The Butterfly Box (45 page)

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Authors: Santa Montefiore

BOOK: The Butterfly Box
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‘What the hell happened to you?’ she demanded.

‘What do you mean?’

‘The train crash.’

Toby frowned. ‘What train crash?’ he asked, perplexed.

‘For God’s sake!’ she gasped. ‘Don’t tell me you weren’t even on it?’

‘We took an early train, because Julian had a morning appointment in Soho.’

‘I don’t believe it!’ she exclaimed. ‘We thought you were dead. You worried us sick.’

‘Christ, I’m sorry.’

‘You bloody well better be!’ she said in fury. ‘God, Toby, we thought you were both dead. We’ve been out of our minds with worry. I’d even planned the

speech I was going to give at the funeral. Goddamn it! I love you!’ she whimpered before disintegrating into tears.

Jake took the telephone from her. ‘Toby.’

‘Dad.’ There was a brief pause while Jake searched for the words that only a moment ago had balanced impatiently on the end of his tongue.

Toby glanced at Julian in bafflement.

Finally, Jake settled for something less meaningful. ‘Come home soon, son, both of you,’ he said stiffly. He wanted to say more, but he couldn’t do it over the telephone.

Toby’s forehead creased in bewilderment. ‘Are you all right, Dad?’ he asked.

‘You’re alive. You’re
alive. I’ve never felt better in all my life,’ he announced triumphantly and Toby recognized his father’s old familiar voice, the voice that had resounded with affection before prejudice had throttled it.

Toby was passed to his mother, then Arthur and finally Hal. When he hung up he shook his head in astonishment.

‘You’d better come and join us for lunch,’ said Torquil, extending his hand. ‘I’m Torquil Jensen. You don’t know how much of a pleasure it is to meet you both.’

When Toby and Julian returned to Polperro they received a welcome neither felt they deserved. Most of the town joined Toby’s family and the Applebys on the platform and all clapped heartily when they stepped down from the train. Even Inigo had come out in his shabby cashmere coat and felt hat to show his delight that they had arrived home safely. Polly watched with pride as Jake embraced them both, patting them heartily on the back because his throat was too choked with emotion to speak. Toby’s vision misted as he hugged his father, a hug that destroyed the invisible wall that had grown up between them. Their eyes silently communicated all that they felt and their tears demonstrated the love that both considered inappropriate to express verbally. Helena watched happily as her family were finally reunited again, but she couldn’t help but wonder how their meeting went with Federica and whether they had managed to stall her marriage plans.

As Toby made his way through the crowd of well-wishers to the exit he was surprised to see Joanna Black, the girl he had once kissed at school, standing awkwardly by the door. She smiled at him. He smiled back, puzzled. ‘Hello, Joanna,’ he said.

‘Hello, Toby,’ she replied. ‘I didn’t think you’d remember me.’

‘Oh, I do.' he said and chuckled amicably.

‘I just wanted to apologize for cutting you dead that time in the grocery shop.’

‘Oh, don’t worry, that’s fine. It was a long time ago.’ He shrugged, watching her shuffle uneasily.

‘I know, but it wasn’t kind.’

‘.' wasn’t kind. That was a long time ago too.’

She lowered her eyes and curled a strand of her mousy brown hair behind her ear. ‘Well, that’s just it,’ she said quietly. ‘When you kissed me all those years ago .. .’


‘And I ran off in tears.’


‘I was hurt not because you kissed me. I wanted you to,’ she said shyly and laughed with embarrassment. ‘I was hurt because of the look of disgust on your face as you did it.’

‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ he said, shrugging his shoulders again.

‘No, don’t be, really,’ she replied hesitantly. ‘I understand now. You didn’t

like girls, I didn’t know it at the time.’

‘Why tell me now?’ he asked.

‘I thought you were dead,’ she replied, simply.


‘I’ve been meaning to tell you for years, but I had never plucked up the courage.’

‘Thank you,’ he muttered, watching her slide through the door. He followed her out.

‘Well, that’s all I wanted to say. I’ve said it now.’ She laughed nervously, shuffling her feet in the cold. Then she embraced him. Toby stood rigidly as she sighed heavily. She had never got over that first girlish crush, or the hurried kiss in the playground. ‘See you around,’ she added before hurrying off.

Toby watched her go and shook his head. ‘You know, death does the strangest things to people,’ he said to Julian.

Julian grinned. ‘People should die more often,’ he mused. ‘It brings out the best in everyone.’


Death certainly did bring the best out in everyone. Without realizing it each

member of Toby’s family had changed.

Jake had confronted his jealousy and won. Polly’s admiration for her husband had swelled thus uniting them where before his prejudice had divided them. Helena realized more than ever before the value of life and thanked God for Arthur who inflated with joy as she began to hold his hand under the table and smile at him with intimacy, the way she had when they first met. Hal emerged out of himself and began to notice those around him, albeit temporarily.

When Helena finally managed to ask Toby how his meeting had gone with Federica, she realized that it didn’t matter if they married. After all, marriage wasn’t life threatening.

‘I was surprised at how charming he was,’ Toby said, tucking into Polly’s mushroom risotto. ‘He’s much older than her, very handsome, clever.’

‘Very much the father figure, I think you’ll find,’ Julian added. ‘He couldn’t have been nicer.’

‘Will he be kind to her?’ Polly asked, as Jake filled her glass with wine.

‘She’s young,’ said Jake, ‘but she’s no fool, Polly.’

‘Oh, she knows what she wants, Dad,’ Toby reassured him. ‘There’s no

denying that. Anyhow, she’s not “little Fede” any more. She’s a woman. She’s grown up in quite a hurry since she met Torquil. She won’t budge on this one, I can tell you.’

‘She is vulnerable though, especially with a much older man who can manipulate her,' Arthur interjected.

‘Yes, she is vulnerable,’ Helena agreed. ‘She’s impressionable and this is her first love, she should probably play the field a bit.’

‘Fede’s not up to playing the field,’ Hal chuckled, squirting tomato ketchup onto his risotto.

‘Well, within reason,’ Jake argued.

‘Helena’s not suggesting she sleep around, Dad, just grow up a bit, gain a little more experience, meet other people. I agree with her. It is a worry her marrying the first man she falls in love with, however charming he may be. After all, marriage is for life,’ Toby said.

‘It should be,’ Helena added wryly.

‘It can be.’ Arthur grinned, pressing her knee with his. She winked at him coquettishly.

‘I think marriage sucks,’ Hal interjected. Helena smiled at him and shook

her head.

‘So, what do we do?’ Polly asked, draining her glass. ‘Can we really do nothing?’

‘Nothing,’ said Jake. ‘She has to sail her own ship, Polly.’

‘Well, when are we going to meet him?’ Helena asked.

They said they might come down this weekend,’ said Toby.

‘Good,’ Jake concluded with a nod. ‘Now, no more opinions until we’ve given the poor lad a chance. Any more of that risotto, Polly?’

When Molly rang Sam to let him know that Toby and Julian were alive she remembered to tell him that Federica was getting married. He nearly choked on his jealousy. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, she’s only just met him.’

‘I know. The whole thing is ludicrous,’ Molly agreed. ‘But she is.’

‘She’s Hester’s age, for God’s sake, what does she know about marriage?’ ‘Nothing. If she knew more about it I don’t think she’d leap into it like this. But Mum says he’s a substitute for the father she never had.’

‘Well, that’s it then. Father-figure syndrome,’ he said bitterly and his heart plummeted.


‘When’s the wedding?’

‘In the spring.’

spring?’ he exclaimed, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes, which suddenly felt tired and uncomfortable.

‘Torquil wants to marry as soon as possible. You know he’s stopped her working already?’


‘Yes, he has. She’s moved lots of her things into his house.’

‘Where does he live?’

‘The Little Boltons,’ she replied, her voice heavy with resentment.

‘Well, she won’t have to work, will she? He’s undoubtedly rich.’

‘Everyone should do something,’ she argued. ‘She’ll become one of those ghastly women who do nothing but shop all day.’

‘Not Fede,’ said Sam defensively.

‘Yes, Fede,’ she insisted. ‘He’ll make her into whatever he wants her to be. She hasn’t exactly got the strongest character, has she?’

‘She’s young.’

‘Hester’s young and she’s got more backbone than Fede.’

‘She’d have to with a sister like you,’ he snapped coldly.

‘What do you mean by that?’

‘You’re just jealous that Fede’s been swept up by someone handsome and rich,’ he accused, wondering why he was giving her such a hard time.

‘Look, I just called to let you know, not to get into a heavy discussion,’ she retorted in exasperation.

‘Sorry, Mol. It’s just been a trying day,’ he apologized, sighing deeply. When he put down the telephone he felt nauseous. Unable to focus on his work he pulled on his jacket and left the office early, not caring what his boss thought. He didn’t want to work much longer in the City anyway. The sooner he returned to Polperro the better. He certainly didn’t want to be in London if Federica and Torquil were married.

He took the tube to Hyde Park Corner and walked around Hyde Park, kicking the leaves and scowling at the squirrels in fury. When it began to rain he stood in the shelter of one of the stone follies, watching miserably as the grey skies opened around him. He couldn’t understand why he minded so much that Federica was getting married. After all, he had had his opportunity and let it go.

He had kissed her then left her. He consoled himself that he didn’t want to be in a relationship, any relationship. He didn’t want to be tied down. If Federica were free he still wouldn’t make a play for her. He just didn’t want anyone else to have her. When he walked through the drizzle back to his flat he felt much better. So Federica was marrying Torquil, what of it? There were many more fish in the sea.

For a while Sam managed to convince himself that he no longer cared for Federica, but the moment he came face to face with Torquil Jensen he was unable to pretend any longer. All his instincts screamed out against the marriage, which, in his opinion, was doomed to fail before it had even started. But no one else seemed to see it like he did.

Torquil and Federica arrived at Toby’s house on a Friday night. He had insisted they drive down, stopping on the way at small inns and pubs for the odd break and refreshments. As they weaved along the winding lanes, Torquil felt an odd sense of
deja vu.

‘I know I’ve been here before,’ he stated, staring out in front of him at the winter hedgerows and bare trees, wondering why it all looked so familiar.

‘Probably in a past life,’ Federica suggested with a shrug. ‘We might have been lovers then too.’

‘No,’ he insisted seriously, ‘I really have been here and it’s bugging me.’

Federica shook her head and thought nothing more about it. She was barely able to sit still in her excitement to show her fiance off to the family. When they pulled up outside Toby and Julian’s cottage Torquil tooted the horn. Toby appeared and stood jovially in the doorway while Rasta bounded out to greet them with unrestrained enthusiasm.

‘Welcome,’ Toby said, smiling warmly. Julian appeared behind him to capture the moment on film. It was then that Torquil remembered why he was so sure that he knew this place. He still had that Polaroid of Lucia which Julian had taken. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the Porsche. He hoped their memory of him had faded with the years; if his recollections were correct it hadn’t been a very positive introduction.

Jake and Polly were the first to arrive for dinner. Jake was mistrustful of‘townies’ and believed that Federica should marry someone from Polperro. ‘She’s been uprooted enough in her life, what she needs is stability and to be around

the people and place that she’s used to. Still, he deserves a chance to prove he's qualified to take care of her,' he conceded as they drove up to the house.

Polly agreed with him, and nodded her head thoughtfully. ‘I just wish he wasn’t so old,’ she sighed. ‘It’s nice when two people can grow up together. He’ll be an old man before she’s touched middle age, which is a shame.’

When they entered the sitting room, Torquil jumped to his feet and extended his hand warmly. They were both immediately disarmed by the beauty of his face and the charm of his wide smile.

Polly returned his smile with gusto. ‘It’s such a pleasure to meet you,' she gushed, not immune to the appeal of a handsome young man. Jake was more reserved, though thrown by the perfection of his features, and watched Torquil through narrowed eyes, endeavouring not to be influenced by his looks.

But even Jake was easily conquered when Torquil placed an affectionate hand on Federica’s and looked him straight in the eye, stating earnestly, ‘I only have one priority, Mr Trebeka, and that is to make Fede as happy and secure as I can.’

Jake’s old heart surrendered and he nodded his submission. ‘Well, as you can see, Torquil, she has a close and loving family. Don’t let her stray too far

from her home, that way she can enjoy her new life with you
the security that lies in her roots.’ Then he added gruffly, ‘And please call me Jake.’

When Arthur, Helena and Hal arrived the sitting room was already vibrating with laughter. Hal had lingered by the Porsche, loving the owner even before he had met him. ‘Wow, he must be really cool to have a car like this!’ he exclaimed, hurrying in to meet him. Helena noticed immediately the physical similarities between Torquil and Ramon, but also the differences - Torquil’s face lacked the rugged character of Ramon’s; it was too polished and smooth. However, she couldn’t help but relinquish her reservations in the glare of such magnificence. He was not only tall and good-looking but his clothes were immaculate, from his cashmere jacket to his well-polished brown shoes. Taking a seat next to Federica on the club fender she winked her approval. Federica beamed with happiness.

Only Arthur’s suspicions simmered beneath the surface of his cheerfulness.

Helena was placed next to Torquil at dinner. Looking into her eager eyes he told her how he wanted, more than anything in the world, to make her daughter happy. ‘I can see where she gets her beauty from. You and she could almost be sisters,’ he said, watching her cheeks ignite with pleasure.

‘She’s very vulnerable, Torquil, and really too young to marry,’ she replied, sipping her wine. ‘But you’re older and wiser and I have no doubt you will make her very happy. What she needs is security; something a younger man would be incapable of giving her. I have to admit, when I first heard about you I did worry that you’d be too old for her and that the whole thing was being rushed unnecessarily. But, now I know you I can see exactly why she doesn’t want to wait. Why should you both wait when you are so sure of the way you feel? Marriage is a gamble however long you’ve known each other. But I think I’d put money on you two.’

Torquil, can you give me a spin in your car after dinner?’ Hal asked, shouting across the noisy table.

‘You bet,’ Torquil replied. Then he took the opportunity to give a small speech. ‘I just want to say that when I fell in love with Fede, I never anticipated falling in love with the whole of her family, but I have been pleasantly surprised.’ He cast his eyes around the table of hot faces and glistening eyes and paused, gazing down at Federica, apparently unafraid to show his emotion. ‘I want to thank you all for making me feel so welcome and for Federica, because I know that each of you have had a large part to play in making her what she is

today; the woman I love with all my heart.’

Polly stifled her tears with a gulp of wine while Helena grinned at Toby who nodded back his approval.

‘You know, Torquil thinks he’s been here before,’ Federica declared in amusement.

‘No, I got it wrong, sweetness,’ he replied quickly, ‘I had one of those
deja vus!

Julian looked at him and frowned.

‘Actually, didn’t I say, Toby, that the name Torquil Jensen rang a bell?’

‘You can’t forget a name like Torquil, can you?’ Federica giggled.

‘Well, I know I haven’t been here before,’ Torquil said carefully, ‘because if I had I simply wouldn’t have left.’

Toby raised his glass with a chuckle. ‘Well said, Torquil,’ he applauded. ‘Welcome to the family.’ They all raised their glasses.

Only Arthur hesitated before he too lifted his to toast their guest with the others. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something not quite right about Torquil. He was altogether too perfect.

The following day Torquil and Federica were invited to lunch at Pickthistle Manor to meet the Applebys. Ingrid approved of Federica’s choice immediately because he didn’t wince at the sight of the wounded stoat which limped nonchalantly across the hall and he patted the dogs with enthusiasm.

Inigo had locked himself in his study asking to be disturbed only under the unlikely circumstances of a house fire, so Ingrid apologized on his behalf and led their guest into the large sitting room where an open fire danced in the chimney beneath a wistful portrait of Violet, Ingrid’s mother, and a dusty mantelpiece clustered with curiosities.

Nuno shook the young man’s hand and sniffed at him warily while Flester bounded over excitedly and Molly played hard to get, languishing on the sofa, pretending not to notice him. Sam wandered in grimly and kissed Federica on her cheek before nodding to Torquil with an arrogance that ill-suited him. Torquil disguised his aversion behind a friendly smile and nodded back affably before turning away and talking to Flester.

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