The Blind Watchmaker (31 page)

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Authors: Richard Dawkins

Tags: #Science, #Life Sciences, #Evolution, #General

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After many generations of cumulative selection in a particular place, the local animals and plants become well fitted to the conditions, for instance the weather conditions, in that place. If it is cold the animals come to have thick coats of hair, or feathers. If it is dry they evolve leathery or waxy waterproof skins to conserve what little water there is. The adaptations to local conditions affect every part of the body, its shape and colour, its internal organs, its behaviour, and the chemistry in its cells.

If the conditions in which a lineage of animals lives remain constant; say it is dry and hot and has been so without a break for 100 generations, evolution in that lineage is likely to come to a halt, at least as far as adaptations to temperature and humidity are concerned. The animals will become as well fitted as they can be to the local conditions. This doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be completely redesigned to be even better. It does mean that they can’t improve themselves by any
(and therefore likely) evolutionary step: none of their
neighbours in the local equivalent of ‘biomorph space’ would do any better.

Evolution will come to a standstill until something in the conditions changes: the onset of an ice age, a change in the average rainfall of the area, a shift in the prevailing wind. Such changes do happen when we are dealing with a timescale as long as the evolutionary one. As a consequence, evolution normally does not come to a halt, but constantly ‘tracks’ the changing environment. If there is a steady downward drift in the average temperature in the area, a drift that persists over centuries, successive generations of animals will be propelled by a steady selection ‘pressure’ in the direction, say, of growing longer coats of hair. If, after a few thousand years of reduced temperature the trend reverses and average temperatures creep up again, the animals will come under the influence of a new selection pressure, and will be pushed towards growing shorter coats again.

But so far we have considered only a limited part of the environment, namely the weather. The weather is very important to animals and plants. Its patterns change as the centuries go by, so this keeps evolution constantly in motion as it ‘tracks’ the changes. But weather patterns change in a haphazard, inconsistent way. There are other parts of an animal’s environment that change in more consistently malevolent directions, and that also need to be ‘tracked’. These parts of the environment are living things themselves. For a predator such as a hyena, a part of its environment that is at least as important as the weather is its prey, the changing populations of gnus, zebras and antelopes. For the antelopes and other grazers that wander the plains in search of grass, the weather may be important, but the lions, hyenas and other carnivores are important too. Cumulative selection will see to it that animals are well fitted to outrun their predators or outwit their prey, no less than it sees to it that they are well fitted to the prevailing weather conditions. And, just as longterm fluctuations in the weather are ‘tracked’ by evolution, so longterm changes in the habits or weaponry of predators will be tracked by evolutionary changes in their prey. And vice versa, of course.

We can use the general term ‘enemies’ of a species, to mean other living things that work to make life difficult. Lions are enemies of zebras. It may seem a little callous to reverse the statement to ‘Zebras are enemies of lions’. The role of the zebra in the relationship seems too innocent and wronged to warrant the pejorative ‘enemy’. But individual zebras do everything in their power to resist being eaten by lions, and from the lions’ point of view this is making life harder for them. If zebras and other grazers all succeeded in their aim, the lions would die of starvation. So by our definition zebras are enemies of lions. Parasites such as tapeworms are enemies of their hosts, and hosts are enemies of parasites since they tend to evolve measures to resist them. Herbivores are enemies of plants, and plants are enemies of herbivores, to the extent that they manufacture thorns, and poisonous or nasty-tasting chemicals.

Lineages of animals and plants will, in evolutionary time, ‘track’ changes in their enemies no less assiduously than they track changes in average weather conditions. Evolutionary improvements in cheetah weaponry and tactics are, from the gazelles’ point of view, like a steady worsening of the climate, and they are tracked in the same kind of way. But there is one enormously important difference between the two. The weather changes over the centuries, but it does not change in a specifically malevolent way. It is not out to ‘get’ gazelles. The average cheetah will change over the centuries, just like the mean annual rainfall changes. But whereas mean annual rainfall will drift up and down, with no particular rhyme or reason, the average cheetah, as the centuries go by, will tend to become
equipped to catch gazelles than his ancestors were. This is because the succession of cheetahs, unlike the succession of annual weather conditions, is itself subject to cumulative selection. Cheetahs will tend to become fleeter of foot, keener of eye, sharper of tooth. However ‘hostile’ the weather and other inanimate conditions may seem to be, they have no necessary tendency to get steadily more hostile. Living enemies, seen over the evolutionary timescale, have exactly that tendency.

The tendency for carnivores to get progressively ‘better’ would soon run out of steam, as do human arms races (for reasons of economic cost which we shall come to), were it not for the parallel tendency in the prey. And vice versa. Gazelles, no less than cheetahs, are subject to cumulative selection, and they too will tend, as the generations go by, to improve their ability to run fast, to react swiftly, to become invisible by blending into the long grass. They too are capable of evolving in the direction of becoming better enemies, in this case enemies of cheetahs. From the cheetahs’ point of view the mean annual temperature does not get systematically better or worse as the years go by, except in so far as any change for a well-adapted animal is a change for the worse. But the mean annual gazelle does tend to get systematically worse more difficult to catch because better adapted to evade cheetahs. Again, the tendency towards progressive improvement in gazelles would slow to a halt, were it not for the parallel tendency to improvement shown by their predators. One side gets a little better because the other side has. And vice versa. The process goes into a vicious spiral, on a timescale of hundreds of thousands of years.

In the world of nations on their shorter timescale, when two enemies each progressively improve their weaponry in response to the other side’s improvements, we speak of an ‘arms race’. The evolutionary analogy is close enough to justify borrowing the term, and I make no apology to my pompous colleagues who would purge our language of such illuminating images. I have introduced the idea here in terms of a simple example, gazelles and cheetahs. This was to get across the important difference between a living enemy, which itself is subject to evolutionary change, and an inanimate non-malevolent condition such as the weather, which is subject to change, but not systematic, evolutionary change. But the time has come to admit that in my efforts to explain this one valid point I may have misled the reader in other ways. It is obvious, when you come to think about it, that my picture of an everadvancing arms race was too simple in at least one respect. Take running speed. As it stands so far, the arms-race idea seems to suggest that cheetahs and gazelles should have gone on, generation after generation, getting ever faster until both travelled faster than sound. This has not happened and it never will. Before resuming the discussion of arms races, it is my duty to forestall misunderstandings.

The first qualification is this. I gave an impression of a steady upward climb in the prey-catching abilities of cheetahs, and the predator-avoiding abilities of gazelles. The reader might have come away with a Victorian idea of the inexorability of progress, each generation better, finer and braver than its parents. The reality in nature is nothing like that. The timescale over which significant improvement might be detected is, in any case, likely to be far longer than could be detected by comparing one typical generation with its predecessor. The ‘improvement’, moreover, is far from continuous. It is a fitful affair, stagnating or even sometimes going ‘backwards’, rather than moving solidly ‘forwards’ in the direction suggested by the arms-race idea. Changes in conditions, changes in the inanimate forces I have lumped under the general heading of ‘the weather’, are likely to swamp the slow and erratic trends of the arms race, as far as any observer on the ground could be aware. There may well be long stretches of time in which no ‘progress’ in the arms race, and perhaps no evolutionary change at all, takes place. Arms races sometimes culminate in extinction, and then a new arms race may begin back at square one. Nevertheless, when all this is said, the arms-race idea remains by far the most satisfactory explanation for the existence of the advanced and complex machinery that animals and plants possess. Progressive ‘improvement’ of the kind suggested by the arms-race image does go on, even if it goes on spasmodically and interruptedly; even if its net rate of progress is too slow to be detected within the lifetime of a man, or even within the timespan of recorded history.

The second qualification is that the relationship that I am calling ‘enemy’ is more complicated than the simple bilateral relationship suggested by the stories of cheetahs and gazelles. One complication is that a given species may have two (or more) enemies which are even more severe enemies of each other. This is the principle behind the commonly expressed half-truth that grass benefits by being grazed (or mown). Cattle eat grass, and might therefore be thought of as enemies of grass. But grasses also have other enemies in the plant world, competitive weeds, which, if allowed to grow unchecked, might turn out to be even more severe enemies of grasses than cattle. Grasses suffer somewhat from being eaten by cattle, but the competitive weeds suffer even more. Therefore the net effect of cattle on a meadow is that the grasses benefit. The cattle turn out to be, in this sense, friends of grasses rather than enemies.

Nevertheless, cattle are enemies of grass in that it is
true that an individual grass plant would be better off not being eaten by a cow than being eaten, and any mutant plant that possessed, say, a chemical weapon that protected it against cows, would set more seed ( containing genetic instructions for making the chemical weapon) than rival members of its own species that were more palatable to cows. Even if there is a special sense in which cows are ‘friends’ of grasses, natural selection does
favour individual grass plants that go out of their way to be eaten by cows! The general conclusion to this paragraph is as follows. It may be convenient to think of an arms race between two lineages such as cattle and grass, or gazelles and cheetahs, but we should never lose sight of the fact that both participants have other enemies against whom they are simultaneously running other arms races. I shall not pursue the point here, but it can be developed into one of the explanations for why particular arms races stabilize and do not go on for ever - do not lead to predators pursuing their prey at Mach 2 and so on.

The third ‘qualification’ to the simple arms-race is not so much a qualification as an interesting point in its own right. In my hypothetical discussion of cheetahs and gazelles I said that cheetahs, unlike the weather, had a tendency as the generations go by to become ‘better hunters’, to become more severe enemies, better equipped to kill gazelles. But this does not imply that they become more
at killing gazelles. The kernel of the arms-race idea is that both sides in the arms race are improving from their own point of view, while simultaneously making life more difficult for the other side in the arms race. There is no particular reason (or at least none in anything that we have discussed so far) to expect either side in the arms race to become steadily more successful or less successful than the other. In fact the arms-race idea, in its purest form, suggests that there should be absolutely zero progress in the
success rate
on both sides of the arms race, while there is very definite progress in the
for success on both sides. Predators become better equipped for killing, but at the same time prey become better equipped to avoid being killed, so the net result is no change in the rate of successful killings.

The implication is that if, by the medium of a time machine, predators from one era could meet prey from another era, the later, more ‘modern’ animals, whether predators or prey, would run rings round the earlier ones. This is not an experiment that can ever be done, although some people assume that certain remote and isolated faunas, such as those of Australia and Madagascar, can be treated as if they were ancient, as if a trip to Australia were like a trip backwards in a time machine. Such people think that native Australian species are usually driven extinct by superior competitors or enemies introduced from the outside world, because the native species are ‘older’, ‘out of date’ models, in the same position
invading species as a Jutland battleship contending with a nuclear submarine. But the assumption that Australia has a ‘living fossil’ fauna is hard to justify. Perhaps a good case for it might be made, but it seldom is. I’m afraid it may be no more than the zoological equivalent of chauvinistic snobbery, analogous to the attitude that sees every Australian as an uncouth swagman with not much under his hat and corks dangling round the brim.

The principle of zero change in success
, no matter how great the evolutionary progress in
, has been given the memorable name of the ‘Red Queen effect’ by the American biologist Leigh van Valen. In
Through the Looking Glass
, you will remember, the Red Queen seized Alice by the hand and dragged her, faster and faster, on a frenzied run through the countryside, but no matter how fast they ran they always stayed in the same place. Alice was understandably puzzled, saying, ‘Well in our country you’d generally get to somewhere else - if you ran very fast for a long time as we’ve been doing.’ ‘A slow sort of country!’ said the Queen. ‘Now,
, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!’

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