sidney Arthur Kilworth (1922-1943), 552, 578
 | "Kilfenora Teaboy, The," 627-628
 | Killigrew, Anne (1660-1685), 276, 316
 | "Kind of Poetry I Want, The," 550, 615
 | Kind of Scar, A , 631
 | "King Borria Bungalee Boo," 125-126
 | King Hart , 91