The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1)
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jumped off the bed and started pacing back and forth, “Look, I think you should guard yourself around Jason.  Make sure that he doesn’t get close to your mark. I uh…I also think you should follow your heart.  You should also be honest with Enoc about what is going on between you and Jason.  I know you better than anyone.  I would hate for you to miss out on what is right in front of you.  I know you’re scared that if you let Enoc in he is going to leave you just like your dad did.  I know Enoc and he would never leave you.  You didn’t see him when you were taken.  Even your father had a hard time getting him to calm down.  He may not say it but he really cares for you.  Plus don’t think I didn’t notice the connection between you two earlier.” 

jumped off the bed into her midstride, “I am scared but it’s not just that.  I am afraid I will hurt him.” 

Amber wrap
ped her tiny arms around my shoulders, “Just be honest with yourself and it will all work out the way it is supposed to.  What is your heart telling you?” 

I closed my eyes and
wondered how I really felt. “In my heart I knew that Enoc was perfect for me.  I felt it the first time I met him.  I can’t explain it.  Just a while ago for a small moment it was like we were one.  Inseparable in that I could feel what he felt and vice versa.  It tells me to stop analyzing things with Jason.  Amber I think I love him and I am terrified.” 

Amber squeeze
d my shoulders. “Trust that, trust him and give him a real chance.” 

Smiling I sa
id, “That is why you’re my best friend Amber.  You never judge me and always support me.” 

Amber open
ed the door. “You too, but we should go.  Come on.  I am afraid your dad won’t survive the way Ivy’s been staring at him.  I think she actually might jump him if we weren’t all here.” 

… don’t tell me that.  He’s my dad, that’s just gross. ”

Amber pulled me out of the bedroom towards the living room.

Chapter 13

Ivy was sitting on the couch with her leg tucked under the other conversing with my father.  In the entryway sat Ivy’s leopard print luggage.

’s Enoc?”  I asked. 

“He is in the bathroom
. As soon as he gets back we’re taking off.” 

I watch
ed Amber walk over and sit down next to my dad.  The doorbell rang, Ivy jumped up, “I got it. It’s probably my neighbor coming to get my key.  I asked them to house sit for me while I was out of town”

I watch
ed her head to the door. “Just a sec!” she shouted out. 

The moment Ivy open
ed the door a large ash wolf came charging down the hall. Ivy was knocked to the ground. 

I screamed. 

I head
ed for her but was intercepted by Jeremy heading straight for me.  He was growling and his gums were drawn back teeth extended.  Chloe and Jason followed also in wolf forms.  I frantically looked around for something to use to defend myself.  I didn’t stand a chance as the weight of Jeremy’s wolf pinned me to the ground.  Struggling to breathe I watched my Father shove Jason hard enough that he went flying into the kitchen.  My father shifted so fast, his taunt muscles rippled under his chocolate fur coat.  His teeth extended snarling at Jeremy who had me now on my stomach. 

My father’s attention
was drawn away from me as he looked towards the entryway to see Caleb sauntering in slowly.  Caleb held Ivy by her throat, his claws extended cutting into her collarbone.  Drops of blood were staining her blouse.  Ivy’s eyes were huge and filled with fear.  I tried to speak but Jeremy dropped his nuzzle into my neck and bit.  Not enough to draw blood but enough to let me know he was in control.  My father’s eyes turned brilliant amber.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were
you,” Caleb said speaking directly to my father.  “I will kill her and Jeremy will kill Olivia.  You have a choice.  Either way I am excited to see what you decide.”

With a flash of light my
father shifted and stood once again in front of the couch. 

“What do you want Caleb?”  James ask
ed directly. 

While they glare
d at one another I looked around the room.  I could see Amber in an embrace by Chloe.  Amber’s eyes glowing sunset orange.  Chloe’s claws also extend to Amber’s throat, her eyes glowing bright green. 

My father shift
ed his gaze towards me and before I could nod my head Caleb said, “Jeremy.” 

I fe
lt his teeth slide into the curve of my neck drawing blood.  It wasn’t too deep but I could smell the iron from my blood as it ran down my neck staining the beige carpet.  The odor made my stomach wretch and the pain was awful.  My reflexes kicked in and I tried to turn away.  Every move I made, Jeremy just bit harder tearing more into the tendons in my neck.  The tension in the room grew thick. 

“Jeremy that is enoug
h,” Caleb said sounding bored. 

pulled his teeth out of my neck but still hovered over my body.  I could smell him and his fur was course against my skin.  Where is Enoc?  I tried to look for him but my strength waned.  A flash of light went off and when I blinked Jeremy has shifted from wolf to human. His solid legs pressed into my back and hip bones.  The smell of cloves was overpowering. 

My father step
ped in my direction but I pleaded with him to wait.  I couldn’t let anything happen to Ivy, she had done nothing wrong.  Jeremy pulled me to my feet.  My back now pressed into his firm chest.  His arm was wrapped around my belly holding me in place. He drew circles around my ribs.  He leaned over me and licked drops of blood as they fell freely.  I turned away from him and grimaced as he laughed in my ear. 

“There is another wolf here; I can smell him on her.”  Jeremy s
pit out forcefully. 

howled, “Jason.” His patience was decreasing by the seconds. 

I watch
ed as Jason walked slowly from the kitchen.  His shirt was torn and I could see where my father clawed him. The skin was shredded from his left shoulder down to his right hip bone.  I could tell he was hurt by the way he moved slowly and stiff.  I was so angry with him. 

Jeremy sp
un me around and growled.  He leaned into my neck and inhaled.  His eyes shifted to full anger.  Jeremy pulled his arm back growling in disgust and punched me hard in the stomach.  I dropped to the floor coughing.  I tried to make eye contact with Jason to help us but he wouldn’t even look at me.  I focused on breathing since it had now become difficult. 

I turn
ed to look at Amber and tears were in her eyes. 

"It will be oka
y,” I mouthed, even though I didn’t quite believe it. 

“Go f
ind the other wolf!” Caleb commanded Jason. 

Jason rais
ed his nose in the air.  His eyes turned a shimmering green.  I watched as he turned to walk down the hall, I gasped when I recognized my mark on his back shoulder blade.  What the crap!  How does he have my mark?  That was why he said he could tell me more about my mark.  I was furious.  Why wouldn’t he tell me he had the same mark?  Because he was a freaking liar and …Ahhhh I shouldn’t have been so stupid. 

I refocus
ed on Ivy as she whimpered and tried to pull away from Caleb’s tight grip.    His claws extended cutting into Ivy’s arm drawing more blood.  Tears fell from her blue eyes as she cried out in pain.  Caleb sliced through the buttons on Ivy’s shirt exposing her fair skin.  Ivy crossed her arms in front of her chest attempting to cover herself. 

Are you ready to obey James?” Caleb taunted not waiting for a response. “I am taking Olivia with us,” Caleb growled through clenched teeth.  “You can leave alive, or we will kill you now.” 

were all startled by the house shaking.  The wall to the living room cracked from the force of someone hitting it from the other room. The light fixture shook and a picture frame fell from the wall shattering as the glass hit the floor. The sound of wolves growling and teeth snapping could be heard.  Enoc and Jason must be fighting. I thought.  I started to struggle but Jeremy continued to hold me tight.  I heard a yelp and then silence.  My father was barely controlling his wolf. 

While Jeremy
was distracted he mouthed, “Wait.”

The smell of sandalwood br
ought my attention to Jason who was standing a few feet away from me dragging Enoc’s still body by the arm.  Enoc’s body was covered in blood and his clothes were torn in multiple places.  His once blue shirt was now drenched in blood.  Jason dropped Enoc’s arm and then kicked him making his body roll.  Enoc didn’t make a sound. My heart broke in that moment when I realized I loved him. 

Enoc!” I screamed!  “What did you do?” I yelled at Jason in disgust! 

My words were
cut off by Jeremy squeezing my neck.  I looked at my Father with pleading eyes
please help him.
  I shook my head back and forth.  He can’t be dead, he can’t.  I looked up to catch a glimpse of Chloe’s red hair fall in front of Amber’s cheek.  As Chloe whispered something in Amber’s ear.  Amber’s eyes grew big and I was perturbed by what she could have said.

“It is time Jeremy
,we’re leaving

Caleb said.

As quickly as he spoke he bit into Ivy’s neck, her blood spray
ed the coffee table and beige carpet.  Ivy’s small body fell to the floor.  Her eyes held a look of pure terror.  Her hands quickly covered the wound as blood poured through her small fingers. 

o!” I screamed. 

Jeremy start
ed dragging me towards the front door.  Caleb walked over to Chloe and Amber. 

No!” my heart worried for Amber. 

In the moments that follow
ed everything seemed like a blur.  Everything seemed to happen simultaneously.  My father shifted charging Caleb moments before he reached Amber.  He leaped over the table, his teeth extended growling.  I was surprised to see Chloe grab Amber and take off with her through the kitchen. 

My body
was flown back into the wall.  I watched as Caleb shifted into wolf, his wolf quickly protecting himself against my father.  Caleb bit into my father’s shoulder.  My father didn’t make a sound but whipped around biting into Caleb’s leg. 

I c
ould hear them continue to fight but was drawn to Jeremy being attacked by a massive black wolf.


Can it be true
? Two flashes of light followed each another.  A large brown wolf stood next to Enoc’s huge black wolf.  Jason stepped back as Enoc bared his teeth in warning.  This fight was between Jeremy and Enoc. 

Enoc’s black fur
was thick and his muscles tight as he prepared to launch at the gray wolf standing before him.  Jeremy was quick and moved out of the way as Enoc’s body slammed into the wall.  Jeremy reared his head back biting into Enoc’s back leg.  Blood seeped onto the floor as Enoc turned using his weight to knock Jeremy off. They danced around snapping their teeth at each other their eyes bright with fury.  Enoc faked right and swung around gripping Jeremy by the neck.  Enoc sunk his teeth into Jeremy’s flesh breaking his airway.  I watched as Jeremy choked on his own blood. 

The quickness
in which Caleb pulled me off the floor and into his arms was shocking. I stumbled as Caleb wrapped his bloody arm around my breastbone.

“She will be mine, one way or another.

Caleb shoved
my head to the side and bit deep into my shoulder.  I felt the tissue tear and his canines dig into the muscle in my shoulder. Caleb tossed me to the hard floor.  I saw a blinding light and as if in slow motion the glass fell and shattered on the floor.  Caleb jumped through the back window.  His ash fur, coated with blood. 

I look
ed away as my body collapsed into itself.  My body was numb and all I could think was I am going to die.  Enoc and Jason came over and kneeled next to me.  I shifted away from Jason moving closer to Enoc.  Enoc reached out and grabbed my hand.  My eyes grew heavy and in the faded distance I heard my name.


didn’t know who spoke it.  I tried to keep my eyes open but they were so heavy.  I stopped fighting and let them close.  Darkness that once felt scary and unknown now felt comforting and peaceful.  I tried to reach up and touch Enoc one last time but the weight of my arm was too much.  Something warm was against my lips and I smiled inside at the thought of Enoc kissing me one last time.  I tasted something sweet on my tongue, the texture like honey. 

Then like a dream I hear
d my mother’s voice as clear as day.  “You have a choice my little dove.  What will it be?”            

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