Only One Man Will Do

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Authors: Fiona McGier

Tags: #9781629290812, #contemporary, #romance, #sequel, #love, #man, #Fiona McGier, #Eternal Press, #erotica, #interracial, #Harley, #Minneapolis, #Alpha, #biker, #drug dealer, #Russian

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Only One Man Will Do
Fiona McGier
Credits Page

Eternal Press
A division of Damnation Books, LLC.
P.O. Box 3931
Santa Rosa, CA 95402-9998

Only One Man Will Do
by Fiona McGier

Digital ISBN: 978-1-62929-081-2

Print ISBN: 978-1-62929-082-9

Cover art by: Amanda Kelsey
Edited by: Juanita Kees

Copyright 2013 Fiona McGier

Printed in the United States of America
Worldwide Electronic & Digital Rights
Worldwide English Language Print Rights

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews.
This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Dedication page

Praise for Fiona McGier’s work:

“Ms. McGier’s characters are realistically drawn, including a few secondary players who figure into the plot.  Her location descriptions provide enough atmosphere without going overboard on details.  The same can be noted about her sex scenes, which get the point across without being over explicit.”

—Tim Smith,
Two Lips Reviews

 “Ms. McGier’s book has a fast pace, believable characters and an interesting storyline. There are equal amounts of romance and suspense mixed in with frequent, spicy love scenes.”

—Keitha Hart,
RT Book Reviews

To my readers, who like reading about my alpha heroines as much as I enjoy writing them.  Long-live beta heroes, especially those who are alpha around the edges!

Chapter One

“Damn that woman,” Dmitri Illyanovich mumbled as he watched her get out of her SUV.

First came the high heels followed by the long length of shapely calves as she stretched her legs over the edge of the door. Her business-like skirt, normally conservatively knee-length, rode up to show her thighs clad in nylons, held up by…of all things, black garters. He shifted around in his seat, trying to stop his cock twitching like it had a mind of its own—as it did each time he caught a glimpse of her.

“This is business,” he grumbled, reminding his errant body part to behave.

Dmitri had watched her for over a week to learn her movements. It took him a long time to find her, since all he had to go on from his cousin Ivan was that she was a biker queen, had bright red hair, huge tits and a nasty tendency to demand that things be done her way
or else
. He’d been in countless biker bars and bought beer for many unsavory characters. He’d even fought some of them when they made it clear how much they objected to a stranger with a Slavic accent asking questions about one of their own.

If he hadn’t owed so much to his cousin Ivan for, among other things, helping him get into the United States, he might have given up. But Ivan wanted to give a wedding present to a good friend of his, and that gift involved first making sure that two drug dealers knew to stay away from the addiction-prone groom. The second part was ensuring that the biker queen, who had threatened to return someday to claim him for the night, knew that was something she should never attempt to do.

Finding and persuading the drug dealers was much easier. The groom, a famous action movie star, told him their names and even supplied their cell phone numbers. After that, it was only a matter of flying out to California and finding out where they lived. Once he did, he demonstrated graphically to each of them, how immensely painful it is for the human body when joints are forcibly dislodged. He’d watched as each of them deleted the name and phone number of the actor in question, and promised him they’d never contact him or any of his family ever again.

He’d driven each man in their own car, barely conscious and whimpering in pain, to the local hospital’s emergency rooms and left them in the driveway. He assured them that after long enough in traction, they’d regain most of the feeling and use of the joints he’d stressed. That gave them plenty of time to think about how lucky they were his cousin hadn’t asked him to kill them. He also told them that while he could find them again easily, there was no point in them going to the police to report him, because there was no record in this country of his existence. He’d be impossible to find, while they would be forcing him to have to find them again. And he would. That last part seemed to convince both of them he meant business.

But for the last part of the assignment, Dmitri had to use many of the skills he had picked up during the past twenty years to search for the elusive red-haired biker queen. Finally, he found someone who had ridden with her the night she tried to screw the actor his cousin wanted to protect. That biker was difficult to get information from, but Dmitri had learned a lot from Ivan, who had been in the KGB in its glory days. The man was a very reluctant informant, but talk he did, once Dmitri had made him understand that talking was preferable to enduring more torture.

The man had given Dmitri a name and the city she lived in…Alex Blackstone, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He said that was all he knew about her. It was enough for Dmitri to hack into the information systems that held phone numbers, addresses and vocations.

Armed with the appropriate data, he had driven to Minneapolis and located her, then began to track her movements to discover when he could be alone with her, to discuss how unwise it would be for her to ever try to force his cousin’s friend to have sex with her.

The first few glimpses he got of her were enlightening. He had always had a weakness for redheads, and even though he wasn’t sure if her hair color was natural or not, it suited her. She had the coloring for it, with pale skin covered with freckles. And with his cock insisting on becoming a rock each time he saw her, he asked himself why on earth the actor hadn’t wanted to have sex with her. But that wasn’t his concern. The actor was getting married and Ivan was giving him the gift of peace of mind, courtesy of his cousin.

Dmitri looked at his watch and sighed aloud. The woman had entered her office building and would go into her office to work while her secretary would head out to lunch. The time to act was now. He had already determined he wasn’t going to dislocate any of the joints of her tantalizing body, but he still wasn’t really sure how he was going to be able to influence her behavior. He had less than an hour to work with.

He opened the door of his car and got out.

Chapter Two

Alexandra Blackstone strode into her office purposefully. She sat down at her desk and pulled at some paperwork that needed to be reviewed. Once the file was in front of her, she opened it and began to read. Her inner observations reflected her opinion of the report.

They need a more forceful presence in the market…not sure we have the cajones to do it, but heard of our reputation. Hmm, wonder if they’re worried because Daddy isn’t in charge anymore? Yet another stupid man underestimating me because I’ve got a snatch?

She was already frowning in irritation when a noise from outside of her office made her look up.

Joyce was heading out to lunch as I walked in, so who’s out there?

The door opened without anyone knocking and a mountain of a man walked through it without a word. Alexandra’s eyes narrowed as she watched him move casually over to the chair on the opposite side of the desk and sat down with the supreme confidence of someone who knew he was expected.

“Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my office?” She demanded.

The man studied her closely.

“Your voice is as low and sexy as I thought it would be, based on how you look.” He made this observation casually, as if to himself.

Alexandra sat back and glared at him in silence to give herself time to think.

I don’t feel threatened by him, but he’s definitely a force to be reckoned with. He’s not that tall, but he’s built so wide it feels crowded in the office with just the two of us in it. I’ll bet there’s solid muscle under his clothes…

She frowned with irritation at her physical reaction as she studied the man who radiated alpha manhood at her while sitting still.

He’s huge! I wonder what he’s packing in those jeans. And those shoulders look big enough to hold me down no matter how hard I fight…but why would I fight him when I already feel my
juices beginning to leak out to soak my lacy black thong. He’s waiting for me to make the next move.

“I repeat, who the fuck are you? I don’t take any appointments at this time of day. I’m trying to catch up on paperwork. I don’t have time to dick around with some asshole who pushes his way into my office. Should I call security and have you escorted out?”

His eyebrows rose and his lips turned up slightly. “You could try. That would give me a reason to come around to your side of the desk.”

The curve of his lips suggested he found the idea appealing. His eyes grew darker, hinting he wanted her to give him a reason to get out of his chair. She tried not to draw attention as she squirmed in her chair.

Shit! He’s got sexy dimples when he smiles. His dark brown eyes are so piercing I feel like he’s stripped me in his mind and he’s got me bent over the desk already! He must be putting out some powerful pheromones to get me so hot so quickly. Either that or it’s been way too long since I got laid…

He cleared his throat to get her attention.

“We need to talk, Alexandra Blackstone. I have a message for you.”

She leaned forward and rested her arms on the desk, tapping steepled forefingers against each other—a habit she’d learned from her dad to show this man he had her full attention.

“What is that message?”

“You need to stay away from Raul Roderick. You’re not to contact him or any of his family, nor are you to attempt to collect on a threat you made to him that you would find him someday and make him…
…make him have sex with you.”

Alexandra leaned back and laughed.

“I think you have me confused with someone else. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He leaned forward and Alexandra felt the air being pushed toward her, like his tiniest movements were affecting her surroundings.

Shit! He’s radiating heat like a volcano! I’m sweating…but so’s he. The closer he gets, the more I smell aroused-man-hormones, so he’s not immune. Hmm, maybe that can be useful.

“Oh, I think you do. You are Alexandra Blackstone, daughter of Thomas Blackstone who founded this marketing company. He had two daughters, no son. You are the elder so you are the one he groomed to take over his business when he retired, which he did last year. He still sits on the board when he’s not tanning in Florida.”

She found it difficult to concentrate on his words when even his voice was affecting her, making her nipples pucker while a tingle began to run through her body, creating heat in her abdomen. She clamped her upper thighs together and frowned.

“All of which is public record. None of which suggests I know what the hell you’re talking about.”

He leaned back with a smile and crossed his legs, his right ankle resting on his left thigh, giving her a good view of the large bulge in his crotch area. She tried to ignore her body’s reaction as her inner muscles tensed in anticipation. Her nipples beaded against the lacy bra, the moisture between her thighs seeped onto her thong and her breathing sped up as she imagined what was stretching the fabric. She looked up to focus on something…anything else, and found herself staring at wide fingers resting on the arms of the chair. She blinked in surprise.

Jesus, his cock must be wider than my wrist! He looks like he knows what I’m thinking. He’s toying with me, damn him. And he’s enjoying it.

“You are also Alex, the red-headed biker queen of a group of Harley riders based out of the Mille Lacs area. You spend your weekends up there during riding weather, staying at a farmhouse owned by your family, surrounded by the gang you recruited personally. You fuck all the men and keep everyone in line by the sheer force of your personality.”

He studied her intently making her feel naked under his gaze. She squirmed again as the wetness grew.
Damn! I’ll have to get my suit dry-cleaned after this!

She attempted to bluff. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Since I have work to do, I suggest you leave now, mister…what was your name?”

“There’s no need for lying between us, Alexandra.” Her name rolled off his tongue to caress her in places she tried to ignore. “We are two of a kind. Like you, I wear many faces, many names. I don’t have a public identity for you to search out. I make no judgments. I’m speaking to you plainly because I won’t insult your intelligence by lying. I’ve been sent by my cousin to do a favor for the actor I mentioned. He’s getting married and has given up his drug-fueled lifestyle. He’s making a clean break with his past in order to build a future with his bride. I promised my cousin I’d make sure the drug dealers who used to supply him knew to stay away from him. I used…shall we say…some carefully applied persuasion. Once they get out of the hospital I don’t think they’ll try to contact him again. You are the last name on my list. Once I’ve convinced you to drop any claim you might feel you had on him, I can tell my cousin I’m done.”

He’s not here trying to seduce me? He’s only here to give me an ultimatum? What balls! Maybe he thinks because he’s so alpha I’ll agree to anything? Who the fuck does he think he is?

She felt her anger rising, the familiar redness rising in her face, her skin heating up as she realized this man thought
could order

“What? Did
send you after me? Is that big movie star too much of a pussy to take care of business himself?”

He shook his head. “No, but as I told you, my cousin is giving him
peace of mind
as a wedding gift. Once you agree not to cause him any further trouble, our business is done and I will leave.”

Alexandra took a few deep breaths to force her anger and her raging hormones under her control.

I’ve done this before. Negotiating a win-win situation is one of my specialties.

She studied him carefully, making sure he noticed her staring at the bulge in his pants she swore twitched under her gaze. Her eyes rose up his torso as she imagined the muscular barrel-shaped chest under his shirt, and the wide shoulders that looked like he’d have no trouble holding her down. She looked up and into his eyes and was gratified and excited by the naked lust on his face.

“Okay, Russian…you
Russian aren’t you? Your Slavic accent seems to get more pronounced when you’re…excited…” She nodded towards his erection, licked her lips and smiled.

He nodded as his nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed.

He knows we’re in negotiations.
Her nerves thrummed with anticipation.

He cleared his throat. “My name is Dmitri.”

“Okay, Dmitri. You’re right. I
the woman you’re looking for. And you’re also right about us being two of a kind. You’ll have to forgive me for trying to play games with you, but I’m wearing a suit and sitting in my office. I have to pretend to be all kinds of things to win the endless power plays involved with being a woman running a man’s business.”

He nodded again, his gaze so heated she felt about to burst into flames.

“So…if I agree to your terms…and I’m not saying I will…but if I agree, what do I get in return? I presume you aren’t going to put me in hospital if I don’t.”

“Why not?”

She shook her head, “Because I don’t get the vibe off of you that you would hurt a woman.”

“I have. I might again. But continue.”

She tried not to show how his words sent a tremor of excitement that made her already primed body want to explode.

“I ask again…what do I get if I agree?”

His nostrils flared again as he inhaled deeply.

“What do you want?”

You bastard! You can smell how excited I am, can’t you?

“I wanted bragging rights for having fucked the famous Raul Roderick. But I’m willing to forget the whole celebrity-whore thing for a good hard dicking from a big, powerful Russian man.”

A slow smile spread across his face. Combined with the lust already there, it made him look like a predator about to take down his prey. She tensed her body in anticipation.

He pushed himself up and moved around the desk as she watched him. He strolled casually around the far edge, staring into her eyes as he rounded the first corner. His eyes traveled down her face to her neck before dropping lower. As he rounded the nearer corner, he studied the swell of each breast as if he could burn off the clothing that kept them covered. He licked his lips in anticipation.

Breathe, Alex, breathe! My heart’s racing so fast I’ll pass out without oxygen. He moves just like a panther stalking and I’m the prey

He stood next to her chair and reached out to push on the backrest to bring her face to face with him. He stared into her eyes as she tried not to pant. A vein throbbed on the side of his neck,

Good, his heart’s racing too.

After a long moment, he inclined his head toward the desk, still holding her gaze.

“Nice desk. Looks pretty sturdy.”

“It was my father’s desk.”

“And now it’s yours. Sit on the edge of the desk, Alexandra, so I can sit on the chair.”

“Now you think you can order me around?”

His lips twitched.

seat yourself on the edge of the desk, so I can sit on the chair.”

She rose slowly, still staring into his eyes to show she was only obeying because she wanted to see what he would do next, not because she had to. She turned to slide her butt across the cool surface, pushing aside the forgotten papers. Her skirt rode up as she slid back, thighs parted as an invitation.

He sat down on the chair and moved closer. His hands stroked her knees for a moment, trailed slowly up her thighs and began to caress the bare skin above the garters. His fingers stroked the tender skin gently, moving upwards to the crease at the top of her thighs. Both thumbs pushed against her labia as he pressed them together to allow him to feel how hard her clit had become.

A small sound escaped her involuntarily and he looked up to see her watching him and growled. With a quick flick of his wrists, he ripped through both sides of the thong at once. She heard the elastic snap, felt the momentary pain as the thong bit into the skin of her hips before it was ripped from her body and thrown to the floor.

Dmitri leaned closer and inhaled slowly. “Ah, that’s better. Now you are all I can smell.”

He pushed her skirt further up, baring her legs and her pussy. His thumbs rubbed the sensitive skin at the crease of her thighs while his fingers moved the skirt out of his way. There was a low murmur of approval.

“And you
a natural redhead. This just gets better and better…”

Alexandra leaned back on her desk, her hands near her hips, her shoulders beginning to ache from the strain of holding herself in place so tightly.

“When is it going to get better for me?” She tried not to sound as eager as she felt, but damn it, this man had her so hot she was ready to scream!

She thought she heard a low chuckle but then he leaned forward and the tip of his tongue flicked across her clit. Thinking became impossible. She moaned. His tongue began to explore, the tip dipping into her slit, spreading her juices. He leaned closer and pressed his mouth against her mound, humming while his teeth grazed her throbbing clit.

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