The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set (106 page)

Read The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros.: Box Set Online

Authors: MJ Nightingale

Tags: #Romance, #box set, #Anthology, #Fiction

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Blaze was standing behind Bella who was absently rubbing her slightly protruding belly. She was just four months along. “Maybe Bella and I will go to Tennessee.” Bella reached up and clasped her husband’s hand.

“No. You will stay here. You’re all staying here.” His eyes glanced around the room making contact with every member of his family. “We will be safer in larger numbers and we are going to hardwire this place like Fort Knox. It’ll be crowded, but together we are stronger.”

“Absolutely.” That was Nikko. He too was standing, and Ronnie was beside him. She was nodding her assent.

“You really think it’s him?” Gio was the one to be expressing everyone’s doubt.

Andreas had to be honest. His hand combed through his thick dark hair. “I’m not sure yet G. But the notes, the bloody message. No one knew about this. No one.”

“Someone could have found out. Someone digging in the files. Someone else who hates us.” Gio didn’t want to believe it. But, he didn’t want to be stupid either. He wanted to look at this thing from all the angles.

“It’s a possibility. It could be a copycat. But, I’m not willing to take a chance.”

“I hear you, man.” Gio looked across the room to Lisa. She gave him her consent. “Okay, we are moving in I guess.”

He knew his brothers would eventually see it his way, and he was glad they were in agreement on this. “Good,” he pronounced. All eyes looked to Andreas and they saw the relief there.

“If it’s him,” Blaze asked, “Why is he resurfacing now?”

Ronnie spoke up. “If he has been keeping track of you, he sees you are all happy. He is not.” It was a suggestion.

Nikko chimed in. “What are you doing in the woods all day? You should have been a detective.”

She gave her husband a smile. “There are enough of those in this family. Well, former detectives, but human nature is not that different from animals. We all have basic needs. The need for love and nurturing. This man hasn’t had it. What he had was taken away. When you were all miserable bachelors like him he left you alone. But now . . .” The rest of her sentence didn’t need finishing.

“How does Catarina fit into the picture?” Gio asked, still perplexed as to why he was only attacking her girls. He had gone back to the table and joined Lisa.

“I’m not sure how she fits. Like I said earlier, I am not sure it’s him, but three of her girls are dead. Three is not a coincidence. She is either an innocent caught up in our mess, or she is linked somehow. I just don’t know. Yet.” Andreas had felt a connection with the beautiful woman. He also had a sense, a feeling, that Romeo targeting three of her girls was important. He just couldn’t put his finger on it yet. He needed to keep digging into her past. Maybe there was a former connection.

“Do you think he could have been a John to all three?” Nikko asked, focusing on the present. “He attacked a couple of prostitutes in New York.”

Andreas was shaking his head. “Could be. She won’t give up her client list. Miss Stone is adamant it’s not one of them. She has researched them all. They are high end clients who want to protect their privacy.” Andreas scratched his head before continuing. “And that wasn’t Romeo’s style. The girls he killed before were mostly from the streets. I just don’t see him as a public figure who would have access to these girls.”

“But, you said Cat was helping these girls stay off the streets. Maybe he knew them then.”

Andreas nodded once more deep in thought. “I don’t think so either. She is the key. What are the odds of him knowing three girls before they began to work for her?” The room remained silent as the group contemplated that. He walked across the room, and then expressed another one of his concerns. “I can’t rap my head around something else. These three vics aside from working for Cat were not like the six in New York. Those girls were all average build, long dark hair, and from the street. These new Vics were all lookers, one short, two tall. Two were blond, one Hispanic. Something isn’t right. There is no commonality. No common thread other than their profession.”

“So, we’re back to thinking it’s a copycat killer?” Blaze asked. The frustration in his tone was evident. Things just weren’t adding up.

“My gut says no.” He paused looking around the room. “But you’re right. Something is just not adding up. We are missing some serious pieces of the puzzle.”

Gio sighed and scratched the scruff on his face. “There are some similarities, I agree, but a lot of differences. I don’t know, Andy. Maybe you just want it to be him.”

Andreas glanced at Gio furtively. He did want to catch Romeo, but his gut was telling him it was him. His instincts rarely steered him wrong. “Gio, it’s just a feeling. But, no, I can’t be sure. Still, I want you guys close until we figure this out.” His tone was becoming increasingly commanding. He wouldn’t allow arguments about that.

“Of course. We aren’t going anywhere. I think we all know for the time being, this would be the best move for all of us.” Nikko walked towards his brother and gave him a one armed quick embrace.

“Thanks,” Andreas voice came out like gravel. “I know your wives were not his typical choice, but it seems like he is changing. I want you safe. All of you. I think figuring out why he is going after other types is important too. This is something we need to think more about. Why is he going after them?”

“Because of me,” came a voice from the hallway doors leading into the dining room.

All eyes turned towards the entryway and then back towards Andreas. Catarina Stone, in a chic silver cocktail dress, stepped into the light. Gio’s chair scraped against the marble in his haste to get up. All conversation died as everyone took in the beauty who swept into the room.

The fucking woman knew how to make an entrance. But how in hell did she get in?

Just then eleven year old Johnny popped his head into the room. “Didn’t you hear the doorbell? It rang like six times?” he stated in disgust with his pre-teen blue eyes rolling.

Chapter 9

And Then There Were Two

fter the initial
shock of Catarina’s arrival passed, Andreas came forward to make the introductions. This woman was a mystery. He had made calls after his appointment and so far he’d turned up nothing but dead ends. His brief stopover at her apartment to check on the security system install before coming home had revealed nothing more. She remained cool, and professional during the quick visit.
Who was she?

Lisa excused herself and took Johnny back upstairs. “I’ll be down in a minute,” she bowed on her way out of the room. She could be heard telling Johnny not to answer the door, but to come and get one of the adults instead. She was also informing him that they would be sleeping over.

Cat listened to the exchange between parent and child curiously, but then focused her attention back onto the adults in the room. Her grey eyes finally settled on Andreas. He had changed since she had seen him four hours earlier. But the man was definitely appealing in his grey V-neck t-shirt, and tan cargo pants.

“You think he is targeting you?” Andreas asked careful to keep the curiosity out of his voice.

Without a hitch she responded. “Yes. I think it is simple. Your serial killer is targeting me. From what I have read he seems to prefer brunettes, with my similar build. I think he saw me, but because I keep a low profile, and do not go out much he targeted my girls. I checked my calendar, and saw a pattern. The girls were killed a week or so after I paid them a visit. Perhaps, he was following me. But,” she paused until she was sure she had his attention, “I think his focus on me is simply to get to you.”

Andreas gave that some consideration. It was possible. But, he and Cat Stone, their paths had not crossed before. He would have remembered this remarkable woman. The others in the room remained quiet, and after a pause, he decided to a cut to the chase and find out what had prompted her impromptu visit this evening. “Perhaps. I will need to investigate this theory more. But, to what do I owe the pleasure this evening?”

“I wanted to thank you for the security system you are having installed and to come and pay for it. Your men have come across a complication, and need some permits. They were unable to finish, but assured me that within the next couple of days everything would be in place.”

His hands went straight to his hair. She could not remain in her apartment without a security system in place. “Well, you can’t stay there tonight.” He’d have to make arrangements for her to stay in a hotel. “As for payment, I will send you a bill at a later time.”

“No, I insist. I like to pay my way up front.” She handed Andreas a check.

Instinct made him look down. It was for fifty thousand dollars. He kept his face impassive.

“I have hired you. I think it shall cover your expenses and your retainer. I am not a charity case. But, if it comes to more than that, just keep me informed.” Andreas slipped the check into his pocket. They could discuss this later. He wasn’t about to take her money. Not for catching Romeo. This was his burden to bear.

“Miss Stone,” he started before she interrupted him. He heard the first sign of genuine fear in her tone when she spoke.

“I also wanted to give you this as well.” Andreas looked down again. She had pulled a white sheet of paper out of her small clutch. It was folded in half. He looked at her curiously. This woman who appeared nothing but calm and serene thus far, was holding it out to him and her hands were shaking.

“It is a note. Left by the killer. It was taped to my door this evening.”

Nikko stood up abruptly.

Andreas hastily reached for the note, and Gio came behind him to read over his shoulder. “My Beauty. Soon.” It was in red ink.

“You can’t stay there.”

“I’ve made other arrangements for the evening or until the security system has been installed.” Again, he heard the hitch in her voice as she peered behind her, looking towards the exit.

Andreas took her by the elbow, and steered her towards the table. “Please, have a seat. Can I offer you a drink?” Andreas’ heart hammered in his chest. Romeo knew where Cat lived. He had been to her home. The building Bella and Blaze lived in.

Catarina scanned the table. Despite her outward appearance the note had shocked her. She had come to deliver it after packing a bag. She had planned to stay at the Sheraton until the security system was finished. She would accept the offer of a drink to soothe her shattered nerves. “Yes. A glass of wine would be nice. Whatever you are having,” she indicated the glasses on the table still half full with whatever the girls had been drinking.

Nikko went to the sideboard to fix the drink, while Andreas escorted her to a chair.

“Cat,” Andreas began, wanting to reassure her as she sat down at the table next to Ronnie. “My brothers will be working with me on this. I have told them about the situation.”

“I presumed you would have,” she stated as she accepted the glass of red wine from Nikko who also took his seat. “Thank you.”

Nikko gave her a sympathetic nod.

Andreas still stood, but backed up so he could see her eyes. They glimmered in the dimly lit dining room. “I think we need to know more about you. I’ve done some digging of my own this afternoon and frankly I have not been able to find out much about you. We need to find out what he wants with you. Why your girls?”

“It’s not my past. I’m a nobody.” When no one spoke, Catarina took a sip of her wine. It was delicious. “Really,” she added. “I’m just a business woman in an unusual line of work. I think your investigative efforts would be better served in another direction.”

“Can you let me be the judge of that?” Andreas wanted to follow every possible lead. Catching this criminal was his number one priority. He was going to drop everything to focus on this.

Catarina thought. She really didn’t think her checkered past would be helpful. She didn’t like to think about it; she didn’t want the pity. Sighing, she shook her head. The dark waves of her hair fluttered around her shoulders. “Stop asking about my past. I really do believe it’s been you all along. I’ve never been to New York. It’s not me. I believe this Salvatore Mazzelli followed you here. Perhaps he saw me at a function we both attended and that is how I got onto his radar.”

Andreas paused. “I most certainly would have remembered you. I don’t think. . .”

“I was at the luncheon last month with General Melendez. I was also at the 4th of July Banquet you attended.”

“You noticed my brother, yet he does not recall meeting you . . . ,” Ronnie’s elbow to the ribs cut off the rest of Nikko’s statement.

“That a girl, Ronnie,” Lisa added as she rejoined the group and took her seat at the table. “Let him have it.”

Catarina smiled at the easy banter. “I was with the General. I make it a point of knowing who his guests are, but we were not formally introduced. I was his dinner companion, and did not stand in the receiving line. It would not have been seemly.”

Gio burst into laughter. He had been uncharacteristically quiet up until this point. He had been too busy watching his brother. He knew the signs. His brother found her attractive, and was doing his best not to show it. “Seemly? Who says that?” His laugh rolled out of him like a wave.

“You want some of what Nikko just got?” Lisa glared at her husband.

Gio’s lips clamped tightly shut.

Andreas’ eyes narrowed ominously, but Catarina let the comment roll off of her. It had helped somewhat to alleviate the tension she was feeling in this room with all of these large, menacing men. “I don’t know where else he may have spotted me. I don’t go out much. If I do, it’s exclusive and private, and I am usually spoken for. I only escort a few clients these days, and the remainder of my clients are handled by my girls.”

“Handled? Ugh!” Gio looked green when Catarina glanced his way. She also noticed Lisa smiling politely, her elbow in front of her husband’s chest, and Andreas was fuming.

Cat gave all the men in the room a level look. “Mr. Marino, all of you. You are the common denominators here.” She was adamant. Her face softened then, “But I don’t want any more of my girls killed. So I’ll do what you say. I will give you any information I have. But my past is off limits, and not fodder for the press. It’s bad enough the way the police have treated me since I was the one to come forward, and the press has twisted it to make it look like I am a suspect.” She was clearly exasperated. This had been an incredibly difficult day for her. “I hope we can be clear on this. My line of work is unpopular with most conservative people. But, I provide a service to many gentlemen who wish to be accompanied to their civic and professional events by lovely, bright woman. My past would only tarnish what I am trying to do for myself, my girls, and my clients. Are we understood?”

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