The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1)
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“Oh my ba
d. Olivia you okay?” Grace asked with fake concern. 

knew she was enjoying it because of the beam she was trying to hide.  Enoc helped me sit up and I turned to give Grace
the look
and she just laughed.  Enoc smelled so good, just like I remembered, fresh rain after a storm.  It took me a while to come back to my senses.  I didn’t realize I was leaning into him until Amber coughed.

“Olivia you’re going to love it, the waterfall is so beautiful.  One waterfall falls into a deep pool of water and that is where we swim.  The other has some sharp rocks at the bottom so we kind of stay away from that one.”  I moved closer to Grace just so I could clear my head from Enoc’s alluring smell. 

Once I found my voice I
responded to Amber.  “Yeah, I am excited.  How long is the trail to the falls?” 

Enoc move
d closer making contact with the side of my body.  My shoulder pressed against his and his thigh next to mine.  It made my body feel like every nerve was awakened.  Amber continued on talking even though my thoughts were on Enoc’s body next to mine.

“The walk is less than a mile and not very rocky, it’s beautiful you w
ill love it.” 

I tried
paying attention to the way Ryan was watching Amber but sitting next to Enoc made me forget to talk let alone think rationally.  Enoc leaned into me a little more bringing his head down to the curve of my neck.  He inhaled and a few tendrils of his hair tickled my neck.  I didn’t dare move.  Ryan and Amber were talking in the front and I heard Evenesence playing quietly in the background.  Moving away I saw Enoc’s kind bright blue eyes with gold watching me intensely.  His black curly hair was thick and before I knew it I was reaching up curling a curl around my finger. His body reacted as his muscles expanded his shirt tightening over his muscles was intoxicating.  He reached out and grabbed my hand from his hair.  Instead of letting my hand go he kept holding it sending sparks up the course of my arm.  He set our entwined hands in his lap.  He opened my hand and with his finger very softly traced the lines on my palm.  Each line he touched shot up my vein into my heart.  It was fascinating to feel.  It was very soothing and romantic. 

watched as he smelled the air his eyes turned a glowing blue.  I remembered Amber telling me how wolves could smell emotions such as fear, excitement, joy and attraction. 
Oh great
I thought,
he knows I am totally turned on and so does everybody else, this is so humiliating.
I tried to control what I was feeling but it was so difficult.  Come on the guy of your dreams touching you like that.  Who wouldn’t be all mushy.  Each time he touched me I felt that electric spark course up and down my body.  He began to trace the mark on my wrist. I waited for that intoxicating emotion of peace and completeness to fill my soul but nothing happened.  Thank goodness we arrived.  I was practically getting ready to jump him. I gently pulled my hand away from Enoc and jumped out of the truck creating some distance between us. The electrical pull towards Enoc was getting stronger.  Aaugh, shaking my head letting the current simmer down to a light pulse.  Enoc smiled teasing me with his dimples fully aware of the effect he was having on me.


Chapter 8

path to the falls was narrow and rocky in places.  I waved to a few fellow hikers as they passed us heading down a different trail.  Enoc walked by my side closely, catching me every time I slipped.  The trees were thick and the branches hung over us like a canopy.  By the time the view of the falls came into place, I was hot and ready for a swim.  The falls were more beautiful than I had anticipated.  The larger of the two falls was located on the left. It was creepier due to the handful of jagged rocks prodding out of the cascade of water.  The fall closest to us was more tranquil.  The water fell into a large green pool of water. I listened as the leaves danced on the wind.  Almost making it feel like I was in a dream.  I imagined it was my own little paradise.    

couldn’t believe I was standing on the edge of two beautiful waterfalls.  I looked over the edge into the pool of turquoise water.  The bubbles it made and the way it swirled in places looked refreshing and exciting.  I spread my arms out letting the warm wind run over my arms and blow my hair out away from my back.  I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of water falling to the rocks below.  The warm sun on my face made me feel alive and like a kid again. 

I open
ed my eyes just in time to se
Enoc run past me jumping off the ledge of the fall.  I let out a scream as he flew through the air.  I ran to the edge just as he hit the pool of water below.  When he surfaced his howl of excitement calmed my nerves and I grinned.  I watched him as he swam.  His olive toned body rippled the water below.

“Can we do that too?” 
I turned towards Grace, Amber and Ryan waiting for an answer. 

ah, everyone does it, just don’t do it on the other side it’s too dangerous.”  Ryan replied.

How exciting, oh man I want to do that.” Amber agreed. 

heard Enoc yell from below, “Come on guys, it’s great.” 

I saw
Grace shake her head “Uh, no way.  You guys go ahead.” 

I want
ed to do it.  The thrill of jumping off a waterfall, I mean come on how often do you get to do something like that? 

Amber come on, do it with me?”  I watched as her eyes shone with excitement as she shoved her bag towards Ryan.

Could you hold this, please?” 

She didn’t wait for a response.  We stripped
out of our clothes until we’re only in our swimsuits.  I couldn’t help but smile with excitement, “Let’s go.” 

I notice
d the way Ryan’s mouth hung open standing there, gawking at Amber.  If the look was any indication of what he thought of Amber, I would have to say heck yeah he likes her.  How could he not?  Beyond her beauty she was the most down to earth, caring and amazing person ever. 

Amber grab
bed my hand and we took off running automatically screaming, “One, two, three…. yahoo….” as we jumped off the edge and fell through the air. 

e hit the water and I expected it to be cold but the warm water slid over my skin.  The water was perfect as it ran through my fingers.  I swam to the surface and saw Amber smiling broadly at me.

She shouted
, “That was amazing!” 

I kne
w she loved it because her big brown eyes were shining bright. I laughed as we swam over to the edge of the pool.  Enoc stood at the edge of the pool.  I watched as he pulled his wet shirt off dropping it to the ground.  The energy coming off him was excitement and joy.  I loved the way his thick black hair fell down the curve of his neck. I couldn’t help but notice the defined muscles in his shoulders and back.  He must have sensed me drooling all over him because he turned suddenly and saw me staring. His eyes were a fierce blue.  Someone wrapped their hand around my ankle and pulled me under the water.  I tried to yell but all I got was a mouthful of water.  Once I surfaced I saw Amber laughing her butt off.  I swam towards her and jumped on her pushing her head under the water.  We both came up out of the water laughing so hard we choked.  After we spent some time splashing each other we raced to see who could get out faster.  Amber kicked my butt, she was so freaking fast. 

I notice
d Ryan and Grace still carrying our things down the trail as Amber helped me out of the water.  “Wanna go help Ryan and Grace?” I asked as they stumbled down the hill.  Grabbing her hand I pulled her along whispering, “You should have seen Ryan looking at you.  When he first saw you in your swimsuit his mouth was hanging open.  I know why you think he doesn’t like you but he totally does.  Even his eyes turned a bright green.” 

Amber grabbed
my arm, “No way, you’re joking, right?” 

“Why would I do that?
I swear it’s the truth, ask Grace when you get a chance she was right there.”

Amber was the one who told me that when a wolf gets
a really strong emotion their eyes shine brighter than their normal color. Ryan’s eyes were definitely brighter when he was looking at Amber.  Catching up to them, I surprised Grace and wrapped my wet arms around her, laughing as she squealed. 

Hugging her I whispe
red, “You’re coming with me next.” 

She laugh
ed, “I don’t think so.” 

“Oh yes you ar
e,” I teased. 

we got down to where Enoc was lounging, we set up.  Grace, Amber and I watched Enoc and Ryan as they took turns doing flips and twists off the top of the falls.  They all seemed so happy and relaxed. Grace, Amber and I sat on the tubes soaking up the sun.  Nudging Grace I motioned to Amber who was busy rubbing sunscreen on her arms as she stole glances at Ryan. 

o wasn’t Ryan checking Amber out up at the top of the fall?” I asked suggestively to Grace. 

She grin
ned, “Yeah he sure was.  Amber, I know my brother and I can tell he likes you. I just don’t know why he isn’t acting on it.  Maybe he’s still… maybe he is confused about his feelings for you.  Don’t worry though I’ll figure it out.” 

watched Amber and I knew she had it bad.  She watched Ryan and you couldn’t help but see why.  He was gorgeous, with his sandy blonde hair, shorter on the sides and longer on top.  His eyes were a deep green with long eyelashes. He wasn’t as tall as Enoc, maybe six feet, but his narrow waist and broad shoulders were eye catching. 

“Hey drool baby lets go
jump.” I suggested as I slid off my tube into the water.  “And you,” pointing to Grace, “You’re not going anywhere you’re coming with us.”

was too busy paying attention to Ryan to notice when I slid over to her tube.  I pushed up hard and tipped Amber over into the water.  All I saw was Amber flailing her arms in the air along with a surprised gasp. Amber popped up out of the water, laughing.

lright I guess I needed that.” Amber choked out while laughing. 

Once out of the water
I wrapped my arms around Amber’s shoulders. “I guess that will teach you to drool over a guy.”

ber with her wit replied, “Ha wasn’t it you drooling over Enoc a while ago, or wait maybe it’s Jason now?” 

Ha I laug
hed. “Okay point taken.”

I notice
d Grace backing farther away from us.  But Amber and I each grabbed an arm and dragged her up the hill. 

I start
ed talking to Grace in one of those soft encouraging ways. “Come on Grace, you can do it.  It will be fun.”  I pleaded.  “I promise if you do it once I won’t bother you again.” 

we dragged her up the hill Amber chanted in the background “Please, please, please.” 

The guys notice
d us cheering Grace on so they started yelling encouraging words.

“You can do i
t!” Ryan shouted. 

I knew Grace wa
s nervous because she couldn’t stop wringing her fingers together.  Amber wrapped her arm around Grace’s shoulders as we reached the top. 

ook if you do this, I will show you a secret under the waterfall.” 

”  Grace and I both gaped as we turned to look at Amber.

ou heard me if you jump, I will take you to a secret spot inside the waterfall.” 

I knew she wa
s thinking about it by the expression that crossed her face.  Grace quickly grabbed mine and Amber’s hands shouting, “Ready, set go!”

The three of us ran and jumped
off over the edge of the falls. Amber and I laughed as we fell but Grace screamed.  I could hear the guys hooting below.  I felt the water encase my body as it pulled me under.  After the pressure eased I pushed my body up and swam to the surface.  That will never get old, that was amazing. 

Grace you did it!  I knew you could, you were awesome.” I swam towards her and wrapped my arms around her in a big hug, followed by Amber’s small arms. 

“You did, it I knew you could.”
Amber cheered. 

knew Grace was surprised that she did it. I noticed while were hugging and laughing that she still had a few tears sliding down her cheek.

kay, I did it but never again.” She said as she wiped tears from her eyes; the fear still evident on her face. 

ying on the blanket, I watched as Amber, Grace and Ryan swam around.  Every time Ryan talked to Amber her countenance glowed.  I didn’t think she realized how pink her cheeks turned or how obvious it was to everyone else how much she liked him.  I couldn’t really decide if Ryan likes her or if he was just astounded by her beauty.  I really hoped that he does like her and that he doesn’t break her heart. 

ater splashed on my arms and I looked up to see Enoc standing over me, “Uh, can I sit here?”

raised my hand to my brow blocking out the sun and nodded my head, “Of course.” 

I c
ouldn’t help but feel drawn to him.  The way my body instantly responds to him was new and exciting.  Enoc was all around a great guy. He was considerate, passionate, loving and gorgeous.  I didn’t know how I functioned anytime he was near.  Oh wait I don’t, I thought chuckling to myself. 

“What’s so funny?” Enoc ask

“Uh, nothing.”

“So are you having fun?” Enoc asked studying me.

Yeah, I am.  It is absolutely beautiful.”  I squinted to block out the rays of sun. 

moved to stand in front of me casting a shadow over my face.  He ran his hand through his wet hair.  Little drops of water falling on his bare chest.  Enoc sat down stretching his legs out in front of him.  Setting his hand on my knee he asked, “So are you okay with what happened last night between us?” 

Yes, oh it was amazing.  I mean… I meant what I said and kissing you was just perfect.”  Now I was freaking out maybe he wanted to take back what happened last night.  Maybe he thinks it was a mistake. “Uh, are you okay that it happened? I mean I understand if you’ve changed your mind.” I hoped the answer to my question was that he was glad it happened. 

Enoc trip
ped over his words. “No, it was exactly what I wanted.  I just didn’t want you to feel obligated to…”

What kiss you?”  I interrupted him as he spoke. “I wanted to kiss you…”

I couldn’t stop babbling so Enoc leaned
over and gently kissed my lips, silencing me. 

“I wanted to do that last night and I did
.  I just wanted to make sure that if I did it again I wouldn’t get punched.”  Enoc replied sincerely. 

“Oh you won’t get punched but you might if you didn’t try.”  Crap, why can’t I have a filter and think befo
re I speak.  Ugh. “What I mean is it was perfectly okay with me if you want to kiss me.” I couldn’t help but smile, I am such a dork.   How could this kind, handsome guy see anything in me?  Taking a breath I decided to broach another subject.  Before I spilled how much I really, really liked him.  

the way I never really thanked you for saving my life.  I really appreciate what you did for me.  I should have said something sooner, I was just a little nervous.  I just thought you should know that I am grateful.” 

I let my hair fall in my face not wanting
to see his response.  He reached over and tucked some strands behind my ear.  The spark when he accidently touched my cheek was exhilarating.  I always got this tingling sensation whenever he was near.  He mentioned feeling it last night, but I wondered if it was as strong for him as it was for me. 

“Can I ask you something kind of serious?” Enoc ask

Sure,” I responded. 

Have you considered becoming a shape Shifter?” I rested my hand on top of his.

I have and I want to.  I just wanted to learn more about my mom.  You know, why she didn’t change and if my dad had found out any more information regarding her.  There is also a part of me that is worried that if I was bitten I could die.”  I couldn’t help but wonder if Enoc even wanted me to change.  Then I saw hope and relief pass Enoc’s face as I answered.  I was sure if I was a wolf my eyes would have shone like stars.  “Like I was saying earlier I really love the dynamics of a pack.  The way everyone works together.  The bonds and connections are beautiful.  It is all so new and exciting but at the same time frightening. I wouldn’t mind being a wolf I am just afraid I could die.”

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