The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1)
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Choking on my
water I asked, “Uh what do you mean pure?”

fidgeted with her seatbelt.  “You know so that the line is pure and untainted.  That way it verifies that the line will remain strong.  Also when one is pure it makes it easier to find their mate.”  

So if two shifters are pure their wolves call to each other easier?” 

Amber buts i
n, “It’s all about making sure the shape shifters don’t diminish and keeping the lineage strong.  That is why men are protective of the women.  They honor them and keep them safe, knowing that one day they will find their mate.  They expect others to do the same.”

I tr
ied wrapping my head around all this new information.  “So is that part of the reason Caleb’s pack isn’t as strong?” 

“Yes.  His lineage is tainted because of how he
has treated the women in his pack.” 

Well if it is so dangerous to the shifter community why isn’t he being stopped?” 

what your dad said, someone has to come forward saying they are being abused and then it has to be proven.  We all know Caleb gets rid of anyone that defies him and he is really good at hiding it.” 

I think I’ll ask what happens at the marriage ceremony for later.  So are you both… ya know able to find mates?” 

“Olivia are you asking us if we
’re vir…” 

gosh in a polite way you don’t have to be so direct Amber.  Grace you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.  I was just wondering.” 

I empt
ied the bottle of water before setting it in the cup holder. 

“Fine, I’ll answer
first. Yes I am pure but I don’t know if that matters seeing as how I am not a shifter.  Wouldn’t Enoc’s line be diminished if we were uh… together?  I mean as far as I know I am just human.” 

Well you are part shifter and if you are his true mate, then that means you’re meant for each other.  No one else would be as good for Enoc or strong enough to carry his line than you.  That says a lot seeing as how you’re just human.” Amber said throwing my words back in my face.

fine, enough about me back to Amber which by the way I know you are pure and all.” 

“Me to
o,” Grace quickly added from the back.   

eave it to Amber to throw the conversation back to the start.  “So Jason, were you planning on meeting him?” 

I don’t know.  I can’t say I haven’t thought about it” I responded.

wisely suggested, “Maybe we should warn your father about Caleb.  And tell him everything you’ve told us about Jason.  Maybe he has a better idea about what is happening than you do.”

I th
ought about it and I know she is right.  I should talk to my dad. 

“I don’t know what I would do if you both weren’t here. I really apprec
iate your friendsh---

y body slammed into the side of the metal door.  The air was knocked out of my lungs.  I could hear the sound of metal crunching.  I heard Amber scream my name and then darkness claimed me.  I opened my eyes to find myself hanging upside down in the cab of the truck.  The truck was flipped over and I noticed that I am not the only one hanging upside down.  The blood rushed towards my head making me nauseous.  I felt disoriented and faint.  I looked around for Amber and Grace.  Thank goodness we all were wearing our seatbelts.  Amber was dangling a few feet away from me but was still unconscious. 

rantically I yelled, “Amber?  Amber!  Are you okay? Can you hear me?”  I was so scared.

Oh God please let her be okay. 
Amber’s brown hair blanketed the white airbag.  I noticed she wasn’t moving, I tried to reach her but couldn’t. I leaned as far as I could and reached over my body trying to unhook the seat belt.  The stupid orange button was stuck; I kept pressing it over and over.  Finally I heard it click. I fell into the roof of the truck.  Crawling the short distance to Amber I pulled her away from the bag, and checked to see if she has a pulse.  My tears fell.

alive.” I said.  “Amber can you hear me.” 

I hear
d her mumble.  I clicked her seatbelt and she fell.  She didn’t even make a sound when her body collided with mine.  I laid her as flat as I could being careful with her neck.

Hang on Amber.  I have to check on Grace.  I will come right back.” 

I climb
ed under the seat turning to help Grace. I noticed her eyes were wide.  I thought she was in shock until I followed her line of sight.  Out the side window, I saw three wolves circling the vehicle.  Two looked similar in that they have the same ash coloring.  One was larger than the other.  I ignored them.  I focused on Grace and helped unbuckle her.  She fell to the hood and cried out when glass imbedded in her knee.  I could smell her blood.  That isn’t the only thing I smelled,
. Crap Jeremy! 

Turning to
Grace I asked, “Are you okay?”

Yes, for now,” she moaned as she dug out a piece of glass. 

need to help Amber, ok?” 

agreed and I returned to the front seat. I shook Amber and I still didn’t get a response. 

, are you okay?” 

started to get nervous.  Why wasn’t she answering me?  I leaned down to see if she was breathing but was startled when I saw a bright flash and Jeremy was standing in front of the window smiling.  I hated that smile.  He started kicking in the windshield.  I wrapped my arms and used my body to shield Amber from the breaking glass.  Soon the whole windshield broke in.  Jeremy grabbed it and tossed it to the side.  Reaching inside he grabbed me.  I leaned back and started to kick and scream.   I got one solid kick to his face before he grabbed a hold of my ankle and pulled me out of the vehicle, scraping my back and dragging me on the hard ground.  My back was stinging from where the shards of glass scratched it.  I made eye contact with Grace.  I gave her a pleading look. 
Please be careful and take care of Amber.
She acknowledged that she understood what I was asking. 

Another flash of light br
ought my attention back to Jeremy.  I now only saw a small Auburn wolf. Jeremy and who I assumed must be his father Caleb, stood in front of me.  Caleb was older, with dark blonde hair with gray.  He had the same dark beady eyes. 

“Olivia, you have been quite difficult, I am Caleb.  You have met my son Jeremy.” 

He moved closer to me, I acted like I was scared and well I am but I am also planning on fighting.  He moved closer and when he was a foot away I swept my leg out and knocked his feet out from underneath him.  He fell and I reached for anything on the ground. I found a rock and started to crush it on his head when my arms were grabbed and pinned behind me.  Jeremy, how stupid I forgot.  I just glared at Caleb. I watched him as he swiftly rose to stand over me.  Bringing his fist back he punched me in the face.  I have never felt anything like it before.  It was like I imagine being hit by a truck would feel like.  It was so hard it made me fall back into Jeremy. 

Jeremy laugh
ed and said, “I told you she was spirited.” 

s, she will do just fine.  Except I think she needs to learn a lesson don’t you?” 

The ringing in my ears
was loud and I felt sick.  Caleb got down and squatted in front of me.  I recoiled away but he grabbed my face digging his fingers into my skin, forcing me to look at him.  Caleb’s gray eyes shone with excitement.  “Just so you know what will happen to the people you love if you ever betray me.”

I was horrified as Jeremy climbed back inside the vehicle.  I held my breath as he walked by Amber.  She
was still and not moving.  Jeremy grabbed Grace and pulled her out of the vehicle by her hair.  Her blood smeared along the ground where he dragged her.  She clawed and I saw for a moment her trying to shift.  She looked as terrified as I felt. 

I turned my attention to Caleb, “What are you doing?  Stop
it!” I screamed.

You ever raise a hand to me again and this is what will happen.”

All Caleb did was look at Jeremy and I watched as Grace struggled.  I screamed out
, “Please stop, I’ll go with you… please don’t hurt her.” 

But it was too late Jeremy had already snapped her neck.  I watched in horror as her body fell to the ground broken.  I was too terrified to move and
stunned that he actually hurt her.  Not just hurt her he killed her.  I cried, ashamed that I did nothing.

If you do anything like that again I will get in that truck and personally kill your other friend.  Do you understand me?” 

I look
ed over to see Amber still unconscious and in a sad and utterly horrible way I was glad she was alive.  What kind of person feels that way?  I looked up at Caleb and nodded.  He smiled and then turned swinging his leg with full force connecting it with my stomach. 

“Just so you know
next time it will be excruciating and I will take my time.” 

The pain wa
s unbearable.  The smell of sulfur reached my nose and made me gag.  I coughed and cried. I couldn’t get enough air inside me and I felt like I was going to pass out.  Caleb gripped my arm and pulled me up.  Every time darkness tried to claim me I was awakened as he extended his claws digging them into my ribs.  I would cry out and he would laugh, enjoying my pain.        

They practically dragged
me along and threw me into the backseat of a black pick-up truck.  Caleb and Jeremy sat in the front.  The smell of cloves and sulfur was strong.  The door to the back opened and a young woman slid into the seat next to mine.  She had fire red hair and dark green eyes.  She was stunning.  She was petite, slender and had compassionate eyes.  She looked at me for a minute then looked out the window into the darkness.  As they drove the heater was turned up full blast.  It was making me drowsy and I struggled to keep my eyes opened.  I tried to get an idea of where they were taking me but it was futile.  When I looked around all I saw was darkness.  I had no idea where we were.  I rested my head on the cool window. 

Caleb’s voice
startled me, “Chloe give her a drink of water and don’t let her spill it.” 

e, so that was her name, what a pretty name.  I wondered why she was with them.  I watched her as she opened a bottle and handed it to me.  She smelled like cinnamon.  Where have I smelled that before? I quickly drank it.  Soon after I finished my eyes grew heavy.  My tongue tingled and I felt wrong.  I looked over at Chloe and she mouthed, “Sorry.”  The last thought that went through my mind was Grace.  She was gone lying out there all by herself on the cold ground.  It was my fault, she was my friend and they killed her because of it.  I could feel the tears fall down my face.  I felt ashamed that I didn’t do anything?  How could I ever return to them to see Ryan, or… Ruth.  Ruth is going to be devastated.  I cried myself to unconsciousness.

hapter 11

I aw
oke lying on top of an old mattress.  The springs dug into my sore back and the bed smelled of urine.  Not only does my face and lower back feel stiff and raw my heart is devastated about Grace. I tried to open my eyes but my left eye was too swollen.  It was partially closed from Caleb punching me.  I ran my fingers over my cheekbone and the curve of my eye softly.  I could feel how swollen it was.  It was tender and warm to the touch.  I could only imagine how horrible it looked.  I dropped my hand to my necklace and rested it on the olive branch and slid my fingers down to the dove. 

Mom I wish you were here.  If
you can hear me please help me.  Help me know what to do.  Give me the strength to get through this.
I felt warmth and comfort whether it was from her or the necklace I was unsure.  Just then the lullaby from Jim Brickmann came to mind.  It was my mom’s favorite lullaby.  She used to sing it to me when I was little. I loved it.  I always thought it was so beautiful. 

I start
ed singing it softly.
“I see the moon and the moon sees me.  The moon sees the one that I long to see.  So God bless the moon and God bless me.  And God bless the one that I long to see.”
I used to sing it to my dad when he disappeared. I knew my mom was letting me know she was here with me. 

Mom I love you,” I whispered as silent tears fell.

Sitting up I look
ed around the room. I noticed faded flowered wallpaper peeling from the walls.  Cobwebs hanged in the corners and baseboards of the room.  It had a worn down feel that made me leery.  The iron bed I was sitting on had straight bars forming the headboard and footboard.  The floors were hardwood but were aged and were in serious need of a sanding.  An old white dresser with a clouded mirror sat in the corner.  There were no pictures or curtains and the walls were just empty.  The few furnishings were old and damaged. It smelled dusty and moldy.  I saw a large bay window and my first thought was to climb out. 

I s
lid my feet over the bed and rested them on the cold wood floor.  I was thankful to still be wearing my swimsuit and shorts I had on earlier.  My flip-flops were on the floor next to the bed so I slipped them on.  Standing up slowly I tested the strength of the wood to see if it will hold my weight.  It looked bad but was pretty stable.  I prayed it wouldn’t creak making my presence known to the people in the house.  I didn’t want them to know I was awake.  I knew it would only be a matter of time before Caleb killed me.  I knew I needed to get away.  I walked slowly to the window and looked through to the outside.  I reached for the latch to unlock the window.  The old lock was stiff and tight.  I pushed it hard until I finally heard it unclick.  Staring out the window I saw trees and shrubbery. The clouds were thick in the sky and it looked gloomy out.  It looked like rain will be coming soon.  I couldn’t tell if it was morning or afternoon. 

I c
ould tell I was on the second floor by looking out the window.  I saw an old faded red barn with a sliding door hanging lopsided on the north side of the property. Grabbing the bottom of the window I tugged and pushed up as hard as I could.  It wouldn’t budge.  I tried again willing it to open but I lost my grip and jabbed my hand into the wooden frame sending a sharp piece of wood into my palm.  Sitting on the bench I reached for the tip of wood sticking out of my skin.  Grasping it I slid it out instantly drawing blood.  The heart beat in my palm pulsed and I stifled a cry. 

Looking around the f
rame of the window I noticed it had been sealed by dry white paint.  Great, just my luck.  I contemplated breaking the glass but I knew if I did that they would hear me.

Since the window wo
uldn’t budge I decided to see if I could find anything of use.  Walking over to the dresser, I looked at myself in the clouded mirror.  I was right my cheekbone was a dark purple and my eye was swollen.  My green eyes looked back at me with desperation.  Running my fingers through my hair I tried to smooth out the tangles.  Like smoothing them out might somehow smooth out what happened.  Ridiculous I know.  I went through the dresser drawers but each drawer was empty. Looking up I blew out a frustrated breath.

However s
itting on top of the dresser were some clothes.  A piece of paper lied on top of the clothes.  Picking it up one word was written on the small piece of paper
.  I swiftly slipped out of my swimsuit wincing as my ribs pulled.  I left all my clothes piled on the floor.  I knew I beat a record by how fast I dressed. I dressed in a simple white cotton set of matching bra and panties.  I slid on the pair of dark jeans but they were too tight around my hips.  The baby blue v neck t-shirt was snug yet comfortable.  Finally I slid my feet back into my flip-flops.  I looked towards an open door and could see a sink.  Tiptoeing softly I headed into the bathroom.  The bathroom was simple just like the bedroom, a small tub with a soap scum ring around it, a toilet and a simple bathroom sink.  I searched through the cabinet mirror.  Hoping to find something I could use lik
a prescription with an address or something. All I found was dust, some bobby pins, rubber bands, and thank goodness a new toothbrush and toothpaste. I scrubbed my teeth without using any water I didn’t want the old plumbing to clank or groan. 

Looking in the mirror I s
aw my reflection again.  It was clearer then the dresser mirror.  My cheek was bruised and swollen. When I reached up and touched it I winced.  My eyes filled with tears and I felt so alone.  I wiped my eyes with the bottom of my shirt careful not to push too hard over my left eye.  Walking away I pulled out a rubber band and pulled my hair back into a messy bun. 

I head
ed out of the bathroom towards the bedroom door. I knew it would lead me out of the room.  I was nervous and anxious.  I just wanted to go home; I wanted to see Amber and my dad.  Oh gosh I forgot about Amber.

Oh… God please let her be okay.” 

A part of me want
ed to curl up in a ball and wait for my fate. I just couldn’t do that, I was too angry and I would fight.  Before I knew it I was standing in front of the scuffed white door.  Leaning forward I rested my ear to the door holding my breath with anticipation. After a few minutes of hearing nothing I reached for the brass handle. Slipping my fingers around it I turned and pulled the handle only to find it locked.  I tried again just to be sure but I found the same result, I was locked in.

Sitting on the bed I contemplate
d my options.  One I can sit here and wait for them, not! Two I could try to find something to defend myself with.  Three I could break the window and take my chances that they wouldn’t hear.  Two and three both sounded like great options.  Looking under the bed I found nothing of use.  Nothing I could use to protect myself.  Oh… wait, I thought looking at the brass frames.  I tried twisting one of the poles out of the frame but it was no use, it was rusted.  …Ugh this is so freaking annoying. 

Plan three
: I reached for the pillow on the bed.  Stripping the yellow pillowcase off the pillow I wrapped it around my hand.  Walking to the bay window I hit the glass hard.  Nothing happened so I swung harder and I heard it crack.  I stopped and listened, silence.  Not even my father’s pack was ever this quiet.  I let out a breath I’d been holding.  I continued to hit the crack in rapid precision two more times. I felt a piece of glass give way and watched as it fells onto the roof outside the window.    Using the material I grabbed the leftover jagged pieces of glass.  I tugged and pulled them one by one until they came out.  I set them in a pile beside me.  Once there was enough room to climb through I stretched my left leg through first and then my right.  I leaned my body through the frame trying to avoid the shards of glass. I struggled for breath as my lungs strained from bending over.  Once on the roof I looked for a way to climb down.  At the end of the roof on the north side of the house stood a large oak tree. 

Thank you mom
,” I whispered.

Looking around I notice
d I was standing on an old white two-story farmhouse. The white paint was chipped and faded.  The shingles were loose in spots and were in need of repair.  The old barn on the northwest side of the house used to be red.  On the east side of the house a new large white concrete building sat with small windows and a green tin roof. I couldn’t see it from the bedroom window from the angle I had.

had this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Something didn’t seem right.  This whole time I have yet to hear or see anyone.  Maybe this was just where they stashed me?  I was starting to get jumpy.  Walking along the unsteady shingles on the roof I leaned on the house to support my balance.  Every once in a while I would catch myself as a shingle went sliding off the edge of the roof. 

I soon found myself at the oak
tree climbing onto the large branch.  My body slid along the bark while it is pressed uncomfortable into my belly.  Slowly I dropped down to the next branch and the next until I slipped. Oomph.  As my body fell I straddled the thick branch wrapping my arms around it tightly. I lost my flip-flop and watched as it fell to the base of the tree.  I laid there crying as the pain increased, my body hurt all over.  Wiping my brow with the back of my hand I swiped the loose strands of hair clinging to my forehead.  I couldn’t believe how much energy I was exerting.  I took a steady breath and proceeded to climb down. 

It seem
ed like life was so normal six months ago.  Now I am hanging on a branch in the middle of a farm.  In the middle of who knows where, trying to get away from a pack of shape-shifters.  I felt like laughing hysterically.  Once I was close enough to the bottom I hung my body over the branch and dropped.  Landing on my feet I lost my balance and slipped falling back on my butt.  Umm... yeah that is going to leave a bruise. Heck what is one more. I stood up wiping the dirt off my hands onto my jeans. 

Standing on th
e backside of the tree, I took a moment to look around.  I grabbed my fallen flip-flop and put it back on.  Why couldn’t they have left me with some tennis shoes?  These are going to be useless if I need to run. I thought about just taking them off but decided against it.  I could always kick them off if I needed to. Without pause I ran towards the faded barn quickly slipping inside the hanging door.  It smelled of old hay, manure and urine.  The smell was overpowering so I grabbed the end of my shirt and covered my nose and mouth. 

I look around for the
backdoor to the barn but was startled when I heard a young man yell, “CALEB!” 

I ra
n to the front of the barn to look out the crack on the door. I saw a young man run down the steps of the farmhouse as a group of people come out of the new white concrete building. Leading the way was Caleb and Jeremy. 

young man ran towards Caleb yelling, “She’s gone!”

With a roar Caleb
shouted, “What? What do you mean she is gone Ben?  You were supposed to be guarding and watching her!” 

Ben stop
ped and started pacing the ground, “I checked on her and she was still drugged up.  She was still sleeping so I locked the door and then went downstairs to watch the game.”  The frantic voice earlier was replaced with fear the quieter he spoke. 

“You left her door to go watch a game?”  Before I knew it Caleb had changed into a large gray wolf
and leapt for Ben ripping his throat out.  I smothered a scream with my hand while Ben’s body fell to the ground blood pouring from his neck coating the dirt floor.  I could see his eyes wide with expression and hear him cough and gurgle.  I covered my ears to keep out the horrible sound.  Turning around I focused on breathing in and out.  Ugh I think I am going to vomit.  I couldn’t believe it.  He killed him because of me.  He just killed him, just like Grace.  I couldn’t get his eyes out of my mind his body lying on the ground, blood pouring from his neck. 

I couldn’t
help looking back to watch Caleb’s pack.  Who I saw captures my attention.  Jason stood there next to Chloe, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.  Her eyes were filled with fury.  I watched as he leaned down whispering in her ear.  Many of the women lowered their heads in sadness while a few others’ eyes glowed with anger. 

Caleb shift
ed back and started yelling orders at the pack, “Get her scent and find her, now!”

they are coming for me. They will be able to track me easily.  I thought about running but I knew I wouldn’t make it.  Maybe if I waited until nighttime I could sneak away.  The barn could cover my scent.  Without thinking, I climbed the old rickety ladder and climb to the loft.  The square haybales stacked in the corner were a good enough place to hide.  I moved one away from the other and climbed inside.  Sliding the one I just moved back in place.  Reaching up to touch the necklace, I let it comfort me.  I said a silent prayer; o
h please help me get out of here

I could see a window through the small space between two of the
hay bales.  I watched and listened, praying it would get dark soon.  The sun set and shadows danced across the sill and rain pelted the glass window.  My body was exhausted and I was emotionally drained.  Without realizing it I fell asleep.                 

awoke to the sounds of howls all around me.  Each time I heard the door to the barn creek open I jerked awake and shook with fear. I thought for sure I had been caught when someone climbed the ladder to the loft. The barn did a good job because I was still here and no one had found me.  After a while I heard it quiet down.  I fell asleep again to the downpour of rain pounding the tin roof.   

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