The Blind Watchmaker (22 page)

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Authors: Richard Dawkins

Tags: #Science, #Life Sciences, #Evolution, #General

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The histone gene’s conservatism over the aeons is exceptional by genetic standards. Other genes change at a higher rate, presumably because natural selection is more tolerant of variations in them. For instance, genes coding the proteins known as fibrinopeptides change in evolution at a rate that closely approximates the basic mutation rate. This probably means that mistakes in the details of these proteins (they are produced during the clotting of blood) don’t matter much for the organism. Haemoglobin genes have a rate of changing that is intermediate betwen histones and fibrinopeptides. Presumably natural selection’s tolerance of their errors is intermediate. Haemoglobin is doing an important job in the blood, and its details really matter, but several alternative variants of it seem capable of doing the job equally well.

Here we have something that seems a little paradoxical, until we think about it further. The slowest-evolvjiig molecules, like histones, turn out to be the ones that have been most subject to natural selection. Fibrinopeptides are the fastest-evolving molecules because natural selection almost completely ignores them. They are free to evolve at the mutation rate. The reason this seems paradoxical is that we place so much emphasis on natural selection as the driving force of evolution. If there is no natural selection, therefore, we might expect that there would be no evolution. Conversely, strong ‘selection pressure’, we could be forgiven for thinking, might be expected to lead to rapid evolution. Instead, what we find is that natural selection exerts a braking effect on evolution. The baseline rate of evolution, in the absence of natural selection, is the maximum possible rate. That is synonymous with the mutation rate.

This isn’t really paradoxical. When we think about it carefully, we see that it couldn’t be otherwise. Evolution by natural selection could not be faster than the mutation rate, for mutation is, ultimately, the only way in which new variation enters the species. All that natural selection can do is accept certain new variations, and reject others. The mutation rate is bound to place an upper limit on the rate at which evolution can proceed. As a matter of fact, most of natural selection is concerned with preventing evolutionary change rather than with driving it. This doesn’t mean, I hasten to insist, that natural selection is a purely destructive process. It can construct too, in ways that Chapter 7 will explain.

Even the mutation rate is pretty slow. This is another way of saying that, even without natural selection, the performance of the DNA code in accurately preserving its archive is very impressive. A conservative estimate is that, in the absence of natural selection, DNA replicates so accurately that it takes five million replication generations to miscopy 1 per cent of the characters. Our hypothetical typists are still hopelessly outclassed by DNA, even if there is no natural selection. To match DNA with no natural selection, the typists would each have to be able to type the whole of the New Testament with only one error. That is, they would each have to be about 450 times more accurate than a typical real-life secretary. This is obviously much less than the comparable figure of half a billion, which is the factor by which the histone H4 gene
after natural selection
is more accurate than a typical secretary; but it is still a very impressive figure.

But I have been unfair to the typists. I assumed, in effect, that they are not capable of noticing their mistakes and correcting them. I have assumed a complete absence of proofreading. In reality, of course, they do proofread. My line of billions of typists wouldn’t, therefore, cause the original message to degenerate in quite the simple way that I portrayed. The DNAcopying mechanism does the same kind of error-correction automatically. If it didn’t, it wouldn’t achieve anything like the stupendous accuracy that I have described. The DNAcopying procedure incorporates various ‘proofreading’ drills. This is all the more necessary because the letters of the DNA code are by no means static, like hieroglyphs carved in granite. On the contrary, the molecules involved are so small - remember all those New Testaments fitting on a pin’s head - that they are under constant assault from the ordinary jostling of molecules that goes on due to heat. There is a constant flux, a turnover of letters in the message. About 5,000 DNA letters degenerate per day in every human cell, and are immediately replaced by repair mechanisms. If the repair mechanisms weren’t there and ceaselessly working, the message would steadily dissolve. Proofreading of newly copied text is just a special case of normal repair work. It is mainly proofreading that is responsible for DNA’s remarkable accuracy and fidelity of information storage.

We have seen that DNA molecules are the centre of a spectacular information technology. They are capable of packing an immense amount of precise, digital information into a very small space; and they are capable of preserving this information - with astonishingly few errors, but still some errors - for a very long time, measured in millions of years. Where are’ these facts leading us? They are leading us in the direction of a central truth about life on Earth, the truth that I alluded to in my opening paragraph about willow seeds. This is that living organisms exist for the benefit of DNA rather than the other way around. This won’t be obvious yet, but I hope to persuade you of it. The messages that DNA molecules contain are all but eternal when seen against the time scale of individual lifetimes. The lifetimes of DNA messages (give or take a few mutations) are measured in units ranging from millions of years to hundreds of millions of years; or, in other words, ranging from 10,000 individual lifetimes to a trillion individual lifetimes. Each individual organism should be seen as a temporary vehicle, in which DNA messages spend a tiny fraction of their geological lifetimes.

The world is full of things that exist … ! No disputing that, but is it going to get us anywhere? Things exist either because they have recently come into existence or because they have qualities that made them unlikely to be destroyed in the past. Rocks don’t come into existence at a high rate, but once they exist they are hard and durable. If they were not they wouldn’t be rocks, they would be sand. Indeed, some of them are, which is why we have beaches! It is the ones that happen to be durable that exist as rocks. Dewdrops, on the other hand, exist, not because they are durable, but because they have only just come into existence and have not yet had time to evaporate. We seem to have two kinds of ‘existenceworthiness’: the dewdrop kind, which can be summed up as ‘likely to come into existence but not very durable’; and the rock kind, which can be summed up as ‘not very likely to come into existence but likely to last for a long time once there’. Rocks have durability and dewdrops have ‘generatability’. (I’ve tried to think of a less ugly word but I can’t.)

DNA gets the best of both worlds. DNA molecules themselves, as physical entities, are like dewdrops. Under the right conditions they come into existence at a great rate, but no one of them has existed for long, and all will be destroyed within a few months. They are not durable like rocks. But the
that they bear in their sequences are as durable as the hardest rocks. They have what it takes to exist for millions of years, and that is why they are still here today. The essential difference from dewdrops is that new dewdrops are not begotten by old dewdrops. Dewdrops doubtless resemble other dewdrops, but they don’t specifically resemble their own ‘parent’ dewdrops.

Unlike DNA molecules, they don’t form lineages, and therefore can’t pass on messages. Dewdrops come into existence by spontaneous generation, DNA messages by replication.

Truisms like ‘the world is full of things that have what it takes to be in the world’ are trivial, almost silly, until we come to apply them to a special kind of durability, durability in the form of lineages of multiple copies. DNA messages have a different kind of durability from that of rocks, and a different kind of generatability from that of dewdrops. For DNA molecules, ‘what it takes to be in the world’ comes to have a meaning that is anything but obvious and tautological. ‘What it takes to be in the world’ turns out to include the ability to build machines like you and me, the most complicated things in the known universe. Let us see how this can be so.

Fundamentally, the reason is that the properties of DNA that we have identified turn out to be the basic ingredients necessary for any process of cumulative selection. In our computer models in Chapter 3, we deliberately built into the computer the basic ingredients of cumulative selection. If cumulative selection is really to happen in the world, some entities have got to arise whose properties constitute those basic ingredients. Let us look, now, at what those ingredients are. As we do so, we shall keep in mind the fact that these very same ingredients, at least in some rudimentary form, must have arisen spontaneously on the early Earth, otherwise cumulative selection, and therefore life, would never have got started in the first place. We are talking here not specifically about DNA, but about the basic ingredients needed for life to arise anywhere in the universe.

When the prophet Ezekiel was in the valley of bones he prophesied to the bones and made them join up together. Then he prophesied to them and made flesh and sinews come around them. But still there was no breath in them. The vital ingredient, the ingredient of life, was missing. A dead planet has atoms, molecules and larger lumps of matter, jostling and nestling against each other at random, according to the laws of physics. Sometimes the laws of physics cause the atoms and molecules to join up together like Ezekiel’s dry bones, sometimes they cause them to split apart. Quite large accretions of atoms can form, and they can crumble and break apart again. But still there is no breath in them.

Ezekiel called upon the four winds to put living breath into the dry bones. What is the vital ingredient that a dead planet like the early Earth must have, if it is to have a chance of eventually coming alive, as our planet did? It is not breath, not wind, not any kind of elixir or. potion. It is not a substance at all, it is a
, the property of selfreplication. This is the basic ingredient of cumulative selection. There must somehow, as a consequence of the ordinary laws of physics, come into being
entities or, as I shall call them,
. In modern life this role is filled, almost entirely, by DNA molecules, but anything of which copies are made would do. We may suspect that the first replicators on the primitive Earth were not DNA molecules. It is unlikely that a fully fledged DNA molecule would spring into existence without the aid of other molecules that normally exist only in living cells. The first replicators were probably cruder and simpler than DNA.

There are two other necessary ingredients, which will normally arise automatically from the first ingredient, selfreplication itself. There must be occasional errors in the self-copying; even the DNA system very occasionally makes mistakes, and it seems likely that the first replicators on Earth were much more erratic. And at least some of the replicators should exert
over their own future. This last ingredient sounds more sinister than it actually is. All it means is that some properties of the replicators should have an influence over their probability of being replicated. At least in a rudimentary form, this is likely to be an inevitable consequence of the basic facts of selfreplication itself.

Each replicator, then, has copies of itself made. Each copy is the same as the original, and has the same properties as the original. Among these properties, of course, is the property of making (sometimes with errors)
copies of itself. So each replicator is potentially the ‘ancestor’ of an indefinitely long line of descendant replicators, stretching into the distant future, and branching to produce, potentially,. an exceedingly large number of descendant replicators. Each new copy must be made from raw materials, smaller building blocks knocking around. Presumably the replicators act as some kind of mould or template. Smaller components fall together into the mould in such a way that a duplicate of the mould is made. Then the duplicate breaks free and is able to act as a mould in its own right. Hence we have a potentially growing
of replicators. The population will not grow indefinitely, because eventually the supply of raw materials, the smaller elements that fall into the moulds, will become limiting.

Now we introduce our second ingredient into the argument. Sometimes the copying will not be perfect. Mistakes will happen. The possibility of errors can never be totally eliminated from any copying process, although their probability can be reduced to low levels. This is what the manufacturers of hi-fi equipment are striving towards all the time, and the DNA-replication process, as we have seen, is spectactularly good at reducing errors. But modern DNA replication is a high-technology affair, with elaborate proofreading techniques that have been perfected over many generations of cumulative selection. As we have seen, the first replicators probably were relatively crude, lowfidelity contraptions in comparison.

Now go back to our population of replicators, and see what the effect of erratic copying will be. Obviously, instead of there being a uniform population of identical replicators, we shall have a mixed population. Probably many of the products of erratic copying will be found to have lost the property of selfreplication that their ‘parent’ had. But a few will retain the property of selfreplication, while being different from the parent in some other respect. So we shall have copies of errors being duplicated in the population.

When you read the word ‘error’, banish from your mind all pejorative associations. It simply means an error from the point of view of high-fidelity copying. It is possible for an error to result in an improvement. I dare say many an exquisite new dish has been created because a cook made a mistake while trying to follow a recipe. Insofar as I can claim to have had any original scientific ideas, these have sometimes been misunderstandings, or misreadings, of other peoples’ ideas. To return to our primeval replicators, while most miscopyings probably resulted in diminished copying effectiveness, or total loss of the self-copying property, a few might actually have turned out to be
at selfreplication than the parent replicator that gave rise to them.

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