The Blind Watchmaker (34 page)

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Authors: Richard Dawkins

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The property of explosions that is relevant is the one known to engineers as ‘positive feedback’. Positive feedback is best understood by comparison with its opposite, negative feedback. Negative feedback is the basis of most automatic control and regulation, and one of its neatest and best-known examples is the Watt steam governor. A useful engine should deliver rotational power at a constant rate, the right rate for the job in hand, milling, weaving, pumping or whatever it happens to be. Before Watt, the problem was that the rate of turning depended upon the steam pressure. Stoke the boiler and you speed up the engine, not a satisfactory state of affairs for a mill or loom that requires uniform drive for its machines. Watt’s governor was an automatic valve regulating the flow of steam to the piston.

The clever trick was to link the valve to the rotary motion produced by the engine, in such a way that the faster the engine ran the more the valve shut down the steam. Conversely, when the engine was running slowly, the valve opened up. Therefore an engine going too slowly soon speeded up, and an engine going too fast soon slowed down. The precise means by which the governor measured the speed was simple but effective, and the principle is still used today. A pair of balls on hinged arms spin round, driven by the engine. When they are spinning fast, the balls rise up on their hinges, by centrifugal force. When they are spinning slowly, they hang down. The hinged arms are directly linked to the steam throttle. With suitable fine-tuning, the Watt governor can keep a steam engine turning at an almost constant rate, in the face of considerable fluctuations in the firebox.

The underlying principle of the Watt governor is negative feedback. The output of the engine (rotary motion in this case) is fed back into the engine (via the steam valve). The feedback is
because high output (fast rotation of the balls) has a negative effect upon the input (steam supply). Conversely, low output (slow rotation of the balls) boosts the input (of steam), again reversing the sign. But I introduced the idea of negative feedback only in order to contrast it with positive feedback. Let us take a Watt-governed steam engine, and make one crucial change in it. We reverse the sign of the relationship between the centrifugal ball apparatus and the steam valve. Now when the balls spin fast, the valve, instead of closing as Watt had it,
. Conversely, when the balls spin slowly, the valve, instead of increasing the flow of steam, reduces it. In a normal, Watt-governed engine, an engine that started to slow down would soon correct this tendency and speed up again to the desired speed. But our doctored engine does just the opposite. If it starts to slow down, this makes it slow down even more. It soon throttles itself down to a halt. If, on the other hand, such a doctored engine happens to speed up a little, instead of the tendency being corrected as it would in a proper Watt engine, the tendency is increased. The slight speeding up is reinforced by the inverted governor, and the engine accelerates. The acceleration feeds back positively, and the engine accelerates even more. This continues until either the engine breaks up under the strain and the runaway flywheel careers through the factory wall, or no more steam pressure is available and a maximum speed is imposed.

Where the original Watt governor makes use of negative feedback, our hypothetical doctored governor exemplifies the opposite process of positive feedback. Positivefeedback processes have an unstable, runaway quality. Slight initial perturbations are increased, and they run away in an ever-increasing spiral, which culminates either in disaster or in an eventual throttling down at some higher level due to other processes. Engineers have found it fruitful to unite a wide variety of processes under the single heading of negative feedback, and another wide variety under the heading of positive feedback. The analogies are fruitful not just in some vague qualitative sense, but because all the processes share the same underlying mathematics. Biologists studying such phenomena as temperature control in the body, and the satiation mechanisms that prevent overeating, have found it helpful to borrow the mathematics of negative feedback from engineers. Positivefeedback systems are used less than negative feedback, both by engineers and by living bodies, but nevertheless it is positive feedbacks that are the subject of this chapter.

The reason engineers and living bodies make more use of negative than positivefeedback systems is, of course, that controlled regulation near an optimum is useful. Unstable runaway processes, far from being useful, can be downright dangerous. In chemistry, the typical positivefeedback process is an explosion, and we commonly use the word explosive as a description of any runaway process. For instance, we may refer to somebody as having an explosive temper. One of my schoolmasters was a cultured, courteous and usually gentle man, but he had occasional explosions of temper, as he himself was aware. When extremely provoked in class he would say nothing at first, but his face showed that something unusual was going on inside. Then, beginning in a quiet and reasonable tone he would say: ‘Oh dear. I can’t hold it. I’m going to lose my temper. Get down below your desks. I’m warning you. It’s coming.’ All the time his voice was rising, and at the crescendo he would seize everything within reach, books, woodenbacked blackboard erasers, paperweights, inkpots, and hurl them in quick succession, with the utmost force and ferocity but with wild aim, in the general direction of the boy who had provoked him. His temper then gradually subsided, and next day he would offer the most gracious apology to the same boy. He was aware that he had gone out of control, he had witnessed himself becoming the victim of a positivefeedback loop.

But positive feedbacks don’t only lead to runaway increases; they can lead to runaway decreases. I recently attended a debate in Congregation, Oxford University’s ‘parliament’, on whether to offer an honorary degree to somebody. Unusually, the decision was a controversial one. After the vote, during the 15 minutes that it took to count the ballot papers, there was a general hubbub of conversation from those waiting to hear the result. At one point the conversation strangely died away, and there was total silence. The reason was a particular kind of positive feedback. It worked as follows. In any general buzz of conversation there are bound to be chance fluctuations in noise level, both up and down, which we normally don’t notice. One of these chance fluctuations, in the direction of quietness, happened to be slightly more marked than usual, with the result that some people noticed it. Since everybody was anxiously waiting for the result of the vote to be announced, those that heard the random decrease in noise level looked up and ceased their conversation. This caused the general noise level to go down a little more, with the result that more people noticed it and stopped their conversation. A positive feedback had been initiated and it continued rather rapidly until there was total silence in the hall. Then, when we realized that it was a false alarm, there was a laugh followed by a slow escalation in noise back up to its former level.

The most noticeable and spectacular positive feedbacks are those that result, not in a decrease, but in a runaway increase in something: a nuclear explosion, a schoolmaster losing his temper, a brawl in a pub, escalating invective at the United Nations (the reader may heed the warning with which I began this chapter). The importance of positive feedbacks in international affairs is implicitly recognized in the jargon word ‘escalation’: when we say that the Middle East is a ‘powder keg’, and when we identify ‘flashpoints’. One of the best-known expressions of the idea of positive feedback is in St Matthew’s Gospel:

‘Unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.’ This chapter is about positive feedbacks in evolution. There are some features of living organisms that look as though they are the endproducts of something like an explosive, positivefeedback-driven, runaway process of evolution. In a mild way the arms races of the previous chapter are examples of this, but the really spectacular examples are to be found in organs of sexual advertisement.

Try to persuade yourself, as they tried to persuade me when I was an undergraduate, that the peacock’s fan is a mundanely functional organ like a tooth or a kidney, fashioned by natural selection to do no more than the utilitarian job of labelling the bird, unambiguously as a member of this species and not that. They never persuaded me, and I doubt if you can be persuaded either. For me the peacock’s fan has the unmistakable stamp of positive feedback. It is clearly the product of some kind of uncontrolled, unstable explosion that took place in evolutionary time. So thought Darwin in his theory of sexual selection and so, explicitly and in so many words, thought the greatest of his successors, R.A.Fisher. After a short piece of reasoning he concluded (in his book
The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection

plumage development in the male, and sexual preference for such developments in the female, must thus advance together, and so long as the process is unchecked by severe counterselection, will advance with ever-increasing speed. In the total absence of such checks, it is easy to see that the speed of development will be proportional to the development already attained, which will therefore increase with time exponentially, or in geometric progression.

It is typical of Fisher that what he found ‘easy to see’ was not fully understood by others until half a century later. He did not bother to spell out his assertion that the evolution of sexually attractive plumage might advance with ever-increasing speed, exponentially, explosively. It took the rest of the biological world some 50 years to catch up and finally reconstruct in full the kind of mathematical argument that Fisher must have used, either on paper or in his head, to prove the point to himself. I am going to try to explain, purely in nonmathematical prose, these mathematical ideas which, in their modern form, have largely been worked out by the young American mathematical biologist Russell Lande. While I would not be so pessimistic as Fisher himself who, in the Preface to his 1930 book, said ‘No efforts of mine could avail to make the book easy reading’, nevertheless, in the words of a kind reviewer of my own first book, ‘The reader is warned that he must put on his mental running shoes’. My own understanding of these difficult ideas has been a hard struggle. Here, despite his protests, I must acknowledge my colleague and former student Alan Grafen, whose own mental winged sandals are notoriously in a class of their own, but who has the even rarer ability to take them off and think of the right way to explain things to others. Without his teaching, I simply couldn’t have written the middle part of this chapter, which is why I refuse to relegate my acknowledgment to the Preface.

Before we come to these difficult matters, I must back-track and say a little about the origin of the idea of sexual selection. It began, like so much else in this field, with Charles Darwin. Darwin, although he laid his main stress on survival and the struggle for existence, recognized that existence and survival were only means to an end. That end was reproduction. A pheasant may live to a ripe old age, but if it does not reproduce it will not pass its attributes on. Selection will favour qualities that make an animal successful at reproducing, and survival is only part of the battle to reproduce. In other parts of the battle, success goes to those that are most attractive to the opposite sex. Darwin saw that, if a male pheasant or peacock or bird of paradise buys sexual attractiveness, even at the cost of its own life, it may still pass on its sexually attractive qualities through highly successful procreation before its death. He realized that the fan of a peacock must be a handicap to its possessor as far as survival is concerned, and he suggested that this was more than outweighed by the increased sexual attractiveness that it gave the male. With his fondness for the analogy with domestication, Darwin compared the hen to a human breeder directing the course of evolution of domestic animals along the lines of aesthetic whims. We might compare her to the person selecting computer biomorphs in directions of aesthetic appeal.

Darwin simply accepted female whims as given. Their existence was an axiom of his theory of sexual selection, a prior assumption rather than something to be explained in its own right. Partly for this reason his theory of sexual selection fell into disrepute, until it was rescued by Fisher in 1930. Unfortunately, many biologists either ignored or misunderstood Fisher. The objection raised by Julian Huxley and others was that female whims were not legitimate foundations for a truly scientific theory. But Fisher rescued the theory of sexual selection, by treating female preference as a legitimate object of natural selection in its own right, no less than male tails. Female preference is a manifestation of the female nervous system. The female nervous system develops under the influence of her genes, and its attributes are therefore likely to have been influenced by selection over past generations. Where others had thought of male ornaments evolving under the influence of static female preference, Fisher thought in terms of female preference evolving dynamically in step with male ornament. Perhaps you can already begin to see how this is going to link up with the idea of explosive positive feedback.

When we are discussing difficult theoretical ideas, it is often a good idea to keep in mind a particular example from the real world. I shall use the tail of the African long-tailed widow bird as an example. Any sexually selected ornament would have done, and I had a whim to ring the changes and avoid the ubiquitous (in discussions of sexual selection) peacock. The male long-tailed Widow bird is a slender black bird with orange shoulder flashes, about the size of an English sparrow except that the main tail feathers, in the breeding season, can be 18 inches long. It is often to be seen performing its spectacular display flight over the grasslands of Africa, wheeling and looping the loop, like an aeroplane with a long advertising streamer. Not surprisingly it can be grounded in wet weather. Even a dry tail that long must be a burdensome load to carry around. We are interested in explaining the evolution of the long tail, which we conjecture has been an explosive evolutionary process. Our starting point, therefore, is an ancestral bird without a long tail. Think of the ancestral tail as about 3 inches long, about a sixth the length of the modern breeding male’s tail. The evolutionary change that we are trying to explain is a sixfold increase in tail length.

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